RSAセキュリティ、「RSA BSAFE e-文書法対応ライブラリ Ver1.2」を発売
「RSA BSAFE(TM) e-文書法対応ライブラリ Ver1.2」を発売
RSAセキュリティ株式会社(本社:東京都千代田区、代表取締役社長 山野 修)は、電子データに作成者の署名や作成時の日時を付与してデータの真偽を保障する機能をアプリケーションに組み込むための開発者向けツールキット、「RSA BSAFE(TM) e-文書法対応ライブラリ」の最新版 Ver1.2を、9月1日より販売開始します。
電子文書は、作成した時点あるいは電子化した時点でタイムスタンプ(時刻認証)を付与することにより、改ざんの有無を容易に検証できます。(*1) e-文書法でタイムスタンプの付与を義務付けているのは、国税/地方税関係書類、医療関係書類の一部です。 しかし、電子保存が容認されている文書には契約書や領収書、診療記録、約款、営業報告書などがあり、加えて企業には資産価値の高い設計書や研究成果などの知的財産も数多く存在します。 これらの電子文書にタイムスタンプを付与して保存することにより、e-文書法への対応はもとより、コンプライアンス対策や訴訟対策、日本版SOX法対策として有効です。
「RSA BSAFE e-文書法対応ライブラリ」は、既存のアプリケーションに、RFC3161準拠のタイムスタンプ・プロトコルによるタイムスタンプの取得と、RFC3126準拠の長期署名フォーマットによる電子署名・タイムスタンプ付与の機能を追加します。 使い慣れたアプリケーションの使い勝手を大きく変更することなく、簡単にタイムスタンプを活用できる環境整備が可能となります。
・セイコープレシジョン株式会社の「SEIKO Cyber Time時刻認証サービス」に対応
・ECOMによるCAdES ECOMプロファイルに準拠
RFC 3126やCAdES (CMS(Cryptographic Message Syntax)Advanced Electronic Signature)で 規定されている長期署名フォーマットをベースにECOMが解釈を与え、できるだけ冗長性のないECOMプロファイルとして定義しています。このCAdES ECOMプロファイル準拠により、相互運用性の確保を可能とするアプリケーションを開発できます。
製品名 RSA BSAFE(TM) e-文書法対応ライブラリ Ver.1.2
(アールエスエー・ビーセーフ イー文書法対応ライブラリ)
製品機能 電子文書に電子署名およびタイムスタンプを付与する機能を組み込むための開発者向けツールキット。
価格は、利用形態により異なります。一例として、社内システム向けのデベロッパライセンスのスターターキットは350万円です。詳細は、RSAセキュリティ ソリューション営業本部にお問い合せください。
サポート契約を締結しているお客様には、無償でVer1.2をご提供します。詳細は、RSAセキュリティ ソリューション営業本部にお問い合せください。
・アマノ株式会社 アマノタイムスタンプサービス3161
・ 株式会社PFU PFUタイムスタンプサービス
・ セイコープレシジョン株式会社 SEIKO Cyter Time時刻認証サービス
*1 タイムスタンプを付与したい電子文書の「ハッシュ値」を算出してタイムスタンプ局へ送付する仕組み。タイムスタンプ局は、時刻情報を加えて返す。時刻情報がついた文書は、手を加えるとハッシュ値が変化する。改ざんの有無は、元のハッシュ値と時刻情報のついたハッシュ値を比較し確認できる。
*2 ECOM長期署名フォーマット相互運用テスト
報告書は、ECOMのWebサイト に掲載。
RSA、SecurIDはRSA Security Inc.の米国およびその他の国における登録商標または商標です。その他記載された社名・製品名・サービス名は、各社の登録商標または商標です。
● 関連リンク
サンヨー食品、カップめん「サッポロ一番 きのこと野菜のしょうゆ味 ノンフライどんぶり」など3品を発売
『サッポロ一番 きのこと野菜のしょうゆ味 ノンフライどんぶり』
『サッポロ一番 きのこと野菜のみそラーメン ノンフライどんぶり』
『サッポロ一番 きのこと野菜の塩らーめん ノンフライどんぶり』
サンヨー食品株式会社(本社:東京、社長:井田純一郎)は、2006年9月11日(月)に「サッポロ一番 きのこと野菜のしょうゆ味 ノンフライどんぶり」「同 みそラーメン ノンフライどんぶり」「同 塩らーめん ノンフライどんぶり」を全国へ新発売いたします。
今年3月に発売いたしましたノンフライどんぶり「サッポロ一番 40周年記念カップ 野菜特盛新麺シリーズ」は、「ノンフライ麺と野菜具材の組み合わせがよく合う」と、たくさんのお客様からのご好評をいただきました。
そこで弊社は、即席麺需要期をむかえる秋に合う素材として、季節感あるきのこを具材に使用した「サッポロ一番 きのこと野菜のノンフライどんぶり」をご提案いたします。
"彩り広がるきのこと野菜の"ノンフライカップ麺 新登場!!
〇2006年 9月 11日(月) 全国
* 関連資料 参照
サンヨー食品株式会社 お客様相談室
〒371-0811群馬県前橋市朝倉町555 TEL:027-265-663
● 関連リンク
― デルのオンラインストア上でPowerEdgeサーバの購入とSSLサーバ証明書「ベリサイン サーバID」の発行をワンストップで可能にする「ベリサインSSL証明書発行サービス」の提供を開始 ―
デル株式会社(本社:川崎市幸区、代表取締役社長:ジム・メリット)と日本ベリサイン株式会社(本社:東京都中央区、代表取締役社長兼CEO:橋本 晃秀)は、インターネットセキュリティ分野で提携し、お客様の利便性を向上するコラボレーションプログラムの提供を開始することを発表しました。
第一弾として、デルと日本ベリサインは本日より、デルのオンラインストアにおいてデルの業界標準x86系サーバ「PowerEdge」購入時に日本ベリサインが発行するSSLサーバ証明書「ベリサイン サーバID」の発行申請を特別価格で行うことができる「ベリサインSSL証明書発行サービス」を提供します。
名 称:「ベリサインSSL証明書発行サービス」
「セキュア・サーバID」 : 81,900円(1年間有効、通常価格: 85,050円)
「セキュア・サーバID」 :155,400円(2年間有効、通常価格:160,650円)
<デル ISVアリーナについて>
デルは、2005年8月より、日本国内におけるISV(独立系ソフトウエアベンダー)との連携を強化するコラボレーションプログラム「デル ISVアリーナ」を推進しています。ISVと緊密に連携し、企業の業種や用途に応じたソリューションモデルの開発を共同で行うことで、顧客規模や業種を問わないエンタープライズソリューションの提供を目指しています。今回のデルと日本ベリサインの提携もこのプログラムによるものです。詳細は をご参照ください。
デル株式会社は、米Dell Inc.の日本法人で、独自の直販方式「デル・ダイレクト・モデル」を活かした販売/マーケティング/サービス・サポート業務を行っています。業界標準技術を採用したサーバ/ストレージ製品およびソリューションの拡充に注力しており、エンタープライズ市場においても「デル・ダイレクト・モデル」による優れたバリューをお客様に提供しています。
日本ベリサイン(東証マザーズ証券コード:3722)は、1996年、VeriSign, Inc.(NASDAQ:VRSN)の最初の海外法人として設立されました。当社は、複雑化するネットワーク環境において、利用者がインフラの存在を意識することなく、安心してビジネスやコミュニケーションを行うことができる社会の実現を目指して、ウェブサイトの実在性を証明するサーバ証明書発行サービス、認証局構築のアウトソーシングサービス、マネージドセキュリティサービス、ドメイン名登録サービス、セキュリティに関する様々なコンサルティング、そしてセキュリティトレーニングなど、情報セキュリティ全般にわたるサービスを提供しています。詳細は をご参照下さい。
< お客様からの問合せ先 >
デル株式会社 法人営業本部
日本ベリサイン株式会社 インターネットサービス営業部
サンヨー食品、「サッポロ一番 みそラーメンどんぶり 今だけきのこ入り」を期間限定発売
『サッポロ一番 みそラーメンどんぶり 今だけきのこ入り』
サンヨー食品株式会社(本社:東京、社長:井田純一郎)は、2006年9月11日(月)に「サッポロ一番 みそラーメンどんぶり 今だけきのこ入り」を全国へ期間限定発売し、「同 とんこつラーメンどんぶり」を全国へ新発売いたします。
みそラーメンどんぶり 今だけきのこ入り(期間限定商品)
今回、「サッポロ一番 みそラーメンどんぶり 今だけきのこ入り」として発売するこの商品は"今だけの味わい"をコンセプトに開発したもので、期間限定具材にまいたけ・ひらたけを使用いたしました。
「みそラーメンどんぶり 今だけきのこ入り」では全国にテレビスポットCMを展開するとともに、いずれも新発売と同時に積極的な販売活動を実施して参ります。
○2006年 9月 11日(月) 全 国
サッポロ一番 みそラーメンどんぶり 今だけきのこ入り
め ん
具 材
サッポロ一番 とんこつラーメンどんぶり
め ん
具 材
商品名 サッポロ一番 みそラーメンどんぶり 今だけきのこ入り サッポロ一番 とんこつラーメンどんぶり
JANコード 4901734007159 4901734008224
内容量 84g(めん65g) 84g(めん65g)
希望小売価格 155円 155円
荷姿 1c/s 12食入り 1c/s 12食入り
● 関連リンク
サン、AMD製の最新CPUを搭載したSun Fire x64サーバー2製品を発売
サン、最新のAMD Opteronプロセッサを搭載した
エントリーレベルのSun Fire x64サーバとワークステーションの新製品を発売
--- Sun Fire X2100 M2/X2200 M2サーバ、Sun Ultra 20 M2ワークステーション ---
サン・マイクロシステムズ株式会社(本社:東京都世田谷区、代表取締役社長:末次朝彦、以下サン)は、最新のAMD Opteron(TM)プロセッサを搭載したSun Fire(TM) x64サーバ・ファミリの新しいエントリーレベルの製品「Sun Fire X2100 M2、同 X2200 M2サーバ」およびx64ワークステーションのエントリー製品「Sun Ultra 20 M2ワークステーション」を本日発売します。価格は「Sun Fire X2100 M2サーバ」が11万9,000円(税別)から、「Sun Fire X2200 M2サーバ」が20万1,000円(税別)から、「Sun Ultra(TM) 20 M2ワークステーション」が12万5,000円(税別)からで、出荷開始は本年10月上旬を予定しています。
これらの新製品は、いずれも本年8月15日にAMD社が発表した最新のAMD Opteronプロセッサを採用しており、価格性能比を飛躍的に向上させています。
「Sun Fire X2100 M2、同 X2200 M2サーバ」は、水平拡張を前提に、演算能力とエネルギー効率に優れた低価格なサーバを多数必要とするユーザ向けに設計されています。上位機種「Sun Fire X4100、同 X4200サーバ」が備える高度なRAS(信頼性、可用性、保守性)機能までは必要としないが、同等の演算性能をより低価格で求めるハイパフォーマンス・コンピューティング(HPC)や、低価格Webサービスのプラットフォームとして導入したいというお客様に最適なサーバです。また「Sun Ultra 20 M2ワークステーション」は、Socket AM2対応AMD Opteronを搭載した1CPUソケットのワークステーションで、優れた価格性能と拡張性を備えており、ソフトウェア開発をはじめ多様な技術計算ニーズに最適です。
【 新製品の概要と特長 】
■「Sun Fire X2100 M2サーバ」
「Sun Fire X2100 M2サーバ」は、Socket AM2対応AMD Opteronモデル1000シリーズプロセッサを搭載する1CPUソケットの1Uラックマウント型サーバです。現在販売中の「Sun Fire X2100サーバ」の後継機であり、価格性能比に重点をおいたサンのx64サーバ製品ラインアップのエントリーモデルとなります。最新のSocket AM2対応AMD Opteronプロセッサを採用することでラインアップ全体がデュアルコア・プロセッサ対応となり、価格性能比がさらに向上しました。また、リモート管理機能を強化、上位のSun Fire x64エンタープライズ・サーバで好評のグラフィカルな画面を使用した遠隔オペレーション機能などを備えたサービスプロセッサを標準装備し、使い勝手の面でも大幅な強化が図られています。
■「Sun Fire X2200 M2サーバ」
「Sun Fire X2200 M2サーバ」は、1U筐体に最新のSocket F対応AMD Opteron 2000シリーズプロセッサを2個搭載可能な新しいエントリレベルの1Uラックマウント型サーバです。この製品の特長は、サンの従来製品の2倍にあたるCPUあたり8のメモリー・スロットを装備している点です。これにより現行最大32GBの物理メモリーを搭載可能で (将来は最大64GBを予定)、EDA (コンピュータによる半導体設計) などのメモリー集約型のアプリケーションに対して、効果的なソリューションを提供します。「Sun Fire X2200 M2サーバ」も、「Sun Fire X2100 M2サーバ」と同一のサービスプロセッサを標準装備しています。
■「Sun Ultra 20 M2ワークステーション」
「Sun Ultra 20 M2ワークステーション」は、最新のAMD Opteron 1000シリーズプロセッサを搭載するx64ワークステーションのエントリー製品で、現在販売中の「Sun Ultra 20ワークステーション」の後継に位置づけられます。Socket AM2対応AMD Opteronプロセッサを採用することで全製品がデュアルコア搭載となり、価格性能比が向上したほか、NVIDIA社製の最新のグラフィックス・アクセラレータに対応、拡張性もさらに向上しました。
●Sun、Sun Microsystems、サンのロゴマーク、Sun Fire、Sun Ultraは、米国Sun Microsystems, Inc.の米国およびその他の国における商標または登録商標です。
●AMD、AMD Arrowロゴ、AMD Opteron、ならびにその組み合わせはAdvanced Micro Devices, Inc.の商標です。
TEL:(03) 5717-5033
● 関連リンク
サンヨー食品、「サッポロ一番 ミニどんぶりバラエティーパック4食入り」を発売
『サッポロ一番 ミニどんぶりバラエティーパック4食入り』
サンヨー食品株式会社(本社:東京、社長:井田純一郎)は、2006年9月4日(月)に「サッポロ一番 ミニどんぶりバラエティーパック4食入り」を全国へ新発売いたします。
【 サッポロ一番 ミニどんぶりバラエティーパック4食入り(しょうゆ味・みそラーメン・塩らーめん・ごま味ラーメン)キャンペーン「今だけ絵合わせパズル付き」 】
この度弊社では、お客様の日頃のご愛顧に感謝し、「サッポロ一番 ミニどんぶりバラエティーパック4食入り」に絵合わせパズルを付けたキャンペーンを実施いたします。
平成18年9月初旬~9月下旬予定 全国(商品がなくなり次第終了とさせていただきます)
○2006年9月4日(月) 全国
商品名:サッポロ一番 ミニどんぶりバラエティーパック4食入り キャンペーン「今だけ絵合わせパズル付き」
荷 姿:1C/S 6パック入り(24食入り)
< お客様お問合せ先 >
サンヨー食品株式会社 お客様相談室
〒371-0811 群馬県前橋市朝倉町555
● 関連リンク

-- Text 'FILM' to +44-7624807811 BARCELONA, Spain, Feb. 15 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The five short 'made for mobile' films, premiering exclusively at the 3GSM World Congress in Barcelona this week, are now available for mobile users to download around the world today. Information on the project and instructions for accessing the films can be found on the special website To download the short films, text the word 'FILM' to +44-7624807811. A text message reply to your phone will include a link to the Sundance Film Festival Global Short Film Project mobile web page with thumbnails, descriptions of each of the five films and information about each filmmaker. By clicking on the thumbnail links, mobile users can chose to either stream from their mobile network or download the films into their phones. Once downloaded, the royalty-free films can be shared with friends, family and colleagues using Bluetooth or memory card transfer. At the web site mobile users can also vote or post comments about the films and enter a special competition to win tickets to the Sundance Film Festival in Park City Utah in 2008. The five films, and the filmmakers behind them are: -- A SLIP IN TIME - Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris -- LEARNING TO SKATEBOARD - Jody Hill -- LA REVOLUCION DE IGUODALA! - Justin Lin -- LOS VIAJES DE KING TINY- Maria Maggenti -- RENO - Cory McAbee For further information, including interviews, news and filmmaker biographies, visit About the Sundance Institute: About the GSM Association: & For more information, please contact: Mark Smith GSM Association Tel: +44-785-022-9724 Richard Fogg GSM Association Tel: +44-788-784-5236 Email: Patrick Hubley Sundance Institute Tel: +1-801-971-0353 (at the 3GSM World Congress) Email: Cynthia Wornham Sundance Institute Tel: +1-310-360-1981 (for US enquiries) Email: SOURCE GSM Association; Sundance Institute

Continued Execution of Growth Strategy Delivers Better-Than-Expected Revenue and Net Income SHANGHAI, China, Feb. 15 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Xinhua Finance (TSE Mothers: 9399 and OTC: XHFNY), China's premier financial information and media service provider, today announced, under International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"), consolidated revenue of US$175.0 million and net income of US$18.7 million, which represented gains of 59% and 82% respectively over those of the last fiscal year. Fully diluted earnings-per-share (EPS) reached US$20.14, up from US$15.23 in 2005. Following management's upward revision of projected net income in November 2006, both revenue and net income came in ahead of forecasts of US$166.0 million and US$18.5 million, respectively. Proforma EBITDA, adjusted to exclude non-cash ESOP expense and one-time items, was US$32.4 million, with a margin of 18.5% which outpaced the full year forecast of 15.4%. Xinhua Finance provides proforma results to help investors better understand the Company's underlying operating and financial trends. Xinhua Finance CEO Fredy Bush commented, "This is an exciting time for Xinhua Finance. As we have completed our second full fiscal year as a public company, our strategy for long-term profitable growth continues to drive top- and bottom-line gains year on year. I am pleased to report that both our revenue and net income for the fiscal year came in ahead of expectations. Most importantly, we have delivered on our promise to generate shareholder value by positioning our global operations to profit from China's internationalization." "I am happy to see that the investments we have made in our core service lines generated encouraging results. As we extend our track record of financial and strategic success, we are continuing on our mission to bridge China's financial markets and the world." Xinhua Finance continues to make strides across its service lines. The amount of assets tracking and benchmarking the Company's indices worldwide increased to over US$53 billion, from just under US$10 billion the end of fiscal year 2005 based on management estimates. Xinhua FTSE indices achieved the largest market share among benchmark indices in China, covering 46% of all newly issued open-ended equity funds. The Ratings service line was further bolstered by the acquisitions of Glass Lewis and Praedea (renamed Mergent Data Tech). Xinhua Finance also launched several new products in Financial News, including China Bullet Points, China Mainwire and Daily China News briefings, and expanded its China news presence. In Investor Relations Service Line, both Xinhua PR Newswire and Taylor Rafferty opened new offices (in Shenzhen and Hong Kong, respectively) to accommodate their expansion in Greater China. Xinhua Finance CFO Gordon Lau added, "Xinhua Finance prides itself in its ability to capitalize on opportunities to expand our business, while at the same time maintaining a focus on cost controls and bottom-line discipline. As a result, our fiscal year 2006 proforma EBITDA margin, a key measure of the profitability of our underlying businesses, was 18.5%, beating our forecasted margin by 3.1%. We continue to integrate our global operations and streamline our sales and marketing approach and have realized further synergies across the group through effective implementation of cross-selling initiatives." Fiscal Year 2006 vs. Fiscal Year 2005 (IFRS) - unit: USD million Fiscal Year 2006 Fiscal Year 2005 Change Revenue 175.0 110.0 59% EBITDA(1) 23.3 21.2 10% Net Income 18.7 10.3 82% (1) EBITDA for FY2006 includes ESOP expense of US$8.1 million. For FY2005, ESOP expense was US$0.2 million. Initial and Revised Forecasts vs. Fiscal Year 2006 (IFRS) - unit: USD million Actual Forecasts FY2006 Variance(3) Initial Revised(4) Revenue 175.0 5% 166.0 166.0 EBITDA 32.4(2) 27% 25.6 25.6 Net Income 18.7 1% 13.8 18.5 (2) Proforma EBITDA excludes one time items and non cash ESOP expense. Xinhua Finance reports proforma results to help investors better understand the Company's underlying operating and financial trends. (3) From revised forecasts (4) Revised in November 2006 Fiscal Year 2006 (JGAAP) - unit: USD million Fiscal Year 2006 Revenue 175.0 EBITDA 24.7 Net Income 10.8 Fiscal Year 2007 Forecasts (IFRS) - unit: USD million Revenue 228.7 EBITDA 37.4 Net Income 27.3 Notes to Editors About Xinhua Finance Limited Xinhua Finance Limited is China's premier financial information and media service provider and is listed on the Mothers board of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (symbol: 9399) (OTC ADR: XHFNY). Bridging China's financial markets and the world, Xinhua Finance serves financial institutions, corporations and re-distributors through four focused and complementary service lines: Indices, Ratings, Financial News and Investor Relations. Founded in November 1999, the Company is headquartered in Shanghai with 20 news bureaus and offices in 19 locations across Asia, Australia, North America and Europe. For more information, please visit . This is a press release to the public and should not be relied on as information to make an investment decision by any investor. Investors should read the Company's Securities Report filed to Tokyo Stock Exchange and consider the risk factors together with other information contained therein when making an investment decision. This press release contains some forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. A number of factors could cause actual results, performance, achievements of the Company or industries in which it operates to differ materially from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. Contact information: Xinhua Finance Hong Kong/ Shanghai Ms. Joy Tsang Tel: +86-21-6113-5999, +852-948-64363 Email: Japan Mr. Jiong Sun Tel: +81-3-3221-9500 Email: Taylor Rafferty (Media contact for Xinhua Finance) Japan Mr. James Hawrylak Tel: +81-3-5733-2621 Email: United States Ms. Ishviene Arora Tel: +1-212-889-4350 Email: Europe Mr. John Dudzinsky Tel: +44-20-7614-2900 Email: SOURCE Xinhua Finance

Hand-held tester based on Windows CE platform meets assembly plant testing needs NOVI, Mich., Feb. 15 /Xingua-PRNewswire/ -- MAHLE Test Systems, a division of MAHLE Powertrain, LLC, Novi, Mich., has introduced its new Vehicle Powering Portable (VPP) tester for use in conducting in-line testing in automotive assembly plants. The new tester utilizes a self-contained battery pack and is designed for use on the company's line of handheld Windows CE tester platforms. "Our new VPP tester helps assembly plants reduce the amount of floor space dedicated to module programming and verification testing that previously has been done using rail-based end-of-line testers," said Ben Shirey, Director of MAHLE Test Systems. "It offers opportunities for assembly line flexibility and cost savings not previously available. By providing complete power to the vehicle, it can conduct any vehicle diagnostic test." The new VPP tester can be utilized to program and test electronic modules early in the assembly process before the vehicle battery is installed. This procedure traditionally has been performed by technicians using equipment either at the end of the assembly line or on a rail-based in-line station. The new VPP tester allows the plant to eliminate an entire dedicated end-of-line or rail-based test station in the assembly process, saving human resources and extensive capital outlays. The VPP tester features integrated scanning, including capture of vehicle bar codes without the need for an external scanner. Its external vehicle battery source can last up to one full, eight-hour shift, depending on testing parameters for uninterrupted operation. The battery pack can be detached and completely recharged in about one hour. For added flexibility, the VPP can also charge as a unit. "The biggest advantage of our VPP tester is its transparency to the assembly plant," said Scott Bolt, Product Development Manager for MAHLE Test Systems. "The plant can perform a model-year changeover to a radically different vehicle with radically different testing requirements, without having to drastically alter its testing processes. Our experience with this battery technology has shown excellent results during the past year of assembly plant operation throughout North America." The MAHLE Group acquired Cosworth Technology in 2005, a consultant and major supplier of powertrain and diagnostic engineering services to the global automotive industry, and created MAHLE Powertrain, LLC. It employs 600 people at its offices in Novi, MI, and Northampton, Wellingborough and Worcester in the United Kingdom. MAHLE Powertrain, LLC is unique in the automotive engineering supply business in its wide blend of capabilities, which extend from engineering services in powertrain design, development and systems integration through to complete engine manufacturing, including the casting and machining of major engine components. MAHLE Test Systems, a division of MAHLE Powertrain, LLC offers end-of-line and diagnostic engineering services and systems that are utilized today worldwide in many fields for the development of new vehicle models, in manufacturing, in service products by authorized dealers and in diagnostic test systems for the aftermarket. The MAHLE Group is one of the leading global manufacturers of components and systems for the combustion engine and its peripherals -- from Piston Systems, Cylinder Components, Valve Train Systems to Air Management Systems and Liquid Management Systems. With approximately 37,500 employees in over 80 production plants and seven R&D centers, MAHLE anticipates sales of approximately 4.3 billion euros (5.6 billion USD) in 2006, positioning the company among the top 30 largest automotive suppliers globally. The combined resources of MAHLE Powertrain, LLC and the parent company product divisions and R&D centers provides a worldwide capability to support our customers from individual components through to fully integrated powertrain systems from conceptual design through to full manufacturing. For more information on MAHLE Powertrain, LLC visit . For more information, please contact: Alan McEwan Director, Business Development MAHLE Powertrain, LLC Tel: +1-248-888-3030 Fax: +1-248-471-3680 Email: Kathy Kedzior Manager, Business Development MAHLE Test Systems Tel: +1-248-473-6514 Fax: +1-248-476-6141 Email: SOURCE MAHLE Powertrain, LLC

BARCELONA, Spain, Feb. 15 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- iaSolution Inc. announced today that it has become the exclusive Java (TM) ME Platform Partner of the leading Chinese Internet and Mobile value-added services provider Tencent (SEHK:700) to support its full range of KJava products on different mobile platforms (e.g. MTK, Windows Mobile, etc.) Being the leading Instant Messaging (IM) software provider and one of the best known consumer brands in China, Tencent's QQ IM represents over 70% of market share and has over 500 million registered user accounts, with a record of more than 20 million simultaneously online user accounts. Their mobile IM service, branded Mobile QQ, has been widely deployed and preloaded into some of the hottest selling handset models for the Chinese youth, where over 80% of those are KJava based. "Meeting the increasing consumer expectations is crucial for our customers. We are glad to see the commitment of Tencent towards Java, and we believe by combining our proven JBlend (TM) Java platform which has been deployed in about 30% of Java-enabled handsets globally with consumer-preferred branding applications like QQ, we are able to help our customers to launch more compelling products more easily. We are proud to be the first vendor in the market to offer full product line for Tencent mobile applications as pre-bundle option on JBlend." Said Derek Chim, Senior Vice President of Aplix Corporation. "Java is a preferred technology to develop mobile applications for feature phones. We are happy to work with iaSolution to further optimize our KJava-based products, and deliver a better user experience to handset users," said Chengmin Liu, Senior Vice President of Tencent. About iaSolution Inc. Established in 2000, iaSolution has committed itself to becoming the partner of choice in Asia Pacific as the wireless communication software solution provider that continuously creates values for customers and partners through superior knowledge and technologies. To realize this goal, iaSolution focuses on developing embedded software for wireless devices and application platforms for wireless services to help customers and partners to provide value-added services via wireless devices. For more information, please visit: About Aplix Corporation Aplix Corporation is the global leader in deploying Java technology in mobile devices. It was first established in 1986 and has been a Sun Java licensee since 1996. Aplix was publicly listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange (Mothers) in 2003. On August 24, 2004, Aplix and the Taiwan based company iaSolution finalized the integration of the corporations. Headquarters: Tokyo Other offices: Yokosuka, Okinawa,San Francisco, Munich, Taipei, Shanghai, Beijing, Seongnam and Seoul For more information, please visit: About the JBlend Platform The JBlend platform is the de facto solution for running Java applications and services in consumer electronics devices, including mobile phones. The platform has been licensed by over 50 companies and shipped in over 267 million mobile phone and consumer electronics devices as of September 2006. About Tencent Tencent aims to enrich the interactive experience of Internet users in China by providing a comprehensive range of Internet and wireless value-added services. Through its various online platforms, including Instant Messaging QQ, web portal, QQ Game portal, multi-media blog service Qzone and wireless WAP portal, Tencent services the largest online community in China and meets the user's needs for communication, information, entertainment and e-Commerce on the Internet. Tencent currently operates three principal lines of business: Internet value-added services, mobile and telecommunications value-added services and online advertising. Shares of Tencent Holdings Limited is traded on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, under stock code 700. For more information, please visit . * Java and all other Java-based marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries. * JBlend and all related trademarks thereto are trademarks or registered trademarks of Aplix Corporation in Japan and other countries. * All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. Media contact: Aplix Corporation Maggie Zhang Tel: +86-10-5869-5837 ext 206 Email: Web: SOURCE Aplix Corporation

WASHINGTON, Feb. 15 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- With the announcement that North Korea would suspend its nuclear programs in exchange for economic and energy aid, Riki Ellison, Founder & President of the Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance (, voiced his organization's support for what appears to be the first major step forward in diplomatic relations with North Korea in the last several years. "MDAA extends our memberships' gratitude and recognition for the bold leadership of The People's Republic of China in leading the pressure that no other country could do to bring North Korea to the accord. We must also give credit to our President who forged the relationship with the President of China and articulately convinced the Chinese that it was in their best interests to bring closure to North Korea peacefully," Ellison stated. Mr. Ellison touted the missile defense forces deployed worldwide as being key to North Korea's decision to accept the agreement, stating that, "It is resoundingly clear that the United States deployment and continued development of Missile Defense assets this past summer in lieu of the North Korean ballistic missile launches and its denotation of a nuclear weapon this past fall was part of the diplomatic solution." He further argued that "The ground based interceptors in the US and sea based interceptors throughout the Pacific, in combination with the series of successful missile defense tests this past year, sent North Korea a clear message of defense, dissuasion and deterrence that helped enabled the diplomatic solution. Because of our Missile Defense, the United States was able to be more flexible to compromise with the demands of North Korea. The investment spent on Missile Defense by our country was well worth the linkage to reduce proliferation and make that region of the world a safer place." In closing, Riki Ellison was remindful that, "It is of merit that we must, as a nation, continue to invest in missile defense and continue to deploy these systems around the world, as though the accord is successful, there will be a time when the 1 million tons of fuel will be not enough and hunger for more will drive irrational acts of world proportion." NOTE: Riki Ellison is one of the top experts and the leading layperson on missile defense with more than 25 years of experience. For more information, please contact: Chris Marks Communications Officer Tel: +1-703-299-0060 Mike Terrill Tel: +1-602-885-1955 SOURCE Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance

- Financial Impact - Return to profitability by 2008 - Employee Impact - 13,000 employee reduction; Newark Assembly Plant to be idled, shifts eliminated and total capacity reduced by 400,000 units - Redesigned business model for long-term competitiveness, including greater emphasis on fuel-efficient products, global growth and partnerships - euro 2.3 billion ($3 billion) powertrain investment leads to more fuel- efficient line-up - DaimlerChrysler is looking into further strategic options with partners AUBURN HILLS, Mich., Feb. 15 /Xinhua-PRNewswire / -- DaimlerChrysler AG's Chrysler Group today announced a three-year Recovery and Transformation Plan that seeks a return to profitability by 2008 while also taking steps to change its business model for the long run. The plan will result in an employee reduction of 13,000 people from 2007 to 2009. Chrysler Group President and CEO Tom LaSorda outlined the plan at the DaimlerChrysler AG Annual Press Conference, held in Auburn Hills, Michigan. Dr. Dieter Zetsche, Chairman of the Board of Management of DaimlerChrysler: "The Chrysler Team worked out a comprehensive Recovery and Transformation Plan using all resources within DaimlerChrysler. In addition to that and in order to optimize and accelerate the presented plan, we are looking into further strategic options with partners beyond the business cooperation partners mentioned. In this regard, we do not exclude any option in order to find the best solution for both the Chrysler Group and DaimlerChrysler." Overall, the Recovery and Transformation Plan is aimed at a return to profitability with a primary focus on costs. It is structured to over-achieve in order to offset potential unforeseen market headwinds, resulting in a target of euro 3.5 billion ($4.5 billion) of financial improvements - or a return on sales of 2.5 percent - by 2009. "There are two integrated parts to the plan," LaSorda said. "First, the Chrysler Group needs to solidify its position in the North American marketplace. In addition, the key to our long-term success will be our ability to transform the organization into a different company to achieve and sustain long-term profitability." The program will be supported by a euro 2.3 billion ($3 billion) investment in new engines, transmissions and axles, which will set the table for a product offensive of more than 20 all-new and 13 refreshed vehicles from 2007 to 2009. RECOVERY The Recovery plan is aimed at a return to profitability through a combination of revenue programs and by sharply focusing on costs. The key measures include: Revenue Management - Continue the product offensive with eight new and five refreshed products in 2007. Key products include the new Chrysler Town & Country and Dodge Grand Caravan minivans, mid-size Dodge Avenger sedan, Chrysler Sebring convertible and a Jeep(R) Liberty that completes the revamping and expansion of the Jeep family. - Improve the retail-to-fleet mix, build momentum with new offerings in global markets and improve the effectiveness of marketing and incentive spending. - Reduce and optimize the dealer network to improve dealer profitability. Material and Fixed Costs - Reduce material costs by up to euro 1.15 billion ($1.5 billion) by 2009. - Explore the sale of support operations, including transportation services. Capacity & Efficiency - Reduce total production capacity by 400,000 units per year. - In 2007, eliminate a shift at Newark (Delaware) Assembly Plant and the Warren (Michigan) Truck Plant. In 2008, eliminate a shift at St. Louis (Missouri) South Assembly Plant. - Idle Newark Assembly Plant in 2009. - Idle the Cleveland (Ohio) Parts Distribution Center in December 2007. - Adjust powertrain, stamping and component operations to reflect reduced capacity. Employee Reduction - Overall, Chrysler Group will reduce the number of employees by 13,000, or approximately 16 percent. - Hourly employment will be reduced by 11,000 over three years, with 9,000 in the U.S. and 2,000 in Canada (4,700 in the U.S. and 1,100 in Canada in 2007 alone). - Of the U.S. hourly total, 4,000 employees will be impacted by assembly plant actions; 1,000 by reduced capacity in powertrain, stamping and other component operations; 1,000 by other actions including the potential sale of support functions; and 3,000 through technology, efficiency and productivity. - Salaried employment will be reduced by 2,000 over the next two years, with 1,000 each in 2007 and 2008. - Special retirement programs and other termination and attrition programs will be announced separately. LaSorda said these actions complement significant other restructuring measures taken since 2001. Previous to this announcement, the company closed, idled or sold 16 plants (five assembly, 11 component) and reduced its workforce by one-third. The financial impact of these Recovery measures will be seen beginning in 2007 with a restructuring charge of up to euro 1 billion ($1.3 billion), with the net cash impact for the year of about euro 800 million ($1 billion). The impact of the balance will be in the following two years. In 2007, the Chrysler Group expects to further reduce dealer inventories to align with market demand, which will result in a reduction in operating profit of approximately euro 230 million ($300 million). TRANSFORMATION Key parts of the Transformation will be a greater global footprint and a shift in the product mix to smaller, more fuel-efficient vehicles. Currently, North America represents some 90 percent of the Chrysler Group's business, and its product line-up has historically been heavily weighted toward minivans, trucks and sport utility vehicles. "Those two factors were advantages for Chrysler Group once upon a time," said LaSorda, "but the rules of the global marketplace have changed. High fuel prices and other dramatic shifts in the market have driven a shift in consumer preferences to smaller, more fuel-efficient vehicles. We must make some strategic adjustments to build off our historic strengths, but not rely on them so much so that we are put at a competitive disadvantage" he said. "That will require a redesigned business model, with three primary areas of strategic focus", LaSorda said. "First, the Chrysler Group will add a more robust customer and brand focus while continuing to stress product leadership. In addition, we must achieve better global balance and rely more heavily on leveraging partnerships to manage costs while finding growth opportunities." Specifically LaSorda pointed to the following initiatives: Customer and Brand Focus - Continue the product offensive through 2009, with more than 20 all-new vehicles and 13 refreshed vehicles. - Build on its existing product strengths through new entries in the minivan, pick-up truck and select rear-drive full-size vehicles. At the same time, the company will learn to do more with less with a plan to reduce product platforms from the current 12 to seven by the year 2012. - Expand into new commercial vehicle segments, including entering the Class 4 & 5 truck segments for the first time. - Continue the shift to a car/truck mix that is less reliant on trucks. - Invest in powertrain with euro 2.3 billion ($3 billion) dedicated to new engines, transmissions and axles, in order to move toward a portfolio that is more fuel efficient. That will include a common axle program for all vehicles, plus work on a new transmission technology. Last week, the company signed a non-binding memorandum of understanding with Getrag (a German-based supplier) to develop this more fuel efficient "dual clutch" transmission technology. - As part of that powertrain offensive, the company has under development a new V-6 engine platform (dubbed "Phoenix"), which is targeted to reduce the number of six-cylinder engine families from four to one. - In addition, Chrysler Group will introduce its first two-mode full hybrid with the 2008 Dodge Durango, and is also evaluating a mild hybrid for future applications. - Finally, it will expand its line-up of diesel engines, including several BLUETEC-labeled vehicles, a designation emblematic of the cleanest diesel in its class. Increase Global Presence - Avoid nameplate redundancies in North America and develop and introduce vehicle programs aimed at global markets. - Use third parties where possible to access regional products and markets where it makes economic sense. - Balance supplier purchasing globally by targeting euro 3.8 billion ($5 billion) of additional purchasing to low-cost sources to complement the company's global growth. Partnerships - Better use of alliances and partnerships around the world, such as the Chrysler Group does currently with: - In manufacturing, an agreement with Volkswagen to build minivans in North America for VW's dealers. - In retail, such as in Mexico where it sells a Hyundai-produced vehicle as the Dodge Atos, and soon will sell a small cargo van produced in Taiwan - In import opportunities, such as the recently-announced agreement in principle with Chery Automobile Company of China (contingent upon approvals from the DaimlerChrysler Supervisory Board and the Chinese government) produce a small car for sale in North America and Europe. - And in focused partnerships, such as the GEMA World Engine project with Hyundai and Mitsubishi in Dundee, Michigan, or the DaimlerChrysler consortium with General Motors and BMW to develop hybrids. Further information from DaimlerChrysler is available on the Internet at . For more information, please contact: Chrysler Group Jason Vines Tel: +1-248-512-3164 Email: Mike Aberlich Tel: +1-248-512-2704 Email: David Elshoff Tel: +1-248-512-2690 Email: SOURCE Chrysler Group

SAN RAMON, Calif., Feb. 15 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Solera Holdings, LLC ("Solera"), a leading provider of software and services to the automobile insurance claims processing industry, today announced that it has filed a registration statement on Form S-1 with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") relating to a proposed initial public offering of its common stock. The offered shares will be sold by Solera and potentially certain stockholders of the company. Solera intends to use the net proceeds from the offering to reduce its outstanding indebtedness. Solera will not receive any of the proceeds from the sale of shares of common stock by the selling stockholders to the extent such sales occur. Goldman, Sachs & Co. and JPMorgan will act as joint book-running managers for the offering. The number of shares to be offered and the price range for the offering have not yet been determined. When available, copies of the preliminary prospectus relating to this offering may be obtained from Goldman, Sachs & Co., 85 Broad Street, New York, New York 10004, fax: 212-902-9316 or email at or JPMorgan, located at Prospectus Department, 4 Chase Metrotech Center, CS Level, Brooklyn, NY 11245, telephone (718) 242-8002 or email at A registration statement relating to the common stock has been filed with the SEC but has not yet become effective. The common stock may not be sold nor may offers to buy be accepted prior to the time the registration statement becomes effective. This press release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy nor shall there be any sale of the common stock in any State or other jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such State or other jurisdiction. For more information, please contact: Solera Holdings, LLC Jack Pearlstein Tel: +1-925-866-4865 Email: John Schwinn Tel: +1-925-790-4002 Email: SOURCE Solera Holdings, LLC

All Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts Now Available to Expedia and Customers BELLEVUE, Wash., Feb. 15 /Xinhua-PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Expedia, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPE), the world's leading online travel company, today announced it has signed a strategic partnership with Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts. The new relationship increases the breadth of offerings on, and all Expedia(R) points of sale worldwide by providing access to Shangri-La's distinctive hotels and resorts. "Shangri-La hotels & resorts are synonymous with luxury and personalized care," said Cameron Jones, regional director of Expedia Asia Pacific. "Expedia is excited to offer our customers increased access to Shangri-La properties while working closely with Shangri-La to enhance and extend its brand across all of our points-of-sale." The new agreement expands upon Expedia's industry-leading hotel selection in the rapidly growing Asia Pacific market and helps ensure customers receive the best rates at the hotel of their choice. As part of the agreement, Shangri-La gains access to marketing and merchandising opportunities across all Expedia brands while benefiting from exposure to the more than 60 million unique monthly visitors worldwide to Expedia, Inc.'s Web sites. "Providing access to our hotel portfolio across Expedia, Inc.'s sites delivers additional convenience for our guests without sacrificing the personal touch and superior service they have come to expect from Shangri-La," said Martin F. Waechter, chief marketing officer of Shangri-La. About Expedia Partner Services Group Expedia Partner Services Group offers its supplier partners choice, seamless coordination and complete access to our vast traveler base. The formation of the Partner Services Group is a testament of Expedia's commitment to continually refine the way we conduct business by seeking our suppliers' input and customizing our services to meet their needs. About Expedia, Inc. Expedia, Inc. is the world's leading online travel company, empowering business and leisure travelers with the tools and information they need to easily research, plan, book, and experience travel. Expedia, Inc. also provides wholesale travel to offline retail travel agents. Expedia, Inc.'s portfolio of brands includes:,, Hotwire(R), Expedia(R) Corporate Travel, TripAdvisor(R) and Classic Vacations(R). Expedia, Inc.'s companies also operate internationally with sites in Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Australia, Japan and China, through its investment in eLong(TM). For more information, visit . About Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts Hong Kong-based Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts, Asia Pacific's leading luxury hotel group, currently manages 50 hotels under the five-star Shangri-La and four-star Traders brands, with a rooms inventory of over 24,000. The group has over 40 projects under development in Canada, mainland China, France, India, Japan, Macau, Maldives, Philippines, Qatar, Seychelles, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and the United States. For more information or reservations, please contact a travel professional or access the website at . NOTE: Expedia and are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Expedia, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Classic Vacations is either a trademark or registered trademark of Classic Vacations, LLC in the U.S. and/or other countries. is either a trademark or registered trademark of, L.P., a subsidiary of in the U.S. and/or other countries. Hotwire is either a trademark or registered trademark of Hotwire, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. TripAdvisor is either a trademark or registered trademark of TripAdvisor, LLC in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other logos or product and company names mentioned herein may be the property of their respective owners. CST: 2029030-40 For more information, please contact: Katrina Thomas Expedia Tel: +1-425-679-4317 Email: SOURCE Expedia, Inc.

SAN RAMON, Calif., Feb. 15 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Achievo(R) Corporation, the leading global software and information technology outsourcing provider with a local front-end and China back-end service model, today announced it has achieved an overall ranking of No. 2 on the annual Top Ten Offshore Outsourcing Vendors (China) list as compiled by Brown-Wilson Group. Brown-Wilson principals Doug Brown and Scott Wilson are authors of the best-selling book, The Black Book of Outsourcing. (Logo: ) "The latest edition of The Black Book of Outsourcing Survey divides the outsourcing industry into more than 80 functional sub categories, over 500 functions, 30 industries, 4,000 vendors, and multiple regional geographies on 44 measures of criteria," said Douglas Brown, president of the Brown-Wilson Group. "The sub list `Top 100 ITO Offshore: China' surveyed buyers who are outsourcing IT and software development to China via third party vendors such as Achievo. Our survey results indicate that buyers are experiencing a high level of satisfaction with Achievo's local front end/China back end service model." More than 120,000 questionnaires were issued for the 2006 survey to prospective respondents judging the performance and satisfaction of nearly 4,000 vendors in various categories such as mid-market and large market subsets, types of industries and regional geographies. "Achievo's local front-end is key to delivering the highest quality of software and information technology services to companies anywhere in the world," said Dr. Robert P. Lee, chairman and chief executive officer of Achievo Corporation. "We strive to provide our clients with the best services and support to help them better manage their business and give them a competitive advantage in the global marketplace. This recognition validates the hard work and commitment of our employees worldwide." Achievo's local front-end/China back-end service model differentiates Achievo from all other outsourcing companies and uniquely enables the company to leverage the extensive value proposition presented by China. The final 2006 rankings for all outsourcing niches and sub lists can be viewed at . About the Brown-Wilson Group and The Black Book Of Outsourcing Brown & Wilson Group delivers consistent, professional consulting services around the world helping companies, businesses, government agencies and corporate conglomerates better manage and compete in this fast-paced economy, locally and globally. The company is regarded as the world's leading Outsourcing Advisory, and is the producer of The Black Book Of Outsourcing and the trusted annual ranking of the Top 50 "Best Managed" Global Outsourcing Vendors. The Black Book Of Outsourcing is widely regarded by outsourcing industry experts as a one-of-a-kind resource for the business community. For more information, visit . About Achievo Achievo is a global offshore software and information technology outsourcing provider with a local front-end and China back-end service model. With expertise in diverse technologies including Java/J2EE, .NET and embedded platforms, the CMM- and ISO- certified company offers improved efficiencies, scale, diversification, and a combined talent pool to deliver cost-effective, quality-centric, and scalable IT outsourcing services to customers and partners worldwide. Customers include Accela, Audi, BMO Bank of Montreal, Computer Associates, China Mobile, DaimlerChrysler, Hitachi, Honda, Mitsubishi, NETGEAR, Nomura, Siemens, Toyota and Vidient. Headquartered in the Silicon Valley, Achievo has offices in the United States, Canada, Germany, Greater China and Japan. For information on the company and its services, visit . (C) 2007 Achievo Corporation. All rights reserved. Achievo is a registered trademark of Achievo Corporation in the United States and in other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. For more information, please contact: Jayme Curtis, Public Relations Achievo Corporation Tel: +1-408-892-8661 Email: SOURCE Achievo(R) Corporation

SHANGHAI, China, Feb. 15 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The9 Limited (Nasdaq: NCTY)("The9"), a leading online game operator in China, today announced its unaudited financial results for the fourth quarter and fiscal year ended December 31, 2006. Fourth Quarter 2006 Financial Highlights: -- Net revenues for the fourth quarter of 2006 increased by 21% quarter- over-quarter and 33% year-over-year to RMB282.7 million (US$36.2 million). -- Net revenues attributable to the operations of Blizzard Entertainment(R)'s World of Warcraft(R) ("WoW")(1), which included revenues from game playing time, merchandise and installation package sales, increased by 22% quarter-over-quarter and 33% year-over-year to RMB281.4 million (US$36.1 million) in the fourth quarter of 2006. -- Net income for the fourth quarter of 2006 was RMB105.1 million (US$13.5 million), a 63% increase from RMB64.3 million (US$8.2 million) in the third quarter of 2006, and a 54% increase from RMB68.3 million (US$8.8 million) in the fourth quarter of 2005. Excluding a financial subsidy of RMB19.8 million (US$2.5 million) received from the local government in the fourth quarter of 2006, net income for the fourth quarter of 2006 increased by 33% from the previous quarter. -- EBITDA (non-GAAP) was RMB146.6 million (US$18.8 million) in the fourth quarter of 2006, a quarter-over-quarter increase of 39% from RMB105.4 million (US$13.5 million) in the third quarter of 2006, and a year- over-year increase of 35% from RMB 108.9 (US$14.0 million) in the fourth quarter of 2005. -- Fully diluted earnings per share (one American Depositary Share "ADS" represents one ordinary share) were RMB4.25 (US$0.54) for the fourth quarter of 2006, compared with RMB2.61 (US$0.33) for the third quarter of 2006, and RMB2.82 (US$0.36) for the fourth quarter of 2005. Fully diluted EBITDA (non-GAAP) per share were RMB5.93 (US$0.76) for the fourth quarter of 2006, compared with RMB4.28 (US$0.55) for the third quarter of 2006 and RMB4.50 (US$0.58) for the fourth quarter of 2005. Fiscal Year 2006 Financial Highlights: -- Net revenues for the fiscal year 2006 increased by 112% year-over-year to RMB985.8 million (US$126.3 million) from RMB465.0 million (US$59.6 million) for the fiscal year 2005. -- Net income for the fiscal year 2006 was RMB312.5 million (US$40.0 million), a 331% increase year-over-year from RMB72.5 million (US$9.3 million) for the fiscal year 2005. Excluding financial subsidies of RMB31.0 million (US$4.0 million) and RMB13.4 million (US$1.7 million) received from the local government in fiscal year 2006 and 2005 respectively, net income for fiscal year 2006 increased by 376% from fiscal year 2005. -- EBITDA (non-GAAP) was RMB476.3 million (US$61.0 million) for fiscal year 2006, compared with EBITDA (non-GAAP) of RMB151.6 million (US$19.4 million) for fiscal year 2005. -- Fully diluted earnings per share were RMB12.72 (US$1.63) and EBITDA (non-GAAP) per share were RMB19.39 (US$2.48) for the fiscal year 2006, compared with fully diluted earnings per share RMB2.92 (US$0.37) and fully diluted EBITDA (non-GAAP) per share RMB6.11 (US$0.78) for the fiscal year 2005. Management Comments: Commenting on the fourth quarter 2006 results, Jun Zhu, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of The9 said, "We are very pleased to report record revenues and earnings for our fourth quarter and fiscal year 2006. In the fourth quarter of 2006, Blizzard Entertainment's World of Warcraft game attained peak and average concurrent users of over 680,000 and 340,000, respectively, in mainland China. As of December 31, 2006, approximately 6.8 million paid accounts had been activated(2). In addition to the World of Warcraft, which continues to experience steady growth, two of our new games, Guild Wars and Soul of The Ultimate Nation(TM) are currently in limited open beta testing and close beta testing respectively. In addition, to date in 2007, we have obtained exclusive licenses to operate in mainland China Ragnarok Online 2 and Emil Chronicle Online, two cartoon-style massively multiplayer online role playing games, and Huxley, a highly-rated massively multiplayer online first-person shooting game. Entering 2007, we believe The9 possesses one of the strongest and most diversified game portfolios in the China online game industry. With our strong pipeline of games, The9 will continue to leverage its solid operating capabilities to deliver multiple high-caliber games in the mainland China market and will provide fulfilling and exciting entertainment to Chinese online game players." Hannah Lee, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, commented, "We are encouraged to see Blizzard Entertainment's World of Warcraft game resumed strong growth momentum in the fourth quarter of 2006, proving that the strategy in the third quarter of 2006, such as merging servers and opening new server sites, were worthwhile investments for the WoW game. In the meantime, several of our new games are being prepared for the Chinese market. We expect the year 2007 will be an even more exciting year as we plan to roll out the highly anticipated expansion pack for World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade(TM), to introduce multiple high-caliber games to the mainland China market, and to further enhance and diversify our product pipeline. Executing on our strategy, we will continue to leverage The9's leading market position as well as operational experiences and strengths to drive long-term sustainable shareholder value." (1) World of Warcraft and Blizzard Entertainment are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. (2) Activated paid accounts represent the number of CD Keys that we sold to customers and have been activated by customers to log-on to Blizzard Entertainment's World of Warcraft game in China. Discussion of The9's Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2006 Results (Preliminary Unaudited) Revenues For the fourth quarter of 2006, The9 reported net revenues of RMB282.7 million (US$36.2 million), a 21% increase from the third quarter of 2006 and 33% increase from the fourth quarter of 2005. For fiscal year 2006, net revenues increased by 112% to RMB985.8 million (US$126.3 million) from RMB 465.0 million (US$59.6 million) in fiscal year 2005. The substantial year-over-year revenue increase is primarily the result of The9 commencing commercial operation of Blizzard Entertainment's World of Warcraft game in mainland China in June 2005. In fiscal year 2005, approximately seven months of revenues from WoW was recorded, whereas in fiscal year 2006, WoW was in full year operations. For the fourth quarter and fiscal year 2006, net revenues attributable to the operations of WoW, including game playing time, merchandise sales and other related revenues, were RMB281.4 million (US$36.1 million) and RMB977.6 million (US$125.3 million), respectively. For the fourth quarter of 2006, online game services gross revenues were RMB296.7 million (US$38.0 million), a 23% increase from the third quarter of 2006 and 34% increase from the fourth quarter of 2005. For fiscal year 2006, these revenues were RMB1,028.0 million (US$131.7 million), compared with RMB466.6 million (US$59.8 million) in fiscal year 2005. For the fourth quarter of 2006, gross revenues from game operating support, website solutions and advertisement, were RMB0.5 million (US$0.06 million), a decrease of 81% from the previous quarter and 44% from the same period of last year. For fiscal year 2006, these revenues were RMB4.8 million (US$0.6 million), a decrease of 21% from RMB6.1 million (US$0.8 million) in fiscal year 2005. The decrease in these revenues was mainly due to the decline in revenues of the MU game. Other gross revenues mainly included sales of WoW related merchandise and installation packages. For the fourth quarter of 2006, other gross revenues decreased to RMB0.6 million (US$0.08 million) from RMB1.9 million (US$0.2 million) in the third quarter of 2006 and RMB1.8 million (US$0.2 million) in the fourth quarter of 2005. For fiscal year 2006, other gross revenues decreased by 66% to RMB5.6 million (US$0.7 million) from RMB16.6 million (US$2.1 million) in fiscal year 2005, primarily due to a decrease of sales of WoW installation packages in fiscal year 2006 compared to such sales in fiscal year 2005, when more installation packages were sold with the commercialization of the WoW game in June 2005. Gross Profit Gross profit for the fourth quarter of 2006 increased by 25% quarter-over-quarter and 38% year-over-year to RMB134.7 million (US$17.3 million), mainly due to increased revenues. Gross profit margin increased to 48% for the fourth quarter of 2006 from 46% in both the previous quarter and the same period of last year. The sequential improvement in gross profit margin was mainly because of increased player usage and utilization of server capacities in the fourth quarter of 2006 following the completion of planned server merges and opening of a new server site in the third quarter of 2006. For fiscal year 2006, gross profit increased by 106% to RMB461.8 million (US$59.2 million) from RMB224.6 million (US$28.8 million) in fiscal year 2005. The year-over-year increase of gross profit was primarily due to full year revenue contribution from operations of Blizzard Entertainment's World of Warcraft in fiscal year 2006 versus only approximately seven months of revenue contribution in fiscal year 2005. Gross profit margin for fiscal year 2006 was 47%, remained relatively stable compared to 48% for fiscal year 2005. Operating Expenses For the fourth quarter of 2006, operating expenses were RMB54.7 million (US$7.0 million), a 23% increase from RMB44.6 million (US$5.7 million) in the previous quarter and 22% increase from RMB44.7 million (US$5.7 million) in the same period of last year. The sequential increase in operating expenses was a combined result of increased sales and marketing expenses relating to the preparation for the launch of Guild Wars and the Soul of the Ultimate Nation(TM) games in mainland China, and increased general and administrative expenses due to higher year-end related professional fees. For fiscal year 2006, operating expenses totaled RMB191.6 million (US$24.6 million), a 16% increase from RMB164.9 million (US$21.1 million) for the fiscal year of 2005. This was primarily due to increased general and administrative expenses primarily related to headcount increase, share-based compensation expenses resulting from the adoption of SFAS 123(R), Share-Based Payment, effective from January 1, 2006, and higher professional fees. Income from Operations For the fourth quarter of 2006, profit from operations increased by 26% quarter-over-quarter and 52% year-over-year to RMB80.0 million (US$10.3 million). Operating margin for the fourth quarter of 2006 was 28%, compared to 27% in the third quarter of 2006 and 25% in the fourth quarter of 2005. For fiscal year 2006, we recorded profit from operations of RMB270.2 million (US$34.6 million), a 352% increase compared with RMB59.7 million (US$7.6 million) in fiscal year 2005. Operating margin for the fiscal year 2006 was 27%, compared to 13% in the fiscal year 2005. Consistent with revenue growth, this significant improvement was primarily due to full year commercial operations of World of Warcraft in fiscal year 2006 versus approximately seven months in fiscal year 2005. Other Income (Expenses) Other income for the fourth quarter of 2006 was RMB19.1 million (US$2.5 million) compared to other expenses of RMB1.0 million (US$0.1 million) in the third quarter of 2006 and RMB12.2 million (US$1.6 million) in the fourth quarter of 2005. The sequential improvement was primarily due to the receipt of a financial subsidy of RMB19.8 million (US$2.5 million) from the local government, whereas no similar financial subsidy was received in the third quarter of 2006. For fiscal year 2006, other income increased by 96% to RMB28.4 million (US$3.6 million) from RMB14.5 million (US$1.9 million) in fiscal year 2005. This was primarily because in fiscal year 2006, we received financial subsidies from the local government which amounted to RMB31.0 million (US$4.0 million), whereas in fiscal year 2005, such financial subsidies only amounted to RMB13.4 million (US$1.7 million). Gain on Investment Disposal In the fourth quarter of 2006, we recognized a gain of approximately RMB23.4 million (US$3.0 million) from the sale of our equity interest in the joint venture in Taiwan that operates Blizzard Entertainment's World of Warcraft in other greater China regions. Impairment Loss on Investment In the fourth quarter of 2006, we recorded an impairment provision of RMB20.4 million (US$2.6 million) in connection with an investment accounted for by the Company under the equity method. No such impairment was recognized in fiscal year 2005. Loss on Equity Investments For the fourth quarter of 2006, loss on equity investments, net of taxes, amounted to RMB1.1 million (US$0.1 million), which remained relatively stable compared to a loss of RMB1.2 million (US$0.2 million) for the third quarter of 2006, but represented a 75% improvement compared to a loss of RMB4.6 million (US$0.6 million) for the fourth quarter of 2005. The significant year-over-year improvement was primarily due to the joint venture that operates World of Warcraft in other greater China regions, which we disposed of in late fiscal year 2006, recorded a profit during the fourth quarter of 2006, which offset, to a large extent, the losses made by other affiliated companies that were still in the development or early game commercialization stages. The joint venture recorded a loss during the same period of last year. For fiscal year 2006, we recorded RMB0.9 million (US$0.1 million) of loss on equity investments, net of taxes, compared to a loss of RMB13.7 million (US$1.8 million) for fiscal year 2005. This is also due to the reasons explained above. Net Income For the fourth quarter of 2006, net income was RMB105.1 million (US$13.5 million), which increased by 63% quarter-over-quarter from RMB64.3 million (US$8.2 million) in the third quarter of 2006 and 54% year-over-year from RMB68.3 million (US$8.8 million) in the fourth quarter of 2005. This was a result of the cumulative effect of the foregoing factors. Fully diluted earnings per share and per ADS for the fourth quarter of 2006 was RMB4.25 (US$0.54), compared to RMB2.61 (US$0.33) in the third quarter of 2006 and RMB2.82 (US$0.36) in the fourth quarter of 2005. For fiscal year 2006, net income totaled RMB312.5 million (US$40.0 million), a 331% increase from RMB72.5 million (US$9.3 million) for fiscal year 2005. This was a result of the cumulative effect of the foregoing factors. Fully diluted earnings per share and per ADS for fiscal year 2006 was RMB12.72 (US$1.63), compared to RMB2.92 (US0.37) in fiscal year 2005. EBITDA (non-GAAP) is defined as earnings or loss, respectively, before depreciation of fixed assets, amortization of intangibles and income tax expenses/benefits, as applicable. For the fourth quarter of 2006, EBITDA (non-GAAP) was RMB146.6 million (US$18.8 million) compared to EBITDA (non-GAAP) of RMB105.4 million (US$13.5 million) for the previous quarter and RMB108.9 million (US$14.0 million) for the same period of last year. For fiscal year 2006, EBITDA (non-GAAP) totaled RMB476.3 million (US$61.0 million) compared to EBITDA (non-GAAP) of RMB151.6 million (US$19.4 million) for the fiscal year 2005. For the fourth quarter of 2006, fully diluted EBITDA (non-GAAP) per share was RMB5.93 (US$0.76) compared with RMB4.28 (US$0.55) for the third quarter of 2006 and RMB4.50 (US$0.58) in the fourth quarter of 2005. For fiscal year 2006, fully diluted EBITDA (non-GAAP) per share was RMB19.39 (US$2.48) compared with EBITDA (non-GAAP) per share of RMB6.11 (US$0.78) for fiscal year of 2005. As at December 31, 2006, the Company's total cash and cash equivalents balance was RMB937.8 million (US$120.2 million). The increase in cash and cash equivalents from RMB488.2 million (US$62.6 million) as at December 31, 2005 was mainly due to the combined result of increased receipts from prepaid game points, and the above-mentioned financial subsidies, offset in part by purchases of servers, prepaid royalty payments to the licensor relating to WoW's China operations, the final payments in early 2006 relating to the purchase of the remaining interest in the entity that operates WoW in China, and payments relating to the license fees for the Guild Wars and Hellgate: London games as well as an equity investment made during the year. The conversion of Renminbi (RMB) into U.S. dollars (US$) in this press release is based on the noon buying rate in The City of New York for cable transfers in Renminbi per U.S. dollar as certified for customs purposes by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York as of December 29, 2006 (the last business day of fourth quarter and fiscal year 2006), which was RMB7.8041 to US$1.00. The percentages stated in this press release are calculated based on the RMB amounts. Note to the Financial Information The unaudited financial information disclosed above is preliminary. The audit of the financial statements and related notes to be included in our annual report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2006 is still in progress. Adjustments to the financial statements may be identified when audit work is completed, which could result in significant difference from the audited financial statements to this preliminary unaudited financial information. In addition, because management's evaluation of our internal controls over financial reporting in connection with of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 has not yet been completed, we make no representations as to the effectiveness of those internal controls as of the end of our 2006 fiscal year. Non-GAAP Measure To supplement the consolidated financial statements presented in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States ("GAAP"), The9 uses the non-GAAP measure of EBITDA, which is adjusted from the most directly comparable financial measures calculated and presented in accordance with GAAP to exclude certain expenses. The non-GAAP financial measure is provided to enhance investors' overall understanding of the Company's operating performance. EBITDA (non-GAAP) is defined as earnings before depreciation of fixed assets, amortization of intangibles and income tax expenses/benefits, as applicable. The Company believes its EBITDA provides useful information to both management and investors as it excludes certain expenses that are not expected to result in future cash payments. The use of EBITDA has certain limitations. Depreciation and amortization expense for various assets and income tax expenses/benefits have been and will be incurred and are not reflected in the presentation of EBITDA. Each of these items should also be considered in the overall evaluation of our results. EBITDA should not be considered as a measure of our liquidity. We compensate for these limitations by providing the relevant disclosure of our depreciation and amortization, and income tax expenses/benefits in our reconciliations to the GAAP financial measure, which should be considered when evaluating our performance. EBITDA is not defined under GAAP, and our EBITDA is not a measure of net income, operating income, operating performance or liquidity presented in accordance with GAAP. When assessing our operating performance, you should not consider this data in isolation or as a substitute for our net income, operating income or any other operating performance measure that is calculated in accordance with GAAP. In addition, our EBITDA may not be comparable to similarly titled measures utilized by other companies since such other companies may not calculate EBITDA in the same manner as we do. For more information on this non-GAAP financial measure, please see the tables captioned "Reconciliation of non-GAAP to GAAP results" set forth at the end of this release. Management Appointment The9 today announced that it has appointed Fumin (Benjamin) Lin as Vice President, effective February 14, 2007. Mr. Lin will participate in leading various aspects of The9's game operations. Before joining The9, since January 2006, Mr. Lin has served as General Manager of Joypark Webstar Technology Co., Ltd. in Beijing, an affiliated company of Softstar Entertainment Inc. From October 2001 to December 2005, Mr. Lin has served various management functions at Square-Enix Webstar Inc., a joint venture between Softstar Entertainment Inc. in Taiwan and Square Enix Co., Ltd. in Japan, and led it to be the leading game developer and publisher in Asia. From October 2000 to September 2001, he had served as Assistant Vice President of Webstar Inc. in Taipei. Prior to that, Benjamin had worked as a product manager at Softstar Entertainment Inc. and Dynalab Inc. Mr. Lin is experienced in leading MMORPG operations in China. Mr. Lin received his Bachelor's degree in Arts & Advertisement from the Chinese Culture University in Taipei, Taiwan. Other Developments The9 also announced that it has entered into an agreement to purchase the office building in Shanghai, PRC, in which it is currently headquartered, and has leased since mid 2005. It is expected that The9 will utilize its existing working capital to fund this capital investment. Conference Call / Webcast Information The9's management team will host a conference call on Wednesday, February 14, 2007 at 8:00 PM, US Eastern Time, corresponding with Thursday, February 15, 2007 at 9:00 AM, Beijing Time, to present an overview of The9's financial performance and business operations. Investors, analysts and other interested parties will be able to access the live conference by calling +1-617-597-5325, password "88306312". In the U.S., members of the financial community may also participate in the call by dialing toll-free +1-866-713-8566, password "88306312". A replay of the call will be available through February 22, 2007. The dial-in details for the replay: U.S. toll free number +1-888-286-8010, International dial-in number +1-617-801-6888; Password "34934768". The9 Limited will also provide a live webcast of the earnings call. Participants in the webcast should log onto the Company's web site 15 minutes prior to the call, then click on the icon for "The9 Limited Q4 and Fiscal Year 2006 Earnings Conference Call" and follow the instructions. About The9 Limited The9 Limited is a leading online game operator in China. The9's business is primarily focused on operating and developing MMORPGs for the Chinese online game players market. The9 directly or through affiliates operates licensed MMORPGs, consisting of MU(R), Mystina Online, Blizzard Entertainment(R)'s World of Warcraft(R), and its first proprietary MMORPG, Joyful Journey West(TM), in China. It has also obtained exclusive licenses to operate additional MMORPGs in China, including Granado Espada, Soul of The Ultimate Nation(TM), Guild Wars, Hellgate: London, Ragnarok Online 2, Emil Chronicle Online and Huxley. In addition, The9 is also working on the development of a 3D fantasy MMORPG game, Fantasy Melody Online(TM). Safe Harbor Statement This announcement contains forward-looking statements. These statements are made under the "safe harbor" provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements can be identified by terminology such as "will," "expects," "anticipates," "future," "intends," "plans," "believes," "estimates" and similar statements. Among other things, the business outlook and quotations from management in this press release contain forward-looking statements. The9 may also make written or oral forward-looking statements in its periodic reports to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on Forms 20-F and 6-K, etc., in its annual report to shareholders, in press releases and other written materials and in oral statements made by its officers, directors or employees to third parties. Statements that are not historical facts, including statements about The9's beliefs and expectations, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties. A number of important factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement. Potential risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, The9's limited operating history as an online game operator, political and economic policies of the Chinese government, the laws and regulations governing the online game industry, information disseminated over the Internet and Internet content providers in China, intensified government regulation of Internet cafes, The9's ability to retain existing players and attract new players, license, develop or acquire additional online games that are appealing to users, anticipate and adapt to changing consumer preferences and respond to competitive market conditions, and other risks and uncertainties outlined in The9's filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, including its annual reports on Form 20-F. The9 does not undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking statement, except as required under applicable law. THE9 LIMITED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME (Expressed in Renminbi - RMB and US Dollars - US$, except share data) Quarter Ended December 31, September 30, December 31, December 31, 2005 2006 2006 2006 RMB RMB RMB US$ (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) Revenues: Online game services 220,717,384 241,164,777 296,721,036 38,021,173 Game operating support, website solutions and advertisement 887,822 2,671,945 495,169 63,450 Other revenues 1,795,408 1,917,314 598,872 76,738 223,400,614 245,754,036 297,815,077 38,161,361 Sales Taxes (11,164,248) (12,367,467) (15,138,187) (1,939,774) Net Revenues 212,236,366 233,386,569 282,676,890 36,221,587 Cost of Services (114,950,079) (125,522,051) (147,970,185) (18,960,570) Gross Profit 97,286,287 107,864,518 134,706,705 17,261,017 Operating Expenses: Product development (7,825,264) (7,749,225) (5,176,455) (663,299) Sales and marketing (14,172,398) (11,699,467) (17,982,287) (2,304,210) General and administrative (22,666,412) (25,112,296) (31,501,431) (4,036,523) Total operating expenses: (44,664,074) (44,560,988) (54,660,173) (7,004,032) Profit from operations 52,622,213 63,303,530 80,046,532 10,256,985 Interest income, net 642,082 2,479,258 3,023,648 387,444 Other income (expenses), net 12,208,696 (1,034,921) 19,123,592 2,450,455 Income before income tax benefit (expense), gain on investment disposal, minority interest and loss on equity investments 65,472,991 64,747,867 102,193,772 13,094,884 Income tax benefit (expense) 733,186 794,368 1,015,569 130,133 Income before gain on investment disposal, impairment loss on investment and loss on equity investments 66,206,177 65,542,235 103,209,341 13,225,017 Gain on investment disposal 6,715,917 -- 23,409,702 2,999,667 Impairment loss on investment -- -- (20,401,915) (2,614,256) Loss on equity investments, net of taxes (4,601,416) (1,208,010) (1,148,792) (147,204) Minority interests -- -- -- -- Net income 68,320,678 64,334,225 105,068,336 13,463,224 Other comprehensive income: Translation adjustments 1,115,748 -- -- -- Comprehensive Income 69,436,426 64,334,225 105,068,336 13,463,224 Earnings per share - Basic 2.82 2.62 4.28 0.55 - Diluted 2.82 2.61 4.25 0.54 Weighted average shares outstanding - Basic 24,206,154 24,508,974 24,564,824 24,564,824 - Diluted 24,218,551 24,615,761 24,713,922 24,713,922 THE9 LIMITED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME (Expressed in Renminbi - RMB and US Dollars - US$, except share data) Year ended December 31, December 31, December 31, 2005 2006 2006 RMB RMB US$ (audited) (unaudited) (unaudited) Revenues: Online game services 466,554,760 1,027,963,574 131,720,964 Game operating support, website solutions and advertisement 6,050,065 4,800,019 615,064 Other revenues 16,586,027 5,564,186 712,982 489,190,852 1,038,327,779 133,049,010 Sales Taxes (24,164,182) (52,501,980) (6,727,487) Net Revenues 465,026,670 985,825,799 126,321,523 Cost of Services (240,415,737) (524,031,705) (67,148,256) Gross Profit 224,610,933 461,794,094 59,173,267 Operating Expenses: Product development (40,642,275) (30,781,632) (3,944,290) Sales and marketing (61,805,046) (59,574,787) (7,633,781) General and administrative (62,450,984) (101,282,708) (12,978,141) Total operating expenses: (164,898,305) (191,639,127) (24,556,212) Profit from operations 59,712,628 270,154,967 34,617,055 Interest income, net 10,021,605 9,136,273 1,170,702 Other income (expenses), net 14,467,150 28,416,722 3,641,255 Income before income tax benefit (expense), gain on investment disposal, minority interest and loss on equity investments 84,201,383 307,707,962 39,429,012 Income tax benefit (expense) (168,255) 2,669,763 342,097 Income before gain on investment disposal, impairment loss on investment and loss on equity investments 84,033,128 310,377,725 39,771,109 Gain on investment disposal 6,715,917 23,409,702 2,999,667 Impairment loss on investment -- (20,401,915) (2,614,256) Loss on equity investments, net of taxes (13,736,790) (908,464) (116,409) Minority interests (4,540,568) -- -- Net income 72,471,687 312,477,048 40,040,111 Other comprehensive income: Translation adjustments 73,963 -- -- Comprehensive Income 72,545,650 312,477,048 40,040,111 Earnings per share - Basic 3.00 12.78 1.64 - Diluted 2.92 12.72 1.63 Weighted average shares outstanding - Basic 24,192,113 24,456,507 24,456,507 - Diluted 24,804,997 24,565,947 24,565,947 THE9 LIMITED CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (Expressed in Renminbi - RMB and US Dollars - US$) As at December 31, December 31, December 31, 2005 2006 2006 RMB RMB US$ (audited) (unaudited) (unaudited) Assets Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents 488,244,667 937,845,817 120,173,475 Accounts receivable 10,593,866 10,174,484 1,303,736 Due from related parties 12,395,125 -- -- Advances to suppliers 4,289,443 9,036,620 1,157,932 Prepayments and other current assets 28,395,864 69,153,131 8,861,128 Prepaid royalties 42,995,946 27,558,207 3,531,247 Deferred costs 24,075,214 33,324,942 4,270,184 Total current assets 610,990,125 1,087,093,201 139,297,702 Investments in equity investees 46,835,993 30,117,605 3,859,203 Property, equipment and software 231,436,683 227,512,006 29,152,882 Goodwill 30,199,751 30,199,751 3,869,729 Intangible assets 289,035,226 244,271,279 31,300,378 Long-term deposits 3,132,338 -- -- Deferred tax assets, non- current 2,104,464 5,391,123 690,806 Total Assets 1,213,734,580 1,624,584,965 208,170,700 Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity Current Liabilities Accounts payable 15,948,674 12,692,978 1,626,450 Due to related parties 3,181,004 332,797 42,644 Other taxes payable 8,123,356 23,589,754 3,022,739 Advances from customers 61,651,267 88,040,975 11,281,375 Deferred revenue 76,514,940 111,302,531 14,262,059 Other payables and accruals 26,793,070 52,467,643 6,723,085 Acquisition related liability 79,537,653 -- -- Total current liabilities 271,749,964 288,426,678 36,958,352 Minority interests -- -- -- Commitments and contingencies -- -- -- Shareholders' Equity Common shares (US$0.01 par value; 24,214,130 and 24,688,038 shares issued and outstanding as of December 31, 2005 and 2006) 2,004,033 2,041,673 261,615 Additional paid-in capital 860,068,478 941,786,807 120,678,465 Statutory reserves 54,172 20,745,422 2,658,272 Accumulated other comprehensive income 59,346 -- -- Retained earnings 79,798,587 371,584,385 47,613,996 Total shareholders' equity 941,984,616 1,336,158,287 171,212,348 Total liabilities and shareholders' equity 1,213,734,580 1,624,584,965 208,170,700 THE9 LIMITED RECONCILIATION OF NON-GAAP TO GAAP RESULTS (Expressed in Renminbi - RMB and US Dollars - US$, except share data) Quarter Ended December 31, September 30, December 31, December 31, 2005 2006 2006 2006 RMB RMB RMB US$ (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) GAAP net income 68,320,678 64,334,225 105,068,336 13,463,224 Depreciation of fixed assets 16,065,956 18,513,748 21,666,970 2,776,357 Amortization of intangibles 25,248,349 23,306,626 20,885,566 2,676,230 Income tax expense (benefit) (733,186) (794,368) (1,015,569) (130,133) EBITDA (Non-GAAP) 108,901,797 105,360,231 146,605,303 18,785,678 GAAP earnings per share - Basic 2.82 2.62 4.28 0.55 - Diluted 2.82 2.61 4.25 0.54 Non-GAAP EBITDA per share - Basic 4.50 4.30 5.97 0.76 - Diluted 4.50 4.28 5.93 0.76 Weighted average shares outstanding - Basic 24,206,154 24,508,974 24,564,824 24,564,824 - Diluted 24,218,551 24,615,761 24,713,922 24,713,922 THE9 LIMITED RECONCILIATION OF NON-GAAP TO GAAP RESULTS (Expressed in Renminbi - RMB and US Dollars - US$, except share data) Year ended December 31, December 31, December 31, 2005 2006 2006 RMB RMB US$ (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) GAAP net income 72,471,687 312,477,048 40,040,111 Depreciation of fixed assets 39,463,381 76,158,886 9,758,830 Amortization of intangibles 39,521,407 90,286,523 11,569,114 Income tax expense (benefit) 168,255 (2,669,763) (342,097) EBITDA (Non-GAAP) 151,624,730 476,252,694 61,025,958 GAAP earnings per share - Basic 3.00 12.78 1.64 - Diluted 2.92 12.72 1.63 Non-GAAP EBITDA per share - Basic 6.27 19.47 2.50 - Diluted 6.11 19.39 2.48 Weighted average shares outstanding - Basic 24,192,113 24,456,507 24,456,507 - Diluted 24,804,997 24,565,947 24,565,947 For further information, please contact: Ms. Dahlia Wei Senior Manager, Investor Relations The9 Limited Tel: +86-21-5172-9990 Email: Web: SOURCE The9 Limited

DALLAS, Feb. 14 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- ATERAS announces the successful conversion of the University of Miami's 42 IDMS applications to a DB2 CICS COBOL environment. The University of Miami chose ATERAS based on their technical expertise and was the only vendor that offered 100% automation technology to meet the University's requirements of a quick and error free conversion. Functionally equivalent code, equal or better performance and minimal impact on the user community was a requirement for the University, this was easily accomplished using DB-Shuttle(TM) automation technology. Solutions for ASP and JAVA Processing, IDMS table procedures, and IDMS culprit replacement were created for the University, as well as modernizing the business process for SQL access. (Logo: ATERAS modernized all mission-critical applications for the University of Miami, including: Human Resources, Payroll, General Ledger, Sponsored Research Administration and all student systems. The following lines of code, programs and unique database structures were converted: * Over 9 million lines of code were converted * Over 795 IDMS Schema Records * 2504 JCL job streams * Converted 1395 IDMS Maps * Converted 1559 ADS/Online dialogs to COBOL/CICS * Converted 1414 Batch and 116 DC-COBOL programs * Converted 327 IDMS Table Procedures to DB2 Stored Procedures * 881 unique database structures The University of Miami now has functionally equivalent applications running in an open-architecture environment providing seamless computing enterprise-wide, supporting a lower cost structure and providing greater business agility. The migration modernized all of the University's business processes and moved them forward into a world-class e-university operation supporting the University's Web-development efforts. "We were able to convert all of the University's system at one time, and yet it was totally transparent to all system users -- we are thrilled! ATERAS' technical expertise, automation technology and the understanding of the Universities specific needs, has impressed us. The performance of the converted DB2 applications is equal to or better than we had on IDMS. The relational environment has positioned us for future development and supporting our growth requirements, opening up data access, integrating data and applications," says Mike Zucker, University of Miami's information technology, applications development director. "This successful conversion of the University of Miami's IDMS applications further validates our expertise in providing 100% automated conversion solutions to relational technologies that are functionally equivalent. We are proud to be working with such a prestigious organization," states Scott Miller, president and chief executive officer of ATERAS. About University of Miami University of Miami's mission is to educate and nurture students, to create knowledge, and to provide service to our community and beyond. Committed to excellence and proud of the diversity of our University family, we strive to develop future leaders of our nation and the world. For more information on the University of Miami, visit . About ATERAS ATERAS has supported global enterprises for over 20 years offering state of the art services to our clients by modernizing legacy systems to the most current IT environments. The patent pending DB-Shuttle(TM) automation technology provides everything from comprehensive assessments of IT environments to fully automated conversions. DB-Shuttle offers a complete and automated method for organizations to protect legacy assets, reduce maintenance costs, provide agility and flexibility, and enable Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) of business-critical applications. For more information on ATERAS' solutions visit . For more information, please contact: ATERAS Anna Stamatelatos Tel: +1-469-385-7236 Email: University of Miami Mike Zucker Tel: +1-305-284-4203 Email: SOURCE ATERAS
日本テクトロニクス株式会社(代表取締役社長 鈴木 有國 TEL03-6714-3111)は、本日、デジタル・ストレージ・オシロスコープの新製品「TDS1000Bシリーズ」と「TDS2000Bシリーズ」の販売開始を発表しました。2チャンネルと4チャンネルのTDS1000BシリーズとTDS2000Bシリーズのオシロスコープは、最大200MHzの帯域幅、チャンネルあたり最大2GS/sのサンプリング・レート、USBフラッシュ/デバイス・ポート、業界初のライフタイム・ワランティを特長とし、エンジニアが、設定やテスト、文書化をシンプルに進めることができるように設計されました。また、このオシロスコープには、テクトロニクスのOpenChoice(r) PC通信ソフトウェアとナショナルインスツルメンツ社のSignalExpress(tm) Tektronix Editionインタラクティブ測定ソフトウェアが同梱されています。
TDS1000BシリーズとTDS2000Bシリーズには、テクトロニクスのOpenChoice PC通信ソフトウェアとナショナルインスツルメンツ社SignalExpress Tektronix Editionインタラクティブ測定ソフトウェアという、2種類のPC通信ソフトウェア・パッケージが用意されています。
OpenChoice PC通信ソフトウェアは、シンプルなユーザ・インタフェースを持ち、スクリーン・イメージや波形データをスタンドアロンのデスクトップ・アプリケーションもしくはMicrosoft Word、Microsoft Excelなどに直接転送することができます。また、テクトロニクスは、今回もナショナルインスツルメンツ社と協力し、業界トップクラスのUSBプラグアンドプレイ対応オシロスコープ-PC接続性を実現するSignalExpress Tektronix Editionを用意しました。USBの使用により、TDS1000Bシリーズ・オシロスコープあるいはTDS2000Bシリーズ・オシロスコープをPCに接続すると、自動検出によるUSBプラグアンドプレイ・ダイアログがPCに表示されます。後は、マウスを1回クリックするだけで、SignalExpress Tektronix Editionとオシロスコープとの接続が確立された後すぐにライブ測定データのキャプチャが開始となり、結果がPC上に表示されます。これにより短期間で情報や実態を把握することができます。
ライフタイム・ワランティには適用範囲があります。ライフタイム・ワランティの条件については、 にアクセスするか、テクトロニクスの正規代理店までお問い合わせください。
・ TDS1000Bシリーズ 109,200円 (税抜 104,000円)より
・ TDS2000Bシリーズ 162,750円 (税抜 155,000円)より
・ SignalExpress Tektronix Editionのプロフェッショナル・バージョンへのアップグレード
119,700円 (税抜 114,000円)
出荷開始時期 2006年8月30日より
National Instruments(は、30年にわたり、仮想計測の分野における技術的なパイオニアとして、またリーダーとして歩んできました。
仮想計測とは、測定やオートメーションに対する産官学のエンジニアや科学者のアプローチ方法を根底から変えた革新的なコンセプトです。仮想計測では、PCと商用技術を活用し、NI LabVIEWのように容易に統合できるソフトウェアとPXI、PCI、PCI Express、USB、Ethernetによるモジュール型の測定ハードウェアや制御ハードウェアにより、テスト、制御、設計における生産性の向上とコストの削減を実現してきました。米国テキサス州オースチンに本社を置くNI社は、世界40カ国近くで事業を展開し、4,000人を超える従業員を擁しています。過去7年間、FORTUNE誌が選ぶ米国トップ100社にもランキングされています。
テクトロニクスは、計測およびモニタリング機器メーカとして、世界の通信、コンピュータ、半導体、デジタル家電、放送、自動車業界向けに計測ソリューションを提供しています。テクトロニクスは、60年にわたる信頼と実績に基づき、お客様が、世界規模の次世代通信技術や先端技術の開発、設計、構築ならびに管理をより良くできるよう、汎用的な計測機器、ビデオ計測機器、ネットワーク計測、監視システム機器を提供しています。米国オレゴン州ビーバートンに本社を置くテクトロニクスは、現在世界19か国で事業を展開しています。詳しくは、 をご覧ください。日本テクトロニクスは、米テクトロニクスの100%出資の日本法人です。詳しくは、 をご覧ください。
日本テクトロニクス株式会社 お客様コールセンター
TEL 03-6714-3010 FAX 0120-046-011
TektronixおよびテクトロニクスはTektronix, Inc.の登録商標です。
● 関連リンク
F.A.S.T,21 F90 ¥3,155,828
F.A.S.T,21 F115 ¥3,338,843
● 関連リンク
ルネサス テクノロジがベトナム設計会社の自社ビル建設着工を開始
- ホーチミン市にて起工式を開催 -
株式会社ルネサス テクノロジ(本社: 東京都千代田区、会長&CEO: 伊藤 達)はシステムLSIの設計・開発力を拡充するために、ベトナムの設計会社、Renesas Viet Nam Co., Ltd.(本社: ベトナム社会主義共和国ホーチミン市、President&CEO: 佐藤 恒夫、以下RVC)の自社ビルの建設着工を開始しました。本日、現地にてベトナム政府、大学関係者を招待し、新自社ビルの着工式を開催しました。主な出席者はホーチミン市政府、ホーチミン市輸出加工区管理局、ホーチミン工科大学、ホーチミン自然科学大学などです。新自社ビルは2007年7月末に建設完了し、9月より新ビルにて業務を開始する計画です。
1.会社名 : Renesas Design Viet Nam Co., Ltd.
2.代表者 : President&CEO 佐藤 恒夫
3.設立 : 2004年10月5日
4.資本金 : 1,020万US$ (ルネサス テクノロジ100%出資)
5.事業内容 : ハードウェア設計、ソフトウェア設計、論理検証、評価、設計付帯業務などのシステムLSI設計業務全般
6.従業員数 : 約100名 (2006年 8月現在)
7.新社屋住所 : Lot W.29-30-31a,Tan Thuan Road, Tan Tuan Export Processing Zone, Tan Thuan Dong Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
* 他記載の製品名、会社名、ブランドは、それぞれの所有者に帰属します。
以 上
● 関連リンク
業界初!! 神戸空港ターミナルビルが導入
アマノ株式会社(代表取締役社長:春田 薫、本社:横浜市港北区、以下「アマノ」)はこのたび、株式会社スルッとKANSAI(本社:大阪市中央区)が運営するポストペイ(後払い)方式IC決済サービス“PiTaPa”(注1)に対応する『事前精算式自動料金精算機』を開発し、神戸空港ターミナル株式会社様(本社:神戸市中央区)が運営する神戸空港“マリンエア” 旅客ターミナルビルの1階手荷物受取所内に設置、2006年9月1日から利用開始となります。
注1:“PiTaPa”は、株式会社スルッとKANSAI の登録商標。注2:“Edy”は、ビットワレット株式会社の登録商標です。
■ 本件(ニュースリリース)に関するお問い合わせ先 ■
■ “PiTaPa”に関するお問い合わせ先 ■
株式会社スルッとKANSAI 営業企画ビジネスサークル
「F.A.S.T.26 S/D」新発売
ヤマハ発動機株式会社では、新開発のディーゼルエンジンを搭載した高性能フィッシングボート「F.A.S.T.26 S/D」を10月10日より新発売します。
「F.A.S.T.26 S/D」は、フラットキール(平底)とW.T.B.(ウェーブスラスターブレード)を組み合わせた艇体に、低振動、低騒音を特徴とする4気筒の新開発ディーゼルエンジン「D270KUH」を搭載したことで、乗り心地の良い優れた走行性能を発揮します。
< 発売日 >
< 販売計画数 >
< メーカー希望小売価格例(艇体・エンジン+限定沿海セット価格) >
F.A.S.T.26 S/D(微速装置付) ¥7,254,450
F.A.S.T.26 S/D(微速装置無) ¥6,834,450
< 開発背景 >
「F.A.S.T.26 S/D」は、主に内海向けのフィッシングボートとして好評を博している「F.A.S.T.26」をベースに、要望の高かった当社製4気筒ディーゼルエンジン「D270KUH」を搭載したモデルです。ディーゼルエンジンは燃料経済性に優れるため、遠方への釣行や長時間にわたってエンジンを微速回転で使用する流し釣りに適しています。また、リアドア付きのブリッジを採用し、クローズドキャビンとしたことで、冬の海や雨天時でも快適に操船することができ、季節や天候を問わずボートフィッシングを楽しむヘビーユーザーにとっても魅力的なモデルとなっています。
< 主な特徴 >
(※ 以下、詳細は添付資料を参照してください。)
< 読者お問い合わせ先 >
「お客様相談室」 フリーダイヤル 0120-090-819
● 関連リンク
~毎日放送の人気アニメ「BLOOD +」から対応開始~
バンダイネットワークス株式会社(代表取締役社長:大下聡、本社:東京都港区、以下、バンダイネットワークス)と株式会社ディーツー コミュニケーションズ(代表取締役社長:藤田明久、本社:東京都港区、 以下、D2C)は、携帯電話のカメラ機能を利用する画像認識・検索サービス「カメラでケンサク!ERサーチ」を活用した、TV番組と連動する携帯電話を使った新しいサービスを共同で展開してまいります。
この「カメラでケンサク!ERサーチ」を活用したTV番組連動の新サービスとして、9月2日より、毎日放送の人気アニメ番組「BLOOD +」 (毎週土曜日午後6時、MBS・TBS系列全国ネットで放送中)にてテストスタートいたします。「BLOOD +」のオープニングとエンディングの部分のどの場面でも、ERサーチを起動しカメラで撮影していただくだけで、オープニングでは、「BLOOD +」の待受画像、着信メロディをダウンロードできるページや毎日放送のモバイル番組サイトへ、またエンディングでは、次回の予告ページなどに簡単にアクセスできます。
<「BLOOD +」テスト例>(*添付資料参照)
(※)「ViPR(TM)」とは:米EvolutionRobotics社がロボット工学要素技術として開発した画像認識技術。「ViPR(TM)」は、Visual Pattern Recognitionの略称として名づけられた技術。データベースサーバに画像の特徴点とアクションを登録しておくと、対象を撮影するだけで、そのカメラ画像から特徴点を抽出しサーバに送信、登録画像情報と比較してサーバから対応するアクションが返ります。認識については、"あいまいさ"を持っているので、逆さまや斜め、また対象物の一部(ある程度)でも認識することができます。
LaLaBit Marketで受注開始!
バンダイネットワークス株式会社(東京都港区、代表取締役社長:大下聡)は、幅広い層から支持されている人気キャラクター「ケロロ軍曹」の自転車、「ケロロ軍曹 K66 折りたたみ自転車」をララビットマーケットにて2006年8月31日正午より予約受注を開始いたします。
■商品名:ケロロ軍曹 K66 折りたたみ自転車
■価 格:24,990円(税込、送料別途)
■材 質:フレーム(スチール)
■サイズ:組み立て時 全長約140cm
インターネットサイト:バンダイネットワークス「LaLaBit Market」
【iモード】 メニューリスト⇒ショッピング/チケット⇒本/CD/ゲーム⇒バンダイキャラストア
【Vodafone live!】 メニューリスト⇒ショッピング・チケット⇒キャラクター・コレクション⇒バンダイキャラストア
【EZweb】 トップメニュー⇒ショッピング&オークション⇒auでオカイモノ⇒ホビー⇒おもちゃ・ゲーム⇒バンダイキャラストア
電 話:全国共通 0570-000-782(オペレーターがご予約を承ります。)
電話受付時間 毎日10時~20時(年末年始除く)
※「LaLaBit Market」および「バンダイキャラストア」は、バンダイネットワークスが運営するキャラクターグッズ通販サイトです。
「F-Secureアンチウィルス オフィスパック」を販売開始
-「F-Secure 包括パックシリーズ」をラインナップ -
日本エフ・セキュアは、9月1日より従業員数が500名以下の企業向けにWindowsクライアント・サーバのセキュリティパッケージ「F-Secureアンチウィルス オフィスパック」を販売開始する、と発表しました。
昨今、IT環境の多様化に伴い個人所有の持込PCを企業LANに接続するケースが増えています。個人所有PCはセキュリティ対策が十分でないことが多く、企業のセキュリティ対策の盲点となり、多くのウィルス感染や情報漏洩の原因となってきました。「F-Secureアンチウィルス オフィスパック」は、従業員数=ユーザ数の範囲で企業LANに接続する可能性のあるクライアント、サーバについて個人所有の持込PCを含めて無制限にインストールすることができる包括セキュリティパッケージです。
「F-Secureアンチウィルス オフィスパック」は、Windowsクライアントの統合セキュリティ対策「F-Secureアンチウィルス クライアントセキュリティ」とWindowsサーバ向けウィルス対策「F-Secureアンチウィルス Windowsサーバ版」を含み、管理ツール「F-Secureポリシーマネージャ」を利用することができます。
<F-Secureアンチウィルス オフィスパック価格(年額、税別)>
ユーザ数 / 初年度 / 次年度以降年間サポート
10以下 50,000円 50,000円
25以下 100,000円 100,000円
50以下 160,000円 160,000円
100以下 280,000円 280,000円
150以下 400,000円 400,000円
250以下 550,000円 550,000円
350以下 700,000円 700,000円
500以下 800,000円 800,000円
パッケージに含まれる「F-Secureアンチウィルス クライアントセキュリティ」は、ウィルス対策の他、ファイアウォール、侵入検知、アプリケーション制御を提供します。モバイルPCで利用することにより、ボット、ネットワークワーム、不正侵入、特定アプリケーション(例えばWinny)から企業LANを防御することができます。
日本エフ・セキュアは、PC所有者を問わず団体としてのセキュリティを包括的に実現するパッケージを「F-Secure 包括パックシリーズ」としてラインナップしました。いずれも、個人所有の持込PCを含めて団体内での利用が無制限です。また、初年度と次年度以降の年間サポートが同額のシンプルな価格設定となっています。
●F-Secureアンチウィルス 小中高校パック
●F-Secureアンチウィルス キャンパスパック
●F-Secureアンチウィルス オフィスパック
なお、「F-Secureアンチウィルス オフィスパック」の販売開始に伴い、現在販売中の「F-Secureアンチウィルス バリューパック」は、9月末にて新規受注を終了いたします。(サポート更新のみ継続して販売します)