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Winnow Companies-New Source for International Product Makers
February 09, 2007

One Supply Chain Management Company Goes Above and Beyond
By Offering Sales and Customer Compliance

    DALLAS, Feb. 9 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Supply chain
management [SCM] companies handle one or more, but not all,
of the following components of SCM:  strategy, sourcing,
manufacturing, logistics, and returns. Dallas-based Winnow
Companies, Inc. is the first complete
supply-chain-solutions company for the retail consumer
product industry that has the capability to serve product
makers in all phases of supply chain management --
typically resulting in dramatically reduced costs for the
company.  Winnow has a proven track record of being able to
increase their clients' sales due to their strong
relationships with retailers. 
    Winnow's strength lies in its 3,000 employees led by
former football coach, Frank Blateri whose team-building
talents work well with his clients, retailers and employees
at all levels.  Previously, Blateri served 15 years as CEO
of Aloha Housewares.  With longstanding relationships and
his ability to exceed expectations, his clients have won
`Supplier of the Year' Awards from retailers like Wal-Mart
USA and International. 
    Recently, Winnow developed a new market out of India
for the country's largest exporter of fans which had never
sold to the U.S.  Within two years, revenues jumped from
zero to four million. Winnow's unique approach and
expertise as it relates to Customer Compliance also enabled
them to recover several hundred thousand dollars by
utilizing this strength and years of experience.
    "Blateri's company has the knowledge and
infrastructure to provide Start to End seamless service
which is helpful for a company trying to grow in the USA. 
We get timely advice based on his understanding of our
Company's strengths and weaknesses and the buying company's
requirements and mindset.  His insights into our product
development helped us increase our product's profit
margins, develop a new product and assist us in future
directions," said client G. Shankar.

    With Winnow's global operations on four continents, its
India client was paid on-time, lead times were reduced by 20
percent, they are compliant with import regulations,
connected with local suppliers to meet immediate needs and
informed on trends in fulfillment, packaging and product
design, consumer preferences and demand.  

    Blateri is now speaking to U.S. and foreign chambers of
commerce and trade organizations about taking advantage of
emerging industries and new trends within the supply chain
    Visit http://www.winnowinc.com .

    For more information, please contact:

     Elizabeth Bashara
     Winnow Companies, Inc.
     Tel:   +1-917-447-6989
     Email: EBashara@aol.com 

SOURCE  Winnow Companies, Inc.
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