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ATERAS Announces Successful Conversion of University of Miami's IDMS Applications to DB2 CICS COBOL
February 15, 2007

    DALLAS, Feb. 14 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- ATERAS announces
the successful conversion of the University of Miami's 42
IDMS applications to a DB2 CICS COBOL environment.  The
University of Miami chose ATERAS based on their technical
expertise and was the only vendor that offered 100%
automation technology to meet the University's requirements
of a quick and error free conversion. Functionally
equivalent code, equal or better performance and minimal
impact on the user community was a requirement for the
University, this was easily accomplished using
DB-Shuttle(TM) automation technology.  Solutions for ASP
and JAVA Processing, IDMS table procedures, and IDMS
culprit replacement were created for the University, as
well as modernizing the business process for SQL access.


    ATERAS modernized all mission-critical applications for
the University of Miami, including:  Human Resources,
Payroll, General Ledger, Sponsored Research Administration
and all student systems.  The following lines of code,
programs and unique database structures were converted:

     *  Over 9 million lines of code were converted 
     *  Over 795 IDMS Schema Records  
     *  2504 JCL job streams
     *  Converted 1395 IDMS Maps    
     *  Converted 1559 ADS/Online dialogs to COBOL/CICS   

     *  Converted 1414 Batch and 116 DC-COBOL programs
     *  Converted 327 IDMS Table Procedures to DB2 Stored
     *  881 unique database structures   

    The University of Miami now has functionally equivalent
applications running in an open-architecture environment
providing seamless computing enterprise-wide, supporting a
lower cost structure and providing greater business
agility.  The migration modernized all of the University's
business processes and moved them forward into a
world-class e-university operation supporting the
University's Web-development efforts.

    "We were able to convert all of the University's
system at one time, and yet it was totally transparent to
all system users -- we are thrilled!  ATERAS' technical
expertise, automation technology and the understanding of
the Universities specific needs, has impressed us.  The
performance of the converted DB2 applications is equal to
or better than we had on IDMS.  The relational environment
has positioned us for future development and supporting our
growth requirements, opening up data access, integrating
data and applications," says Mike Zucker, University
of Miami's information technology, applications development

    "This successful conversion of the University of
Miami's IDMS applications further validates our expertise
in providing 100% automated conversion solutions to
relational technologies that are functionally equivalent. 
We are proud to be working with such a prestigious
organization," states Scott Miller, president and
chief executive officer of ATERAS. 

    About University of Miami

    University of Miami's mission is to educate and nurture
students, to create knowledge, and to provide service to our
community and beyond.  Committed to excellence and proud of
the diversity of our University family, we strive to
develop future leaders of our nation and the world.  For
more information on the University of Miami, visit
http://www.miami.edu . 

    About ATERAS

    ATERAS has supported global enterprises for over 20
years offering state of the art services to our clients by
modernizing legacy systems to the most current IT
environments.  The patent pending DB-Shuttle(TM) automation
technology provides everything from comprehensive
assessments of IT environments to fully automated
conversions.  DB-Shuttle offers a complete and automated
method for organizations to protect legacy assets, reduce
maintenance costs, provide agility and flexibility, and
enable Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) of
business-critical applications.

    For more information on ATERAS' solutions visit
http://www.ateras.com . 

    For more information, please contact:  

     Anna Stamatelatos                 
     Tel:   +1-469-385-7236                      
     Email: annas@ateras.com           

     University of Miami    
     Mike Zucker
     Tel:   +1-305-284-4203  
     Email: mzucker@miami.edu

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