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Jinshan to Build Internationally Recognized Chemical City; District Hopes to Realize Five Dreams
February 22, 2006

    SHANGHAI, China, Feb. 22 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Shanghai Jinshan District Government announces that during
their "11th Five-year Planning" period the
district hopes to realize key goals, and ultimately, double
their income every three years.

    Jinshan has made solid progress over recent years, as
it becomes more readily recognized for its advantages,
namely its location, culture, land, waterways, and its
progress in the chemical industry.  With each of these five
advantages comes an even bigger goal that Jinshan is trying
to address.  Li Yuyi, secretary of the Jinshan District
Committee, described these as five dreams.  These dreams
are built around the desire to turn Jinshan into an
internationally recognised part of the world, by using the
experiences of cities that have already achieved such a
status; Houston, Texas, is well-known for its chemical
industry, while also been commended for their environmental
protection programs; Miami, Florida, is known for its
beautiful man-made beaches; and New Jersey for its shopping
and residential projects.  By taking the experiences of such
cities, along with others like San Francisco, Jinshan hopes
that it will be known for its beaches, shopping,
residential complexes and its chemical achievements all at
the same time.  Then by integrating these North American
features with the thousand-year history and ancient beauty
of towns like Fenjing (one of the nine towns in Jinshan
district), the district hopes to achieve its dreams.

    In 2006, construction of the International Chemical
City will begin.  Hao Tiechuan, Chief Executive of the
Jinshan District Government, stated that Jinshan would also
begin to fulfil three major goals simultaneously.  First,
the district plans on becoming an advanced manufacturing
and modern services center, which is led by the
petrochemical and extended industries, as well as,
integrated machinery and equipment, e-information and new
light textiles. Second, is to turn Jinshan into an
eco-friendly and efficient modern agricultural base that
will be geared to both the economy and entertainment.  
Finally, plans are to make Jinshan a modern seaside city,
incorporating the unique culture of Jinshan with the
protection of the eco-environment, showcasing a beautiful
residential environment capable of providing high-grade
recreation and entertainment.

    About Jinshan District

    Jinshan, one of the 19 districts (counties) of
Shanghai, is located in the southwest of the city, north of
the Hangzhou Bay and west of Zhejiang Province.  It is
situated at the hub of the economic region linking
Shanghai, Hangzhou and Ningbo, and is inside the geographic
ring of the Yangtze River Delta that is only a two hours
drive away.  

    Jinshan District has a total land area of 586 square
kilometers (about 226 square miles), equivalent to that of
Singapore, and a population of 550,000.  It has rich
natural and cultural heritages, including beautiful beach
lines, famous traditional peasant paintings, black ceramic
arts and crafts, and a world-renowned petrochemical base.

    For more information, please contact:

     Wang Ren of Shanghai Jinshan District Government
     Tel:   +86-21-5792-1325
     Fax:   +86-21-5792-1100
     Email: jsqzhk@sohu.com

SOURCE  General Office of the People's Government of
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