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Texas Instruments DaVinci(TM) Technology Powers New IP Set-Top-Box Solution From Konka
September 11, 2006

Konka IPB5310 Leverages Digital Media SoC Based on DaVinci Technology to Deliver Cost-Effective Solution for Surging STB/IPTV Market
Visit TI Booth #1.410 at IBC
    DALLAS, Sept. 11 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- China-based
Konka Group Ltd. has developed a new Internet Protocol (IP)
set-top-box (STB) solution based on DaVinci(TM) technology
from Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI) (NYSE:TXN).  The
Konka IPB5310, ideal for home video and audio
entertainment, delivers a low cost solution that is easy to
implement, boosting the adoption of IPTV services in China
and worldwide.  (See http://www.ti.com/konka.)

    Industry analysts have predicted rapid growth in the
China STB market.  An April 2006 iSuppli Corp. market
report forecasts domestic shipments to approach six million
units by 2010 with exports nearing five million units. The
new IPB5310, based on TI's TMS320DM6446 digital signal
processor (DSP), will further drive this market by offering
an enhanced entertainment experience through improved
accessibility and higher quality streaming media content.  

    "The programmable processors at the foundation of
TI's DaVinci technology enabled us to develop an IP-STB
product that is cost effective and easy to upgrade - both
of which are vital in this growing market," said Bruce
Chou, IPTV business manager, Konka.  "We look forward
to continuing our work with TI and leveraging the DaVinci
technology-based processors to create industry leading STB

    The IPB5310 can be applied for IP television services;
video on demand (VoD); time-shifted TV; web browsing
service; SMS informing service/MMS informing service;
information broadcast service, and local and online gaming
service.  It can also be used as an MP3 player or
electronic album, supporting MP3 audio playback and photo
display through a USB interface.  The IP set top box
supports multiple codecs, including MPEG2, MPEG4,
WMV9/VC-1, and H.264. 

    "Konka's IPB5310 is a perfect example of how
DaVinci technology is enabling the rapid development of
cost-effective products for booming markets, such as
IPTV," said Suman Narayan, marketing manager, Digital
Video - Streaming Media, TI.  "With the adoption of
IPTV services picking up in China, Europe and the United
States, we anticipate greater demand for the benefits of
DaVinci technology in solutions that span from media
servers and set-top boxes to portable DVRs."DaVinci
technology is a DSP-based system solution tailored for
digital video applications, including optimized software,
development tools, integrated silicon and support to
simplify design and stimulate innovation in less time.
DaVinci processors are based on the high-performance
TMS320C64x+ generation of DSPs and includes host processors
and video and audio peripherals that match consumer
entertainment equipment specifications.  It is optimized
for streaming video, image and audio performance. With vast
scalability options, DaVinci technology helps streaming
media manufacturers keep up with their ever-evolving

    About Texas Instruments

    Texas Instruments Incorporated provides innovative DSP
and analog technologies to meet our customers' real-world
signal processing requirements.  In addition to
Semiconductors, the company includes Educational &
Productivity Solutions. TI is headquartered in Dallas,
Texas, and has manufacturing, design or sales operations in
more than 25 countries. 

    Texas Instruments is traded on the New York Stock
Exchange under the symbol TXN. More information is located
on the World Wide Web at http://www.ti.com .

    About Konka

    Established in 1980, The Konka Group is China's first
Sino-foreign joint consumer electronics enterprise,
manufacturing and distributing its own brand of prime
quality products. The Konka Group's major product lines are
Color TV sets and mobile phones. Refrigerators, washing
machines, air conditioners, component, packaging material
also form part of the Group ` s product lines. In August
1991, Konka was restructured into a Sino-foreign public
share-hold company and on March 1992, the company's A-share
and B-share were listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.  It
has five major manufacturing plants in the North-East,
North-West, South, East and South-West of China, and has
established production bases in India, Indonesia, Mexico
and recently in Turkey. 


    DaVinci is a trademark of Texas Instruments.  All other
trademarks are property of their respective owners.

    For more information, please contact:

     Stephanie Groswirt
     Texas Instruments	
     Tel:   +1-214-280-2512
     Email: s-groswirt@ti.com 

     Tara Hanney
     Tel:   +1-713-513-9561
     Email: thanney@golinharris.com

SOURCE  Texas Instruments Incorporated

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