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Frontier Silicon and Factum Electronics Form Strategic Alliance to Supply Complete Broadcast Solutions From Transmitter to Receiver for Mobile TV and Radio
April 18, 2006

    BEIJING, April 18 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Frontier
Silicon, the market leader in semiconductor solutions for
mobile TV and digital radio, and Factum Electronics, the
world's leading supplier of head-end solutions for DAB and
T-DMB, have today announced a strategic alliance to supply
broadcasters with complete broadcast solutions for mobile
TV and digital radio.  The alliance is being announced at
the Beijing DAB Digital Broadcasting event (April 20-21),
as China rapidly moves forward to roll out mobile TV
services in 2006.

    The two companies are leaders in digital broadcast
technology in their respective fields: Factum Electronics
in head-end infrastructure and Frontier Silicon in receiver
modules.  The complete solutions jointly offered will allow
broadcasters to benefit from and adopt new T-DMB/DAB
features quickly and yield complete, well-tested and
flexible solutions featuring a higher level of quality and
    "We recognize Factum Electronics as a key player
in delivering DAB and T-DMB solutions to the broadcast
industry, demonstrated by its strong position in providing
infrastructure to the Korean T-DMB market," comments
Anthony Sethill, CEO Frontier Silicon.  "Our decision
to team up with Factum will deliver significant benefits to
all parts of the T-DMB/DAB value chain."

    "Frontier Silicon is the leading supplier of
T-DMB/DAB receiver modules and ICs," states Kenneth
Lundgren, managing director of Factum Electronics. 
"By combining efforts, we will effectively supply
broadcasters world-wide with state-of-the-art digital
broadcasting systems," concludes Kenneth Lundgren. 

    Editor's notes:

    About Factum Electronics

    Factum Electronics AB is the world leading supplier of
head-end solutions for DAB and T-DMB.  The Factum head-end
solution is recognized for flexibility and reliability, and
used by professional broadcasters all over the world.

    The company develops and delivers products for audio,
video and data signal processing, encoding and
multiplexing.  Factum's systems fully support DAB, T-DMB
and DAB-IP including Chinese characters, CA, EPM,
redundancy, etc.

    Factum Electronics also offers middleware, software
modules for receiver chip manufacturers.  The products
include base-band decoding of EPG, MOT etc.  Factum also
offers test and measurement equipment. 

    Factum specializes in professional products for DAB,
T-DMB and NICAM.  Key customers among others are BBC, KBS,
Radio Beijing Corporation (RBC), Samsung Electronics, KBS,
T-Systems, etc.  All T-DMB applications on air in South
Korea use the Factum solution.

    Factum Electronics is located in Sweden and is a
subsidiary of Effnet Holding AB (publ) traded on the New
Market of the Stockholm Stock Exchange, under the ticker

    About Frontier Silicon

    Frontier Silicon is the leading supplier of digital and
RF integrated circuits and modules for mobile TV and DAB
digital radio products.  Frontier is supplying solutions
for leading products such as the Samsung B2300 and SGH-P900
T-DMB mobile phones and has over 70 percent market share for
DAB receiver solutions.

    Frontier Silicon's products include solutions for DAB
digital radio, T-DMB and DAB-IP and a multi-standard
receiver solution for mobile TV reception combining DVB-H,

    Customers include Bang & Olufsen, Denon, Grundig,
JVC, Philips, PURE Digital, Roberts Radio, Samsung, Sharp,
Sony and TEAC.

    Frontier Silicon has operations in UK, Ireland, China,
South Korea and Japan.

    For more information, please contact: 

     Steve Evans
     VP sales and marketing, of Frontier Silicon
     Tel:    +44-192-347-4200
     Email:  steve.evans@frontier-silicon.com

     Kenneth Lundgren
     Managing director, of Factum Electronics
     Tel:    +46-13-36-86-07
     Mobile: +46-703-69-00-29
     Email:  kenneth.lundgren@factum.se

SOURCE  Frontier Silicon; Factum Electronics
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