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StemCore is First Independent Review Board Specializing in Stem Cell Research Protocols
February 12, 2007

    WELLESLEY, Mass., Feb. 12 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- In
response to the rapidly evolving field of stem cell
research, this month's launch of StemCore marks the
establishment of the first independent ethical review board
focusing exclusively on stem cell research. StemCore will
function as both a Stem Cell Research Oversight Committee
(SCRO), as described in several sets of voluntary
guidelines for such research, and as an Institutional
Review Board (IRB), as required by regulations governing
human subjects research. The StemCore board consists of
highly qualified members with significant experience and
expertise in molecular biology, genetics, clinical care,
ethics, law, policy, clinical research, and the regulatory
aspects of basic and clinical research. This combined
review eliminates delays, reduces administrative burden,
avoids communication problems among boards, and facilitates
a streamlined, consistent review of all issues relevant to
conducting stem cell research. "It is critical that
research in this emerging area of science proceeds as
quickly as possible and is subject to independent oversight
to ensure ethical and regulatory compliance," said
Kathi Hanna, StemCore Co-Chair.

    Through its validation process, StemCore can ensure
investigators and institutions that the cell lines they are
importing or exporting for use in research projects meet all
ethical, regulatory, and legal requirements. Moreover,
StemCore will create and preserve an electronic dossier of
regulatory and supporting documents that verify a cell
line's provenance and integrity, which will prove critical
in agency approval of breakthrough therapies. "One of
the biggest hurdles in the early stages of this research is
validating that existing cell lines were procured ethically
and consistent with applicable regulations," said
Hanna. "StemCore offers a valuable service in
facilitating the validation process for each cell line in

    As an independent SCRO/IRB, StemCore's mission is to
facilitate the conduct of scientifically and ethically
sound research with no conflicts of interest concerning the
validity of cell lines or the review of research protocols.

    About StemCore: StemCore is an independent Stem Cell
Research Oversight Committee and duly constituted
Institutional Review Board. StemCore was established to
conduct streamlined "one-stop" seamless review of
stem cell research protocols. The company focuses on the
review of research involving stem cells, validation of the
provenance of embryonic stem cells, and review of protocols
testing cell-based therapies. For more information, contact
StemCore at 866-789-5587 or visit http://www.stemcore.org .

    For more information, please contact:

     Carol Saunders 
     Tel: +1-781-239-9905

SOURCE  StemCore
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