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Digital Rapids Chosen by Starwin Media Holdings as Media Content Processing Technology Partner
April 18, 2006

    MARKHAM, Ontario, April 18 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Digital Rapids Corporation is pleased to have been chosen
to provide media content processing technology to Starwin
Media Holdings Inc. (OTC: SWMD), a U.S.-based satellite and
IPTV service for the ethnic media market worldwide.

    Digital Rapids and Starwin have entered into a
partnership agreement under which Digital Rapids will
provide hardware and software solutions to support future
deployment of media content via satellite and IPTV
platforms. The companies are also partnering for product
development in support of satellite and IPTV set-top-box
distribution, and for marketing of their collaborative

    Starwin has recently acquired Strategic Media
International (SMI).  The acquisition allows Starwin to
step directly into the China media sector through an
ownership stake in SMI subsidiary Stellar Mega Media, the
largest private media corporation in mainland China.
Starwin and Digital Rapids will work together to leverage
existing brand equity and global market presence to address
new opportunities and broaden penetration in the Asia
Pacific and worldwide markets.

    Planned elements of the Starwin & Digital Rapids
partnership include: 

      * Participation in the building of a super head-end,
master control 
        studio center in the U.S. and mainland China to
produce, process 
        (ingest and encode) and distribute content
programming from Asia 
        Pacific countries to the ethnic media market

      * Conversion (ingest, encoding and transcoding) of
the intended 
        300 (plus) aggregated channels to be ready for
distribution on IPTV 
        and satellite platforms.

      * On-going research & development to produce new
technology products 
        that meet the requirements of the media
entertainment and broadcast 

    For more information on Digital Rapids products, please
visit http://www.digital-rapids.com .

    About Starwin Media Holdings Inc. - Starwin Media
Holdings Inc., a Nevada corporation in the United States,
is the first U.S. media group aiming to cover both U.S. and
China with programs including: financial, education, movies,
drama, entertainment, documentary, variety shows, sports,
food and travel. Starwin's television broadcasting network
is actively planning to deploy a worldwide media network
via satellite & IPTV platforms to bring different
cultures in the world together. For more information, visit
http://www.starwinmedia.com and http://www.smicorp.com.hk .

    About Digital Rapids Corporation 

    Digital Rapids is a leading developer of professional
hardware and software solutions for real-time video ingest,
playout, transcoding, and streaming. Product lines include
Stream video ingest and transcoding solutions, Copper for
the secure and error corrected distribution of digital
media over diverse networks, StreamZHD and CarbonHD, an HD
product line for real-time HD acquisition, playout, and
transcoding. Digital Rapids products integrate seamlessly
into existing post production, broadcast, and corporate
environments, dramatically increasing the volume and
quality of media produced while increasing productivity and
lowering overall costs. Digital Rapids Corporation (
http://www.digital-rapids.com ) is headquartered in
Ontario, Canada and has sales offices in California, the UK
and Australia.

    Digital Rapids, the Digital Rapids logo, StreamZ,
StreamZHD, CarbonHD, Copper and DRC-Stream are trademarks
or registered trademarks of Digital Rapids Corporation. 
All other trademarks are the property of their respective
holders. Features, pricing, availability and specifications
are subject to change without notice.

    For more information, please contact:

     Mike Nann, Marketing Manager,
     Digital Rapids Corp.
     Tel:    +1-905-946-9666 ext.135
     Email:  mike.nann@digital-rapids.com

     IR Department,
     Starwin Media Holdings 
     Tel:    +1-213-627-1280
     Email:  ir@starwinmedia.com

SOURCE  Digital Rapids Corporation
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