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FEI Certified Tools Program to be Launched at SEMICON China
March 21, 2006

China Market To Have More Flexible Access to FEI's Leading Tools for Nanotech
    HILLSBORO, Ore., March 21 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- FEI
Company (Nasdaq: FEIC) will launch a Certified Tools
program for the Chinese market during SEMICON China in
Shanghai this week.  The program, which features
fully-tested and warranted factory-refurbished FEI systems,
will provide China-based customers greater flexibility,
capital equipment acquisition leverage and added confidence
as research institutions and industrial customers across
China continue to invest in nanoscale development and

    "We are extremely excited to first introduce FEI's
Certified Tools program to the China market," commented
Paul O'Mara, FEI's senior vice president responsible for the
FEI Certified Tools business.  "China is making
significant investments in its infrastructure to support
nanotechnology development and manufacturing. These
investments will include a mix of both new and refurbished
equipment for labs and factories across multiple markets
including semiconductors and data storage, research
institutions and general industry."

    The number of semiconductor fabs in China is growing.
According to a report released by Semiconductor Equipment
and Materials International (SEMI) last June, 20 new fabs
will be built in China between now and 2008, and many of
them will be furnished with used equipment. In 2004, sales
of refurbished semiconductor equipment in China represented
approximately $180 million.

    "China is already a significant player in
nanotechnology investment and development," said Sean
Murdock, executive director of the U.S.-based NanoBusiness
Alliance. "Based upon their escalating commitment to
this sector, China figures to be a dominant nanotechnology
force in the next few years."

    In addition to the Certified Tools program, FEI will
feature its complete line of advanced tools for
semiconductor labs and fabs including UltraView(TM), a
unique suite of products that takes users from wafers to
atoms in minutes with ultra-high, atomic scale resolution
for defect analysis and metrology. 

    For more information customers can visit the FEI Booth
(#3210) at SEMICON China in the Shanghai New International
Expo Centre, March 21-23, or contact their local sales
representative in China by telephoning FEI China at

    About FEI

    FEI's Tools for Nanotech(TM), featuring focused ion-
and electron-beam technologies, deliver 3D
characterization, analysis and modification capabilities
with resolution down to the sub-Angstrom level and provide
innovative solutions for customers working in NanoBiology,
NanoResearch and NanoElectronics.  With R&D centers in
North America and Europe, and sales and service operations
in more than 50 countries around the world, FEI is bringing
the nanoscale within the grasp of leading researchers and
manufacturers and helping to turn some of the biggest ideas
of this century into reality.  More information can be found
on the FEI website at: http://www.fei.com .

    For more information, please contact:

     Dan Zenka, APR, Global Public Relations
     FEI Company 
     Tel:   +1-503-726 2695
     Email: dzenka@feico.com

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