Embraer Discloses Detailed 20-Year Airline Market Forecast at Asian Aerospace 2006 in Singapore

February 21, 2006

For Three Consecutive Years, Embraer Has Offered Global and Regional Information Related to Commercial Air Transport and Delivery Projections by Geographical Region and Aircraft Capacity
SAO JOSE DOS CAMPOS, Brazil, Feb. 21 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Embraer (NYSE: ERJ) will distribute a detailed version of its 2006-2025 Market Outlook at a press conference to be held on the opening day of Asian Aerospace 2006. The show is in Singapore, in the Asia Pacific region, which, together with China, will represent one-third of world air traffic demand by 2025. The 20-year forecast, focused on the increasingly important segment of commercial jet aircraft from 30 to 120 seats, details the new aircraft deliveries required to sustain projected air travel demand growth and to replace ageing fleets. It addresses the capacity shift between business models as a result of regional airlines' natural growth, right-sizing requirements from network airlines and low-cost carriers' expansion to mid-sized markets. According to the forecast, increased air travel demand will be supported by a positive economic scenario, continued globalization and liberalization of world economies associated with continuous reductions in average ticket prices. The world economy, as measured by Gross Domestic Product, will grow on average 3 percent per year in the 2006-2025 period, and air travel demand will grow faster, averaging 5.1 percent. Asia Pacific's passenger demand, supported by liberalization, and China's, by strong economic growth, will grow above world rates, averaging 6-7 percent per year. Embraer foresees global demand for 7,950 jets in the 30 to 120-seat capacity segment over the next 20 years. This market is valued at approximately US$ 180 billion. Asia Pacific and China will represent 13 percent of projected world deliveries in this segment, accounting for 1,000 aircraft. Market Segment (Seats) 2006-2025 -- Projected Aircraft Deliveries Asia Pacific China Total 30-60 40 180 220 61-90 185 210 395 91-120 185 200 385 Total 410 590 1,000 The Embraer Market Outlook 2006-2025 report is available online at http://www.embraer.com/outlook . Embraer Image Gallery Visit the Embraer Image Gallery at http://www.embraer.com . About Embraer Embraer (Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A.) (NYSE: ERJ) (Bovespa: EMBR3 EMBR4) is the world's leading manufacturer of commercial jets up to 110 seats with 36 years of experience in designing, developing, manufacturing, selling and providing after-sales support to aircraft for the global airline, defense and business jet markets. With headquarters in Sao Jose dos Campos, state of Sao Paulo, the Company has offices and customer service bases in the United States, France, Portugal, China and Singapore. Embraer is among Brazil's leading exporting companies. As of December 31, 2005, Embraer had a total workforce of 16,953 people, and its firm order backlog totaled US$ 10.4 billion. This document may contain projections, statements and estimates regarding circumstances or events yet to take place. Those projections and estimates are based largely on current expectations, forecasts on future events and financial tendencies that affect the Company's businesses. Those estimates are subject to risks, uncertainties and suppositions that include, among others: general economic, political and trade conditions in Brazil and in those markets where the Company does business; expectations on industry trends; the Company's investment plans; its capacity to develop and deliver products on the dates previously agreed upon, and existing and future governmental regulations. The words "believe," "may," "is able," "will be able," "intend," "continue," "anticipate," "expect" and other similar terms are supposed to identify potentialities. The Company does not feel compelled to publish updates nor to revise any estimates due to new information, future events or any other facts. In view of the inherent risks and uncertainties, such estimates, events and circumstances may not take place. The actual results can, therefore, differ substantially from those previously published as Company expectations. For more information, please contact: In Brazil Rosana Dias of Embraer Tel: +011-55-12-3927-1311 Mobile: +011-55-12-9724-4929 Fax: +011-55-12-3927-2411 Email: rosana.dias@embraer.com.br North America Betsy Talton of Embraer Tel: +1-954-359-3432 Mobile: +1-954-609-8560 Fax: +1-954-359-4755 Email: btalton@embraer.com Europe, Middle East and Africa Stephane Guilbaud of Embraer Tel: +011-33-1-4938-4455 Mobile: +011-33-6-7522-8519 Fax: +011-33-1-4938-4456 Email: sguilbaud@embraer.fr Catherine Fracchia of Embraer Tel: +011-33-1-4938-4530 Mobile: +011-33-6-7523-6903 Fax: +011-33-1-4938-4456 Email: cfracchia@embraer.fr SOURCE Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A.
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