

ニュースサイトなど宛てに広く配信された、ニュースリリース(プレスリリース)、 開示情報、IPO企業情報の備忘録。 大手サイトが順次削除するリリースバックナンバーも、蓄積・無料公開していきます。 ※リリース文中の固有名詞は、発表社等の商標、登録商標です。 ※リリース文はニュースサイト等マスコミ向けに広く公開されたものですが、著作権は発表社に帰属しています。








製品名       ピータッチ12
発売日       2007年2月1日
希望小売価格  7,980円(*1)

(*1) 税込価格




(*2) 1978年に日本工業規格(JIS)で規定された日本語の文字集合および文字の符号化方式で定めた規格


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~ 600x1200dpiの高画質と生産性を両立させた、静音設計の「Oce TDS700」を販売開始  ~

 日本オセ株式会社(本社:東京都港区西新橋、社長:山本義明、以下日本オセ)は、本日、大判モノクロデジタル複合システム「Oce TDS700」(オセティーディーエス・ナナヒャク、以下TDS700)の販売を開始しました。




■ミッドレンジ・ボリューム クラス最高画質(600 x 1,200dpi)

■ミッドレンジ・ボリューム クラス最高速のプリント出力 A0サイズのモノクロ出力を、1分間に4.7枚の高速で出力でき、このスピードは異なるサイズの用紙をランダムに出図しても変わりません。

 オセ独自の画像生成プロセス ラジエント・ヒューザシステムにより、TDS700は電源を入れた直後からすぐにプリント、コピー、スキャンができます。


 非稼働時では、18 db、デスクトップパソコン1台よりも静か。プリント時でも58 dbと設計者の近くに設置ができます。このため部屋の隅に設置したり専用ルームを設けたりする必要がありません。




 本体価格は、¥3,860,000.- から




 日本オセは、大判業務用プリント市場で世界をリードするオランダ オセ社の、日本市場への拠点として設立されました。日本オセは、ハードウェア、ソフトウェア両面にわたる多彩な製品ラインアップで、CAD市場および複写機による複写業界への参入、オンデマンド印刷用デジタル・プリンタ事業に取り組んでいます。東京、大阪、名古屋、福岡に営業拠点を持ち、その大判業務用入出力ソリューションは、自動車業界をはじめとする数多くの企業で採用されています。


 オセ社は、ドキュメントの出力・複写・配布・管理のための、さまざまな製品とサービスを提供するドキュメントのリーディング・カンパニーです。世界80カ国以上で事業展開を行い、24,164人の従業員と、2,677百万ユーロの年間売上高(2005年度)を誇ります。業務用大判プリンタでは欧州で75%、米国で60%のシェアを獲得。詳細につきましては http://www.oce.comを参照ください。




 当社は、本日2007年1月16日に西日本製鉄所(福山地区)において第4溶融亜鉛めっきライン(Continuous Galvanizing Line:CGL)の始動式をとりおこない、営業運転を開始いたします。

 自動車用の高級鋼板に対するニーズは、量的にも品質的にもますます厳しくなってきており、既存の設備の改造だけでは対応が難しくなってきています。老朽更新ならびに自動車外板用の合金化溶融亜鉛めっき鋼板(Galvannealed Steel Sheet:GA)の品質対応力強化を目的に、180億円を投じて建設を進めていた合金化溶融亜鉛めっき鋼板(GA)専用の外板対応ラインとして稼動いたしました。福山4CGLは、新商品JAZR(高潤滑GA)も製造可能で、JFEスチールの最新技術を結集したラインとなっています。



 1)生産能力 50千トン/月
 2)板 厚   0.4mm ~ 2.3mm
 3)板 幅   610mm ~ 1850mm



(4)製造品種  合金化溶融亜鉛めっき鋼板(GA)









 ※ 関連資料 参照






 コクヨグループのコクヨファニチャー株式会社(本社: 大阪市東成区/社長: 貫名英一)は、ヨーロッパの規格に合わせた多様な調節機能が、様々な体型のユーザーの作業環境をサポートする上質なメッシュチェアー「Prelude(プレリュード)」を2006年12月22日に発売しました。



 スタンダードタイプ・肘なし102,900円~ヘッドレスト付きタイプ・ランバーサポート付き、可動肘付き156,450円 肘付きビジタータイプ72,450円



ZAP Announces Second High-Performance Electric Vehicle in Development
June 22, 2007

Includes Similar Technology, Expected Sooner than ZAP-X

    SANTA ROSA, Calif., June 22 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Electric car pioneer ZAP (OTC Bulletin Board: ZAAP) is
launching a new development program for a high-performance
electric vehicle that is affordable for consumers.

    ZAP says that the initial concept phase for the new
vehicle is complete.  The targeted price is $30,000, top
speed in excess of 100 mph and range of 100 miles per
charge.  Many of the technologies already specified for the
ZAP-X electric car concept will be applied to the new
vehicle, but delivery is expected to be sooner than the
ZAP-X.  CEO Steve Schneider said more details of the new
vehicle will be presented at the annual shareholder
meeting, July 29 in Santa Rosa, California.


    "With ZAP's experience over the past 12 years and
the groundwork we have already laid, we know that
electricity is the future of the auto industry," said
Schneider.  "At the same time, we believe we have a
design that will serve a niche no other manufacturer in the
auto industry is seeking to fill."

    Today, ZAP is selling an innovative electric car and
truck design called the XEBRA for about $10,000 that
travels speeds up to 40 MPH.  Schneider says the XEBRA was
designed to fill the growing niche for city-speed electric
vehicles.  ZAP is marketing them towards government and
municipal fleets as well as short-distance commuters.

    ZAP sells the XEBRA through an authorized dealer
network of sales and service centers. ZAP is developing a
number of vehicles for its automotive business plan. 
Earlier this year, ZAP introduced a high-performance
compact, or crossover, SUV concept called ZAP-X.  ZAP also
has ventures to build cars in China and Brazil.

    About ZAP

    ZAP has been a leader in advanced transportation
technologies since 1994, delivering over 90,000 vehicles to
consumers in more than 75 countries. At the forefront of
fuel-efficient transportation with new technologies
including energy efficient gas systems, hydrogen, electric,
fuel cell, ethanol, hybrid and other innovative power
systems, ZAP is developing a high-performance crossover SUV
electric car concept called ZAP-X engineered by Lotus
Engineering. The Company recently launched a new portable
energy technology that manages power for mobile electronics
from cell phones to laptops. For product, dealer and
investor information, visit http://www.zapworld.com .

    Forward-looking statements in this release are made
pursuant to the "safe harbor" provisions of the
Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Investors
are cautioned that such forward-looking statements involve
risks and uncertainties, including, without limitation,
continued acceptance of the Company's products, increased
levels of competition for the Company, new products and
technological changes, the Company's dependence upon
third-party suppliers, intellectual property rights, and
other risks detailed from time to time in the Company's
periodic reports filed with the Securities and Exchange

    For more information, please contact: 

    Alex Campbell
    Media Relations
    Tel:   +1-707-525-8658, ext. 241
    Email: acampbell@zapworld.com

    Sherri Haskell
    Investor Relations 
    Tel:   +1-707-525-8658, ext. 232
    Email: shaskell@zapworld.com

Spirit AeroSystems Holdings, Inc. Reports Significant Growth in Revenue and Earnings; Appointed to Boeing's Global Tanker Team
June 22, 2007

    - First quarter EPS increased 163 percent to $0.50 as
net income grew to
      $70 million
    - Revenue grew 42 percent to $954 million; Operating
earnings more than
      doubled to $104 million 
    - Won new aftermarket business on 777 Thrust Reversers;
Chosen by Boeing
      to provide Next Generation 737 and 777 nacelle
component repair and
      overhaul services; Selected to be on Boeing's Global
Tanker Team
    - 2007 guidance reaffirmed, reflecting strength of the
      aerospace market

    Table 1.  Summary Financial Results
    ($ in millions, except per share data)     2007      
2006(1)     Change
    Revenues                                    $954       
$671        42%
    Operating Income                            $104       
 $51       104%
    Operating Income as a % of Revenues        10.9%       
7.5%     340 BPS
    Net Income                                   $70       
 $23       204%
    Net Income as a % of Revenues               7.3%       
3.4%     390 BPS
    Earnings per Share (Fully diluted)         $0.50      
$0.19       163%
    Fully Diluted Weighted Avg Share     
     Count (Million)                           139.0      
    (1)  Excludes Spirit Europe acquired on April 1, 2006

    WICHITA, Kan., April 26 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Spirit
AeroSystems Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: SPR) reported significant
increases in its first quarter financial results and
reaffirmed its 2007 financial guidance, reflecting strong
commercial aerospace markets globally and continued
execution of the company's strategy.

    Spirit's first quarter net income rose over 200 percent
to $70 million from $23 million a year ago, and fully
diluted earnings per share rose 163 percent to $0.50 per
share from $0.19 per share last year. Revenue for the
quarter increased 42 percent to $954 million from $671
million, and the company's operating margins rose to 10.9
percent from 7.5 percent last year. First quarter 2007
results include Spirit Europe which was acquired on April
1, 2006. Spirit Europe's revenue for the first quarter 2007
$127 million.

    "Solid overall performance combined with increased
production volume and productivity improvements drove this
quarter's results," said President and Chief Executive
Officer Jeff Turner. "Revenues increased, operating
margins improved and we continue to make good progress on
the 787 program," Turner added. "We are pleased
to make progress in our aftermarket business and to be
selected to Boeing's Global Tanker Team that is offering
the KC-767 Advanced Tanker to the United States Air Force.
Boeing's selection of Pratt & Whitney 4062 engines for
the program and our sole source supplier agreement with
Boeing for thrust reversers on Pratt & Whitney's
engines adds potential growth to our propulsion business
and provides potential increased demand for engine pylons
and forward fuselages for the KC-767 program. Looking
forward, we expect to deliver financial performance that
reflects the strength of our design and manufacturing
capabilities, the talent of our people, and the application
of industry leading technology."

    The company continued to build momentum in its
aftermarket business during the month of April with an
initial agreement to provide overhaul services and rotables
leasing to Cathay Pacific on up to 10 sets of Trent 800
Thrust Reversers. Additionally, Spirit was designated by
Boeing as a provider of nacelle component repair and
overhaul services for Boeing 777 and Next Generation 737

    Spirit's backlog during the quarter increased from
$19.2 billion to $19.9 billion, as combined net orders for
323 aircraft at Boeing and Airbus out paced their combined
deliveries of 221 aircraft. Spirit's backlog is calculated
based on contractual prices for products and expected
delivery volumes from the published firm order backlogs of
both Boeing and Airbus.

    During the first quarter, Spirit updated its contract
profitability estimates resulting in a favorable change in
contract estimates of $6 million. Almost all of the
estimate changes are reflected in the Wing Systems segment
and were driven by favorable cost trends within the current
contract blocks. Because Spirit recognizes changes in
contract estimates utilizing the cumulative catch up method
of accounting under Statement of Position 81-1,
approximately $1 million of the favorable adjustment
relates to revenues recognized in 2005, and approximately
$5 million relates to revenues recognized in 2006. Largely
offsetting the favorable cumulative catch up adjustment in
the quarter were certain adjustments at Spirit Europe,
including a contract loss provision also recorded in the
Wing Systems segment. First quarter 2006 results included a
$34 million favorable cumulative catch up adjustment. 

    Cash flow from operations for the first quarter 2007
was $50 million reflecting planned increases in working
capital primarily for the 787 as the airplane enters
production. Cash flow from operations declined 44 percent
from the prior year period due to the $71 million reduction
in customer advances in the first quarter of 2007.
Investments in capital expenditures totaled $88 million in
the quarter (Table 2). Over half of the investment in
property, plant and equipment supported the start-up of the
787 program. 

    Cash balances at the end of the quarter were $157
million, down from year end 2006 levels reflecting planned
investment in Spirit's core businesses. Debt balances at
the end of the first quarter were $615 million, down
slightly from the year end level.

    Table 2. Cash Flow and Liquidity 
  1st Quarter
    ($ in millions)           
2007       2006(1)

    Cash Flow from Operations                              
$50          $90 
    Purchases of Property, Plant & Equipment           
   ($88)        ($94)
March 29  December 31
2007         2006

$157         $184 
    Current Portion of Long-term Debt plus Long-term Debt 
$615         $618  
    (1) Excludes Spirit Europe acquired on April 1, 2006 

    The company's financial guidance for 2007 is
reaffirmed. The company is forecasting solid growth in 2007
that reflects strong operating performance across business
segments and higher commercial airplane deliveries.

    Spirit's 2007 revenue is expected to be between $4.0
billion and 
$4.1 billion, approximately 25 percent higher than 2006, as
increased market demand for large commercial transport
aircraft from Boeing and Airbus drives additional shipset
deliveries. This revenue projection is based on previously
issued 2007 Boeing and Airbus delivery guidance of 440-445
and 440-450 aircraft, respectively, and includes the
initial deliveries to Boeing of Spirit products on the 787
program as well as a full year of revenue from Spirit
Europe (Table 3).

    Table 3.  Financial Outlook		

$4.0B - $4.1B
    Operating Income                                  
$400M - $420M
    Operating Income as a % of Revenues	               
9.8% - 10.5%

    Depreciation and Amortization                     
$120M - $125M 
    Earnings Per Share (Fully Diluted)                
$1.80 - $1.90

    Effective Tax Rate                                    
    Cash Flow from Operations*                           +
/ - $280M	   
    Capital Expenditures	                         + / -
    Customer Reimbursement of Capital Expenditures       ~
    Research & Development Expense	               + / -

    Average Fully Diluted Shares Outstanding	          141M

    * Includes $40-$50 million of customer advances for
capital expenditures

    Spirit's operating margins are expected to be between
9.8 percent and 
10.5 percent as benefits from higher volumes, cost
reduction and productivity initiatives, as well as lower
R&D and stock compensation expenses expand operating
margins vs. 2006 actual results. Spirit's 2007 fully
diluted EPS guidance is between $1.80 and $1.90 per share.

    Cash flow from operations is expected to be +/- $280
million, which includes additional working capital spending
for the new 787 program. Fiscal 2007 capital expenditures
are expected to be +/- $300 million. Approximately 50
percent of the capital expenditures will be utilized to
complete the installation of production capacity for the
new 787 program. Spirit anticipates approximately $45
million of customer reimbursement to partially offset these
capital expenditures. 

    Depreciation and amortization expenses are forecasted
to be between $120 and $125 million as new capital
equipment is placed into service.

    Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking

    This press release includes forward-looking statements
that reflect the plans and expectations of Spirit
AeroSystems Holdings, Inc. To the extent that statements in
this press release do not relate to historical or current
facts, they constitute forward-looking statements.
Forward-looking statements can generally be identified by
the use of forward-looking terminology such as
"may," "will," "expect,"
"intend," "estimate,"
"anticipate," "believe,"
"project," "continue," or other similar
words. These statements reflect Spirit AeroSystems Holdings,
Inc.'s current view with respect to future events and are
subject to risks and uncertainties, both known and unknown.
Such risks and uncertainties may cause the actual results of
Spirit AeroSystems Holdings, Inc. to vary materially from
those anticipated in forward-looking statements, and
therefore we caution investors not to place undue reliance
on them. Potential risks and uncertainties include, but are
not limited to: our customers' aircraft build rates; the
ability to enter into supply arrangements with additional
customers and satisfy performance requirements under
existing contracts; any adverse impact on our customers'
production of aircraft; the success and timely progression
of our customers' new programs including, but not limited
to The Boeing Company's 787 aircraft program; future levels
of business in the aerospace and commercial transport
industries; competition from original equipment
manufacturers and other aerostructures suppliers; the
effect of governmental laws; the effect of new commercial
and business aircraft development programs; the cost and
availability of raw materials; the ability to recruit and
retain highly skilled employees and relationships with
unions; spending by the United States and other governments
on defense; the continuing ability to operate successfully
as a stand alone company; the outcome of ongoing or future
litigation and regulatory actions; and exposure to
potential product liability claims. Additional information
as to factors that may cause actual results to differ
materially from our forward-looking statements can be found
in Spirit AeroSystems Holdings, Inc.'s filings with the
United States Securities and Exchange Commission. Spirit
AeroSystems Holdings, Inc. undertakes no obligation and
does not intend to update publicly any forward-looking
statements after the date of this press release, except as
required by law. 


    Segment Results
    Fuselage Systems

    Fuselage Systems segment revenue for the first quarter
was $445 million, up 26 percent over the same period last
year as deliveries on the 737 and 777 programs increased.
Revenues in the first quarter 2006 were negatively impacted
by the IAM strike at Boeing which occurred in September of
2005. Fuselage Systems posted double-digit segment
operating margins of 18.6 percent for the first quarter
2007, up from 17.0 percent in the same period of 2006 as
R&D expense on the 787 program declined; higher
production rates were realized; and 737 model-mixes shifted
to longer aircraft types.

    Propulsion Systems

    Propulsion Systems segment revenue for the first
quarter was $260 million, up 20 percent over the same
period last year as deliveries increased in support of
primary customer production volume. Propulsion Systems
posted improved double-digit segment operating margins of
15.5 percent for the first quarter 2007, up from 13.8
percent in the same period of 2006 as R&D expense on
the 787 program declined and higher production rates were

    Wing Systems

    Wing Systems segment revenue for the first quarter was
$241 million, up from $92 million over the same period last
year. Spirit Europe was acquired on April 1, 2006, and
contributed $127 million to the first quarter 2007
revenues. Wing Systems posted segment operating margins of
9.6 percent for the first quarter 2007, up from 6.0 percent
in the same period of 2006 as R&D expense on the 787
program declined and favorable cost trends generated
favorable changes in contract estimates that were largely
offset by certain adjustments, including a loss provision
at Spirit Europe, during the first quarter 2007.

    Table 4.    Segment Reporting
1st Quarter
    $ in millions, except margin percent)             2007 
  2006(1) Change

    Segment Revenues
     Fuselage Systems	                           $445.2   
$353.7    25.9%
     Propulsion Systems                             $260.4 
  $216.5    20.3%
     Wing Systems                                   $241.2 
   $92.0   162.2%
     All Other                                        $7.3 
    $8.6   (15.1%)
    Total Segment Revenues                          $954.1 
  $670.8    42.2%

    Segment Earnings from Operations
     Fuselage Systems                                $83.0 
   $60.1    38.1%
     Propulsion Systems                              $40.3 
   $29.8    35.2%
     Wing Systems                                    $23.2 
    $5.5   321.8%
     All Other                                        $0.8 
    $0.5    60.0%
    Total Segment Operating Earnings                $147.3 
   $95.9    53.6%

    Unallocated Corporate SG&A Expense             
($42.5)   ($43.4)    2.1%
    Unallocated Research & Development Expense      
($1.0)    ($1.9)   47.4%
    Total Earnings from Operations                  $103.8 
   $50.6   105.1%

    Segment Operating Earnings as % of Revenues
     Fuselage Systems                                 18.6%
    17.0%  160 BPS
     Propulsion Systems                               15.5%
    13.8%  170 BPS
     Wing Systems                                      9.6%
     6.0%  360 BPS
     All Other                                        11.0%
     5.8%  520 BPS
    Total Segment Operating Earnings as % of Revenues 15.4%
    14.3%  110 BPS

    Total Operating Earnings as % of Revenues         10.9%
     7.5%  340 BPS

    (1) Excludes Spirit Europe acquired on April 1, 2006


    Spirit AeroSystems Holdings, Inc.
    Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations
                                           For the Three   
   For the Three
                                            Months Ended   
    Months Ended 
                                           March 29, 2007  
   March 30, 2006
                                        ($ in millions,
except per share data)
    Net Revenues                                    $954.1 
    Operating costs and expenses:
      Cost of sales                                  794.8 
      Selling, general and administrative             45.1 
      Research and development                        10.4 
        Total Costs and Expenses                     850.3 
        Operating Income                             103.8 
    Interest expense and financing fee   
     amortization                                     (8.9)
    Interest income                                    7.7 
    Other income, net                                  2.0 
        Income From Continuing Operations
        Before Income Taxes                          104.6 
    Income tax provision                             (34.8)
        Net Income                                   $69.8 
    Earnings per share
    Basic                                            $0.54 
    Diluted                                          $0.50 

                        Spirit AeroSystems Holdings, Inc.
                     Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets
                                             March 29, 2007
 December 31, 2006
in millions)
    Current assets
    Cash and cash equivalents                       $157.3 
    Accounts receivable,net                          256.8 
    Other receivable                                  32.6 
    Inventory, net                                   947.0 
    Income tax receivable                              --  
    Other current assets                              78.1 
         Total current assets                      1,471.8 
    Property, plant and equipment, net               841.0 
    Long-term receivable                             196.4 
    Pension assets                                   215.4 
    Other assets                                     115.5 
         Total assets                             $2,840.1 
    Current liabilities
    Accounts payable                                $357.6 
    Accrued expenses                                 185.8 
    Current portion of long-term debt                 24.9 
    Other current liabilities                         21.2 
         Total current liabilities                   589.5 
    Long-term debt                                   590.2 
    Advance payments                                 600.5 
    Other liabilities                                124.6 
    Shareholders' equity
    Preferred stock, par value $0.01,    
     10,000,000 shares authorized, no    
     shares issued and outstanding                      -- 
    Common stock, Class A par value      
     $0.01, 200,000,000 shares           
     authorized, 68,159,104 and          
     63,345,834 issued and outstanding,  
     respectively                                      0.7 
    Common stock, Class B par value      
     $0.01, 150,000,000 shares           
     authorized, 71,446,595 and          
     71,351,347 shares issued and        
     outstanding, respectively                         0.7 
    Additional paid-in capital                       867.2 
    Accumulated other comprehensive income            70.4 
    Accumulated deficit                               (3.7)
         Total shareholders' equity                  935.3 
         Total liabilities and           
          shareholders' equity                    $2,840.1 

                        Spirit AeroSystems Holdings, Inc.
           Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flow
                                               For the
Three     For the Three
                                               Months Ended
      Months Ended
                                              March 29,
2007    March 30, 2006
in millions)
    Operating activities
    Net income                                       $69.8 
    Adjustments to reconcile net income  
     to net cash provided by operating   
         Depreciation expense                         20.9 
         Amortization expense                          1.9 
         Accretion of long-term          
          receivable                                  (5.5)
         Employee stock compensation     
          expense                                      6.6 
         Loss on disposition of assets                 0.1 
         Deferred  taxes                               6.0 
         Pension, net                                 (8.1)
    Changes in assets and liabilities,   
     net of acquisition
         Accounts receivable                         (54.3)
         Inventory, net                              (63.6)
         Other current assets                         10.3 
         Accounts payable and accrued    
          liabilities                                (11.5)
         Customer advances                            29.2 
         Income taxes payable                         23.8 
         Deferred revenue and other      
          deferred credits                             9.4 
         Other                                        15.1 
            Net cash provided by         
             operating activities                     50.1 
    Investing Activities
    Purchase of property, plant and      
     equipment                                       (87.5)
    Reimbursement of capital expenditures             11.4 
    Financial derivatives                              1.1 
            Net cash (used in) investing 
             activities                              (75.0)
    Financing Activities
    Principal payments of debt                        (4.6)
    Pool of windfall tax benefits                      2.5 
    Executive stock investments                         -- 
            Net cash (used in) financing 
             activities                               (2.1)
    Effect of exchange rate changes on   
     cash and cash equivalents                          -- 
            Net (decrease) in cash and   
             cash equivalents for the    
             period                                  (27.0)
    Cash and cash equivalents, beginning 
     of the period                                   184.3 
    Cash and cash equivalents, end of the
     period                                         $157.3 

    For more information, please contact: 

     Investor Relations
     Phil Anderson
     Tel: +1-316-523-1797

     Sam Marnick
     Tel: +1-316-523-3330
W.P. Stewart & Co., Ltd. Announces First Quarter 2007 Financial Results
June 22, 2007

     A loss of $0.04 per share after non-recurring charges
of $5.8 million or 
     $0.12 per share (diluted) compared with first quarter
2006 earnings of 
     $0.28 per share (diluted)

    Cash earnings were $0.14 per share (diluted) after
non-recurring charges of $1.6 million or $0.03 per share
(diluted) for the first quarter of 2007 compared with $0.32
per share (diluted) in the first quarter of 2006 - see GAAP
reconciliation statement below

    HAMILTON, Bermuda, May 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- W.P.
Stewart & Co., Ltd. today reported a net loss of $1.8
million, or $0.04 per share (diluted) and $0.04 per share
(basic), for the first quarter ended 31 March 2007.  This
compares with net income in the first quarter of the prior
year of 
$12.7 million or $0.28 per share (diluted) and $0.28 per
share (basic).

    During the first quarter, the Company entered into
agreements with certain employees whose employment with the
Company terminated in the quarter. In accordance with the
terms of these agreements, the Company has incurred
one-time, non-recurring cash expenses of approximately
$1,600,000 and non-cash charges related to restricted
shares of approximately $4,200,000 in the first quarter of
2007. Combined, these one-time, non-recurring charges
equate to approximately $0.12 per share, diluted.

    Cash earnings for the quarter ended 31 March 2007 were
$6.4 million, or $0.14 per share (diluted), (net loss of
$1.8 million adjusted to include $8.2 million representing
non-cash income and expenses consisting of unrealized gains
and losses, non-cash compensation, depreciation,
amortization and other non-cash charges on a tax-effected
basis). In the same quarter of the prior year, cash
earnings were $14.5 million, or $0.32 per share (diluted),
(net income of $12.7 million adjusted for the inclusion of
$1.8 million representing expenses of non-cash
compensation, depreciation, amortization and other non-cash
charges, on a tax-effected basis).

    Commenting on the results for the quarter, Bill
Stewart, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer said:
"I indicated in February that we were in a classic
turnaround situation and that things could get worse before
getting better. Our financial results for this first quarter
are disappointing but not entirely surprising and certainly
not indicative of where our new management team hopes to
take the Company over the next several years. I am
optimistic that we are on the right track but there is a
lot of hard work yet to do."

    For the first quarter of 2007 there were 45,986,856
common shares outstanding on a weighted average diluted
basis compared to 45,941,269 common shares outstanding for
the first quarter of 2006 on the same weighted average
diluted basis.


    Performance in the W.P. Stewart & Co., Ltd. U.S.
Equity Composite (the "Composite") for the first
quarter of 2007 was -0.7% pre-fee and -1.0% post-fee. This
compares with 0.6% for the S&P 500.

    For the twelve-month period ending 31 March 2007,
performance in the Composite was 6.7%, pre-fee and 5.6%,
post-fee. This compares with 11.8% for the S&P 500.

    In each of the three-, five- and ten-year periods ended
31 March 2007, performance of the W.P. Stewart U.S. Equity
Composite has exceeded the performance of the S&P 500
on a pre-fee basis. On a post-fee basis, performance
exceeded the S&P 500 for the ten-year period ended 31
March 2007 but fell slightly behind on a three- and
five-year basis. 

    Performance in the W.P. Stewart international portfolio
(ex United States) for the first quarter of 2007 was +2.2%,
pre-fee, and 2.1%, post-fee, compared to +4.1% for the MSCI
EAFE Index. Performance in the Global portfolio was -0.1%,
pre-fee, and -0.4%, post-fee, compared to +2.5% for the
MSCI World Index. 

    Commenting on this first quarter performance, Mark
Phelps, Managing Director - Global Investments, said:
"This performance in our U.S. portfolios is
disappointing but continues to reflect the hostile
environment for high quality large cap growth stocks in the
United States but I do believe that with the continuing
strong trend in 'look-through' earnings growth and
attractive valuations we can look forward to very good
returns over the next few years. It is right for us to
remain patient and true to our style. Performance in the
international and European portfolios is mixed but
generally positive and has been ahead of the respective
benchmarks over the past year or so."

    Preliminary indications are that year-to-date
performance as of 30 April for the W.P. Stewart U.S. Equity
Composite was +2.7%, pre-fee, and +2.3%, post-fee; for the
international portfolio was +4.7%, pre-fee, and +4.3%,
post-fee, and for the Global portfolio was +4.7%, pre-fee,
and +4.3%, post-fee.

    Assets Under Management

    Assets under management (AUM) at quarter-end were
approximately $6.4 billion, compared with approximately
$8.1 billion at 31 December 2006, and approximately $9.4
billion at 31 March 2006.

    Total net outflows of AUM for the quarter ended 31
March 2007 were approximately $1,663 million, compared with
total net outflows of approximately $667 million and
approximately $237 million in the fourth quarter and in the
first quarter of 2006, respectively.

    In the quarter, net cash outflows from existing
accounts were approximately $239 million, compared with net
cash outflows of approximately $196 million and
approximately $31 million in the fourth quarter and in the
first quarter of 2006, respectively.

    Net outflows from our publicly-available funds and
flows from new accounts minus closed accounts were
approximately $1,424 million for the quarter compared to
approximately $471 million and approximately $206 million
in the fourth quarter and in the first quarter of 2006,

    Net flows in April 2007 were negative approximately
$255 million.

    Look-Through Earning Power

    W.P. Stewart & Co., Ltd. concentrates its
investments in large, generally less cyclical, growing
businesses. Throughout most of the Company's history, the
growth in earning power behind clients' portfolios has
ranged from approximately 11% to 22% annually. Currently,
the "look-through" earning power behind our
clients' portfolios remains solidly positive with portfolio
earnings per share growth on a trailing four quarter basis
as at 31 March 2007 expected to have advanced at the high
end of the historical range. The Company's research
analysts expect "look-through" portfolio earnings
growth to be within the 12-15% range over the next few
    Revenues and Profitability

    Revenues were $25.9 million for the quarter ended 31
March 2007, compared to $36.2 million for the same quarter

    The average gross management fee was 1.08%, annualized,
for the quarter ended 31 March 2007, compared to 1.14%,
annualized, for the same quarter of the prior year.
Excluding performance fee based accounts, the average gross
management fee was 1.22% for the quarter ended 31 March
2007, compared to 1.27%, annualized, for the same quarter
of the prior year.  

    Total operating expenses increased approximately $6.6
million, including the non-recurring charges of $5.8
million referenced above, to $27.9 million for the first
quarter 2007, from $21.2 million in the same quarter of the
prior year.  

    The advance in expenses substantially reflects non-cash
compensation expense related to the Company's restricted
share issuances to employees of approximately $6.8 million
for the first quarter of 2007, which includes $4.2 million
related to employees whose employment terminated in
February 2007. In the first quarter of 2006 these non-cash
compensation expenses were $280,000 after adjusting for a
reversal of approximately $500,000 related to the
forfeiture of previously issued restricted shares. This
non-cash compensation expense is included in "employee
compensation and benefits".

    We expect non-cash compensation expense related to
restricted share grants to be at least $14 million for

    The Company's provision for taxes resulted in a tax
benefit of approximately $100,000 based on a pre-tax loss
of $1.9 million for the quarter ended 31 March 2007
compared with a tax provision of approximately $2.3 million
based on pre-tax income of $15.0 million in the comparable
quarter of the prior year. The provision/benefit for taxes
represents the Company's estimate of taxes on the
income/loss applicable to all jurisdictions and is
calculated at rates equal to the applicable statutory
income tax rate in each jurisdiction.

    Other Events

    The Company paid a dividend of $0.23 per common share
on 31 January 2007 to shareholders of record as of 17
January 2007, and further, paid a dividend of $0.15 per
common share on 27 April 2007 to shareholders of record as
of 13 April 2007. This latter payment reflects a change in
the dividend policy which was announced in a press release
on 29 March 2007. 

    Conference Call

    In conjunction with this first quarter 2007 earnings
release, W.P. Stewart & Co., Ltd. will host a
conference call on Thursday, 3 May 2007.  The conference
call will commence promptly at 9:15 a.m. (EDT). Those who
are interested in participating in the teleconference
should dial 1-800-922-9655 (within the United States) or
+973-935-2407 (outside the United States).  The conference
ID is "W.P. Stewart" or "8701547". To
listen to the live broadcast of the conference over the
Internet, simply visit our website at www.wpstewart.com and
click on the Investor Relations tab for a link to the

    The teleconference will be available for replay from
Thursday, 3 May 2007 at 12:00 noon (EDT) through Thursday,
10 May 2007 at 5:00 p.m. (EDT). To access the replay,
please dial 1-877-519-4471 (within the United States) or
+973-341-3080 (outside the United States). The PIN number
for accessing this replay is 8701547.

    You will be able to access a replay of the Internet
broadcast through Thursday, 10 May 2007, on the Company's
website at http://www.wpstewart.com. The Company will
respond to questions submitted by e-mail, following the

    W.P. Stewart & Co., Ltd. is an asset management
company that has provided research-intensive equity
management services to clients throughout the world since
1975. The Company is headquartered in Hamilton, Bermuda,
and has additional operations or affiliates in the United
States, Europe and Asia.

    The Company's shares are listed for trading on the New
York Stock Exchange (NYSE: WPL) and on the Bermuda Stock
Exchange (BSX: WPS).

    For more information, please visit the Company's
website at http://www.wpstewart.com, or call W.P. Stewart
Investor Relations (Fred M. Ryan) at 1-888-695-4092
(toll-free within the United States) or + 441-295-8585
(outside the United States) or e-mail to

    Statements made in this release concerning our
assumptions, expectations, beliefs, intentions, plans or
strategies are forward-looking statements within the
meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of
1995. Such statements involve risks and uncertainties that
may cause actual results to differ from those expressed or
implied in these statements. Such risks and uncertainties
include, without limitation, the adverse effect from a
decline or volatility in the securities markets, a general
downturn in the economy, the effects of economic, financial
or political events, a loss of client accounts, inability of
the Company to attract or retain qualified personnel, a
challenge to our U.S. tax status, competition from other
companies, changes in government policy or regulation, a
decline in the Company's products' performance, inability
of the Company to implement its operating strategy,
inability of the Company to manage unforeseen costs and
other effects related to legal proceedings or
investigations of governmental and self-regulatory
organizations, industry capacity and trends, changes in
demand for the Company's services, changes in the Company's
business strategy or development plans and contingent
liabilities. The information in this release is as of the
date of this release, and will not be updated as a result
of new information or future events or developments.

    W.P. Stewart & Co., Ltd.
    Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statements of

                          For the Three Months Ended       
  % Change From
                        Mar. 31,     Dec. 31,     Mar. 31, 
Dec. 31,  Mar. 31,
                          2007         2006         2006   
  2006      2006

      Fees           $21,061,944  $31,874,280  $27,187,308 
 -33.92%   -22.53%
      Commissions      4,459,454    5,686,392    8,260,794 
 -21.58%   -46.02%
      Realized and
       unrealized gains/
       (losses) on
       investments (1)  (21,201)    2,088,155       41,752 
-101.02%  -150.78%
      Interest and
       other (1)         440,328      101,107      756,325 
 335.51%   -41.78%

                      25,940,525   39,749,934   36,246,179 
 -34.74%   -28.43%

       and benefits   16,149,555   12,900,065    7,738,837 
  25.19%   108.68%
      Fees paid out    1,781,660    2,003,373    2,174,908 
 -11.07%   -18.08%
       clearance and
       trading           787,965    1,159,174    1,642,079 
 -32.02%   -52.01%
      Research and 
       administration  3,392,907    3,348,373    3,629,544 
   1.33%    -6.52%
      Marketing        1,564,158    1,753,368    1,711,094 
 -10.79%    -8.59%
      Depreciation and
       amortization    1,438,229    1,727,325    1,575,794 
 -16.74%    -8.73%
      Other operating  2,737,124    3,093,667    2,762,137 
 -11.52%    -0.91%
                      27,851,598   25,985,345   21,234,393 
   7.18%    31.16%

    (Loss) / Income
      before taxes   (1,911,073)   13,764,589   15,011,786 
-113.88%  -112.73%

    Provision for
     taxes              (74,295)    2,138,009    2,347,675 
-103.47%  -103.16%

    Net (loss) / 
     income         $(1,836,778)  $11,626,580  $12,664,111 
-115.80%  -114.50%

    Earnings per

    Basic earnings
     per share           $(0.04)        $0.25        $0.28 
-116.00%  -114.29%

    Diluted earnings
     per share           $(0.04)        $0.25        $0.28 
-116.00%  -114.29%

    Note (1): Prior period amounts have been revised to
reflect presentation consistent with current period

    W.P. Stewart & Co., Ltd.
    Net Flows of Assets Under Management*

                                             For the Three
Months Ended
                                           Mar. 31,    Dec.
31,   Mar. 31,  
2006       2006
    Existing Accounts:
      Contributions                            $83      
$183       $329
      Withdrawals                            (322)     
(379)      (360)
    Net Flows of Existing Accounts           (239)     
(196)       (31)
    Publicly Available Funds:
      Contributions                             75        
18        34
      Withdrawals                            (119)      
(63)       (69)
    Direct Accounts Opened                     115        
34        57
    Direct Accounts Closed                 (1,495)     
(460)      (228)
    Net New Flows                          (1,424)     
(471)      (206)
    Net Flows of Assets Under Management  $(1,663)    
$(667)     $(237)

    * The table above sets forth the total net flows of
assets under management for the three months ended March
31, 2007, December 31, 2006 and March 31, 2006,
respectively, which include changes in net flows of
existing accounts and net new flows (net contributions to
our publicly available funds and flows from new accounts
minus closed accounts). The table excludes total capital
appreciation or depreciation in assets under management
with the exception of the amount attributable to
withdrawals and closed accounts.

    For more information, please contact: 

     Fred M. Ryan
     W.P. Stewart & Co.
     Tel: +1-441-295-8585

World Health Organization and Stop TB Partnership Release US$2.15 Billion Plan to Contain Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis
June 22, 2007

    GENEVA, June 22 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Hundreds of
thousands of cases of drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) can
be prevented and as many as 134,000 lives saved through the
implementation of a two-year response plan,
published/launched today by the World Health Organization
(WHO) and the Stop TB Partnership.

http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/20061102095006-51.jpg )

    The Global MDR-TB and XDR-TB Response Plan 2007-2008
sets out measures needed now to prevent, treat and control
extensively drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB)* and
multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB)*. The plan also sets in
motion actions to reach a 2015 goal of providing access to
drugs and diagnostic tests to all MDR-TB and XDR-TB
patients, saving the lives of up to 1.2 million patients.

    "XDR-TB is a threat to the security and stability
of global health. This response plan identifies costs,
milestones and priorities for health services that will
continue to have an impact beyond its two-year time
line," said WHO Director-General Dr Margaret Chan.

    The plan emphasizes the urgent need to boost basic TB
control and target investment in key areas, including:
strengthening programmes to treat drug- resistant TB;
building capacity in diagnostic laboratories; expanding
infection control and surveillance; and funding research
into new and improved diagnostics, drugs and vaccines.

    The plan lays out a strategy for sufficiently
increasing the number of fully equipped TB laboratories in
countries with high levels of TB to achieve a ten-fold
increase in detection of MDR-TB cases. If fully
implemented, the plan will also increase by ten-fold the
number of MDR-TB and XDR-TB patients being treated and
cured under WHO guidelines.

    "We have sounded the alarm on the potential for an
untreatable XDR-TB epidemic. Today we issue our response on
behalf of all patients and communities whose lives are most
at risk.  It is an ambitious plan that must be fully
supported if we are to keep a stranglehold on
drug-resistant TB," said Dr Mario Raviglione, Director
of the WHO Stop TB Department.

    The world first became aware of XDR-TB in March 2006
after researchers reported on an emerging global threat of
highly resistant TB strains.  Concerns were heightened six
months later by a cluster of 'virtually untreatable' XDR-TB
cases in an area of South Africa with high prevalence of
HIV. All but one of the 53 patients died in an average of
25 days after samples were taken for drug resistance tests.
Last month, the case of an air passenger from the United
States infected with XDR-TB also focused attention on the
need to address the TB epidemic as an immediate
international priority.

    "A highly important element of the plan is a
steady supply of quality drugs to treat MDR-TB and XDR-TB
in underserved countries," said Dr Marcos Espinal,
Executive Secretary of the Stop TB Partnership. "The
Partnership's Global Drug Facility is ensuring supply of
these drugs to a growing number of countries, after our
Green Light Committee has verified that applicant countries
meet its technical standards and will use the drugs

    The Global MDR-TB and XDR-TB Response Plan 2007-2008
details activities to be carried out in all six WHO
regions. Its eight main objectives are those recommended by
the WHO Global Task Force on XDR-TB, which met in October

    The total budget for the two-year plan is US$ 2.15
billion, of which 80% is for country-specific needs. US$
102 million is for essential support functions to fight TB
drug resistance by international partners, including WHO
and the Stop TB Partnership, at global, regional and
national levels.

    Note to Editors:

    MDR-TB is a form of TB that does not respond to the
standard treatments and is defined as TB resistant to the
main first-line drugs, isoniazid and rifampicin. There are
an estimated 424 000 new cases of MDR-TB every year. 
Multidrug resistance emerges when there is mismanagement of
drugs and under-investment in quality TB control. It can
also be spread from one person to another. The cost of
treating MDR-TB can be 1000 times more than treating
standard TB.

    XDR-TB occurs when there is resistance to all of the
most effective anti-TB drugs, and is defined as TB with
MDR-TB resistance as well as resistance to any one of the
fluoroquinolone drugs and to at least one of the three
injectable second-line drugs, amikacin, capromycin and
kanamycin.  Extensive drug resistance emerges through
mismanagement of MDR-TB and can also spread from one person
to another. There are an estimated 25 000 to 30 000 new
cases of XDR-TB every year.  So far, 37 countries have
confirmed cases of XDR-TB.
    All press releases, fact sheets and other WHO media
material may be found at http://www.who.int .

    For further information, please contact:

    WHO Stop TB Department: 
    Glenn Thomas
    Communications Officer
    Mobile: +41-79-509-0677
    Email:  thomasg@who.int

    Stop TB Partnership:

    Judith Mandelbaum-Schmid
    Communications Officer
    Stop TB Partnership
    Mobile: +41-79-254-6835
    Email:  schmidj@who.int 

    For video and audio: 

    Chris Black
    Tel:    +41-22-791-1460
    Mobile: +41-79-472-6054
    Email:  blackc@who.int

Group RCI and NorthCourse(SM) to Host 2nd Annual Middle East Leisure Real Estate Symposium
June 22, 2007

Agenda to Feature 2007 Research on the Leisure Real Estate
Market and New Information on Property Legislation in the
Middle East

    PARSIPPANY, N.J., June 22 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
NorthCourse(SM) Leisure Real Estate Solutions and Group RCI
today announced they will host the highly anticipated second
annual Middle East Leisure Real Estate Symposium. The event,
taking place on September 9th, at the exclusive Grosvenor
House Hotel, a central location within the developing Dubai
Marina, will open with an address by Ken May, chairman and
CEO of Group RCI, the global leader in non-hotel leisure
accommodations. The agenda will focus on the latest trends,
legislation and investment opportunities in the UAE and
throughout the Middle East. 

    "Following the success of last year's symposium,
we're pleased to be hosting an event that features speakers
from the region's leading property and leisure organizations
and visiting delegates from all over the world," said
Ken May, chairman and CEO of Group RCI. "We feel that
all who attend will benefit from the expertise of Group RCI
and NorthCourse in this important and growing

    The program offers an in-depth view on the latest
market research from NorthCourse; recent findings and
analysis on the global leisure real estate market, together
with details about legislation affecting the shared
ownership industry. Experts will also be on hand to present
and debate the latest trends from fractional ownership to
innovative real estate models like "PURE"
(Personal Use Rental & Exchange).

    "The insights revealed will be especially useful
to all involved with mixed-use developments and
resorts," stated Peter Giamalva, president and
managing director of NorthCourse Advisory Services.
"The information presented should offer attendees a
valuable edge for planning and aid in the successful
delivery of these projects."

    For more information and registration please visit
http://www.northcourse.com or contact Glen Taylor at
Momentum at +971-4-390-1630 or glen@momentum.cc.

    About Group RCI

    Group RCI, part of the Wyndham Worldwide family of
companies, (NYSE: WYN) is the global leader in non-hotel
leisure accommodations with exclusive access for specified
periods to more than 60,000 vacation properties in more
than 100 countries. Organizationally, Group RCI is
comprised of RCI, the worldwide leader in vacation exchange
and provider of travel services to businesses and consumers;
The Registry Collection(R), the world's largest luxury
exchange program; NorthCourse(SM) Leisure Real Estate
Solutions, an international leader in providing the full
spectrum of advisory, research, asset management and
turnkey solutions and services; and more than 30 vacation
rental brands, through which vacationers can rent a wide
variety of property types, from city apartments to country
cottages to unique villas. Collectively, the company
delivers vacation experiences to leisure travelers around
the world and provides products and services to business
customers that support the growth of the vacation ownership
industry. Wyndham Worldwide Corporation is one of the
world's largest hospitality companies. Wyndham Worldwide
offers individual consumers and business-to-business
customers a broad suite of hospitality products and
services across various accommodation alternatives and
price ranges through its premier portfolio of
world-renowned brands in hotel franchising, vacation rental
and exchange and vacation ownership. For additional
information visit http://www.grouprci.com or the media
center of http://www.wyndhamworldwide.com .  

    About NorthCourse(SM) Leisure Real Estate Solutions

    With more than 30 years of experience, NorthCourse(SM)
Leisure Real Estate Solutions is an international leader in
providing the full spectrum of real estate research and
advisory services. The company's expertise is in shared
ownership business models and mixed use developments
including timeshare, fractionals, private residence clubs,
destination clubs and condo hotels as well as in-depth
feasibility studies, business modeling, product design,
consumer and market research. With offices in the United
States, the United Kingdom, Spain, the United Arab Emirates
and Singapore, NorthCourse is a division of Group RCI.

    For more information, please contact:

     Susan McGowan
     Group RCI
     Tel:   +1-973-753-6482
     Email: susan.mcgowan@rci.com
     Web:   http://www.grouprci.com 
Citibank, in Partnership with MetLife, Becomes the First Foreign Bank in Beijing to Sell Investment Linked Insurance
June 21, 2007

    BEIJING, June 21 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Citibank
(China) Co., Ltd. ("Citibank") and Sino-U.S.
MetLife Insurance Company Limited today announced the
launch of a new insurance offering in Beijing, the Wealth
Selected Protection Plan (B).  The new offering has been
designed specifically to meet the needs of Citibank's
customers.  The launch sees Citibank become the first
foreign bank to sell investment unit-linked insurance in

    (Photo: http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/200706211755.jpg

    Mr. Anand Selvakesari, Executive Vice President of
Citibank (China) Co., Ltd., said, "Citibank is
delighted to be the first foreign bank in Beijing to sell
investment linked insurance from Sino-U.S. MetLife.  We aim
to ultimately look after all the wealth management needs of
our customers over their entire life cycle, and we view the
launch of Wealth Selected Protection Plan (B) as an
important one that provides our customers in China with a
new investment option."

    Mr. Brent Bell, General Manager of Sino-U.S. MetLife,
noted, "The Bank insurance business in China is an
emerging area with a very promising future. Sino-U.S.
MetLife is pleased to be partnering closely with Citibank
to provide life insurance products to Citibank's customers.
 Leveraging from MetLife's nearly 140-year history, and
experience in serving nearly 70 million customers
worldwide, Sino-U.S. MetLife is committed to providing
superior customized protection and investment products to
Citibank's customers."

    The Wealth Selected Protection Plan (B) is comprised of
funds solutions from fund management companies selected by
Sino-U.S. MetLife, following a rigorous selection process. 
The product is designed to act as an investment vehicle,
allowing customers to invest capital while enjoying
financial protection.  

    Customers can either choose or build a portfolio on
their own from 3 baskets of funds, namely "Money
Market", "Balanced" and "Equity",
depending on their investment horizon and risk appetite. 
The product requires a minimum subscription of 100,000
Renminbi.  Features of the new offering include:

    -- Protection in the event of accidental disability. If
the customer is 
       disabled in an accident listed in the contract, he
or she will be 
       provided with a 10-year annual accidental
dismemberment income benefit. 

    -- The provision of three different investment account
options, allows 
       customers to choose their favored investment
solutions according to 
       their risk appetite.  Customers can also add
investment value or 
       withdraw cash out of their account value without
surrendering the 
       policy at anytime and switch funds to explore
investment opportunities.  
       MetLife will evaluate the investment account value
everyday and 
       announce the unit price of every investment account.
 Customers can 
       find out their wealth information through a service

    -- Sino-U.S. MetLife will provide a short message
service for Citibank's 
       customers to inform them of their account
information when there are 
       any changes to their account.

    The Wealth Selected Protection Plan (B) was launched in
China after extensive development and preparation.  The
offering is unique to Citibank, and was tailor-made to meet
the needs of Citibank's customers.  It is available to
Chinese nationals too since Citibank Beijing has received
regulatory approval to offer local currency services to
local residents.

    About Citi 

    Citi, the leading global financial services company,
has some 200 million customer accounts and does business in
more than 100 countries, providing consumers, corporations,
governments and institutions with a broad range of
financial products and services, including consumer banking
and credit, corporate and investment banking, securities
brokerage, and wealth management. Citi's major brand names
include Citibank, CitiFinancial, Primerica, Citi Smith
Barney and Banamex.  Additional information may be found at
http://www.citigroup.com or http://www.citi.com . 

    About Citi China 

    Citi first established an office in China on May 15,
1902, in Shanghai. Today Citi is the premier foreign bank
operating in China, offering the broadest product range of
any foreign bank in China.  Citi currently operates six
corporate & investment bank branches -- Beijing,
Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Tianjin, and Chengdu,
seventeen consumer bank outlets in Shanghai, Beijing,
Tianjin, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Chengdu, and one
representative office in Xiamen.  With operations in more
than 100 countries around the world, Citi is the most
global of all foreign banks in China. 

    About Sino-U.S. MetLife

    Sino-US MetLife Insurance Company (MetLife) is an
affiliate of MetLife, Inc. and Capital Airport Holding
Company (CAHC) which was incorporated as a joint venture
between Metropolitan Life Insurance Company and Capital
Airport Holding Company (CAHC). MetLife, Inc. is a leading
provider of insurance and financial services with
operations throughout the United States, Latin America,
Europe, and the Asia Pacific region.  Through its
affiliates, MetLife, Inc. reaches more than 70 million
customers around the world, is the largest life insurer in
the United States (based on life insurance in-force) with
over 138 years of experience, and serves more than
two-thirds of the FORTUNE 500R(R) companies.  The MetLife
companies offer life insurance, annuities, automobile and
home insurance, retail banking and other financial services
to individuals, as well as group insurance, reinsurance and
retirement and savings products and services to
corporations and other institutions.  The business scope of
CAHC, a company with the management of assets over 100
billion, includes management and construction of airports,
investment and funding, hotel, travel and financial
services.  CAHC owns Capital Airport, a gateway airport of
China. MetLife offers life, accident and health solutions
in China through a career agency distribution system and
other distribution channels.  For more information about
MetLife, please visit the company's web site at
http://www.metlife.com.cn .


    FORTUNE 500(R), April 2007.  FORTUNE 500(R) is a
registered trademark of FORTUNE(R) magazine, a division of
Time, Inc.

    MetLife is the #1 life insurer in the U.S., based on
premiums as of Q3 2006, LIMRA International, Inc., November

    For more information, please contact:

     Stephen Thomas
     Tel:   +86-21-2896-6369
     Email: stephen.r.thomas@citi.com

    Sino-U.S. MetLife
     Meggie Wei
     Tel:   +86-10-8518-0966 x5619
     Email: wwei@metlife.com

Stora Enso invests in its mills in Sweden and Finland
June 21, 2007

    HELSINKI, June 21 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Stora Enso is
investing to improve board quality and CTMP production at
Fors Mill in Sweden  Stora Enso will upgrade and modernise
the two board machines (BM 2 and BM 3) and
chemi-thermomechanical pulping (CTMP) plant 2 at its Fors
Mill in Sweden to improve quality and pulp production. This
project, costing a total of EUR 29 million, is scheduled to
start in 2007 and be completed in January 2008 for BM 3 and
the CTMP investment, and in January 2009 for BM 2. 

    This investment will improve the quality of the board
manufactured at the mill in order to meet customers'
changing quality needs. It will moderately increase the
mill's production capacity.    

    Stora Enso is investing in packaging-derived fuel
combustion at its Anjalankoski Mill in FinlandStora Enso is
investing EUR 16.8 million to reduce energy costs by
increasing packaging-derived fuel (PDF) and biofuel
combustion capacity at its Anjalankoski Mill. The project,
which is scheduled for completion in autumn 2008, will
reduce dependence on fossil fuels and increase the
utilisation of recovered materials and biofuels. PDF
combustion capacity will be increased from 50 000 to 135
000 tonnes per year.  

    The main investments will be in additional equipment
for the existing power plant. Packaging for use as fuel at
Anjalankoski Mill includes paperboard, wood and plastic
packaging collected separately from small-scale businesses
and wholesalers. Anjalankoski Mill has been utilising PDF
since 1996.

    Previous press releases concerning Stora Enso's Fors
Mill are available at http://www.storaenso.com/press 

    - 26 October 2006: Stora Enso invests in its operations
in Austria and Finland
    - 16 December 2005: Quality upgrade at Stora Enso's
Fors Mill in Sweden

    Stora Enso is an integrated paper, packaging and forest
products company producing publication and fine paper,
packaging board and wood products ¨C all areas in which the
Group is a global market leader. Stora Enso's sales totalled
EUR 14.6 billion in 2006. The Group has some 44 000
employees in more than 40 countries on five continents.
Stora Enso has an annual production capacity of 16.5
million tonnes of paper and board and 7.4 million cubic
metres of sawn wood products, including 3.2 million cubic
metres of value-added products. Stora Enso's shares are
listed in Helsinki, Stockholm and New York.  

    For further information, please contact:

     Hakan Molden, Managing Director, 
     Stora Enso Packaging Boards, Fors Mill, 
     Tel: +46 1046 350 64

     Mikko Jokio, SVP, 
     Stora Enso Publication Paper, 
     Tel: +358 2046 26450

     Kari Vainio, EVP, 
     Corporate Communications, 
     Tel: +44 7799 348 197

     Keith B Russell, SVP, 
     Investor Relations, 
     Tel: +44 7775 788 659

3D Media China Attracts Investment from Softbank China Affiliate SBCVC
June 21, 2007

China's 3D Leader Draws Global Top-tier Backer to Spearhead
3D Platform Development in China

    SHANGHAI, China, June 19 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- 3D
Media (China) Ltd., the creator of the first 3D
MediaTainment platform in China, announced today that
Softbank China Venture Capital (SBCVC) has taken an equity
stake and become a strategic investor (
http://china3dmedia.com/photo.html ) in it's parent
company, 3D Holdings Ltd. 

    Established in 2006 and headquartered in Shanghai, 3D
Media China has created a unique nationwide 3D
entertainment and media network targeting 100 million
young, urban, affluent individuals in major Chinese cities.
 The strategic partnership with Softbank will enable the
group to speed up its expansion and consolidate its
market-leading position as China's biggest 3D entertainment
and media operator.

    "We are delighted to have Softbank as our
strategic investor. In addition to providing capital,
Softbank's experience in Japan and Korea, the
world-renowned markets for online and video games, will no
doubt help steer our development in China to new
heights," said Mr. Al Pien (
http://china3dmedia.com/boss.html ), founder and president
of 3D Media.

    "We strongly believe in 3D Media's innovative
business model in adopting 3D visual technology to create
an entertainment and media platform," said Mr.
Chauncey Shey, president of Softbank China Holdings and
managing partner of SBCVC.  "Our visual experience has
been enriched by the progress from black and white to colour
TV, and now to high definition.  3D screens will be next --
a natural evolution." 

    3D Media is the first company in China to have
successfully created a 3D entertainment and media platform
drawing on leading German 3D technology.  The group has
recently secured contracts with nationwide internet caf¨¦
chains to install more than 20,000 sets of 3D gaming
facilities, and expects to install one million set within
three years through the setting up of 3D gaming zones in
internet cafes.  More than 20 popular 3D games will be
launched this year.

    About Softbank China Venture Capital

    Softbank China Venture Capital (SBCVC) is a leading
venture capital in China.  SBCVC strives to help
outstanding entrepreneurs in China (including Hong Kong,
Macau, and Taiwan) build world-class companies.  The
professional team of SBCVC has first-hand experience in
building successful startups, as evidenced through their
solid management skills, in-depth knowledge of investment
and technology issues, a plethora of marketing, R&D,
and financing experiences garnered from working both
overseas and in China.  SBCVC is the investor of success
stories such as Alibaba.com, Taobao and Focus Media.

    About 3D Media China

    3D Media China is a wholly-owned subsidiary of 3D
Holdings Ltd., a media and entertainment holding company
focused on integrating advertising, entertainment and
internet and video-gaming through auto stereoscopic 3D
displays.  Founded by Mr. Al Pien in 2006, the company has
created a nationwide 3D MediaTainment platform in China
through constructing media networks at mid-to-high end
shopping malls, stylish nightlife entertainment spots and
upscale internet cafes.  

    For more information, please contact:

     Sulian Chen, Director, 
     Corporate Affairs 
     3D Media
     Tel:   +86-21-5425-3399 x101
     Email: sulianchen@china3dmedia.com 
/C O R R E C T I O N - 3D Media China & Softbank/
June 21, 2007

    In the news release, "3D Media China Attracts
Investment from Softbank," issued on June 19 by 3D
Media China over Xinhua-PRNewswire, we are advised by a
representative of the Company that the caption should read
"3D Media China Attracts Investment from Softbank
China Affiliate SBCVC," rather than "3D Media
China Attracts Investment from Softbank," as
originally issued inadvertently.
    Also, the six paragraph, last sentence, should read
"SBCVC is the investor of success stories such as
Alibaba.com, Taobao and Focus Media," rather than
" Softbank is the founding investor of success stories
such as e-commerce company Alibaba.com, Taobao, Yahoo, and
Focus Media."

    The full paragraph should read: 

    About SBCVC ( http://www.sbcvc.com )
    SBCVC is a leading venture capital in China. The firm
strives to help outstanding entrepreneurs in China
(including Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan) build world-class
companies. The professional team of SBCVC has first-hand
experience in building successful startups, as evidenced
through their solid management skills, in-depth knowledge
of investment and technology issues, a plethora of
marketing, R&D, and financing experiences garnered from
working both overseas and in China. SBCVC is the investor of
success stories such as Alibaba.com, Taobao and Focus Media.

    For more information, please contact:

     Sulian Chen, Director, 
     Corporate Affairs
     3D Media
     Tel:   +86-21-5425-3399 x101
     Email: sulianchen@china3dmedia.com 
Corning Introduces Field-Installable Connector to Simplify FTTx Deployments
June 21, 2007

OptiSnap Connector Enables Fiber Optic Networks to be
Installed Quickly, Cost-effectively

    HICKORY, N.C., June 21 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Corning
Cable Systems, part of Corning Incorporated's (NYSE: GLW)
Telecommunications segment, introduces the OptiSnap(TM)
Connector, a field-installable no-epoxy, no-polish
connector that enables quick and cost-effective termination
of fiber optic cables. 

    The OptiSnap Connector installs in less than one minute
through the use of Corning Cable Systems' patented,
high-precision mechanical splice technology. It is ideal
for single-mode fiber-to-the-x applications, maintenance
and restoration of building cable, and MDU applications
where installation setup and teardown time is critical. 

    The installation system features an on-tool patented
go/no-go feedback signal to confirm installation is
performed correctly every time. When the fiber is inserted
and the cam activated, a pass/fail light on the
installation tool signals that the installation was

    The connector's factory-polished ceramic ferrule
provides superior end-face geometry, ensuring consistently
low insertion loss and high-performance return loss. The
OptiSnap Connector is available in single-mode SC, ST and
LC connector styles and features a typical insertion loss
of 0.2 dB for UPC versions and 0.4 dB for APC versions. 

    The OptiSnap Connector Installation Tool Kit contains
everything needed for installation of the different
connector styles. No epoxy, polishing film or other
consumables are required, and there is no need for
electrical power for ovens or lights. The tool kit requires
virtually no set-up or tear down time, allowing installers
to get in and out of installation sites quickly. It is
available with either a high-precision flat or angled
cleaver to provide the connector reflectance performance
for a variety of applications. 

    The OptiSnap(TM) Connector will be featured in Corning
Cable Systems' booth (#4440) at NXTcomm 2007, June 19-21 in

    Through its Evolant(R) Solutions for Access Networks,
Corning Cable Systems offers specialized portfolios of
innovative products and services that enable customers to
cost-effectively deploy fiber in the last mile. For
additional information on the OptiSnap Connector or any
other Corning Cable Systems product or service, contact a
customer service representative at 1-800-743-2675, toll
free in the United States, or (+1) 828-901-5000,
international, or visit http://www.corning.com/cablesystems

    About Corning Incorporated

    Corning Incorporated ( http://www.corning.com ) is the
world leader in specialty glass and ceramics. Drawing on
more than 150 years of materials science and process
engineering knowledge, Corning creates and makes keystone
components that enable high-technology systems for consumer
electronics, mobile emissions control, telecommunications
and life sciences. Our products include glass substrates
for LCD televisions, computer monitors and laptops; ceramic
substrates and filters for mobile emission control systems;
optical fiber, cable, hardware & equipment for
telecommunications networks; optical biosensors for drug
discovery; and other advanced optics and specialty glass
solutions for a number of industries including
semiconductor, aerospace, defense, astronomy and metrology.


    For more information, please contact:

    Corning Communications Contact (China)
     Lydia Lu                                              
     Tel:   +86-21-5467-4666 x1900                
     Email: lulr@corning.com
    Corning Cable Systems Contact:
     Dana S. McEntire
     Tel:   +1-828-901-6910
     Email: dana.mcentire@corning.com 

    Corning Communications Contact (US)
     Lisa A. Burns
     Tel:   +1-607-974-4897
     Email: burnsla@corning.com

Actions and SigmaTel Settle All Patent Litigation and Enter into Cross-License Agreement
June 21, 2007

Actions' Entire Product Portfolio Now Available for
Shipment to U.S. Without Restrictions

    ZHUHAI, China, June 21 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Actions
Semiconductor Co., Ltd. (Nasdaq: ACTS), one of China's
leading fabless semiconductor companies, today announced
that it has settled all outstanding litigation worldwide
with SigmaTel, Inc. (Nasdaq: SGTL). 

    Under terms of the settlement agreement, all
outstanding claims and counterclaims in the lawsuits in
which the two companies have been engaged will be dismissed
with prejudice. Both companies also agreed to not pursue
possible third party IP infringements or new legal actions
against each other and their respective customers for three

    Additionally, Actions and SigmaTel entered into a
cross-license agreement covering patents owned or
controlled by either party or its subsidiaries.
Consequently, all of Actions' current and future products
may now be imported into the U.S. market without

    "We are pleased to have reached a mutually
beneficial agreement that advances the long-term interests
of both companies," commented Mr. Nan-Horng Yeh, Chief
Executive Officer of Actions Semiconductor. "The
agreement lays the groundwork for fair competition and
validates the strength of our intellectual property

    About Actions Semiconductor

    Actions Semiconductor is one of China's leading fabless
semiconductor companies that provides mixed-signal and
multimedia SoC solutions for portable consumer electronics.
Actions Semiconductor products include SoCs, firmware,
software, solution development kits, as well as detailed
specifications of other required components and the
providers of those components. Actions Semiconductor also
provides total product and technology solutions that allow
customers to quickly introduce new portable consumer
electronics to the mass market in a cost effective way. The
company is headquartered in Zhuhai, China, with offices in
Beijing and Shenzhen. For more information, please visit
the Actions Semiconductor website at

    "Safe Harbor" Statement Under the Private
Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 

    Statements contained in this release that are not
historical facts are forward-looking statements, as that
term is defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform
Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements, including financial
projections and forecasts, involve risks and uncertainties
that could cause Actions Semiconductor's actual results to
differ materially from our current expectations. Factors
that could cause Actions Semiconductor's results to differ
materially from those set forth in these forward-looking
statements include customers' cancellation or modification
of their orders; our failure to accurately forecast demand
for our products; the loss of, or a significant reduction
in orders from, any of our significant customers;
fluctuations in our operating results; our inability to
develop and sell new products; defects in or failures of
our products; the expense and uncertainty involved in our
customer design-win efforts; the financial viability of the
distributors of our products; consumer demand; worldwide
economic and political conditions; fluctuations in our
costs to manufacture our products; our reliance on third
parties to manufacture, test, assemble and ship our
products; our ability to retain and attract key personnel;
our ability to compete with our competitors; and our
ability to protect our intellectual property rights and not
infringe the intellectual property rights of others. Other
factors that may cause our actual results to differ from
those set forth in the forward-looking statements contained
in this press release and that may affect our prospects in
general are described in our filings with the Securities
and Exchange Commission, including our Registration
Statement on Form F-1 related to our initial public
offering and secondary offering. Actions Semiconductor
undertakes no obligation to update or revise
forward-looking statements to reflect subsequent events or
changed assumptions or circumstances.

    For More Information
    Investor Contacts:

    Lisa Laukkanen                                
    The Blueshirt Group for Actions Semiconductor 

    Chung Hsu
    Investor Relations at Actions
    +86-756 3392 353 *1015

Subaye.com and China Netcom Guangdong Launch Joint Corporate Video Online Service
June 21, 2007

    BEIJING, June 21 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Telecom
Communications, Inc. 
(OTC Bulletin Board: TCOM), the Total Solutions Provider,
announced today that its majority owned subsidiary,
Subaye.com, Inc. (www.subaye.com), the services provider of
corporate video web page developing, hosting and marketing,
executed a strategic partnership with China Netcom Group
Guangdong Company (http://gd.chinanetcom.com.cn/ ).
Together the companies will launch the corporate video
online service (http://subaye.cncspace.com/) as a channel
on China Netcom Group Guangdong Portal CNCMAX
(www.cncspace.com ).

    Under the agreement, China Netcom Group Guangdong
Company will market Subaye.com corporate video broadband to
more than a half-million SME broadband users. Subaye.com
will provide information and customer services as its core
competency.  Based on revenue sharing, both companies will
work together to provide a better, customer-preferred type
of broadband video products and services to lead a new
trend of business services in China.

    Alan Lun CEO of TCOM, commented, "We are very
pleased to have this opportunity to work with China Netcom
Group Guangdong Company. The agreement will bring us a
major marketing network in which we can easily access half
million SME broadband users of China Netcom Group Guangdong
Company without any substantial costs.  The business users
of China Netcom Group Guangdong Company are an ideal target
market for our corporate video online services.  We expect
to increase our user base substantially in the next 12
months. In turn, it could generate substantial fees for our
bottom line."

    About Telecom Communications, Inc.

    Telecom Communications, Inc. (TCOM) is a Total
Solutions Provider that offers Integrated Communications
Network Solutions and Internet Content Service in universal
voice, video, data web and mobile communications for
interactive media applications, technology and content
leaders in interactive multimedia communications. It
develops, markets and sells a universal media software
solution for enterprise-wide deployment of integrated
voice, video, data web and mobile communications and media
applications. Telecom Communications, Inc. does business in
Asia via its wholly owned subsidiaries, Alpha Century
Holdings Ltd., IC Star MMS, Ltd. ( http://www.skyestar.com
), Guangzhou TCOM Computer Technology Limited (
http://www.mystaru.com ) and majority owned subsidiary
Subaye.com, Inc. ( http://www.subaye.com ). 

    Safe Harbor

    The statements made in this release constitute
"forward-looking" statements, usually containing
the words "believe," "estimate,"
"project," "expect," or similar
expressions. These statements are made pursuant to the safe
harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation
Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements inherently
involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual
results to differ materially from the forward-looking
statements. Factors that would cause or contribute to such
differences include, but are not limited to, changing
economic conditions, interest rates trends, continued
acceptance of the Company's products in the marketplace,
competitive factors and other risks detailed in the
Company's periodic report Filings with the Securities and
Exchange Commission. By making these forward- looking
statements, the Company undertakes no obligation to update
these statements for revisions or changes after the date of
this release. 

    For more information, please contact:
        Ms. Shirley Li  
        Telecom Communications, Inc.
        Email: IR@tcom8266.com

Intersolar 2007: Germany Leading the International PV Market
June 21, 2007

    BERLIN, June 21 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Industry players
from all over the world will be present in Freiburg, Germany
for this year's Intersolar convention from June 21 through
23. 560 exhibitioners and 26,000 visitors from over 90
countries will be in attendance and Invest in Germany will
be there to outline the advantages of PV investments in

    Germany is the world's leading market for PV energy.
55% of the PV capacity worldwide is installed in Germany,
and last year Germany's PV industry generated EUR3.8
billion in sales. A main reason for Germany's leading
position in PV energy is the Renewable Energies Act, (EEG).
The law requires power companies to buy electricity from the
owners of PV installations at a set price, 37.96 to 54.21
EURct/kWh over twenty years.

    This so-called "feed in tariff" has resulted
in a ready-made market for PV technology production.
Additionally, various government incentives are available
for companies investing in eastern Germany, in areas such
as "Silicon Saxony," where numerous PV and
semiconductor firms are present.

    It is not only the political conditions that encourage
photovoltaic investments in Germany. Germany's workforce
and research landscape are also superb. For example, the
Canadian company ARISE Technologies Corporation is building
a PV cell manufacturing plant in the German town of
Bischofswerda. The company's CEO Ian MacLellan sees
Germany's workforce as one of its main features, "We
selected Germany because it is the largest solar market in
the world. It has a high concentration of solar technology
companies and has access to skilled technical labor."

    American solar company First Solar is also opening its
EUR115 million facility in the German town of
Frankfurt/Oder at the beginning of July. Furthermore, the
California-based start-up Signet Solar recently broke
ground on a new R and D, and production center near the
city of Dresden.

    Germany is committed to the future of PV energy and
renewable energies. The country possesses all of the
requirements both politically and economically for
international PV companies to thrive, as many already are.

    Invest in Germany is the official investment promotion
agency of Germany. Its mandate is to assist and advise
international companies about investment opportunities in
Germany. Invest in Germany can be found in Hall 1, Booth
1.03.09 at Intersolar in Freiburg.

    For more information, please contact:

     Eva Henkel
     Invest in Germany
     Tel:   +49-30-200-099-173
     Fax:   +49-30-200-099-111
     Email: henkel@invest-in-germany.com


At a Platts Energy Podium Roundtable, US Official Emphasizes FERC's Solid Enforcement Role in Energy Markets
June 21, 2007

    WASHINGTON, June 21 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The chief
enforcement officer of the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission (FERC) on Wednesday expressed confidence that
the federal government can adequately monitor the expanding
physical and financial energy markets.

    At a Platts Energy Podium roundtable with reporters,
FERC Office of Enforcement Director Susan Court emphasized
the commission's enforcement efforts as members of Congress
and state officials increasingly call on federal regulators
to explain rising oil, natural gas and electricity prices.

    "FERC, without a doubt, has joined the ranks of
federal enforcement agencies," Court said. "Its
ability to enforce its rules and orders issued to carry out
its responsibilities is as great as any federal agency in
the federal government."

    Court addressed concerns that the commission either
does not have enough regulatory and investigative tools to
monitor the vast gas and power markets, or is not using
them to the extent it should. She insisted that FERC
investigators have "adequate tools" in terms of
information and authority to monitor markets and enforce
laws barring manipulation.

    Coming off the market breakdown of the Western energy
crisis in 2000-01 and the price spikes after Hurricanes
Katrina and Rita, Congress strengthened FERC's authority in
2005 to aggressively pursue instances of market manipulation
and penalize energy companies that ignore federal
regulations or try to defraud customers.

    FERC has authority under the Energy Policy Act of 2005
to impose fines of up to $1 million per day per violation
of regulations. 

    Congress and states have ramped up the pressure on FERC
and its chairman, Joseph Kelliher, to keep a close eye on
trading in the financial futures markets that impact the
physical gas and power markets.

    "We have adequate tools to do that," Court
said, adding that a nearly doubling of enforcement staff in
the past five years is enough to oversee the interrelated
physical and future markets. 

    Kelliher has supported changes in staffing to do just
that, she said. "To the extent that we see a need,
he's never said no. We have access to sufficient
information, but we also have staff that understands the
relationship between those markets."

    Sponsored by Platts, a division of The McGraw-Hill
Companies, Platts Energy Podium provides an ongoing forum
for prominent newsmakers and the press to address important
energy and environmental issues. Credentialed members of the
media may receive complementary registration for Energy
Podium events by contacting Nancy Covey at 202-942-8719,
Nancy_Covey@platts.com. A recording of the Susan Court
session is available via podcast at
http://www.energypodium.platts.com .

    About Platts: 

    Platts, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE:
MHP), is a leading global provider of energy and metals
information. With nearly a century of business experience,
Platts serves customers across more than 150 countries.
From 14 offices worldwide, Platts serves the oil, natural
gas, electricity, nuclear power, coal, petrochemical and
metals markets. Platts' real time news, pricing, analytical
services, and conferences help markets operate with
transparency and efficiency. Traders, risk managers,
analysts, and industry leaders depend upon Platts to help
them make better trading and investment decisions.
Additional information is available at
http://www.platts.com . 
    About The McGraw-Hill Companies: 

    Founded in 1888, The McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE: MHP)
is a leading global information services provider meeting
worldwide needs in the financial services, education and
business information markets through leading brands such as
Standard & Poor's, McGraw-Hill Education, BusinessWeek
and J.D. Power and Associates. The Corporation has more
than 280 offices in 40 countries. Sales in 2006 were $6.3
billion. Additional information is available at
http://www.mcgraw-hill.com . 

    For more information, please contact:

     Kathleen Tanzy,
     Tel:   +1-212-904-2860
     Email: Kathleen_tanzy@platts.com

    Europe Media Contact
     Shiona Ramage
     Tel:   +44-207-1766153

    Asia Media Contact
     Casey Yew
     Tel:   +65-653-06552

KONE Wins an Order for the Delhi Metro in India
June 21, 2007

    DELHI, India, June 21 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- KONE has
won an order to supply all elevators for the second phase
of the construction process of the Delhi Metro in India.
The order is one of the largest single orders for KONE in
India, including 162 elevators.  In addition, KONE has been
awarded the planning and installation of a Centralized
Monitoring System. The installation of the new elevators
will start in 2007 and is estimated to be completed in

    "The project to construct one of the world's most
modern metro stations in a metropolis like Delhi has been a
really exciting project for KONE. The ambitious construction
schedule and the level of high-tech equipment used at the
metro station have proven that the city of Delhi has a high
need for an efficient solution for its fast growing people
flows," comments Pekka Kemppainen, KONE Area Director
for Asia-Pacific.  "The increasing need for developing
infrastructure in India makes it a very interesting market
for KONE."

    KONE has offered elevators and escalators for the
earlier stages of the construction process. The existing
elevators will be linked to a new centralized monitoring
system, which KONE will install in conjunction with the new
elevators. The central monitoring system enables remote
monitoring of the status, traffic and faults, resulting in
valuable system information for analysis.

    The construction process of the Delhi Metro started in
1998 and final extensions are estimated to be completed in
2010. The unique feature of the Delhi Metro is its
integration with other modes of public transport, enabling
the commuters to conveniently interchange from one mode to
another. The Delhi Metro is one of the trendsetters for
such systems among other cities in the South Asian region.
The metro is operated by the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation

    KONE is one of the world's leading elevator and
escalator companies. It provides its customers with
industry-leading elevators and escalators, with innovative
solutions for their maintenance and modernization. KONE
also provides maintenance of automatic building doors. In
2006, KONE had annual net sales of EUR 3.6 billion and
approximately 29,000 employees. Its class B shares are
listed on the Helsinki Stock Exchange in Finland.


    For more information, please contact:

     Minna Mars, SVP, 
     Corporate Communications & IR
     Tel:  +358-204-75-4501


株式会社システムソフト(福岡市中央区・代表取締役社長 吉尾春樹 JASDAQ証券コード7527)は、 自社で運営・管理する不動産ポータルサイト「CatchUp」(http://catchup-j.com/)内、新築マンション物件検索サイト「CatchUp新築マンション」において、「アクセスが便利」「2,999万円以下」「花火が見える」「ペットにやさしい」など7つの切り口で物件を特集する『テーマで選ぶ!こだわりの新築マンション特集』をスタートしました。


  通勤もラクラク!ターミナル駅(東京、新宿、品川、池袋)へDoor to Doorで30分以内、または2路

担当窓口:CatchUp事業部 事業推進部 部長 橋本 亜津佐
TEL:03-5446-5863 FAX:03-5446-5861
〒105-0014 東京都港区芝2-2-14 一星芝ビルディング5F
会社概要はこちら http://www.systemsoft.co.jp/
不動産ポータルCatchUp http://catchup-j.com/

サーフィンの動画、DVD最高シリーズ企画、制作のインピアンクープロダクションズ株式会社(本社:神奈川県藤沢市、代表取締役:中野智道、以下 インピアンクー)は同社が制作するサーフィンのDVD「最高!!シリーズ」最新作「バリ最高!!ウンパッ(4)」を全国のサーフショップや最高シリーズオフィシャルサイト「315.co.jp」(URL:http://315.co.jp/)にて6月22日より一斉発売を開始いたします。







もう、観るっきゃないでしょ~!! テリマカシ~!!




BOL(ボル)/BETET(べテ)/Darren Turner(ダレンターナー)/Danny Melhado(ダニーメルハド)/DEDE(デデ)/GALT(ガル)/JAMIE O'BRIEN(ジェイミー・オブライエン)/Jason Shibata(ジェイソンシバタ)/Kina(キナ)/Koming(コミン)/Lee(リー)/Pepen(ペペン)/Rob Machado(ロブ・マチャド)/Tameng(タメン)


本編 約45分


片面1層 画面サイズ4:3 ドルビー2.0chステレオ







「湘南最高!!」 http://315.co.jp/?pid=2376711






各 位

                                  社名 株式会社ウェブクルー
                                  代表者名 代表取締役社長 青山 浩
                                  (コード番号 8767 東証マザーズ)
                                  社名 株式会社グランドエイジング
                                  代表者名 代表取締役社長 鈴木 康裕





(1) 事業者間の情報共有及び消費者へ向けた情報提供に関すること。
(2) 有料老人ホーム等運営企業及び業界へ向けた提言等情報発信に関すること。
(3) 関係官公庁及び関係団体との連絡に関すること。
(4) 有料老人ホーム等の紹介取引の公正化に関する研究に関すること。
(5) 一般消費者からの苦情の受付に関すること。
(6) その他「有紹協」の目的を達成するために必要な事業。

 6月21日  設立(設立準備委員会廃止に伴い、協議会理事選任予定)


株式会社アイレップ シニアマーケティング事業部内 担当:土屋
東京都渋谷区渋谷2丁目1番1号 青山東急ビル
TEL:03-5464-5802/FAX:03-5464-2437 Mail: ysk@i-care.jp

<会 社 概 要>
【所在地】東京都港区六本木1丁目4番33号 六本木21森ビル2F
【代表者】鈴木 康裕
【設 立】2004年3月

株式会社グランドエイジング 担当 鈴木
株式会社ウェブクルー 企画IRグループ 担当 小林
廣告社株式会社(本社東京都中央区銀座 社長 湯澤 斉)では亜細亜大学 二瓶研究室と合同で『くちコミ』のマーケティグ活動に関する研究を目的に『くちコミ調査2007』を行いました。『くちコミ』調査は2003年よりおこなっており今回4回目です。











出版社 社団法人 日本電気協会 新聞部 メディア事業局
e-まちタウン株式会社(代表取締役社長 島村 正顕、東京都豊島区)は、288エリアで展開する地域ポータルサイト「e-まちタウン」の一部地域において、「e-まち看板(PC版)」をリリースいたしました。






広告の露出されるe-まちタウンの各ページ自体には、SEO(サーチエンジン最適化)が施されており、外部の検索エンジンで地域+カテゴリ名(例、渋谷+クリーニング、新宿+クリーニング 等)などのキーワードにより検索された際にも、検索結果の上位に表示されやすくなっております。e-まちタウン以外で、地域情報を探している方々へもアピールすることが可能です。







【e-まちタウン 会社概要】
■社名 : e-まちタウン株式会社
■所在地 : 〒171-0022 東京都豊島区南池袋1-16-15 光センタービル
■主な事業内容 : メディア広告事業/サーバー事業
■設立年月日 : 1995年10月16日
■代表者 : 代表取締役社長 島村 正顕
■資本金 : 1,410百万円
■証券コード : 東証マザーズ:4747

■サービス名称 : e-まちタウン「e-まち看板(PC版)」
■サービス開始日: 2007年6月22日
■URL : http://www.toshimaku-town.com/ad_display/
■利用料 : 1タウン、1業種カテゴリにつき 2,100円 (月額/消費税込)
■対象地域 : 東京都、神奈川県

広報部 赤塚
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