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South African Cash Deliveries More Efficient and Safer, Thanks to Tracking & Tracing
August 04, 2006

    PRETORIA, South Africa and UTRECHT, Netherlands, Aug. 4
/Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- All cash deliveries made by the COIN
Security Group (PTY) Ltd in South Africa can be tracked
from start to finish with the tracking and tracing solution
of the Netherlands based company Transtrack International.
COIN -- one of the three largest cash-in-transit companies
in South Africa operating from 28 branches and 300 plus
armoured vehicles -- decided to implement the integrated
tracking and tracing system on a nationwide basis following
completion of a pilot project in Pretoria last June.

    The system from Transtrack, a company specialised in
tracking & tracing systems for cash transportation,
will enable COIN to improve the efficiency of its
operations substantially and provide customers more value
added services like extensive reporting and electronic
invoices. The status of cash deliveries will be available
within 24 hours, whereas this used to take weeks using the
previous administration system. "Within South Africa
the industry is discussing standardising of information
exchange and identification of transports," says
Ronald van Vliet of Transtrack International. "And
with this system COIN is leading the market." The
Transtrack tracking & tracing system has been adopted
by CIT companies in 10 countries, which makes Transtrack
the market leader in tracking & tracing solutions for
Cash-in-Transit businesses.

    COIN transports cash to and from banks, ATM's and
retailers. Cash consignments are registered by means of a
barcode attached to a sealbag. The details of each
consignment are recorded -- the staff involved, the route,
the security vehicle and the content of the consignments.
Proper registration of cash transports is essential not
just for efficiency, but for safety and security.
"This system will enable us to improve our service
levels and enhance our operational efficiencies," says
Albert Erasmus of COIN Security Group.

    Companies from South Africa and the Netherlands work
closely together within the project. South African based QD
Group is the system integrator and the local representative
for all Transtrack products. QD Group provides local
software and hardware support to COIN and is an industry
leader in Cash Management and Protection solutions.
"The adoption of this technology by COIN indicates
that they are ready to quantum leap their service
provisions to their clients to a level not yet offered in
our industry, this is truly market leading strategy!"
says Theo De Oliveira of QD Group.

    CaptureTech, Netherlands based international specialist
in the field of automatic identification, provided advice on
the hardware solution and its integration. "The Dolphin
7900, a hardware solution from Hand Held Products, offers
banks and insurers, the security and continuity, and is
ready to handle future developments as well," says
Sander de Ridder of CaptureTech.

    COIN is ready for the future. In time it will be
possible to have real-time insight in the collected and
delivered consignments and customers will be able to track
their cash and Cash-in-Transit services via internet.

    For more information, please contact:

     Transtrack International,
     Ronald van Vliet
     Tel:   +31-302-404-212
     Email: ra.vliet@transtrack.nl

     Theo De Oliveira, 
     QD Group
     Tel:   +27-114-662-300
     Email: theodeo@global.co.za

     COIN Security
     Tel:   +27-126-658-000
     Email: erasmusa@coin.co.za

SOURCE  Transtrack International
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