

ニュースサイトなど宛てに広く配信された、ニュースリリース(プレスリリース)、 開示情報、IPO企業情報の備忘録。 大手サイトが順次削除するリリースバックナンバーも、蓄積・無料公開していきます。 ※リリース文中の固有名詞は、発表社等の商標、登録商標です。 ※リリース文はニュースサイト等マスコミ向けに広く公開されたものですが、著作権は発表社に帰属しています。




沖電気、ちば興銀コンピュータソフトに「SS9100 Type M」を納入

ちば興銀コンピュータソフトに「SS9100 Type M」を納入

 沖電気工業株式会社(代表取締役社長:篠塚勝正 以下、沖電気)は、ちば興銀コンピュータソフト株式会社(代表取締役社長:石田康明、本社:千葉市美浜区、以下、CKCS)にIPテレフォニーサーバ「IP CONVERGENCE(R) Server SS9100 Type M(以下 「SS9100 Type M」)」をベースとしたIP電話システムを納入しました。

 CKCSは、千葉興業銀行グループの一社としてコンピュータシステムの開発・販売・保守管理業務を行なっており、近年、通信コストの削減と業務効率化を目的にIP電話システム導入の検討していました。沖電気では同社に対し、「SS9100 Type M」を中心としたIP電話システムを提案しました。CKCSによる検討の結果、「SS9100 Type M」によるIP電話システムは、「Com@WILL(R)ソフトフォン」によって音声だけでなくテキストや映像などを加えた高度なコミュニケーションが実現できること、また固定式のIP電話機も併用できること、さらに、将来へ向けた高い拡張性を持っていることが評価され、今回の受注に至りました。

 「SS9100 Type M」は内線端末数500台未満の事業所を対象として開発されたIPテレフォニーサーバです。従来のIPテレフォニーサーバに比べて軽量・コンパクトな設計となっており、騒音や消費電力についても削減しています。また固定式IP電話機「MKT-IP30DK」は、沖電気の高品位音質である「eおと(R)」やIEEE802.3af準拠標準給電方式を搭載し、フレキシブルキーを最大30個まで設定可能です。

 CKCSでは「SS9100 Type M」を本社屋に設置し、オフィスに「Com@WILLソフトフォン」を40台、「MKT-IP30DK」を50台導入しています。ソフトフォンについては、GUIを用いた操作によって電話帳機能や履歴機能を利用でき、従来の電話機では不可能だった効率的なコミュニケーションを実現しています。またソフトフォンをノートPCにインストールすることで、LANケーブルがある場所であれば、どこでも同じ操作で利用できることも評価されています。



【 販売計画 】

【 ちば興業コンピュータソフト株式会社 IP電話システム 構成図 】

【 システムの主な特長 】

 「SS9100 Type M」の採用により、端末数90台規模でのIP電話システムを構築しています。設置面積の少ないコンパクトな設計のため、従来の交換機に比べ設備としての負担を軽減できます。




【 関連リンク 】

【 本件に関するお客様からのお問合せ先 】
 金融ソリューションカンパニー 企画室



2006 機能拡張するERP市場の実態と戦略展望



1.調査対象:主要ERPパッケージ 23製品


表:ERPパッケージのライセンス売上高の推移<エンドユーザ渡し価格ベース> 【2003-2009予測】(*添付資料1参照)



表:顧客企業の年商規模別ERPライセンス売上高の推移<エンドユーザ渡し価格ベース> 【2003-2009予測】(*添付資料2参照)

 ERPライセンス売上高(エンドユーザ渡し価格ベース)による国内ERPパッケージ市場における最大マーケットは年商100-500億円の中堅企業向けのマーケットで約30%を占める。この比率は2003年から2004年にかけて急速に伸長した一方で、年商1000億円以上の大手企業向けのマーケットは2003年に36.4%と最大比率を占めていたが、2005年には26.0%と約10ポイントダウンとなり、売上規模ベースでも2004年にマーケットは約73億円のシュリンクとなった。年商1000億円以上の大手企業向けマーケットがシュリンクした背景には、ビッグバン導入やグループ一括導入のような大型案件が激減した事が要因であった。一方で年商500億円未満の中堅・中小企業向けマーケットは国産系業務連携型ERPパッケージの主戦場であり、昨今はSAPのBusiness Oneなど海外系ERPパッケージベンダ製品も進出しており、競合は一層の激しさを呈しているが中堅・中小企業におけるERPパッケージの導入検討は活発で市場は活況を呈している。



 2006年見込みでは、Oracle GroupがProActiveを抑えて3位に浮上する事が見込まれる。

URL: http://www.yano.co.jp/

Anticoagulant Agent Superior in International PREVAIL Study
February 10, 2007

    SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 10 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- A
1,700-patient study comparing anticoagulation therapies
found that enoxaparin, one of a class of compounds called
low-molecular-weight heparins, is significantly more
effective than an older therapy at preventing a dangerous
and common ischemic stroke complication called venous
thromboembolism (VTE).

    Importantly, patients benefited even when the treatment
was not initiated for up to two days following the onset of
ischemic stroke symptoms. "These results are extremely
useful for practitioners to know that they have a relatively
long therapeutic window to start prophylaxis following the
diagnosis of ischemic stroke," said neurologist David
Sherman, M.D., professor of medicine at The University of
Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. 

    Dr. Sherman is principal investigator for the
international PREVAIL study (Prevention of VTE after Acute
Ischemic Stroke with Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin
Enoxaparin). He presented the findings today at the 2007
International Stroke Conference in San Francisco. The
research was sponsored by Sanofi-Aventis, maker of
Lovenox(R), brand name for enoxaparin.

    Ischemic stroke, caused by a blood vessel blockage, is
by far the most common type of stroke (about 85 percent of
cases). VTE, a general term used to describe the formation
of a blood clot (thrombus) that blocks a vessel, is
diagnosed for the first time in an estimated 300,000
Americans each year.

    The PREVAIL study enrolled 1,762 patients in 15
countries who suffered ischemic stroke. Participants were
enrolled within 48 hours of the onset of ischemic stroke
symptoms. They were randomly assigned to be treated with
either enoxaparin or the older class of agent,
unfractionated heparin, for 10 days and were followed for
90 days.

    Enoxaparin reduced the relative risk for developing VTE
after an acute ischemic stroke by 43 percent versus
unfractionated heparin (10.2 percent of participants in the
enoxaparin arm of the study developed VTE, versus 18.1
percent of participants in the unfractionated heparin arm).

    Results showed that this significant reduction of VTE
risk with enoxaparin versus unfractionated heparin was
maintained whether the treatment was initiated within 24
hours of stroke symptom onset or whether it was initiated
24 to 48 hours after symptom onset. 

    Among participants receiving enoxaparin within 24 hours
of symptom onset, 8.1 percent suffered VTE. Among those
receiving unfractionated heparin within 24 hours, the
figure was 18.5 percent. Among participants receiving
enoxaparin after 24 to 48 hours, 11.3 percent suffered VTE.
Among those receiving unfractionated heparin after that
duration, the figure was 17.8 percent.

    This relative risk reduction was associated with a
comparable safety profile as assessed by no significant
difference in clinically important bleeding, whatever the
time of initiation (within 48 hours after stroke onset). 

    Furthermore, the clinical benefit of enoxaparin on VTE
prevention did not affect stroke patient outcomes at three
months as compared to unfractionated heparin. Rate of
stroke progression and stroke recurrence were comparable in
both groups.

    The University of Texas Health Science Center at San
Antonio is the leading research institution in South Texas
and one of the major health sciences universities in the
world. With an operating budget of $536 million, the Health
Science Center is the chief catalyst for the $14.3 billion
biosciences and health care industry, the leading sector in
San Antonio's economy. The Health Science Center has had an
estimated $35 billion impact on the region since inception
and has expanded to six campuses in San Antonio, Laredo,
Harlingen and Edinburg. More than 22,000 graduates
(physicians, dentists, nurses, scientists and allied health
professionals) serve in their fields, including many in
Texas. Health Science Center faculty are international
leaders in cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, aging,
stroke prevention, kidney disease, orthopaedics, research
imaging, transplant surgery, psychiatry and clinical
neurosciences, pain management, genetics, nursing, allied
health, dentistry and many other fields.  For more
information, click on http://www.uthscsa.edu .

    For more information, please contact:

    The University of Texas Health Science Center
     Will Sansom
     Tel: +1-210-567-2579

     Lucie Portela
     Tel: +1-210-567-2570 

SOURCE  The University of Texas Health Science Center 
PR Newswire Named Official News Service Provider for the 3GSM World Congress 2007
February 09, 2007

World's Premier Mobile Communications Event partners with
the Global Leader in News Distribution

    NEW YORK, Feb. 9 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- PR Newswire
announced today that it has been named the official news
service provider for the 3GSM World Congress 2007,
scheduled to take place from February 12-15 in Barcelona,

http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070116/NYTU128 )  

    In its 20th year, the 3GSM World Congress is expected
to host approximately 60,000 visitors and delegates,
including more than 2,000 media reporting for global
audiences.  PR Newswire will manage the dissemination of
all news releases issued by the 3GSM World Congress and
work with individual exhibitors to ensure their publicity
needs are met.

    "PR Newswire and GSM Conference Ltd, the
organizers of the 3GSM World Congress, both share the same
ideals -- using leading edge technology to enhance
organizations' ability to communicate and exchange
information. As the official news service provider for the
Congress, PR Newswire will work with conference
coordinators and participants to help ensure that news from
the event receives global exposure, yet is targeted to the
specific audiences that will find the information of
greatest interest," said Susan McPherson, vice
president of Global Trade Show Services, PR Newswire. 
"Of particular benefit to 3GSM World Congress
exhibitors, PR Newswire now offers the ability to optimize
news releases specifically for mobile search platforms. 
The service will enable participants at the event to issue
releases that are equally attractive to browser and mobile
search engine formats."

    In addition to news release dissemination, PR Newswire
will create an online news center exclusively for the 3GSM
World Congress 2007 which will be accessible from PR
Newswire's homepage -- http://www.prnewswire.com and its
media-only website, PR Newswire for Journalists, which has
more than 80,000 registered journalists.  Further, the
Congress website will use PR Newswire's MediaRoom service
to power its online media room, and all news from the show
disseminated through PR Newswire will be automatically
uploaded to the 
3GSM World Congress MediaRoom, located at --

    Exhibitors will also have the opportunity to build
their own standalone Web sites, or online press kits,
specifically for use during the Congress with PR Newswire's
recently launched MediaRoom Showcase application.  Through
an easy-to-use interface, MediaRoom ShowCase provides
real-time control of content enabling users to design their
own trade show-specific site and upload text, broadcast and
multimedia content before, during or after a show. 

    "We are very proud to be working with PR
Newswire," said Mark Smith, media communications
director of the GSM Association. "The 3GSM World
Congress is not only the mobile industry's biggest global
event, but also a key forum for the entertainment and
computing industries. From that perspective it is vital
that we partner with a news service provider that reaches
all corners of the world, and all corners of these
associated industries, and one that embraces technologies
that advance the use of mobile communications."

    About 3GSM World Congress

    The world's biggest mobile communications conference
and exhibition, the GSMA's 3GSM World Congress is the
annual event where top executives from mobile operators,
equipment vendors, IT companies and entertainment providers
meet to do business. Presented by the GSM Association, the
3GSM World Congress 2007 will take place at the Fira de
Barcelona, Spain, between 12th and 15th February 2007. The
2006 event attracted 50,000 visitors, 962 exhibitors and
2,200 journalists.

    About PR Newswire

    Now in its 53rd year, PR Newswire Association LLC (
http://www.prnewswire.com ) provides electronic
distribution, targeting, measurement and broadcast services
on behalf of tens of thousands of corporate, government,
association, labor, non-profit, and other customers
worldwide.  Using PR Newswire, these organizations reach a
variety of critical audiences including the news media, the
investment community, government decision-makers, and the
general public with their up-to-the-minute, full-text news

    Established in 1954, PR Newswire has offices in 11
countries and routinely sends its customers' news to
outlets in 135 countries and in more than 40 languages.
Utilizing the latest in communications technology, PR
Newswire content is considered a mainstay among news
reporters, investors and individuals who seek breaking news
from the source.  PR Newswire's leading services include
ProfNet Experts(SM), eWatch(TM), MEDIAtlas(TM), Search
Engine Optimization, MediaRoom, MediaSense(TM), MultiVu(TM)
and U.S. Newswire, the preeminent policy newswire in the
industry.  PR Newswire is a subsidiary of United Business
Media plc of London. 

    For more information, please contact:

     Rachel Meranus
     Vice President, 
     Public Relations, 
     PR Newswire
     Tel:   +1-212-282-1929
     Email: rachel.meranus@prnewswire.com

     Mark Smith, 
     Media Communications Director 
     the GSM Association
     Tel:   +44-7850-229-724
     Email: MSmith@gsm.org 

SOURCE  3GSM World Congress; PR Newswire
Texas Instruments Envisions a New World Network for Wired and Wireless Communications
February 09, 2007

Global Consumers to Access Voice and Data Services
Independent of Device or Connection, Enabling Ubiquitous
Connectivity and Mobility

    DALLAS, Feb. 9 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- As
telecommunications service providers around the world
convert their networks to support packet-based
transmission, each will strive to deliver an infrastructure
capable of deploying next generation services rapidly
without compromising the high reliability and service
quality.  Analyst firm Yankee Group estimates that the
service providers will spend hundreds of billions to
convert their networks over the next 5 years.  This
conversion will create a new world network that will offer
the consumers around the globe the ability to access
broadband data and voice services independent of device or
network connection.  And Texas Instruments Incorporated
(TI) (NYSE: TXN) possesses the vision, technology and
product portfolio today to make possible this new world
network.  For more information on TI's vision for the new
world network, go to http://www.ti.com/civision .

http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/20061107170439-20.jpg )    

    The fundamental trends in the market and shifts in
technology driving the new world network are happening

    -- The next billion wireless subscribers - growth past
3 to 4 billion 
       worldwide users
    -- Broadband data goes mobile
    -- Internet Protocol (IP) becomes the pervasive network
    -- Convergence of fixed line and mobile services

    Texas Instruments combines not only board-level but
system-level and application-level expertise to guide
manufacturers and service providers through these
challenging network evolutions.  The company's end-to-end
technology spans the entire communications network, from
the home VoIP phone or broadband modem to the cellular
handset, media gateway, and cellular infrastructure.  As
the communications industry evolves toward network
transformation, TI technology will drive the changes that
support convergence quicker, faster and more effectively
over wired, wireless and broadband networks. 

    "This conversion will ultimately create a new
"anywhere" network that will offer  consumers
around the globe the ability to access broadband data and
voice services independent of a device or network
connection", said Berge Ayvazian, Chief Strategy
Officer at Yankee Group.  "The carriers' transition to
an all-IP network is clearly the largest and most
challenging undertaking in recent history.  While its
completion will be years ahead, the path chosen is
critical.  We believe that having a flexible, scalable
solution such as TI's at the core will bode well for

    Carriers Desire New Services Without Sacrificing

    While the new world network will enable carriers to
deliver new, value-added services to customers, carriers
must ensure quality of service is not compromised. 
Moreover, this network transformation must occur with a
keen eye toward minimizing capital and operational
expenses.  From a carrier perspective, TI's programmable
DSP-based solutions aid in reducing capital and operating
expenses, increase the number of services offered while
maintaining the "Five Nines" level of reliability
required by service providers. Network equipment containing
TI DSPs at the core can easily be monitored, maintained and
updated, significantly improving the service quality they
are able to deliver to customers.  Equipment that lasts
longer drastically reduces capital and operating
expenditures, helping improve profitability for the
operators. Deploying cost-effective network solutions
enables service providers to offer more services, expand
into new markets and increase their worldwide reach. 

    "TI strives to understand not only the
requirements of our direct customers, the equipment
manufacturers, but also the demands of our carrier
customers, and the constantly changing market environment
in which they must make large and expensive
decisions," said Brian Glinsman, general manager of
TI's communications infrastructure and voice group. 
"The promise of the new world network includes
improved quality of service and deployment of new services
coupled with tighter operational controls.  TI technology
fulfills that promise." 

    Supporting OEMs With End to End System Expertise

    Equipment manufacturers are tasked with meeting
carriers' needs as well as their own objectives of time to
market and design re-use.  Developing solutions with its
customer demands in mind, TI's platforms allow OEMs to
build efficient network equipment that can support and
manage multiple real-time voice, video and data streams. 
At the core of any successful IP network are TI's high
performance DSPs, able to deliver 3GHz performance today in
critical communications infrastructure applications such as
2G and 3G base stations and media gateways.  Key analog
components operate with lightening speed, making the
conversion from analog to digital and back appear seamless.
Software and development tools not only speed time to market
but enable manufacturers to customize and differentiate
their products.  The net result is a portfolio of silicon
and software products from TI, built for network equipment
manufacturers, that provides performance, flexibility,
scalability and the ability to differentiate and get to
market more quickly than alternatives.

    With market-leading positions in broadband, wireless
and VoIP, TI is committed to delivering state-of-the-art
solutions manufactured in advanced process technologies. 
Strengthening its position as a global leader in
communications infrastructure silicon and software
solutions, TI today announced a new processor for wireless
baseband sytems, and a new platform for carrier core
infrastructure, expanding the breadth of its communications
infrastructure product portfolio.  Both solutions will be on
display in Hall 8, booth #8A84 at the 3GSM Congress,
February 12-16, 2007 in Barcelona, Spain. For additional
information on TI's vision for the future of communications
infrastructure, please visit: http://www.ti.com . 

    About Texas Instruments 

    Texas Instruments Incorporated provides innovative DSP
and analog technologies to meet our customers' real world
signal processing requirements.  In addition to
Semiconductor, the company includes the Education
Technology business.  TI is headquartered in Dallas, Texas,
and has manufacturing, design or sales operations in more
than 25 countries.

    Texas Instruments is traded on the New York Stock
Exchange under the symbol TXN.  More information is located
on the World Wide Web at http://www.ti.com .


    All trademarks and registered trademarks are property
of their respective owners.

    For more information, please contact:

     Marcia Barnett
     Texas Instruments
     Tel:   +1-214-480-2050
     Email: mpickett@ti.com

     Nisha Chhabra
     Tel:   +1-713-513-9572
     Email: nchhabra@golinharris.com

SOURCE  Texas Instruments Incorporated
Texas Instruments Propels 3G Deployments with Single-Chip Base Station W-CDMA Baseband Processor
February 09, 2007

TI's Latest Wireless Infrastructure Solution Eliminates

    DALLAS, Feb. 9 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Texas Instruments
Incorporated (TI) (NYSE: TXN) today announced the industry's
most highly integrated digital signal processor (DSP)
targeted toward Wideband Code Division Multiple Access
(W-CDMA) base stations.  This new three-core DSP, running
at 1GHz per core, supports all of the necessary baseband
functions required for a macro base station -- on a single
chip.  Designed specifically to solve problems at a system
level, this "baseband on a chip" eliminates the
need for FPGAs, ASICs and other bridging devices, reducing
the total bill of materials for OEMs by up to a factor of
five, resulting in lowered equipment costs for service
providers.  For additional information, please visit:
http://www.ti.com/civision .

http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/20061107170439-20.jpg )    

    "Given the number of baseband processing
requirements, many industry experts agree that W-CDMA is
one of the more complex wireless air interfaces, especially
considering the growing demand for High Speed Packet Access
and advanced features such as interference cancellation and
beam forming," said Jagdish Rebello, senior analyst
with iSuppli Corporation.  "This device addresses the
needs of the burgeoning W-CDMA market and could help OEMs
bring to market smarter and cost-effective base

    Optimized to Meet Needs and Deliver Key Functions

    The 3GHz-performing TMS320TCI6488 is based on TI's
industry leading TMS320C64x+(TM) platform. The processing
power of the C64x+ DSP provides dynamic support of both
voice and data transmission with extremely low latency,
ensuring a quality experience for consumers and service
providers alike.  For example, in High Speed Downlink
Packet Access (HSDPA) applications, the TCI6488 can support
48 users per device in a macro base station system.
    Besides the Viterbi (VCP2) and Turbo (TCP2)
Coprocessors, the TCI6488 also has the built-in capability
designed to support W-CDMA intensive calculations.
Specifically, the TCI6488 can handle search and rake
receiver on chip, typically two of the most computationally
intensive tasks in W-CDMA.
    With a highly efficient memory system and fast access
to off-chip memory via a DDR-2 interface, the TCI6488
ensures system-level performance.  The Serial RapidIO
interface incorporated directly on the TCI6488 allows base
station designers to easily move data across the system
fabric, with little supervision or intervention required
from the processor.  Moreover, OEMs can scale their
solutions across a variety of architectures and form
factors, and ensure interface compatibility with several
other devices. 

    The TCI6488 includes both OBSAI and CPRI W-CDMA
standardized antenna interfaces on chip.  These high speed
antenna interfaces support up to 48 antenna streams per
base station, allowing for multi-sector, multi-antenna base
stations that can support a high density of users over large
coverage areas.    

    The inclusion of the Gigabit Ethernet port on the
TCI6488 for network interface, as well as analysis and
debugging, brings together the last piece of the hardware
puzzle in providing a single-chip end-to-end digital
solution for base stations. 

    From a software standpoint, the TCI6488 solution
includes optimized libraries for W-CDMA. These libraries
enable higher channel density as well as lower power per
channel.  Developed and tested within TI's carrier-class
environment, this inclusion of this software allows base
station manufacturers to focus on their own system-level
software.  TI's ability to provide a complete hardware and
software product, lowers OEM investment costs and speeds
their time to market.

    Designed with the Future in Mind

    With the transition to an all-IP network in progress,
service providers are well aware of the challenges of
delivering ubiquitous voice, video and data services.  TI's
TCI6488 keeps the future of the wireless world in mind. The
advanced architecture, cutting-edge peripheral set and
industry leading features of the TCI6488 enable a base
station platform that will lower initial capital outlay and
reduce operational expenditures, while reducing maintenance
time with in-field software upgrades.  Furthermore, the
TCI6488 makes a solid investment for OEMs which are looking
for a reliable, scalable solution that can support current
and future base stations. 

    "The system level demands of W-CDMA pose a
challenge for solution developers trying to deliver a
timely and reliable base station to service
providers," said Jerold Givens, business manager for
TI's communications infrastructure DSP group. "In
addition, evolving system requirements and feature
additions make deploying adaptable network equipment a
requirement for wireless networks. Operating on TI's
powerful DSP core, the performance, capability and
efficiency of the TCI6488 make it the only comprehensive
baseband solution for W-CDMA base stations on the

    TI's broad portfolio of analog products includes
clocking solutions for the TCI6488.  The OBSAI and CPRI
compliant CDCL6010 jitter cleaning phase-locked loop (PLL)
and CDLC1810 buffer are both designed to be fully
compatible with the TCI6488.  The CDCL6010 jitter cleaner
and buffer has an integrated on-chip voltage-controlled
oscillator (VCO) and PLL which reduce frequency jitter and
maintain the signal integrity of the DSP.  The CDCL1810 is
a pin compatible clock buffer, interchangeable with the
CDCL6010 for clock distribution that does not require
jitter cleaning.  Both devices reduce the bill of materials
cost and footprint for OEMs, thereby increasing the overall
efficiency of the TCI6488. The TCI6488 complements recently
announced processors such as the TMS320TCI6487 and
TMS320TCI6482, along with a variety of other high
performance analog products from TI, and a suite of
solutions that add to the most robust portfolio of
multi-standard wireless and communications infrastructure
technology in the industry.  TI's end-to-end portfolio
provides OEMs and operators the development tools they need
to quickly trial new voice and data services, and
efficiently integrate them into their network in a timely,
cost efficient manner.


    The TCI6488 is currently sampling with targeted
customers.  It will be on display at the 3GSM World
Congress Conference in Barcelona in Hall 8, booth #8A84.  

    About Texas Instruments

    Texas Instruments Incorporated provides innovative DSP
and analog technologies to meet our customers' real world
signal processing requirements.  In addition to
Semiconductor, the company includes the Education
Technology business.  TI is headquartered in Dallas, Texas,
and has manufacturing, design or sales operations in more
than 25 countries.

    Texas Instruments is traded on the New York Stock
Exchange under the symbol TXN.  More information is located
on the World Wide Web at http://www.ti.com .

    Safe Harbor Statement

    Statements contained in this news release regarding TI
product availability and other statements of management's
beliefs, goals and expectations may be considered
forward-looking statements as that term is defined in the
Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, and are
subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual
results to differ materially from those expressed or
implied by these statements.  The following factors and the
factors discussed in TI's most recent Form 10-K could cause
actual results to differ materially from the statements
contained in this news release: actual market demand for
amplifier products and TI products specifically, and actual
test results relating to TI products.  TI disclaims any
intention or obligation to update any forward-looking
statements as a result of developments occurring after the
date of this news release.


    All trademarks and registered trademarks are property
of their respective owners.

    For more information, please contact:

     Marcia Barnett
     Texas Instruments
     Tel:   +1-214-480-2050
     Email: mpickett@ti.com

     Nisha Chhabra
     Tel:   +1-713-513-9572
     Email: nchhabra@golinharris.com

SOURCE  Texas Instruments Incorporated
K-Swiss Returns to Its Tennis Roots With Winning Apparel at The Australian Open
February 09, 2007

    WESTLAKE VILLAGE, Calif., Feb. 9 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
K-Swiss has been a leading brand in the tennis category for
over forty years, and it was alive and well at the
Australian Open.  Cara Black (Zimbabwe) and Liezel Huber
(South Africa) dominated the women's doubles scene by
beating rising stars Chan and Chuang while sporting their
K-Swiss tennis apparel and footwear to bring home the

http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070208/NYTH124-c )

    Much like the winning combination of this doubles team,
the duality of the K-Swiss brand sets them apart from the
competition.  Not only a performance brand sought out for
victory on the court, K-Swiss is recognized for its sleek
and sophisticated style after the tennis match has ended.

    In 2007 K-Swiss will continue to broaden its appeal
both on and off the court with a more complete line of
tennis and athleisure apparel.  The apparel will range from
$40 to $200 and will be sold in tennis specialty, athletic
specialty, and better department stores.  Alden Sheets,
President of K-Swiss Apparel says, "The new apparel is
built to win.  We wanted to take all of the features that
make the K-Swiss tennis shoes successful and incorporate
them into the apparel collection.  The apparel has classic
styling, performance features, and an elegant
simplicity."  The new apparel will deliver to stores
beginning in July 2007.  

    About K-Swiss

    K-Swiss was started by two Swiss brothers who became
avid tennis players after moving to Southern California. In
1966, they introduced the K-Swiss "Classic," the
first all-leather tennis shoe.  This shoe is still in the
line today and is distinctive with a one-piece rubber
outsole, the K-Swiss Classic Toe Design, the Five Stripes
trademark on each side, trademark D-rings, and the D-Ring
lacing system. Since then, K-Swiss has continued to build
on its performance heritage with high quality footwear for
serious tennis players as well as athletes by offering
tennis, running, training, and athleisure sneakers for men,
women, and children.  In 2007 K-Swiss is adding to its
portfolio with performance tennis, training, and athleisure
apparel. K-Swiss is sold both domestically and
internationally in tennis pro-shops, athletic specialty,
department stores, and K-Swiss concept stores.

    NOTE TO EDITORS:  Jennifer Weiderman will be available
for interviews, +1-818-706-5204.   

    For more information, please contact: 

     Tara Clavell-Vera / Serena Muniz
     Gale Group Public Relations
     Tel:   +1-212-685-6789
     Email: tara@galegroup.net 

     Jennifer Weiderman
     Email: jweiderman@k-swiss.com 

Winnow Companies-New Source for International Product Makers
February 09, 2007

One Supply Chain Management Company Goes Above and Beyond
By Offering Sales and Customer Compliance

    DALLAS, Feb. 9 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Supply chain
management [SCM] companies handle one or more, but not all,
of the following components of SCM:  strategy, sourcing,
manufacturing, logistics, and returns. Dallas-based Winnow
Companies, Inc. is the first complete
supply-chain-solutions company for the retail consumer
product industry that has the capability to serve product
makers in all phases of supply chain management --
typically resulting in dramatically reduced costs for the
company.  Winnow has a proven track record of being able to
increase their clients' sales due to their strong
relationships with retailers. 
    Winnow's strength lies in its 3,000 employees led by
former football coach, Frank Blateri whose team-building
talents work well with his clients, retailers and employees
at all levels.  Previously, Blateri served 15 years as CEO
of Aloha Housewares.  With longstanding relationships and
his ability to exceed expectations, his clients have won
`Supplier of the Year' Awards from retailers like Wal-Mart
USA and International. 
    Recently, Winnow developed a new market out of India
for the country's largest exporter of fans which had never
sold to the U.S.  Within two years, revenues jumped from
zero to four million. Winnow's unique approach and
expertise as it relates to Customer Compliance also enabled
them to recover several hundred thousand dollars by
utilizing this strength and years of experience.
    "Blateri's company has the knowledge and
infrastructure to provide Start to End seamless service
which is helpful for a company trying to grow in the USA. 
We get timely advice based on his understanding of our
Company's strengths and weaknesses and the buying company's
requirements and mindset.  His insights into our product
development helped us increase our product's profit
margins, develop a new product and assist us in future
directions," said client G. Shankar.

    With Winnow's global operations on four continents, its
India client was paid on-time, lead times were reduced by 20
percent, they are compliant with import regulations,
connected with local suppliers to meet immediate needs and
informed on trends in fulfillment, packaging and product
design, consumer preferences and demand.  

    Blateri is now speaking to U.S. and foreign chambers of
commerce and trade organizations about taking advantage of
emerging industries and new trends within the supply chain
    Visit http://www.winnowinc.com .

    For more information, please contact:

     Elizabeth Bashara
     Winnow Companies, Inc.
     Tel:   +1-917-447-6989
     Email: EBashara@aol.com 

SOURCE  Winnow Companies, Inc.
New White Paper Details Broader Implications of Khodorkovsky Affair
February 09, 2007

    LONDON, Feb. 9 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- "Abuse of
State Authority in the Russian Federation," a new
White Paper issued yesterday by Robert Amsterdam, Mikhail
Khodorkovsky's international defense counsel, says the
United States and Western European governments have failed
to effectively protect and advance their own values and
foreign policy interests in Russia, willfully ignoring the
Russian government's increasing repression at home and its
use of energy resources as a weapon against its neighbors.

    "The Russian authorities' campaign against Mr.
Khodorkovsky and Yukos cannot be regarded as a purely
internal Russian matter," the White Paper says.
"The campaign has played out in the context of
deepening authoritarianism in Russia. The Russian political
system is mutating rapidly, with serious implications for
the rule of law in Russia, jeopardising the protection of
human rights and legal guarantees of private property,
including foreign investments."

    Yet the White Paper says Western governments have so
far "shied away from anything more than tepid
expressions of concern over the Khodorkovsky case...a
shocking surrender to sinister forces within the Russian
leadership, and an overt signal to them that their
belligerent authoritarianism will be tolerated -- in
exchange for preferential treatment in energy relations.
This is a dangerous signal to send to a regime that has
taken to wielding power with recurring disregard for both
Russian and international law."

    Released just three days after new charges were brought
against Khodorkovsky and his business partner, Platon
Lebedev, in Chita, Siberia, the White Paper accuses the
Kremlin leadership of using Russia's courts to silence
Khodorkovsky and other dissidents, and to justify the
re-nationalisation of what remains of Yukos, once Russia's
most efficient and most profitable energy company.

    "A new cast of wealthy and influential property
owners has emerged in Russia, and they operate within
President Putin's entourage," the White Papers says,
adding that Khodorkovsky will never receive a fair trial in
Russia as long as the Kremlin leadership has a direct and
personal financial interest in the outcome.

    "The timing of the new charges is not accidental.
Russia's image abroad has been badly tarnished by a series
of highly publicised murders, both in Moscow and in London,
while there is intense behind the scenes jockeying for
favour and power inside the Kremlin as the 2008 change in
presidential leadership nears," the White Paper
states. "The Kremlin may hope that the continued
persecution of Mr. Khodorkovsky will divert attention from
Russia's international and domestic problems."

    The 75-page White Paper provides cogent analysis --
buttressed by massive documentation of facts -- to
underscore its principal contention that the Khodorkovsky
Affair is not an isolated example of the dangerous
economic, political and foreign policy developments which
are now apparent in Russia. "In the name of justice
and as a clear signal of their concern," the White
Paper says, "foreign governments and human rights
organisations should support freedom for Mr. Khodorkovsky
and other Yukos executives or employees who have been
wrongfully incarcerated."

    The full text of the White Paper can be downloaded from
Robert Amsterdam's blog:


    For more information, please contact: 

     Robert Amsterdam
     Email:  amster@amperlaw.com

     Charles Krause
     Tel:    +1-202-778-1049
     Email:  ckrause@khodorkovskytrial.com 

SOURCE  Amsterdam and Peroff
ECD Ovonics Announces Agreement for a Joint Venture Between United Solar Ovonic and Tianjin Jinneng Investment Company in China for Assembly of Thin-Film Solar Modules
February 09, 2007

Joint Venture Will Accelerate Cost Reduction Initiatives
Through the Establishment of Module Assembly Facilities in

    ROCHESTER HILLS, Mich. and TIANJIN, China, Feb. 9
/Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Energy Conversion Devices, Inc. (ECD
Ovonics) (Nasdaq: ENER) today announced that United Solar
Ovonic, its wholly owned subsidiary, has entered into an
agreement to form a joint venture with Tianjin Jinneng
Investment Company (TJIC) to establish a 30-megawatt (MW)
photovoltaic (PV) module assembly facility in Tianjin, the
People's Republic of China.

    The joint venture, to be owned 75% by United Solar
Ovonic and 25% by TJIC, will assemble solar modules using
solar cells supplied by United Solar Ovonic's
Michigan-based photovoltaic cell manufacturing facilities
and is expected to begin operation in 2008.  The joint
venture will have nonexclusive rights to sell PV modules
and systems in China.  Sales outside China will be through
United Solar Ovonic.  The joint venture will also have
certain rights to sell small products up to 32 watts
outside of China.

    The parties anticipate that the module assembly
equipment will be installed in mid-2008.  United Solar
Ovonic and ECD Ovonics personnel will supervise the
installation of equipment and provide assistance and
training during the startup phase of the joint venture.

    The agreement is subject to the approval of Chinese
    United Solar Ovonic's parent company, ECD Ovonics,
recently accompanied U.S. Commerce Secretary Carlos M.
Gutierrez on a Business Development Mission to China, and
credits its participation in that mission as being
instrumental in leading to the joint venture. 
    "China is a key market for American businesses,
and I am pleased that United Solar Ovonic has formed a
joint venture agreement with TJIC to establish a solar
module assembly facility in China," said Commerce
Secretary Gutierrez.  "This unique alliance will
encourage export of solar cells manufactured in the U.S.
creating jobs for American workers, and is a tangible
result from our trade mission last November.  The trading
relationship between U.S. businesses and Chinese companies
is critical for both countries' continued economic

    In a joint statement, James R. Metzger, Executive Vice
President and Chief Operating Officer of ECD Ovonics, and
Subhendu Guha, President and Chief Operating Officer of
United Solar Ovonic, said, "The significance of this
joint venture to us is two-fold.  First, it provides us
with a vehicle to access the rapidly expanding Chinese
market, and second, it accelerates our cost-reduction
initiatives through the establishment of assembly
facilities in China, tapping the highly skilled and
low-cost labor.  We have been active in China for several
years and are pleased to expand our activities and
establish our first solar module assembly facility in China
with TJIC, which has extensive knowledge and operating
experience in the business environment in the Chinese

    "We are very pleased to have formed this joint
venture with United Solar Ovonic, the leader in thin-film
photovoltaic products and technology and look forward to a
long and fruitful collaboration with our joint venture
partner," said Yun Shang Tong, General Manager of
TJIC.  "The renewable energy laws passed by the
Chinese Government envision 10% of total power from
renewable energy by 2020.  TJIC has over 5 gigawatts of
installed electrical generating capacity using traditional
energy, and we look forward to our joint venture becoming a
leading supplier of clean energy in China using United Solar
Ovonic's unique flexible thin-film PV modules."

    United Solar Ovonic currently has 58MW of annual
production capacity, which includes the new 30MW per annum
Auburn Hills 2 manufacturing facility the company placed in
service in December 2006.  United Solar Ovonic is also
constructing two 60MW per annum PV cell manufacturing
facilities in Greenville, Mich., which are expected to
begin operation in late 2007 and mid-2008.  The company's
expansion plan will increase United Solar Ovonic's
manufacturing capacity to 118MW, 178MW and over 300MW per
annum by the end of calendar years 2007, 2008 and 2010,

    About United Solar Ovonic

    United Solar Ovonic, building on technology invented
and pioneered by ECD Ovonics, is the world leader in
thin-film amorphous photovoltaics.  Because of
characteristics unique to the United Solar Ovonic solar
cell technology, such as lightweight, ruggedness and
flexibility, it is ideal as building-integrated
photovoltaic roofing systems for residential and industrial
customers.  ECD Ovonics holds the basic patents covering the
continuous roll-to-roll manufacturing of thin-film
amorphous-silicon alloy multi-junction solar cells and
related products.  More information is available at
http://www.uni-solar.com .

    About Tianjin Jinneng Investment Company  

    Tianjin Jinneng Investment Company (TJIC) is engaged in
the investment and business management for power, thermal
energy and renewable energy.  It has grown significantly in
the last 10 years with its assets exceeding RMB 23.5 billion
Yuans and has been a China Fortune 500 company for the last
three years.  With its focus on the energy sector, Tianjin
has 5.6 gigawatts of installed capacity catering to 83% of
the electrical needs for the City of Tianjin, the third
largest city in China after Beijing and Shanghai.  It has
been recognized as one of "the 100 super enterprises
of Tianjin" from 2003 to 2006.

    About ECD Ovonics	

    ECD Ovonics is the leader in the synthesis of new
materials and the development of advanced production
technology and innovative products.  It has invented,
pioneered and developed its proprietary, enabling
technologies in the fields of energy and information
leading to new products and production processes based on
amorphous, disordered and related materials.  The Company's
portfolio of alternative energy solutions includes Ovonic
thin-film amorphous solar cells, modules, panels and
systems for generating solar electric power; Ovonic NiMH
batteries; Ovonic hydride storage materials capable of
storing hydrogen in the solid state for use as a feedstock
for fuel cells or internal combustion engines or as an
enhancement or replacement for any type of hydrocarbon
fuel; and Ovonic fuel cell technology.  ECD Ovonics'
proprietary advanced information technologies include
Ovonic phase-change electrical memory, Ovonic phase-change
optical memory and the Ovonic Threshold Switch.  ECD
Ovonics designs and builds manufacturing machinery that
incorporates its proprietary production processes,
maintains ongoing research and development programs to
continually improve its products and develops new
applications for its technologies.  ECD Ovonics holds the
basic patents in its fields.  For more information about
ECD Ovonics visit http://www.ovonic.com 

    This release may contain forward-looking statements
within the meaning of the Safe Harbor Provisions of the
Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.  Such
forward-looking statements are based on assumptions which
ECD Ovonics, as of the date of this release, believes to be
reasonable and appropriate.  ECD Ovonics cautions, however,
that the actual facts and conditions that may exist in the
future could vary materially from the assumed facts and
conditions upon which such forward-looking statements are
based.  The risk factors identified in the ECD Ovonics
filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission,
including the Company's most recent Annual Report on Form
10-K, could impact any forward-looking statements contained
in this release.

    For more information, please contact:

     Ghazaleh Koefod, investor relations
     Dick Thompson, media relations, 
     Energy Conversion Devices, Inc.
     Tel:   +1-248-293-0440 

Synacor's Technology to Power VirginMedia.com
February 09, 2007

Synacor to drive U.K.'s largest broadband provider with its
portal and single sign-on technology platform

    BUFFALO, N.Y., Feb. 9 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Synacor, a
leader in the development and delivery of Internet tools and
portals for the cable and telecom industries, today
announced its partnership with Virgin Media, enabling the
company to provide a completely new user experience for its
broadband customers. 

    Virgin Media launches today in the U.K. and Synacor has
been chosen to power its website, virginmedia.com, which
also will launch today.  Virgin Media is the largest
broadband internet provider in the United Kingdom and
currently provides broadband services to more than 3
million subscribers. 

    "Synacor's solution made perfect sense for the
virginmedia.com site because it will not only enable us to
provide our customers with a wide range of valued services
from virginmedia.com, it also will enhance our
productivity, and lower our costs," said Chris Bunyan,
director of portal management for Virgin Media. 

    Synacor has provided Virgin Media with its technology
platform, which includes a content management system that
powers the graphical user interface for Virginmedia.com and
a single sign-on capability that enables Virgin Media to
make many online premium content packages and other
applications available from virginmedia.com as part of its
online services. 

    "We are very excited about assisting Virgin Media
in its efforts to produce a compelling online experience
for consumers. Our platform will bring Virgin Media's users
a much richer experience," explained Ron Frankel,
president and CEO of Synacor.  "Our tools, deployed
through Virginmedia.com, will simplify the way Virgin Media
customers get their digital media."

    As a result of the company's expansion into the
international market and the launch of virginmedia.com,
Synacor will add 3 million U.K. broadband subscribers to
its existing 20 million broadband customers and 50 million
cable television customers in the U.S. 

    About Virgin Media

    Virgin Media is an innovative and pioneering UK
entertainment and communications business. For the first
time consumers can get everything they need from one
company -- the UK's only quad play of TV, broadband, phone
and mobile plus the most advanced TV on demand service
available, the UK's first high definition TV service and
V+, our high specification personal video recorder. We're
the UK's most popular broadband provider, the largest
virtual mobile network operator and the second largest
provider of pay TV and home phone. 

    Virgin Media is the largest Virgin company in the world
and has almost 10 million customers. To find out more visit
http://www.virginmedia.com .

    About Synacor

    Synacor builds Internet tools and portals that simplify
the way consumers get their digital media.  Its technology
platform provides private label portals, premium online
content and email collaboration suites to broadband service
providers such as cable operators, telecommunications
companies, Internet service providers and others.  Synacor
provides the focused expertise and technology that allow
both service providers and content providers to extend
their brands online and create a relevant, personalized
online experience for consumers through a single sign-on
portal, enhanced content packaging and aggregated billing.
For more information on Synacor, please visit
http://www.synacor.com .

    For more information, please contact:

     Sara Zavala 
     Tel:   +1-321-723-0269
     Email: sara.zavala@edelman.com 

     Steve Loynes
     Tel:   +44-207-344-1219
     Email: steve.loynes@edelman.com

SOURCE  Synacor 
Spirit AeroSystems Holdings, Inc. Reports Fourth Quarter and Full-Year 2006 Results After Successful IPO and Provides 2007 Guidance
February 08, 2007

    -  Full-year 2006 revenues $3.2 billion.  Full-year
2007 revenues expected
       to be between $4.0 - $4.1 billion

    -  Full-year 2007 fully diluted EPS expected to be
between $1.80 - $1.90 
       per share

    -  2007 Operating Cash Flow expected to be +/- $280

    -  4th quarter and full-year 2006 operating results and
net income 
       impacted by IPO costs and release of tax valuation

    WICHITA, Kan., Feb. 8 /Xinhua-PRNewswire / -- Spirit
AeroSystems Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: SPR) reported fourth
quarter revenues of $852 million, up 53 percent from the
same period last year.  Full-year 2006 revenues were $3.2
billion, reflecting the continued strong demand for
commercial aircraft and included nine months of revenues
from Spirit Europe, or $313 million, which was acquired on
April 1, 2006.  

    Overall operating performance for the fourth quarter
exceeded expectations after consideration of costs related
to the Initial Public Offering (IPO) for Spirit stock which
occurred on November 21, 2006.  IPO costs reduced pre-tax
earnings by $334 million for the quarter and year, creating
a pre-tax loss of ($245) million and ($72) million,
respectively (Table 1).  Adjusted pre-tax earnings*(1) for
the fourth quarter, excluding IPO related costs, were $89
million yielding an adjusted pre-tax margin* of 10.4
percent.  Adjusted pre-tax margins* for the full year 2006
excluding IPO related costs were 8.2 percent.

    (1) * Non-GAAP Measure. A complete definition of
Spirit's use of non-GAAP 
          measures, identified by an asterisk (*) is found
on page 7-8 of this
          release, "Non-GAAP Measure

    Table 1.  Summary Financial Results
      Period from 
     June 17, 2005
                                    4th Quarter            
      December 29,
    ($'s in millions,                       2005       Full
Year      2005   
     except per share data)       2006    Restated(1)  
2006(2)    Restated(1)
    Revenues                      $852      $557       
$3,208       $1,208
    Pre-tax Earnings/(Loss)      ($245)     ($44)        
($72)        ($77)
    Pre-tax Margins              (28.8%)    (7.9%)       
(2.2%)       (6.4%)
    Reported Net Income/
     (Loss)                       ($69)     ($47)         
$17         ($90)
    Reported Earnings/(Loss) 
     per Share                  ($0.58)   ($0.41)       
$0.15       ($0.80)
    Basic Weighted Avg Share 
     Count (Million)             120.4     113.8        
115.6        113.5

    NOTE:  The items detailed below for IPO related costs
and the tax        
           valuation allowance reversal are included in the
results above.
    IPO Related Costs
    Pre-Tax                      ($334)                 
    After Tax                    ($209)                 
    Basic EPS                   ($1.74)                
    Tax Valuation Allowance
    Tax Provision and 
     After Tax                     $75                    
    Basic EPS                    $0.62                  

    (1)  Does not include Spirit Europe acquired on April
1, 2006; Includes 
         impact of 2005 IAM strike at Boeing Commercial

    (2)  Includes nine months of Spirit Europe
    Full-year 2006 net income was $17 million, or $0.15 per
basic share.  IPO related costs reduced net income by $209
million, or $1.74 per share in the fourth quarter and $1.81
per share for the full year 2006 as basic weighted average
share counts for the quarter and the full year varied. 
Partially offsetting the IPO costs was the release of a
previously established tax valuation allowance of $75
million, or $0.62 per share in the fourth quarter, and $42
million, or $0.36 per share for the full year.

    During the fourth quarter, Spirit updated its contract
profitability estimates resulting in a favorable change in
contract estimates of $22 million recorded in the quarter. 
These changes were driven by favorable cost trends and
higher production activity within the current contract
blocks.  Because Spirit recognizes changes in contract
estimates utilizing the cumulative catch up method of
accounting under Statement of Position 81-1, approximately
$8 million of the $22 million favorable adjustment relates
to revenues recognized in 2005.  For the full-year 2006,
approximately $59 million of favorable changes in contract
estimates related to 2005 revenues has been recognized.

    "Our strong operating performance and progress on
the 787 program during 2006 along with our successful
Initial Public Offering underscore what Spirit can
accomplish by focusing on execution," said President
and Chief Executive Officer Jeff Turner.  "During
2006, we expanded our customer base in the 100 seat plus
market through the acquisition of Spirit Europe, won yet to
be announced programs with new customers and successfully
managed production rate increases on existing
programs," Turner added.  "Looking forward, we
expect to deliver consistently strong financial performance
through the application of industry leading design and build
capabilities for our core products and by maintaining a
competitive cost structure."

    Cash flow from operations for 2006 was $272 million
including cash outflows of $191 million related to the IPO.
 Cash used in investing activities for the year included
$343 million in capital expenditures as the company
prepares for 787 production, and $145 million used to
diversify Spirit's customer base and establish
international operations through the acquisition of Spirit

    Debt balances at year-end were $618 million after
reducing debt by $100 million with IPO proceeds.  In
conjunction with the IPO, the company restructured its
credit agreements which increased available credit capacity
from $325 million to $400 million.  The restructure included
the termination of the $150 million Boeing credit facility
and increased the revolving credit facility by $225
million, effectively replacing the Boeing facility and
increasing overall credit capacity by $75 million.  The
restructure also resulted in lower interest rates and fewer
financial covenants.  Standard & Poor's and Moody's
upgraded the company's credit ratings during the year to BB
and Ba3, respectively.

    Initial Public Offering

    Spirit conducted an Initial Public Offering of common
shares on November 21, 2006, and began trading publicly on
the NYSE.  The net proceeds and the costs associated with
the IPO were recognized in the fourth quarter 2006. Total
IPO pre-tax costs were $334 million, of which $322 million
was compensation expense related to the Union Equity Plan
(UEP) as detailed in Table 2.  The UEP is an incentive
program established for Spirit employees that are
represented by certain collective bargaining units and was
part of the initial collective bargaining agreements.  The
UEP plan obligation will be settled with cash and stock
payments to eligible employees.  The cash component of $185
million was paid in the fourth quarter 2006.  The remaining
UEP obligation will be settled with common stock and will
be distributed to participants on or prior to March 15,

    The company received $249 million in net cash proceeds
from the Initial Public Offering of common stock.  A
portion of these proceeds was used to retire $100 million
of Term Loan B debt.  The other $149 million of proceeds
was used to fund a portion of the cash component of the UEP
plan mentioned above.  The remainder of the UEP cash
component of $36 million ($185 million less $149 million)
plus other IPO related cash expenses of $6 million, or $42
million in total, was funded from operations.

    Table 2.  Initial Public Offering Summary
    ($'s in millions,                            4Q06  
     except per share data)                     Expense    
Cash      Non-Cash

    Net IPO Proceeds                             $249      
$249         $-
    Term Loan B - Debt Retirement                (100)     
(100)         -
         Remaining Proceeds after Debt   
          Retirement                              149      
 149          -
    IPO Related Costs
    Union Equity Plan (UEP)
         Cash                                    (185)     
(185)         -
         Stock                                   (137)     
   -       (137)
    UEP Total (Included in COGS)                 (322)     
(185)      (137)
    Onex Management Fee Termination      
     (Included in SG&A)                            (4) 
      (4)         -
    Employee Payroll Taxes and other     
     (Included in SG&A)                            (4) 
      (2)        (2)
         Sub-total                               (330)     
(191)      (139)
    Write off of Deferred Financing Fees 
     (Included in Interest Expense)                (4)     
   -         (4)
         Total Pre-Tax IPO Related Costs         (334)     
(191)      (143)
         Total After-Tax IPO Related Costs       (209)
         EPS - IPO Related Costs               ($1.74)
    Cash Requirement In Excess of Proceeds                 


    Spirit expects 2007 revenues between $4.0 billion and
$4.1 billion, approximately 25 percent higher than 2006, as
increased market demand for large commercial transport
aircraft from Boeing and Airbus drives additional ship set
deliveries.  This revenue projection is based on previously
issued 2007 Boeing and Airbus delivery guidance of 440-445
aircraft from each manufacturer and includes the initial
deliveries to Boeing of Spirit products on the 787 program
as well as a full year of revenue from Spirit Europe (Table

    Table 3.  Financial Outlook
2007 Guidance
$4.0B - $4.1B
    Operating Earnings                                   
$400M - $420M
    Operating Margins                                     
9.8% - 10.5%
    Depreciation and Amortization                        
$120M - $125M
    Earnings Per Share (Fully Diluted)                   
$1.80 - $1.90

    Effective Tax Rate                                     

    Cash Flow from Operations*                            
+ / - $280M
    Capital Expenditures                                  
+ / - $300M
    Customer Advances                                      

    Research & Development Expense                     
   + / - $60M 
    Stock-based Incentive Compensation Expense             
    Average Fully Diluted Shares Outstanding               
    * Includes $40-$50 million for capital expenditures
funded by customers 

    Spirit's operating margins are expected to be between
9.8 percent and 10.5 percent as benefits from higher
volumes, cost reduction and productivity initiatives, as
well as lower R&D, stock compensation, and transition
expenses expand operating margins versus 2006 actual
results.  Spirit's 2007 fully diluted EPS guidance is
between $1.80 and $1.90 per share. 

    Cash from operations is expected to be +/- $280
million, which includes additional working capital spending
for the new 787 program.  Fiscal 2007 capital expenditures
are expected to be +/- $300 million.  Approximately 50
percent of the capital expenditures will be utilized to
complete the installation of production capacity for the
new 787 program.  Partially offsetting these capital
expenditures is approximately $45 million of anticipated
customer financing.   

    Depreciation and amortization expenses are forecasted
to be between $120 and $125 million as new capital
equipment is placed into service.

    Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking

    This press release includes forward-looking statements
that reflect the plans and expectations of Spirit
AeroSystems Holdings, Inc. To the extent that statements in
this press release do not relate to historical or current
facts, they constitute forward-looking statements.
Forward-looking statements can generally be identified by
the use of forward-looking terminology such as
"may," "will," "expect,"
"intend," "estimate,"
"anticipate," "believe,"
"project," "continue," or other similar
words.  These statements reflect Spirit AeroSystems
Holdings, Inc.'s current view with respect to future events
and are subject to risks and uncertainties, both known and
unknown.  Such risks and uncertainties may cause the actual
results of Spirit AeroSystems Holdings, Inc. to vary
materially from those anticipated in forward-looking
statements, and therefore we caution investors not to place
undue reliance on them.  Potential risks and uncertainties
include, but are not limited to: our customers' aircraft
build rates; the ability to enter into supply arrangements
with additional customers and satisfy performance
requirements under existing contracts; any adverse impact
on our customers' production of aircraft; the success and
timely progression of our customers' new programs
including, but not limited to The Boeing Company's B787
aircraft program; future levels of business in the
aerospace and commercial transport industries; competition
from original equipment manufacturers and other
aerostructures suppliers; the effect of governmental laws;
the effect of new commercial and business aircraft
development programs; the cost and availability of raw
materials; the ability to recruit and retain highly skilled
employees and relationships with unions; spending by the
United States and other governments on defense; the
continuing ability to operate successfully as a stand alone
company; the outcome of ongoing or future litigation and
regulatory actions; and exposure to potential product
liability claims.  Additional information as to factors
that may cause actual results to differ materially from our
forward-looking statements can be found in Spirit
AeroSystems Holdings, Inc.'s filings with the United States
Securities and Exchange Commission.  Spirit AeroSystems
Holdings, Inc. undertakes no obligation and does not intend
to update publicly any forward-looking statements after the
date of this press release, except as required by law.  

    Non-GAAP Measure Disclosure

    Management believes that the non-GAAP (Generally
Accepted Accounting Principles) measures (indicated by an
asterisk*) used in this report provide investors with
important perspectives into the company's ongoing business
performance.  The company does not intend for the
information to be considered in isolation or as a
substitute for the related GAAP measure.  Other companies
may define the measure differently.  The following
definitions are provided:

    Adjusted Pre-Tax Earnings

    Adjusted Pre-Tax Earnings is defined as GAAP pre-tax
earnings excluding the $334 million expense related to the
Initial Public Offering that occurred in the fourth quarter
of 2006.  Management believes adjusted pre-tax earnings are
important to understanding the company's on-going
operations and provide additional insights into underlying
business performance.  Management derived the adjusted
pre-tax earnings by adding the $334 million IPO expense in
fourth quarter to GAAP pre-tax earnings.  The calculation
for the fourth quarter 2006 is (($245) + $334) = $89. The
calculation for the full year 2006 is (($72) + $334) =
$262.  Adjusted pre-tax earnings for third quarter 2006 are
the same as GAAP.  

    Adjusted Pre-Tax Margins

    Adjusted Pre-Tax Margins is defined as GAAP pre-tax
margins excluding the $334 million expense related to the
Initial Public Offering that occurred in the fourth quarter
of 2006.  Management believes adjusted pre-tax margins are
important to understanding the company's on-going
operations and provide additional insights into underlying
business performance.  Management derived the adjusted
pre-tax margins by dividing GAAP revenues into GAAP pre-tax
earnings adjusted for the $334 million in fourth quarter
2006.  The calculation for the fourth quarter 2006 is
(($245) + $334)/$852 = 10.4%. The calculation for the full
year 2006 is (($72) + $334) / $3,208 = 8.2%.  Adjusted
pre-tax margins for third quarter 2006 are the same as

    Adjusted Segment Earnings

    Adjusted Segment Earnings is defined as GAAP segment
earnings excluding the portion of the expense related to
the Union Equity Plan (UEP) that occurred in the fourth
quarter of 2006.  Management believes adjusted segment
earnings are important to understanding the company's
on-going operations and provide additional insights into
underlying business performance.  Management derived the
adjusted segment earnings by adding the respective
segment's portion of the $322 million UEP expense incurred
in fourth quarter 2006 to each segment's GAAP segment
earnings. The calculation for the fourth quarter 2006 for
each segment is (GAAP segment earnings + segment portion of
the UEP expense).  The calculation for the full 2006 is
(GAAP segment earnings + segment portion of the UEP
expense).  A full reconciliation of adjusted segment
earnings is presented in Table 4 in the appendix of this
press release.

    Adjusted Segment Margins

    Adjusted Segment Margins is defined as GAAP segment
margins excluding the portion of the expense related to the
UEP that occurred in the fourth quarter of 2006.  Management
believes adjusted segment margins are important to
understanding the company's on-going operations and provide
additional insights into underlying business performance. 
Management derived the adjusted segment operating margins
by dividing GAAP segment revenues into GAAP segment
earnings adjusted for the respective segment's portion of
the $322 million UEP expense incurred in fourth quarter
2006.  The calculation for the fourth quarter 2006 for each
segment is (GAAP segment earnings + segment portion of the
UEP expense) / GAAP segment Revenues.  The calculation for
the full 2006 is (GAAP segment earnings + segment portion
of the UEP expense) / GAAP segment Revenues.  A full
reconciliation of adjusted segment margins is presented in
Table 4 of this press release.


    Segment Results

    Fuselage Systems

    Fuselage Systems segment fourth quarter 2006 revenue
grew 37.5 percent over the same period last year as
production volumes increased in support of primary customer
deliveries.  Fourth quarter 2005 revenues were negatively
impacted by the IAM strike at Boeing Commercial Airplanes. 
 Fuselage Systems revenue for the full year 2006 was $1.6
billion as its primary customer, Boeing, increased overall
deliveries by 37 percent between 2005 and 2006 with
deliveries of 737 and 777 aircraft increasing 42 percent
and 63 percent, respectively.  Fuselage Systems posted
strong double-digit adjusted segment margins* of 19.4
percent for the fourth quarter 2006 and 18.2 percent for
the full year, excluding the impact of the UEP plan. 
Margins improved in the third and fourth quarters versus
the first half of 2006 as R&D expense on the 787
program declined and favorable cost trends and higher
production rates were realized.

    Propulsion Systems

    Propulsion Systems segment fourth quarter 2006 revenue
grew 28.8 percent over the same period last year and
delivered 16.9 percent adjusted segment margins* (excluding
the impact of the UEP plan) as production volumes increased
in support of primary customer deliveries.  Revenues for
the full year 2006 were $888 million as Propulsion Systems
won new business from our current customer on the 747-8
program.  Additionally, the team successfully competed and
won new business from a new customer during the year.  The
new business did not impact 2006 revenues.  Margins
improved in the third and fourth quarters versus the first
half of 2006 as R&D expense on the 787 program declined
and favorable cost trends and higher production rates were
realized.  Fourth quarter 2005 revenues were impacted by
the IAM strike at Boeing Commercial Airplanes.   

    Wing Systems

    Wing Systems segment reported fourth quarter 2006
revenue of $229 million and full year revenue of $720
million.  The Spirit Europe acquisition was completed on
April 1, 2006 and significantly increased the revenues and
operating earnings in this segment versus 2005 results. 
Fourth quarter and full-year adjusted segment margins*
(excluding the impact of UEP costs) were 11.4 percent and
7.9 percent, respectively.  Margins improved in the third
and fourth quarters versus the first half of 2006 as
R&D expense on the 787 program declined, favorable cost
trends and higher production rates were realized, and
improved fringe benefit rates generated $8 million of
favorable changes in contract estimates during the fourth

    Table 4.  Segment Reporting

      Period from 
     June 17, 2005
                                    4th Quarter            
      December 29,
    (Millions, 2005                         2005      Full
Year      2005   
     except margin percent)       2006    Restated(1) 
2006(2)    Restated(1)
    Segment Revenues
       Fuselage Systems           $396      $288      
$1,570        $638
       Propulsion Systems         $219      $170        
$888        $372
       Wing Systems               $229       $85        
$720        $170
       All Other                    $8       $14         
$30         $28
    Total Segment Revenues        $852      $557      
$3,208      $1,208
    Segment Earnings (Loss) from         
       Fuselage Systems           ($96)      $32        
$112         $44
       Propulsion Systems         ($66)      $12         
$34         $24
       Wing Systems               ($19)      ($7)        
$12          $5
       All Other                    $1        $1          
$4         ($1)
    Total Segment Operating 
     Earnings                    ($180)      $37        
$162         $72
    Segment Earnings (Loss) from         
     Operations % of Sales
       Fuselage Systems          (24.2%)    11.1%        
7.1%        6.9%
       Propulsion Systems        (30.1%)     7.1%        
3.8%        6.5%
       Wing Systems               (8.3%)    (8.2%)       
1.7%        2.9%
       All Other                  12.5%      7.1%       
13.3%       (3.6%)
    Total Segment Operating 
     Margins                     (21.1%)     6.6%        
5.0%        6.0%
    (3)  Earnings (Loss) from Operations includes Union
Equity Participation  
         plan charges of $322 million.

    Union Equity Participation (UEP) 
     Plan Related Costs by Segment
       Fuselage Systems          ($173)                
       Propulsion Systems        ($103)                
       Wing Systems               ($45)                 
       All Other                   ($1)                  
    Total Segment UEP Costs      ($322)                
    Adjusted Segment Earnings*
       Fuselage Systems            $77       $32        
$285         $44
       Propulsion Systems          $37       $12        
$137         $24
       Wing Systems                $26       ($7)        
$57          $5
       All Other                    $2        $1          
$5         ($1)
    Total Adjusted Segment 
     Earnings                     $142       $37        
$484         $72
    Adjusted Segment Margins*
       Fuselage Systems           19.4%     11.0%       
18.2%        6.9%
       Propulsion Systems         16.9%      6.9%       
15.4%        6.5%
       Wing Systems               11.4%     (8.7%)       
7.9%        2.9%
       All Other                  25.0%      7.1%       
16.7%       (3.6%)
    Total Adjusted Segment 
     Margins                      16.7%      6.6%       
15.1%        6.0%

    (1)  Does not include Spirit Europe acquired on April
1, 2006; Includes 
         impact of 2005 IAM strike at Boeing Commercial

    (2)  Includes nine months of Spirit Europe

    * Non-GAAP Measure. A complete definition of Spirit's
use of non-GAAP 
      measures, identified by an asterisk(*) is found on
page 7-8 of this 
      release, "Non-GAAP Measure Disclosure".

Spirit AeroSystems Holdings, Inc.
Consolidated Statements of Income (Loss)
(Amounts in millions, except per share data)

                                            For the Three  
   For the Three  
                                            Months Ended   
   Months Ended   
                                          December 31, 2006
 December 29, 2005

    Net revenues                               $851.8      
    Operating costs and expenses
    Cost of sales                             1,007.6      
    Selling, general and administrative          65.0      
    Research and development                     19.6      
         Total costs and expenses            $1,092.2      
         Operating loss                       $(240.4)     
    Interest expense and financing fee   
     amortization                               (15.3)     
    Interest income                               8.1      
    Other income, net                             2.3      
         Loss from continuing operations 
          before income taxes                 $(245.3)     
    Income tax provision                        175.9      
         Net income (loss)                     $(69.4)     
    Earnings (loss) per share
       Basic                                   $(0.58)     
       Diluted                                 $(0.58)     

Spirit AeroSystems Holdings, Inc.
Consolidated Statements of Income (Loss)
(Amounts in millions, except per share data)
                                           For the Twelve  
Period from June 
                                            Months Ended   
17, 2005 through 
                                         December 31, 2006 
December 29, 2005

    Net revenues                            $3,207.7       
    Operating costs and expenses
    Cost of sales                            2,934.3       
    Selling, general and administrative        225.0       
    Research and development                   104.7       
         Total costs and expenses           $3,264.0       
         Operating loss                       $(56.3)      
    Interest expense and financing fee   
     amortization                              (50.1)      
    Interest income                             29.0       
    Other income, net                            5.9       
         Loss from continuing operations 
          before income taxes                 $(71.5)      
    Income tax provision                        88.3       
         Net income (loss)                     $16.8       
    Earnings (loss) per share
       Basic                                   $0.15       
       Diluted                                 $0.15       

Spirit AeroSystems Holdings, Inc.
Consolidated Balance Sheets
(Amounts in millions)

                                         December 31, 2006 
 December 29, 2005
    Current assets
    Cash and cash equivalents                       $184.3 
    Accounts receivable-net                          200.2 
    Long-term receivable-current                      43.0 
    Inventory-net                                    882.2 
    Prepaids-net                                      20.8 
    Deferred tax assets-current                       90.0 
         Total current assets                     $1,420.5 
    Property, plant and equipment, net               773.8 
    Long-term receivable                             191.5 
    Pension assets                                   207.3 
    Other assets                                     129.1 
         Total assets                             $2,722.2 
    Current liabilities
    Accounts payable                                $322.9 
    Accrued expenses                                 214.7 
    Current portion of long-term debt                 23.9 
    Deferred revenue liability                         8.2 
    Income taxes                                         - 
         Total current liabilities                  $569.7 
    Long-term debt                                   594.3 
    Advance payments                                 587.4 
    Other liabilities                                111.8 
    Deferred tax liability- non-current                  - 
    Shareholders' equity
    Preferred stock, par value $0.01,    
     10,000,000 shares authorized, no    
     shares issued and outstanding                       - 
    Common stock, Class A par value      
     $0.01, 200,000,000 shares           
     authorized, 63,345,834 issued and   
     outstanding                                       0.6 
    Common stock, Class B par value      
     $0.01, 150,000,000 shares           
     authorized, 71,351,347 (unaudited)  
     and 122,670,336 shares issued and   
     outstanding, respectively                         0.7 
    Additional paid-in capital                       858.7 
    Accumulated other comprehensive income            72.5 
    Accumulated deficit                              (73.5)
         Total shareholders' equity                 $859.0 
         Total liabilities and           
          shareholders' equity                    $2,722.2 

Spirit AeroSystems Holdings, Inc.
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flow
(Amounts in millions)
                                           For the Twelve  
 Period from June
                                            Months Ended   
 17, 2005 through 
                                          December 31, 2006
 December 29, 2005
    Operating activities
    Net income (loss)                           $16.8      
    Adjustments to reconcile net income  
     (loss) to net cash provided by      
     operating activities
         Depreciation expense                    52.8      
         Amortization expense                    10.3      
         Accretion of long-term receivable      (22.0)     
         Employee stock compensation expense    182.3      
         Loss on disposition of assets            0.9      
         Deferred and long-term taxes          (134.1)     
         Pension, net                           (33.2)     
         Other                                   13.9      
    Changes in assets and liabilities,   
     net of acquisition
         Accounts receivable                    (41.9)     
         Inventories                           (317.7)     
         Other current assets                   (10.5)     
         Accounts payable and accrued    
          liabilities                           154.4      
         Customer advance from Boeing           400.0      
            Net cash provided by         
             operating activities              $272.0      
    Investing Activities
    Purchase of property, plant and      
     equipment                                $(343.2)     
    Acquisition of business, net of cash 
     acquired                                  (145.4)     
    Financial derivatives                         4.7      
    Transition payments                          10.0      
    Proceeds from sale of assets                  0.2      
            Net cash (used in) investing 
             activities                       $(473.7)     
    Financing Activities
    Proceeds from short-term debt               $85.0      
    Payments on short-term debt                 (85.0)     
    Proceeds from long-term debt                    -      
    Principal payments on debt                 (124.0)     
    Debt issuance costs                           0.8      
    Pool of windfall tax benefits, net           15.4      
    Equity contributions from shareholders          -      
    Proceeds from IPO                           249.3      
    Executive stock investments                   1.1      
            Net cash provided by         
             financing activities              $142.6      
    Effect of exchange rate changes on   
     cash and cash equivalents                    2.1      
            Net (decrease) increase in   
             cash and cash equivalents   
             for the period                    $(57.0)     
    Cash and cash equivalents, beginning 
     of the period                              241.3      
    Cash and cash equivalents, end of the
     period                                    $184.3      
    Supplemental Information
    Interest paid                               $55.1      
    Income taxes paid                           $29.3      
    Appreciation of financial instruments       $11.4      
    Property acquired through capital    
     leases                                     $11.5      

    For more information, please contact:

     Philip Anderson, 
     Investor Relations
     Tel:   +1-316-523-1700

     Sam Marnick, 
     Corporate Communications
     Tel:   +1-316-526-3153

SOURCE  Spirit AeroSystems Holdings, Inc. 
CeBIT 2007: Utimaco to Launch a New World of Data Security
February 08, 2007

SafeGuard Enterprise 5.0: Multi-platform Data Security with
Central Management

    OBERURSEL, Germany, Feb. 8 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Utimaco will be launching its SafeGuard Enterprise security
suite at CeBIT 2007 (March 15th - 21st).  With this new
product generation from the Data Security Company
organisations and companies can, for the first time,
benefit from a fully integrated security suite that meets
all current and future demands on data security.  No matter
where information is saved, or who it is being exchanged
with, SafeGuard Enterprise secures data on mobile and fixed
computing devices, on removable media, servers and in
e-mails.  The core of the brand new security suite is the
central Management Center which for the first time enables
companies to simply and effectively implement security
guidelines across platforms to meet regulatory compliance

    SafeGuard Enterprise 5.0 targets mid-sized to large
corporations that need to store and process their data on
different devices and platforms and secure their
confidential information at all times.  SafeGuard
Enterprise is based on an open, modular architecture that
enables companies to add security functions to their IT
infrastructure using a single, auditable administration
module.  Additionally, SafeGuard Enterprise supports
companies and authorities to reduce costs and risks:
Different administrations and key management systems will
be consolidated under a central management platform. 

    At CeBIT, Utimaco will be presenting SafeGuard
Enterprise 5.0 to the public for the first time.  Version
5.0 comprises the SafeGuard Management Center and the
SafeGuard Device Encryption security module. 

    With the SafeGuard Management Center module companies
can implement security guidelines centrally and administer
them across the company, and across all platforms.  The
SafeGuard Device Encryption module transparently encrypts
data on notebooks, PCs and removable media.  In addition to
supporting authentication hardware such as tokens its modern
algorithms ensure maximum security.  The SafeGuard
Management Center module enables companies to protect all
data in the network against misuse and unauthorized access.

    Selected international test customers have evaluated
the beta version of SafeGuard Enterprise 5.0 thoroughly
over the last few months.  "The users have confirmed
their approval of the solution.  We were given the best
feedback for the ActiveDirectory integration and
installation, and also for the Policy Management,"
said Olaf Siemens, Head of Software Development at Utimaco.

    SafeGuard Enterprise 5.0 is available from Utimaco and
certified partners after CeBIT. During CeBIT, interested
trade fair visitors can get detailed information about the
Security Suite from Utimaco in Hall 7 / Stand A 28.

    Further modules rounding off Utimaco's new data
security suite are added in later product versions:

    SafeGuard File & Folder Encryption secures user
data that is exchanged between working groups.  In
addition, it can be used to encrypt both local disk drives
and network servers at file and directory level, and assign
them individual access rights. 

    SafeGuard Configuration Protection offers central
control over all fixed and mobile computing devices and
protects against malware, inappropriate software use, and
unauthorized configuration changes.

    SafeGuard Data Exchange guarantees the secure exchange
of confidential data with business partners and customers.

    For more information about the portfolio of solutions,
go to 
http://www.utimaco.com/products .

    For more information, please contact:

    Utimaco Safeware AG 				
    The Data Security Company.
    Rieke Bonisch						
    Tel:   +49-6171-88-1210				
    Email: rieke.boenisch@utimaco.de	

SOURCE  Utimaco Safeware AG
Utimaco Adds Support for Windows Vista(TM) BitLocker(TM) into SafeGuard Enterprise
February 08, 2007

    OBERURSEL, Germany, Feb. 8 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Utimaco -- The Data Security Company adds support for
Windows Vista BitLocker Drive Encryption with Utimaco's
security suite SafeGuard Enterprise [US-Version: at the RSA
Conference in San Francisco] [EU-Version: at CeBIT Fair in
Hanover, Germany]. Windows BitLocker is a full volume
encryption data-protection feature available in Windows
Vista Enterprise and Ultimate editions. With SafeGuard
Enterprise this new feature can be used in combination with
other encryption methods while easily managed across
heterogeneous platforms.  

    Within the framework of the SecureIT Alliance,
Microsoft invited Utimaco and other security partners to
work with the Windows Vista product team to advance the
capabilities of Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption by
offering centralized policy based management using
SafeGuard Enterprise for a variety of encryption techniques
across heterogeneous IT environments.  Utimaco SafeGuard
Enterprise on Windows Vista supports encryption of non boot
media, such as additional hard disk partitions and various
types of removable media. The encryption functionality of
SafeGuard Enterprise eases administrative management by
supporting Microsoft Active Directory and Group Policy to
help enforce an enterprise wide data protection policy,
including key management, key recovery requirements, and
emergency procedures. 

    "Microsoft has a strong relationship with Utimaco,
and we are excited about their next-generation introduction
of SafeGuard," said Gerry Albert, Director of SecureIT
Alliance for Microsoft Corp. "Microsoft worked closely
with Utimaco's development team to help optimize support
for innovative encryption technologies in Windows Vista and
other products within our portfolio -- advancing
state-of-the-art data protection to better guard mutual
customers' valuable information assets."  

    "Our longstanding strong relationship with
Microsoft is a major component to achieving our goal as The
Data Security Company to help protect valuable customer
data," explained Malte Pollmann, Vice President of
Utimaco. "By including support for Windows BitLocker,
we demonstrate how expanded technical cooperation increases
value to new and existing customers of SafeGuard

    For more information, please contact:

    SecureIT Alliance: www.secureitalliance.org 

    Utimaco Safeware AG -					
    The Data Security Company.
    Rieke Boenisch						
    Email: rieke.boenisch@utimaco.de

SOURCE  Utimaco Safeware AG
AU Optronics January 2007 Sales Total at NT$28.5 Billion
February 08, 2007

    HSINCHU, Feb. 8 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- AU Optronics
Corp. ("AUO" or the "Company") (TAIEX:
2409; NYSE: AUO) today announced preliminary consolidated
January 2007 monthly revenues of NT$28,458 million and
unconsolidated revenues totaled NT$28,455 million,
increasing 1.0% and 1.1% respectively from December 2006. 
On a year-over-year comparison, consolidated and
unconsolidated revenues of January 2007 rose by 28.2%

    Shipments of large-sized panels(a) used in desktop
monitor, notebook PC, LCD TV and general display
applications, increased 9.2% sequentially, recorded as 5.50
million units, while shipments of small- and medium-sized
panels posted a 4% M-o-M decline to 6.91 million units
because of seasonal demand.

    (a) Large-size refers to panels that are 10 inches and
above in diagonal 
        measurement while small- and medium-size refers to
those below 10  

    Sales Report: (Unit: NT$ million) 

    Net Sales(1) (2)             Consolidated(3)        
    January 2007                      28,458               
    December 2006                     28,190               
    M-o-M Growth                        1.0 %              
     1.1 %
    January 2006                      22,200               
    Y-o-Y Growth                       28.2 %              
    28.2 %

     (1) All figures are prepared in accordance with
generally accepted 
         accounting principles in Taiwan. 

     (2) Monthly figures are unaudited, prepared by AU
Optronics Corp. 

     (3) Consolidated numbers include AU Optronics Corp.,
AU Optronics (L) 
         Corporation, AU Optronics (Suzhou) Corporation, AU
         (Shanghai) Corporation and Tech - Well (Shanghai)
Display Co.

    About AU Optronics

    AU Optronics Corp. ("AUO") is one of the top
three largest manufacturers* of large-size thin film
transistor liquid crystal display panels
("TFT-LCD"), with approximately 20.7%* of global
market share with revenues of NT$293.1 billion (US$9.0bn)*
in 2006.  TFT-LCD technology is currently the most widely
used flat panel display technology.  Targeted for 40"+
sized LCD TV panels, AUO's new generation (7.5-generation)
fabrication facility production started mass production in
the fourth quarter of 2006.  The Company currently operates
one 7.5-generation, two 6th-generation, four 5th-generation,
one 4th-generation, and four 3.5-generation TFT- LCD fabs,
in addition to eight module assembly facilities and the AUO
Technology Center specializes in new technology platform and
new product development.  AUO is one of few top-tier TFT-LCD
manufacturers capable of offering a wide range of small- to
large- size (1.5"-46") TFT-LCD panels, which
enables it to offer a broad and diversified product

     * As shown on DisplaySearch Quarterly Large-Area
TFT-LCD Shipment Report 
       dated November 2, 2006 (AUO market share =
pre-merger AUO market share 
       + QDI market share).  This data is used as reference
only and AUO does 
       not make any endorsement or representation in
connection therewith. 
       2006 year end revenue converted by an exchange rate
of NTD32.59:USD1.

    For more information, please contact:

     Yawen Hsiao
     Corporate Communications Dept.
     AU Optronics Corp.
     No.1, Li-Hsin Road 2, Science-Based Industrial Park,
     Hsinchu City, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.
     Tel:   +886-3-500-8899 x3211
     Fax:   +886-3-577-2730
     Email: yawen.hsiao@auo.com  

SOURCE  AU Optronics Corp.
AU Optronics Reports 4Q2006 and Full Year Results
February 08, 2007

    HSINCHU, Feb. 8 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- AU Optronics
Corp. ("AUO" or the "Company") (TAIEX:
2409; NYSE: AUO) today announced unaudited results for 4Q
2006 and the FY 2006. For the fourth quarter ended December
31, 2006, AUO's consolidated revenue reached NT$94.6 billion
(*US$2.9 billion), net income NT$1.7 billion (US$51
million), and basic EPS NT$0.19 per common share (US$0.06
per ADS unit). 

    Fourth Quarter Results

    AUO reported the following unaudited consolidated
results for the fourth quarter: 

    -- Revenues up 32.7% QoQ to NT$94.6 billion
    -- Net income of NT$1.7 billion
    -- Earnings per share (basic EPS) of $0.19 per common
       (US$0.06 per ADS)
    -- Gross margin of 8.1% 
    -- Operating margin of 3.0% 

    The 4Q2006 panel shipments of large-sized panels were
in accordance with the Company's guidance revised on
December 7, 2006, and broke the historical records.
Shipments of large-sized panels increased 31.7% to 16.6
million from 3Q, and reached a remarkable YoY growth of
72.9%. In the mean time, shipments of small- to
medium-sized panels amounted to 24.5 million with a 17.7%
increase from 3Q, up 54.1% from a year earlier.

    Full Year Results

    For the full year of 2006, consolidated revenue reached
NT$293.1 billion (US$9.0 billion), net income NT$9.1 billion
(US$279 million), and basic EPS NT$1.41 per common share
(US$0.43 per ADS). The large-sized panel shipment grew a
59.1% YoY to 48.8 million units; while the small- to
medium- sized panel shipment posted a 46.6% YoY increase to
79.2 million units.

    "After the completion of merger with Quanta
Display Inc. (QDI), the loss of QDI for the previous two
quarters of 2006 has been turned around through the better
product integration and cost structure, even though we
amended the rate of fab loading in 4Q because of an early
sign of controlling year end inventory from some of our
customers," said Mr. Max Cheng, Vice President and
Chief Financial Officer of AUO.  "Additionally, we
posted little profit gain and maintained a stable EBITDA
margin for the fourth quarter and reached the gross margin
of 8.1% and operating margin of 3.0%, which is able to show
our determination to increase profitability through merger

    * Amounts converted by an exchange rate of
NTD32.59:USD1 as of December 31, 2006.

    About AU Optronics

    AU Optronics Corp. ("AUO") is one of the top
three largest manufacturers* of large-size thin film
transistor liquid crystal display panels
("TFT-LCD"), with approximately 20.7%* of global
market share with revenues of NT$293.1billion (US$9.0bn)*
in 2006.  TFT-LCD technology is currently the most widely
used flat panel display technology.  Targeted for 40"+
sized LCD TV panels, AUO's new generation (7.5-generation)
fabrication facility production started mass production in
the fourth quarter of 2006.  The Company currently operates
one 7.5-generation, two 6th-generation, four 5th-generation,
one 4th-generation, and four 3.5-generation TFT- LCD fabs,
in addition to eight module assembly facilities and the AUO
Technology Center specializes in new technology platform and
new product development.  AUO is one of few top-tier TFT-LCD
manufacturers capable of offering a wide range of small- to
large- size (1.5"-46") TFT-LCD panels, which
enables it to offer a broad and diversified product

    * As shown on DisplaySearch Quarterly Large-Area
TFT-LCD Shipment Report dated November 2, 2006 (AUO market
share = pre-merger AUO market share + QDI market share). 
This data is used as reference only and AUO does not make
any endorsement or representation in connection therewith.
2006 year end revenue converted by an exchange rate of

    Safe Harbour Notice 

    AU Optronics Corp. ("AUO" or the
"Company") (TAIEX: 2409; NYSE: AUO), the world's
third largest manufacturer of large-size TFT-LCD panels,
today announced the above news.  Except for statements in
respect of historical matters, the statements contained in
this Release are "forward-looking statements"
within the meaning of Section 27A of the U.S. Securities
Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the U.S. Securities Exchange
Act of 1934. These forward-looking statements were based on
our management's expectations, projections and beliefs at
the time regarding matters including, among other things,
future revenues and costs, financial performance,
technology changes, capacity, utilization rates, yields,
process and geographical diversification, future expansion
plans and business strategy. Such forward looking
statements are subject to a number of known and unknown
risks and uncertainties that can cause actual results to
differ materially from those expressed or implied by such
statements, including risks related to the flat panel
display industry, the TFT-LCD market, acceptance and demand
for our products, technological and development risks,
competitive factors, and other risks described in the
section entitled "Risk Factors" in our Form 20-F
filed with the United States Securities and Exchange
Commission on June 1st, 2006.

    For more information, please contact:

     Yawen Hsiao
     Corporate Communications Dept.
     AU Optronics Corp.
     No.1, Li-Hsin Road 2, Science-Based Industrial Park,
     Hsinchu City, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.
     Tel:   +886-3-500-8899 x3211
     Fax:   +886-3-577-2730
     Email: yawen.hsiao@auo.com 

SOURCE  AU Optronics Corp.
Vantrix Corporation Names Manish Jha as CEO
February 08, 2007

    MONTREAL, Feb. 8 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Vantrix
Corporation is pleased to announce that Manish Jha, a
veteran mobile media executive, has joined the company as
Chief Executive Officer.

    "Vantrix is at the leading edge of scalable video
and audio content and advertising delivery to mobile
devices," Jha said. "I am truly excited about
joining the talented team that has built Vantrix into an
innovation and technology leader with a marquee customer
base of carriers and content providers. Vantrix is
well-positioned to serve the rapidly growing mobile content
and advertising market and I intend to extend the company's
leadership in providing mobile media and marketing

    "Manish Jha brings to Vantrix outstanding
leadership, a strong passion and commitment to mobile
content, extensive mobile media relationships and global
experience as a media executive," said Vantrix
President and Co-Founder Jean Mayrand. "He has a keen
understanding of the technology and industry forces that
are rapidly changing the mobile ecosystem in which Vantrix
operates. He immediately recognized the unique role our
company will play in delivering rich media and related
services to carriers, content providers and ultimately the
broader consumer market."

    Jha was most recently Senior Vice President and General
Manager of ESPN Mobile. In this position, he oversaw all of
ESPN's mobile efforts, including content licensing and
Mobile ESPN, an MVNO targeted to sports fans. Previously,
he served as Senior Vice President and General Manager,
Emerging Media and Data Services. Jha's extensive tenure
with ESPN dates back to January 1991, and includes various
senior roles in strategy and operations related to new
media, and the launching of several high-tech ventures for
the company.

    In 2002, Manish Jha was named one of the "50 most
influential people in streaming and technology" by
Streaming Magazine. In 2005, he was recognized in CableFax
magazine's "CableFax 100". In April 2006, he was
named in The Hollywood Reporter's "Who's Who in
Mobile". Mr. Jha is a graduate of Colgate University,
where he received a Bachelor of Arts degree in philosophy
and religion.

    About Vantrix Corporation

    Vantrix is a leading solution provider of mobile media
services, enabling the scalable delivery of rich media
content, including messaging, advertising, and live video
and audio streaming. Deployed by leading content providers
and mobile operators worldwide, the award-winning SPOTxde
Media Platform optimizes the user experience and maximizes
revenue across the widest array of devices. Vantrix is
based in Montreal, Canada with presence in the U.S.,
Europe, and Asia. http://www.vantrix.com

    For more information, please contact:

     Robert Waghorn 
     Director of Marketing
     Vantrix Corporation
     Tel:   +1-514-866-1717 x258
     Email: robert.waghorn@vantrix.com 

SOURCE  Vantrix Corporation
Corning Expands Generation 8 Capacity in Japan
February 08, 2007

Additional large size capacity will support customers in
Japan and Taiwan

    CORNING, N.Y., Feb. 8 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Corning
Incorporated (NYSE: GLW) announced on Feb 7, 2007 that its
board of directors has approved a capital expenditure plan
of $160 million to further expand its capacity to
manufacture large size glass substrates for active matrix
liquid crystal displays (LCD) at its facility in Shizuoka,

    The expenditure will be incurred over the next year and
a half, with glass substrate production expected to begin by
mid-2008.  Capacity figures were undisclosed.

    "We have built our leadership position by
combining our technology expertise with a dedication to
providing a reliable source of superior products,"
said James P. Clappin, president of Corning Display
Technologies.  "The increased capacity will create
additional support for our customers in Japan and Taiwan,
who are experiencing growing demand as LCD TV strengthens
its hold on the 40-inch and larger market."

    In 2006, Corning signed a long-term supply agreement
with Sharp Corporation making Corning the majority glass
substrate supplier for Sharp's Generation (Gen) 8 fab in
Mie Prefecture, which focuses on LCD TVs that are 40 inches
and larger.

    At 2160 x 2460 mm, Gen 8 is currently the largest glass
substrate available, but next-generation substrates are
already on the horizon.  "As we expand our Gen 8
capacity, Corning is beginning its development of Gen 9 and
larger in order to prepare for customer demand of
larger-size substrates," said Clappin.

    The Gen 8 substrates manufactured at the Shizuoka
facility are Corning's EAGLE XG(TM)  glass.  EAGLE XG is
the first LCD substrate to contain no added heavy metals. 
It is also free of halides, making it the most
environmentally friendly LCD glass on the market.

    Corning previously said that it expects the overall LCD
glass substrate market to grow in the mid-30 percent range
in 2007.  The company also said that LCD TV penetration is
expected to reach 33 percent of the global television
market this year, up from 22 percent last year.  The
company has also said that it expects worldwide glass
demand to grow by at least 400 million square feet in 2007.
 The industry's total demand for glass reached 1.2 billion
square feet in 2006.

    About Corning Incorporated

    Corning Incorporated ( http://www.corning.com ) is a
diversified technology company that concentrates its
efforts on high-impact growth opportunities.  Corning
combines its expertise in specialty glass, ceramic
materials, polymers and the manipulation of the properties
of light, with strong process and manufacturing
capabilities to develop, engineer and commercialize
significant innovative products for the telecommunications,
flat panel display, environmental, semiconductor, and life
sciences industries.

    Forward-Looking and Cautionary Statements

    This press release contains forward-looking statements
that involve a variety of business risks and other
uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ
materially.  These risks and uncertainties include the
possibility of changes in global economic and political
conditions; currency fluctuations; product demand and
industry capacity; competition; manufacturing efficiencies;
cost reductions; availability of critical components and
materials; new product  commercialization; changes in the
mix of sales between premium and non-premium products;  new
plant start-up costs; possible disruption in commercial
activities due to terrorist activity, armed conflict,
political instability or major health concerns; adequacy of
insurance; equity company activities; acquisition and
divestiture activities; the level of excess or obsolete
inventory; the rate of technology change; the ability to
enforce patents; product and components performance issues;
stock price fluctuations; and adverse litigation or
regulatory developments.  Additional risk factors are
identified in Corning's filings with the Securities and
Exchange Commission.  Forward-looking statements speak only
as of the day that they are made, and Corning undertakes no
obligation to update them in light of new information or
future events.

    For more information, please contact:

    Media Relations Contacts - Corning:			 

     James E. Terry						
     Tel:   +1-607-974-7343	
     Email: terryje@corning.com

     Daniel F. Collins
     Tel:   +1-607-974-4197
     Email: collinsdf@corning.com 

    Media Relations Contact - Japan:				

     Shizuko Utsugi  						
     Tel:   +81-3-5562-2260						
     Email: utsugis@corning.com

    Investor Relations Contact:

     Kenneth C. Sofio
     Tel:   +1-607-974-7705
     Email: sofiokc@corning.com

SOURCE  Corning Incorporated
Mobile Broadband to Revolutionize Wireless Data Communications
February 08, 2007

    BEIJING, Feb. 8 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Emerging mobile
broadband technologies promise an exciting breakthrough
allowing people to make hi-speed wireless voice, data and
multimedia connections on the go.  The ability to use a
laptop or portable device on a fast moving vehicle or train
to send messages, make video conference calls or watch a TV
show is not only attractive to users but also to telecom
operators looking for new revenue opportunities.

    At the upcoming China Mobile Broadband Network &
Services Conference, a number of technologies ranging from
those that are cellular based such as 3G to IEEE 802.16e,
better known as mobile WiMAX will be addressed.  The
introduction of advanced mobile broadband technologies is
expected to be a growth engine for innovative wireless
services.  Mobile broadband offers customers compelling
benefits enabling operators to maximize revenue from
current subscribers while securing new ones.

    Among the main topics covered are what market
opportunities or threats will mobile broadband bring, how
to develop a profitable business model around it and which
technological platform should they build their services on.
  There are also a host of technical issues including
spectrum policy to understand and discuss.  According to
Zhang Wei, the Conference Director, "For wireless
stakeholders looking to capitalize on mobile broadband,
it's vital to explore all the information available before
arriving at the right strategy so this timely event
provides the occasion for dialogue, learning and knowledge

    The China Mobile Broadband Network & Services
Conference is scheduled for April 17, 2007 at the
Presidential Plaza Hotel, Beijing.  A follow up event will
be staged a week later in Shanghai on April 25, 2007.  The
China Mobile Network & Services Conference is approved
by the Radio Regulatory Bureau of Ministry of Information
Industry and co-organized by People's Post & Telecom
News, Radio Application and Management of China Institution
of Communications, China Academy of Telecommunications
Research of MII, and InfoEX-World Services Ltd., and
produced jointly by China Radio Magazine, CNII and
InfoEX-World Services Ltd. 

    For more information, please contact:

    Ms Vicky Wong 
    Tel:   +852-2865-1118
    Fax:   +852-2865-1129
    Email: vicky.wong@infoexws.com
    InfoEX-World Services Ltd.
    202 Tesbury Center
    28 Queens Road East
    Hong Kong, SAR China

SOURCE  Wireless China Industry Summit 2007
PartyGammon.com Offers Richest Weekly Online Backgammon Tournament
February 08, 2007

Germans Continue to Dominate the New World

    GIBRALTAR, Feb. 8 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
www.PartyGammon.com is pleased to announce that the richest
weekly tournament in online backgammon has arrived! The
$10,000 guaranteed every Sunday is already proving popular,
especially in the wake of the conclusion of the
PartyGammon.com Million in the Bahamas on the 25th January,
the richest backgammon tournament ever.

    A PartyGammon.com spokesman said:  "Last Sunday's
online tournament exceeded the guarantee by over $2500 and
was won by a German who scooped over $5000 after investing
just $27 in a satellite. It appears that as a nation
Germany is making the running in creating the backgammon
stars of the future as the winner of the PartyGammon.com
Million was an online qualifier from Bielefeld."

    This Bielefeld star is 33-year-old Andreas Maertens,
who won the inaugural PartyGammon.com Million at the
Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas (21st-25th January),
scooping a world record $600,400 payout for a backgammon
tournament after finishing in 1st place. The total prize
pool was over $1.2 million for a tournament that sold out
and exceeded all expectations. Maertens beat 36 year-old
Danish backgammon ace Lasse Hjorth Madsen 23-22 in a
thrilling final in front of Matchroom Sport's television
cameras. Both players were online qualifiers in a field
that featured 10 former World Champions and 25 of the top
32 'Giants of Backgammon.' The total prize pool exceeded
the guaranteed $1 million and hit over $1.2 million.
Maertens qualified online for $440, while Madsen reached
the tournament from a $35 online satellite.

    Maertens built up a huge lead in the final and it
seemed like his win would be inevitable but Madsen, a
Research Executive from Copenhagen, who scooped $144,096
for finishing runner-up, made a huge fight back and took it
to a nail biting 22-22. Coverage of the tournament will be
distributed worldwide and will be on screens soon.

    The weekly $10,000 guaranteed tournament gets underway
at 14.00 ET every Sunday and qualifiers start from as
little as $7.50. For more information see

    PartyGammon.com is a popular member of PartyGaming
Plc's growing suite of online games that includes
PartyPoker.com, PartyCasino.com, PartyBingo.com,
PartyBets.com, Gamebookers.com and EmpirePoker.com.
PartyGammon.com burst on the scene in June 2006 and has
quickly moved to become the favourite of online backgammon

    For more information, please contact: 

     Warren Lush
     Tel:   +44-7947307899
     Email: warrenl@partygaming.com

SOURCE  PartyGammon.com
Heidrick & Struggles and Fudan University Study Calls for More Independent Board Directors in China
February 08, 2007

    SHANGHAI, China, Feb. 8 /Xinhua-PRNewswire-FirstCall/
-- Heidrick & Struggles International, Inc. (Nasdaq:
HSII), the world's premier executive search and leadership
consulting firm, has sponsored a Benchmarking Corporate
Governance in China study based on 15 months of research
conducted by Fudan University in Shanghai. Recommendations
from the study include a call for Chinese companies to
recruit and value the opinions of independent directors. 

    The study found that, as in Chinese society, patriarchy
-- especially in private enterprises -- prevails. The
tendency toward having a "weak board and strong
chairman" is common, and boards tend to be tight-knit
groups built on business or personal networks.  Independent
directors are mostly brought in to fulfill legal
requirements and are limited to advisory roles. Other key
findings about boards in China include: 

    -- Only 50 percent are evaluated.
    -- Their power to influence stakeholder interests is
    -- They have limited influence on CEO selection,
particularly since a high
       percentage of chairmen are also the CEO of the
    -- Except in private enterprises, they have little
influence on daily
       operational matters.
    -- Native Chinese companies are still resistant to
electing foreigners to
       their boards.

    The study calls for Chinese companies to recruit and
value the opinions of independent directors in order to
maintain the right balance of thought leadership for the
best stewardship of their organizations. As independent
directors rise in importance, their compensation packages
should be open and flexible to match their contributions to
the company.  As companies grow and expand, external and
internal auditing systems must be rigorously adopted and
carried out. Government supervisory committees, which are
often staffed with individuals who have no industry
expertise, should be reorganized when possible.

    Steve Mullinjer, Managing Partner, Heidrick &
Struggles China, said: "We are very encouraged to see
that the government is starting to require the wholly owned
state enterprises to build up boards in order to improve
corporate governance. Key committees -- mainly auditing,
compensation and nomination committees -- have been set up
to support the decision-making of the boards. But our
results show that personal networks and connections are
largely what bind these boards together. Although this is
very much in keeping with the Chinese cultural tradition of
'guanxi,' it also opens the door for cozy relationships that
can breed corporate corruption. This will be one of the
greatest challenges for Chinese companies and regulators in
the future."

    Professor Lu Xiongwen, dean of the Fudan University
School of Management, added: "The government has
aggressively pushed for reforms as Chinese companies are
remaking themselves to be competitive on a global level.
These twin forces virtually assure that corporate
governance and the responsibilities of company boards will
move toward greater openness and accountability in the
future. Domestic companies are looking to the success of
market leaders like Lenovo, and are eager to follow in
their footsteps."

    About Heidrick & Struggles International, Inc.

    Heidrick & Struggles International, Inc. is the
world's premier provider of senior-level executive search
and leadership consulting services, including talent
management, board building, executive on-boarding and
M&A effectiveness.  For more than 50 years, we have
focused on quality service and built strong leadership
teams through our relationships with clients and
individuals worldwide.  Today, Heidrick & Struggles
leadership experts operate from principal business centers
in North America, Latin America, Europe and Asia Pacific. 
For more information about Heidrick & Struggles, please
visit http://www.heidrick.com .

    About School of Management, Fudan University

    Strategically positioned in Shanghai, an emerging
capital of national economics, trading, finance and
transportation, Fudan University can lay claim to nearly
one century of continuous existence. Today, Fudan is
internationally recognized as a leading business research
and educational institute, launching a variety of joint
programs with prestigious partners including Sloan School
of MIT, Olin School of Washington University in St. Louis,
the University of Hong Kong, Bocconi University, and
Norwegian School of Management and the University of New
South Wales, etc.

    About the Corporate Governance in China study

    Sponsored by Heidrick & Struggles, this Corporate
Governance in China study is the result of 15 months of
research, interviews, discussion and consultation. The
research is based on in-depth interviews with the Chairmen
or Presidents of 50 leading PRC and multi-national
companies in China. A total of 1,000 questionnaires were
distributed, with over 100 returned. Questionnaire
respondents included top-level board members and
executives. The study covered various industries and
different regions.

    A strategic study that focused primarily on the
structure, function and organization of the boards, as well
as the roles of the board members and their relationships,
this research is unprecedented in China and provides new
and unique insight to corporate governance in China.


    The points highlighted here represent partial key
findings. To arrange an interview or to request hardcopies
of the study, contact Jennifer Tow, Manifesto Ltd, +852
2526 1972 or jennifer@manifesto.com.hk

    For more information, please contact:  

    Heidrick & Struggles
     Eric Sodorff
     Tel:   +1-312-496-1613 
     Email: esodorff@heidrick.com

    Manifesto Ltd
     Jennifer Tow
     Tel:   +852-2526-1972
     Email: jennifer@manifesto.com.hk 

    Fudan University
     Gene Huang
     Tel:   +86-21-6510-2737 
     Email: zhiyinghuang@fudan.edu.cn

SOURCE  Heidrick & Struggles International, Inc.
dotMobi to Launch Mobile Site Building Tool
February 07, 2007

Furthering 'Go Mobile!' Global Campaign, Tool Will Help
Consumers and Small Businesses to Easily Develop .mobi
Compliant Sites

    DUBLIN, Ireland and WASHINGTON, Feb. 7
/Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- dotMobi, company behind the first
and only Internet address designed specifically for mobile
phones, today announced a partnership with Akmin
Technologies ( http://akmin.mobi ) to publish the .mobi
Site Builder, a tool to be made available exclusively to
.mobi registrars around the world.

    A part of dotMobi's Go Mobile! global program, the
.mobi Site Builder will help consumers and small businesses
develop simple, yet effective, mobile web sites.  The tool,
based on Akmin's mobiSiteGalore application (viewable at
http://www.mobisitegalore.com ), will include high-end
features that allow advanced users to build customized
sites.  Most importantly, sites created with the tool will
be instantly compliant with dotMobi's open standards, based
on the work of the W3C's Mobile Web Initiative.  Compliance
with these standards enables these sites to work on all
internet-capable mobile phones.

    Prashanth, CEO of Akmin says, "Our vision is to
jump-start the mobile content revolution by empowering even
ordinary users with a powerful, do-it-yourself mobile web
site builder that will allow them to quickly build complete
mobile web sites that are compliant with dotMobi's open
standards.  We are extremely happy that dotMobi has chosen
Akmin's mobiSiteGalore to power their .mobi Site Builder. 
Without dotMobi's pioneering mobile web initiatives, we
could not have developed this tool."

    Neil Edwards, CEO, dotMobi, said "Expanding the
availability of Akmin's .mobi-compliant mobile Web site
design tool to all of our registrars ensures that everyone
who buys a .mobi domain will be able to build a compliant
site in minutes.  That means an explosion in mobile
Internet sites is coming very quickly." 

    After the initial release in English, the tool will
soon be available in most European languages and Chinese as
well to handle the specialized demands of these languages. 
The tool can also be private-labeled by registrars.

    The dotMobi Go Mobile! program is exclusively available
to dotMobi's registrars and resellers, and includes a range
of tools for developing good quality mobile content, like
the upcoming .mobi Site Builder, as well as targeted
marketing guides to dramatically improve companies' mobile
capabilities and business volumes.  

    About dotMobi

    dotMobi (the informal name of mTLD Top Level Domain,
Ltd.), a joint venture company based in Dublin, Ireland
with offices in Washington, DC and Beijing, is leading the
development of Internet usage from mobile phones with the
.mobi domain name. Unique among domain name providers,
dotMobi ensures that services and sites developed around
.mobi are optimized for use by mobile devices.  On-the-go
consumers can have confidence that an Internet site or
service will work from their mobile device when using the
.mobi address.

    dotMobi is backed by leading mobile operators, network
and device manufacturers, and Internet content providers,
including Ericsson, GSM Association, Hutchison 3,
Microsoft, Nokia, Orascom Telecom, Samsung Electronics,
Syniverse, T-Mobile, Telefonica Moviles, TIM and Vodafone.
dotMobi is also a sponsor of W3C's Mobile Web Initiative. 

    For more information on dotMobi domains and
registration information, visit http://mtld.mobi .  Visit
the dotMobi blog at http://blog.mobi .

    For more information on Akmin Technologies, visit
http://akmin.com/ . 

    For more information, please contact:

     Vance Hedderel
     dotMobi (mTLD Top Level Domain, Ltd.)
     Tel:   +1-703-485-5563
     Email: vhedderel@mtld.mobi

     Danielle Siemon
     A&R Edelman for dotMobi
     Tel:   +1-650-762-2947
     Email: danielle.siemon@edelman.com

SOURCE  dotMobi
Study Confirms Potential of Cell Phone Photography - Image Quality Requires Further Optimization
February 07, 2007

Cell Phone Displaces Digital Camera

    BAD KREUZNACH, Germany, Feb. 7 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
The photography sector is facing another upheaval: Towards
the end of the 1990s, digital cameras started replacing
analog models.  Now there is a new trend to replace digital
cameras with cell phones with camera capabilities.

    A representative study carried out by optical component
specialists Schneider Kreuznach confirms the potential of
cell phone photography.  Around 1,000 users in Germany,
China, India, and the U.S.A. were interviewed about their
specific usage patterns relating to picture-taking with
digital cameras and cell phones.

    International comparison of usage patterns

    One out of four respondents indicated that in future
they would exclusively use cell phones for picture-taking
(early adopters), provided the quality matched that of
today's upper mid-range digital cameras with approximately
6 million pixels.  Under certain circumstances, 43 percent
would be willing to replace their digital camera with a
suitable cell phone.  At present, only 32 percent would
still prefer a digital camera.

    Users in India and China were particularly open-minded
towards cell phone photography: In these countries, eight
out of ten of those questioned (79 percent) could imagine
using only cell phones for picture-taking in future.

    While in India and China more than half of all
respondents (60 and 52 percent respectively) already take
pictures with their cell phones several times per week and
in the U.S.A. more than a quarter (26 percent), Germany has
the lowest number of so-called `power users' (12 percent)
and at the same time the highest number of non-users (59

    Image quality - room for improvement 

    The image quality of cell phones currently available on
the market is regarded as mediocre in all four countries. 
One result of the survey indicates unanimously in all four
countries that unsatisfactory image quality is one of the
main reasons for not using the cell phone camera.

    Cell phone manufacturers have recognized the need for
optimization and are developing models with
higher-resolution sensors and more powerful lens systems. 
This is where specialized lens manufacturers come in. 
Through their professional know-how, they will play a key
role in improving the camera function of cell phones.

    Click on
for detailed information on the study.

    Jos. Schneider Optische Werke GmbH (Schneider Kreuznach
for short) was founded in 1913 in Bad Kreuznach,
Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany.  The international Schneider
Group also includes the subsidiaries Pentacon in Dresden,
Praktica (U.K.) in London, Schneider Optics in New York,
and Century Precision Optics in Los Angeles.  The German
headquarters has a staff of 340 employees.  Schneider Group
employs 600 people worldwide.  

    The Group operates in five business areas: photography,
cinema/projection, industrial optics, ophthalmic optics, and
servo-hydraulic systems.  Well-known brands include Angulon,
Symmar, Xenar, Xenon, Variogon, Cinelux, and B+W Filter. 
Schneider Kreuznach has been among the global market
leaders for high-performance lens systems for years.  The
company is the international Number One when it comes to
cinema/projection applications.  Furthermore, the Schneider
Group is also active in the seminal areas of digital
projection, home cinema, e-cinema, and simulation.  Its key
markets are the U.S.A., Japan, China, India, South Korea,
Brazil, and Europe.

    Further information can be found at
http://www.schneiderkreuznach.com .

    For more information, please contact:

     Diana Memmesheimer M.A., PR consultant (DPRG)
     Bartenbach & Co. Agentur fur Kommunikation AG
& Co. KG
     An der Fahrt 8
     55124 Mainz, Germany
     Tel:     +49-6131-910-98-44
     Fax:     +49-6131-910-98-50
     Email:   diana.memmesheimer@bartenbach.de
     Website: http://www.bartenbach.de

SOURCE  Schneider Kreuznach

SICPA Participates in Tobacco Asia Expo in Hong Kong
February 07, 2007

Highlights Added-Value Services to Tobacco Industry

    HONG KONG, Feb. 7 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- SICPA (
http://www.sicpa.com ), a leading global provider of
Product Security solutions, demonstrated its commitment to
Asia's tobacco industry by participating in the
recently-concluded 2007 Tobacco Asia Expo, held in Hong
Kong from January 17-19, 2007. 

    Sharing best practices in product security
technologies, SICPA showcased its SICPATRACE(*) Track &
Trace system and authentication solutions -- the company's
unique and complete secure solution for coding,
verification, tracking and data management of products and
documents of value.  The technology brings value-added
services to Governments and the tobacco industry through a
secure and integrated authentication system and
infrastructure program that helps deter illicit trade in

    The World Bank estimates that 355 billion cigarettes
enter the illicit market each year, accounting for as much
as 8.5 per cent of global consumption.  Given the high
incidence of counterfeiting and illicit trade in the
region, SICPA's participation in Tobacco Asia Expo is both
timely and relevant.  SICPA delivers proven and effective
technological solutions to governments and industry in
their fight to eradicate illicit trade.  SICPA's solutions
operate in the State of California and Malaysia and are
currently undergoing full deployment by the Government in
Brazil.  The Turkish Government officially announced the
selection of SICPA to develop and implement a nationwide
Track and Trace Solution covering the tobacco and alcohol
industry in December, 2006. In Vietnam, the Government
signed a Memorandum of Understanding in February 2006 with
SICPA covering SICPATRACE technology.  SICPATRACE, which
also supports business processes, is used for tracking
products from the moment they are manufactured, through
their distribution and availability in the field.  SICPA
recognises that the Asia-Pacific region will be important
to the company's growth worldwide. 

    Stressing the region's importance, SICPA Director Neil
Coupland said in Hong Kong, "We view Asia's tobacco
industry as a key growth area, in part due to the
incidences of counterfeiting, smuggling and diversion
schemes that impact the industry in Asia."

    Tobacco Asia Expo was conducted in partnership with
Tobacco Asia magazine.  The Expo focused on the three
primary segments of the tobacco industry -- products
(manufacturers and trademark holders for cigarettes, cigars
and pipe tobacco), manufacturing (equipment, machinery,
supplies and services necessary for manufacturing and
packaging tobacco products) and leaf (exporters,
processors, blenders and trade groups).

    (*) SICPATRACE is a trademark of SICPA Holding SA,
registered in Switzerland and other countries

    For more information, please contact:

     Mr Marc Bretler, SICPA
     Office: +41-21-627-5988
     Email:  Marc.Bretler@SICPA.com

Industry's First Integrated 802.11n WLAN, Bluetooth(R) 2.1 and FM Single Chip from Texas Instruments Brings Affordable Connectivity to Mass Market Handsets
February 07, 2007

Leader in Mobile WLAN Introduces New 65nm Solutions Based
on TI DRP(TM) Technology

    DALLAS, Feb. 7 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Texas Instruments
Incorporated (TI) (NYSE: TXN) today announced two new
devices built on the company's leading DRP(TM) single-chip
technology designed to drive affordable WLAN, Bluetooth(R)
and FM technologies into mass market handsets. The first
product is WiLink(TM) 6.0, a single chip that is the latest
member of TI's mobile WLAN (mWLAN) family, and is the
industry's first device to integrate a complete offering of
mobile WLAN, Bluetooth and FM, with support for IEEE draft
802.11n for better coverage and reception.  The second
product is the BlueLink(TM) 7.0 solution, the latest
version of TI's BlueLink(TM) Bluetooth single-chip family
that integrates Bluetooth and FM. The FM functionality in
both devices delivers FM transmit and receive capabilities,
turning the handset into a personal area broadcast device. 

http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/20061107170439-20.jpg )

    The new chips are tightly integrated monolithic
solutions that enable the functionality demanded by today's
consumers, allowing them to send and receive more data on
their mobile phones with an enhanced voice and audio
experience. Both devices are manufactured in leading-edge
65-nanometer (nm) technology, delivering a low-cost,
low-power single chip with a small footprint.

    Enabling Affordable WLAN, Bluetooth and FM for
Mainstream Handsets

    The new WiLink 6.0 device integrates mWLAN, Bluetooth
and FM on a single chip, allowing handset manufacturers to
quickly and seamlessly integrate these three functions into
feature-rich mainstream handsets, giving more consumers
access to features usually found only in high-end handsets.
By integrating the industry's first mobile 802.11n solution,
consumers can seamlessly and quickly share large files such
as movies and photos between their handsets and other
WLAN-enabled devices, like laptops, digital cameras and
gaming consoles. Operators and service providers deploying
dual-mode phone solutions expect 802.11n to drastically
improve voice call quality and reliability in VoWLAN
applications. The WiLink 6.0 device will help reduce
dropped calls, lowering support costs for these newer, more
complex dual-mode solutions.

    The new BlueLink 7.0 device integrates the industry's
best-performance Bluetooth technology with high-quality FM
stereo transmit and receive functions on a single chip.
With new FM transmit capability, consumers can enjoy MP3
files stored on their phone on any FM receiver, such as car
stereos or radios without wires. The new chip also provides
enhanced performance with support for Bluetooth
Specification 2.1 plus EDR (enhanced data rate). The WiLink
6.0 solution and BlueLink 7.0 device share the same
Bluetooth and FM core solution, allowing customers to
capitalize on their past and future software investments in
a versatile manner.  

    "The phone is now the consumer's center of gravity
- the one device they use to entertain, connect and access
information. With the WiLink 6.0 single chip, TI is
enabling true voice over IP and personal audio broadcasting
- allowing people to use their phone in ways they never have
before," said Marc Cetto, General Manager of TI's
Mobile Connectivity Solutions. "TI's deep expertise in
wireless and leading edge process technology makes us well
positioned to take Bluetooth and mobile WLAN to the next
level and make them affordable for more consumers around
the globe."

    Combined with single-chip modem solutions from TI,
handset manufacturers have a complete "antenna to
application" solution for mid-tier and low-end
handsets. TI's WiLink 6.0 platform can work with the
OMAP-Vox(TM) family of solutions, including the OMAPV1030
processor and OMAPV1035 "eCosto" single-chip EDGE
solution, to provide an optimized modem, applications
processor and mWLAN/Bluetooth/FM solution for mid-tier
handsets. Coupled with TI's "LoCosto" single chip
platform, BlueLink 7.0 is a cost-efficient solution to
increase Bluetooth penetration in handsets by addressing
the high-volume, low-cost emerging handset market.

    "Mobile devices with both WLAN and Bluetooth are
primarily found in the high-end of the global handset
market today. A more affordable, integrated mWLAN and
Bluetooth solution, such as TI's new WiLink 6.0 single
chip, should help push these key technologies toward the
mid- and low-tier segments, and into the hands of more
mass-market users," said Neil Mawston, Associate
Director of the Global Wireless Practice, Strategy

    TI leads the market in mobile WLAN shipments for
handset applications, according to Forward Concepts. Using
this expertise, the new WiLink 6.0 device is designed to
meet increasing consumer demand for PC-style
high-throughput connectivity on the go without compromising
battery life. The combination of mWLAN, Bluetooth and FM
functionality allows users to perform a variety of
simultaneous tasks, such as listening to the radio on a
Bluetooth headset while checking email via mWLAN. 

    Designed with TI's innovative DRP technology, the
BlueLink 7.0 device cuts power consumption by 20 percent
over previous generations in critical modes of operation.
It also provides superior "class 1.5"
functionality, which enables high transmit power without an
additional external power amplifier, delivering improved
sensitivity and RF performance. 

    TI also brings seamless cellular and WLAN connectivity
for emerging IMS applications by leveraging its VoWLAN
functionality provided by TI's OMAP-Vox and WiLink
solutions. IMS gives consumers on-the-go voice access over
WLAN or the cellular network using their mobile phones.

    Proven Coexistence Platform

    The new WiLink 6.0 and BlueLink 7.0 solutions include
TI's proven robust coexistence platform which addresses
system-wide interference issues, encompassing radio design
and hardware and software solutions. Coexistence expertise
is becoming increasingly important as more radios are being
added to the handset. TI leads the market in coexistence
solutions for Bluetooth and mWLAN, with more than 30
handsets using TI's coexistence platform.  


    Handsets are expected to be on the market with TI's
WiLink 6.0 and BlueLink 7.0 in 2008. 

    Texas Instruments - Making Wireless

    TI is the leading manufacturer of wireless
semiconductors, delivering the heart of today's wireless
technology and building solutions for tomorrow.  TI
provides a breadth of silicon and software and 16 years of
wireless systems expertise that spans handsets and base
stations for all communications standards, wireless LAN,
GPS, Digital TV, Bluetooth(R) and Ultra Wideband.  TI
offers custom to turn-key solutions, including complete
chipsets and reference designs, OMAP(TM) application
processors, as well as core digital signal processor and
analog technologies built on advanced semiconductor
processes.  Please visit
http://www.ti.com/wirelesspressroom for additional

    About Texas Instruments:

    Texas Instruments Incorporated provides innovative DSP
and analog technologies to meet our customers' real world
signal processing requirements.  In addition to
Semiconductor, the company includes the Education
Technology business.  TI is headquartered in Dallas, Texas,
and has manufacturing, design or sales operations in more
than 25 countries.

    Texas Instruments is traded on the New York Stock
Exchange under the symbol TXN.  More information is located
on the World Wide Web at http://www.ti.com .


    WiLink, BlueLink, DRP, OMAP and OMAP-Vox are trademarks
of Texas Instruments.  Wi-Fi is a registered trademark of
the Wi-Fi Alliance.  Bluetooth word mark and logos are
owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks
by Texas Instruments is under license.  All other
trademarks and registered trademarks are property of their
respective owners.

    For more information, please contact:

    Media Contacts:

     Tracy W. Steiner
     Texas Instruments
     Tel:   +1-214-480-7487
     Email: t-wright@ti.com 

     Stephanie Stewart
     Tel:   +1-972-341-2599
     Email: sstewart@golinharris.com 

SOURCE  Texas Instruments 
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