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Analysys International Says China's Server Shipments Reached 141,000 Units in Q2 2006
August 03, 2006

    BEIJING, Aug. 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Analysys
International, a leading Internet based provider of
business information about technology, media and telecom
(TMT) industries in China, says server shipments in China
reached 141,000 units in the second quarter of 2006,
representing an increase of 5.4% from the first quarter,
and the market value reached RMB 4.7 billion, in its
recently released report China Server Market Quarterly
Tracker Q2 2006. 

    According to the report, in the second quarter of 2006,
server shipments increased 20% over the same period of 2005
and the market value increased 34.3%. Analysys
International says as users have higher requirements,
purchase of servers priced between RMB 20,000 - 50,000
increased while shipments of low-end servers priced below
RMB 10,000 decreased.


    Unit shipments of x86 servers reached 135,000,
accounting for 96.1% of the total market. Unit shipments of
RISC servers reached 5000, which is unchanged from the
previous quarter. 

    In the second quarter of 2006, shipments of servers
below RMB 20,000 accounted for 16.6% of the total market,
increasing 0.4% over the first quarter; shipments of
servers priced between RMB 20,000 to 50,000 accounted for
31.7% of the total, increasing 0.3% QoQ. Prices of
mainstream products are going down.

    This subject is further discussed in Analysys
International's research report China Server Market
Quarterly Tracker Q2 2006. For more information, please
check the website: http://english.analysys.com.cn. 

    About Analysys International

    Analysys International is the leading Internet based
provider of business information about Technology, Media
and Telecom industries in China. We provide data,
information and advice to 50,000 clients worldwide
representing 1,500 distinct organizations, deliver over 150
consulting engagements a year, and hold more than 20 events
that draw in over 8,000 attendees. Our clients include
executives from companies as technology vendors, vertical
information technology users, as well as professionals from
professional service companies, the investment community and
government agencies. Our mission is simple and clear: we
help our clients make better business decisions. For more
information, please visit our web site at

    For more information, please contact:

     Jessica Wang
     Tel:   +86-10-6466-6565 x394
     Email: Jessica_wang@analysys.com.cn

SOURCE  Analysys International
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