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Achievo Acquires VisualSoft to Expand IT Services for Taiwan's Growing Economy
March 20, 2006

Adding Front-end Capabilities in Taiwan While Expanding Back-end Services in Jinan, China
    DUBLIN and CALIFORNIA, March 20 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Achievo(R) Corporation, the leading global software and
information technology outsourcing provider with a local
front-end and China back-end service model, today announced
that it has signed a definitive agreement to acquire
VisualSoft Information System Corp., LTD.  VisualSoft is a
software and IT outsourcing company that provides Taiwanese
companies with offshore outsourcing services.  VisualSoft
has customer relationship management expertise in
manufacturing and financial services systems, and delivers
application services to Citibank, First Commercial Bank,
the Taiwan Business Bank, and other Taiwanese and
multinational firms.

    Continuing its strategy of organic and
acquisition-based growth, Achievo will leverage
VisualSoft's front-end resources in Taiwan and operational
resources in Jinan, China, to provide more services for
Taiwanese and global clients.  VisualSoft will be augmented
by Achievo's global front-end and back-end capabilities in
the United States, China, Japan and Germany.  

    With this acquisition, Achievo adds an outsource
development center in Jinan, in the province of Shandong,
that has a staff of 80 engineers, programmers and

    "We are delighted to have VisualSoft join the
Achievo family," said Dr. Robert P. Lee, Achievo's
chairman and CEO.  "The Taiwanese economy has
succeeded not only in economic growth, but also in
technological expertise. The VisualSoft acquisition
provides Taiwanese customers with additional resources and
a reliable and scalable partner to develop and manage their
software projects."

    "Joining Achievo enables us to rapidly scale our
operations to accommodate new customers," said C.H.
Wang, VisualSoft's general manager.  "The additional
resources give us a business structure capable of quickly
and cost-effectively meeting the varied and diverse needs
and requirements of our customers in Taiwan." 

    VisualSoft will operate as a wholly-owned division of
Achievo in Taiwan. Wang will become general manager of the
Achievo VisualSoft Taipei division reporting to Lee.

    About VisualSoft Information System Corp., LTD 

    VisualSoft Information System (
http://visualsoft.com.tw ) provides software and IT
outsourcing services to Taiwanese and multinational firms
in financial, healthcare and government industries. 
VisualSoft's technology expertise spans platforms such as
Java, Microsoft .NET and Open Source. VisualSoft delivers
application services to financial, manufacturing and
government customers.  VisualSoft has ties to major IT
vendors as well as multinational financial and
manufacturing services companies in Taiwan. Customers
include Citibank, First Commercial Bank, Land Bank of
Taiwan and Taiwan Business Bank.

    About Achievo Corporation

    Achievo is a global offshore software and information
technology outsourcing provider with a local front-end and
China back-end service model. With expertise in diverse
technologies including Java/J2EE, .NET and embedded
platforms, the CMM-certified company offers improved
efficiencies, scale, diversification, and a combined talent
pool to deliver cost-effective, quality-centric, and
scalable IT outsourcing services to customers and partners
worldwide.  Customers include IBM, HP, Sun Microsystems,
Netgear, Cadence, Accela, China Academy of Sciences,
DaimlerChrysler, Ellie Mae, ESRI, Fujitsu, Mercedes Benz,
Siemens, United Way, Hitachi, NEC, Pioneer, NTT Data,
Toshiba and other Fortune 2000 companies.  Headquartered in
the Silicon Valley, Achievo has offices in the United
States, Canada, Germany, China and Japan.  For information
on the company and its services, visit
http://www.achievo.com .

    Achievo is a registered trademark of Achievo
Corporation in the United States and in other countries. 
All other trademarks are the property of their respective

    For more information, please contact:

     Brian Fawkes, Corp. Comm.,              
     Achievo Corporation               
     Tel:    +1-925-828-5990 x182         
     Email:  brian.fawkes@achievo.com          

     C.H. Wang, General Manager,
     Achievo VisualSoft Taipei
     Tel:    +886-2273-86785
     Email:  ch.wang@achievo.com

SOURCE  Achievo Corporation
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