International Business Must Act Now To Save Measurement Flexibility, Warns BWMA

February 12, 2007

LONDON, Feb. 12 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Asian and Australasian businesses need to know that the display of US, British imperial and industry-specific measurements alongside metric could be illegal in the European Union in less than three year's time. BWMA (British Weights and Measures Association) is concerned that many international businesses are not aware of this situation, or of a current consultation by the European Commission that closes in three week's time asking for business views on the issue. At the moment, businesses operating in the European Union have the option of showing US or imperial alongside metric for all economic purposes (such as on product packaging, websites, catalogues, etc). Under EC Directive 80/181, however, extra measurement information will be illegal within the EU from 1 January 2010. If the ban on US and other measurements alongside metric goes ahead, Asian and Australasian industry will be forced to duplicate manufacturing processes when selling goods both in Europe and internationally, since they will no longer be able to use one process for both metric and non-metric markets. According to BWMA Director John Gardner, "A ban on US and British units does not only affect UK and US business -- businesses from other parts of the world are also affected since they rely on these measurements in the global marketplace, particularly the USA, and for traditional industries". The ban will apply to all products, packaging, advertisements, instructions, brochures, magazines, books, e-commerce, internet sites, internal business processes, catalogues, etc. No industry is exempt from the ban. The European Commission consultation closes in three weeks, on 1 March 2007. Businesses and other interested agencies should respond via its email box: entr-metrology@ec.europa.eu Link to the EC consultation: http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/prepack/unitmeas/uni_ms_en.htm BWMA's October 2006 newsletter http://www.bwmaonline.com/Yardstick%2028%20-%20October%202006.doc BACKGROUND INFORMATION The Metric Directive is intended to require metric units of measurement to be used in all aspects of life in the European Union. The use of a uniform system of measurement units is considered by the European Commission essential for the purposes of public health, safety, and trade. For more information, please contact: Mr. John Gardner BWMA Director Email: BWMA@Email.com or BWMA@hotmail.co.uk Mr Vivian Linacre, President BWMA Fax: +44-1738-783936 Email: vtlinacre@yahoo.co.uk issuer of press release David Delaney, BWMA PRO Tel: +44-1544-267197 British Weights & Measures Association Tel: +44-20-8922-0089 (24 hr answering m/c) SOURCE British Weights and Measures Association
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