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CIMG Environment Workshop Held
April 17, 2006

    BEIJING, April 17 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The CIMG
(China International Mining Group) is pleased to report the
successful completion of its Environment Workshop held in
Beijing on April 14.  The seminar was attended by 60
participants from the international mining industry and
their Chinese government and private sector counterparts. 
The focus of the seminar were issues and approaches used by
the international mining community and how it would use its
experience to realize its commitment to implement
sustainable mining practices in China. 

    The seminar including participants from the State
Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA), the Ministry of
Land Administration and Resources (MOLAR), the China Mining
Association and speakers from a number of local and
international advisory firms. 

    Speakers from the SEPA and MOLAR detailed government
policies and laws as they are applied to the environment
and mining in China.  The importance of these policies is
to implement sustainable practices and develop harmonious
society were stressed by many of the speakers.

    The workshop was supported by Mundoro Mining, which is
a Canadian mining company with a gold project in China.  It
was also supported by the Canada-China Business Council and
the China-Australian Chamber of Commerce in Beijing.

    The CIMG also outlined its member's commitment to
sustainable mining. CIMG Deputy Chairman, Auslan Ishmael
explained, "CIMG's resource companies and their
technical advisers are committed to design, construct and
operate their projects in a manner that is environmentally
friendly and economically viable. In the past these two
approaches were perceived as being opposite.  The current
thinking of the industry that the proper balance of these
two needs is a better long term approach and also not
restrictive of economic performance."

    Pat Powers, the Vice President of Mundoro stated:
"It is important to work worldwide and naturally in
China starting at the exploration stage by adhering to the
guidelines "E3" promulgated by PDAC and then
later at a planning and design stage plans to operate a
mine based on the Equator principals of sustainable mining.
 These guidelines also highlight a commitment to understand
and adhere to the national laws of the country where a
company is committed to invest in a resource project."
 He also explained that public companies are also governed
by the laws of their country of origin and are required by
shareholders and financial markets to apply the strictest
standards of governance to environmental issues."

    About the CIMG 

    The China International Mining Group (CIMG) is a forum
for International mining and service companies plus
individuals with interests in creating sustainable business
opportunities in China's mining industry.  The CIMG aims to
promote sustainable investment and best business practice
in the mining sector through sharing non-competitive
information and addressing issues of common concern to
potential mining investors in China by providing channels
for dialogue with the relevant authorities.

    The CIMG is an official industry-working group of the
China-Australia Chamber of Commerce in Beijing (AustCham
Beijing).  The CIMG is supported by the Australian Embassy
in Beijing, British Chamber of Commerce in Beijing,
Canadian Embassy in Beijing, the CCBC and South African
Business Council.

    For further information please contact:

     Auslan Ishmael - CIMG Deputy Chairman
     Tel:    +86-10-6595-9252
     Mobile: +86-1352-044-0703

     CIMG Secretariat
     Executive Floor, Office Tower, 
      Beijing Hong Kong Macau Center, 
      2 Chaoyangmenbei Dajie, Beijing 100027
     Tel:    +86-10-6595-9252 
     Fax:    +86-10-6595-9253 
     Email:  mining@austcham.org
     Web:    http://www.cimg.org.cn 

SOURCE  China International Mining Group

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