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Embraer Shares Market Outlook at Asian Aerospace
February 21, 2006

Senior Vice-President for Executive Aviation Sees a Flourishing Market in Asia
    SAO JOSE DOS CAMPOS, Brazil, Feb. 21 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/
-- Embraer (NYSE: ERJ) announced today that Luis Carlos
Affonso, the Company's Senior Vice-President for Executive
Aviation, will present its market outlook for Asia during a
press conference at the Asian Aerospace 2006, being held
Feb. 21-26 at the Changi Exhibition Centre, in Singapore. 

    "We see great potential for the business jet
market in China, Asia Pacific and the Indian subcontinent
in light of the relatively small fleet in the region
compared to its GDP," said Affonso.  "We expect
the region to account for deliveries of 250 business jets
over the next decade at an average growth rate of 9.1
percent per year, totaling US$ 3.8 billion by 2015." 

    Affonso attributes the Company's positive outlook for
this market to factors such as export-driven economies,
Japan's recovery, China's exports and investment-led
economy, as well as India's service and manufacturing
sectors' boom. 

    "Over the last 18 months, we delivered six Legacy
600 to the region, which will be joined by two more this
year, representing 10 percent of our global fleet,"
said Affonso.

    In order to meet increasing market demand, Embraer has
established sales offices in Beijing and Singapore.

    In China, Guan Dongyuan is the Director of Executive
Jets Sales.  Appointed Managing Director for China in 2000,
Dongyuan as in charge of establishing the Embraer Beijing
Representative Office, leading all the activities related
to civil aviation, including strategic planning, product
promotion, customer and government relation management, as
well as customer service. 

    "We believe the operating environment is improving
and enabling the expansion of business aviation in China. 
Embraer is strongly committed to providing the best service
to the Chinese customer through its established support
facilities and its expanding portfolio of executive
jets," said Dongyuan.

    Based out of our Singapore office, Capt. Manfred
Baudzus is the Regional Sales Director, covering India and
Asia Pacific.  With 35 years and over 11,000 hours of
flying experience, mostly in corporate jets, Capt. Baudzus
is very familiar with Asian culture and was instrumental in
bringing the first larger cabin business jets to Asia as far
back as 1992.

   "From my operational experience in this region, I
believe the Legacy 600 is very well suited for the typical
Asian mission profile.  Furthermore, the generous cabin is
just what Asian companies are looking for.  I am very
excited to be involved in this program and see a great
future for the Embraer Legacy 600 and the new Phenom family
of jets in our region," said Capt. Baudzus.

    For more information, please visit
http://www.embraerexecutivejets.com .

    This document may contain projections, statements and
estimates regarding circumstances or events yet to take
place. Those projections and estimates are based largely on
current expectations, forecasts on future events and
financial tendencies that affect the Company's businesses. 
Those estimates are subject to risks, uncertainties and
suppositions that include, among others: general economic,
political and trade conditions in Brazil and in those
markets where the Company does business; expectations on
industry trends; the Company's investment plans; its
capacity to develop and deliver products on the dates
previously agreed upon, and existing and future
governmental regulations. The words "believe,"
"may," "is able," "will be
able," "intend," "continue,"
"anticipate," "expect" and other
similar terms are supposed to identify potentialities.  The
Company does not feel compelled to publish updates nor to
revise any estimates due to new information, future events
or any other facts. In view of the inherent risks and
uncertainties, such estimates, events and circumstances may
not take place.  The actual results can, therefore, differ
substantially from those previously published as Company

    For more information, please contact:

    In Brazil
     Rosana Dias of Embraer
     Tel:    +011-55-12-3927-1311
     Mobile: +011-55-12-9724-4929
     Fax:    +011-55-12-3927-2411
     Email:  rosana.dias@embraer.com.br

    North America
     Betsy Talton of Embraer
     Tel:    +1-954-359-3432
     Mobile: +1-954-609-8560
     Fax:    +1-954-359-4755
     Email:  btalton@embraer.com
    Europe, Middle East and Africa
     Stephane Guilbaud of Embraer
     Tel:    +011-33-1-4938-4455
     Mobile: +011-33-6-7522-8519
     Fax:    +011-33-1-4938-4456
     Email:  sguilbaud@embraer.fr

     Catherine Fracchia of Embraer
     Tel:    +011-33-1-4938-4530
     Mobile: +011-33-6-7523-6903
     Fax:    +011-33-1-4938-4456
     Email:  cfracchia@embraer.fr

SOURCE  Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A. 
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