2007年05月09日 プレスリリース 2007年5月9日 株式会社アイディアクト(本社:東京都渋谷区、代表取締役社長:川森 拓己)は 同サービスは「SKILL AGENT」の売上に応じてポイントを計上、回答者に配分・ 従来通りユーザーは無料で質問ができます。 同形式でQ&Aの回答にポイントが還元されるのは 世界初の試みです(当社調べ) これまで質問者であるユーザーのみなさまには「無料で専門家に質問できる」と 当ポイントバック機能の特徴は ・SKILL AGENTの売上に応じて配分ポイント総数が変わること という3点が挙げられます。 ポイントはギフト券などの商品と交換、または寄付という形で社会貢献ができる ~「SKILL AGENT」概要~ そのためこれまでネットに欠けていた「信頼性」を保証された回答を得ることが 「SKILL AGENT」とは ・資格保有者が保有資格を有効活用できる場 会員登録および閲覧などサービスはすべて無料で提供します。
■会社概要 【本件に関するお問い合わせ先】 |
2007年05月09日 報道関係者各位 *-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----* ロハスをテーマにした動画ショッピングサイトに 無料で遊べる脳トレゲームの新作を追加 *-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*
◆◇◆ 厳選逸品「のばいちば」http://www.nova-ichiba.tv/ ◆◇◆ 「のばいちば」では、アハッ!体験でおなじみの茂木健一郎脳科学博士が 「のばいちば」の会員に登録をすると、ショッピングサイトでの買い物が
【本リリースに関するプレスお問い合わせ窓口】 〒105-0021東京都港区東新橋2-18-3 ルネ・パルティーレ汐留3F |
2007年05月09日 ソムリエ文筆家 沢樹 舞さん と コラボレーション! 株式会社トンボ飲料(本社 富山県富山市、社長 翠田章男) 「私の休日」は、株式会社トンボ飲料が3月15日に通販 《葡萄果実飲料「私の休日」商品特長》 ・本場イタリア産のワイン専用葡萄品種を贅沢に使用 《沢樹 舞 の「私の休日」編集室 コンテンツに関して》 《内容》 《詳細》
※株式会社トンボ飲料について 本件に関するお問い合わせ |
2007年05月09日 株式会社リューノス(本社:東京都千代田区・代表取締役:野元千也)と株式会社 SOZO(本社:東京都港区・代表取締役:川崎尚樹)が共同で進めているASPサービ ス「1.5次会.COM(β版)」の導入レストランが100店舗を超えました。 このサービスでは、WEB上でブライダルの手配(アイテムの発注管理・スケジュー ル管理・打ち合わせ等)が可能。 株式会社SOZOがサービスの企画とマーケティングを担当、株式会社リューノスがASPシステムの開発・運用を担当。 2007年7月に予定している「1.5次会.COM(ユーザー向け)」のリリースに向けて 更に導入店舗を増やしてまいります。
〒107-0062 お問い合わせ 担当:久保田
〒101-0051 お問い合わせ 担当:西山 |
2007年05月09日 ◆「男のくせに下着にこだわるなんて…」という時代はもう終わり。 近年、海外高級ブランドから続々とメンズアンダーウェアラインが登場。日本では「パンツ検定」なるものまで登場し、男性アンダーウェアの市場が盛り上がっています。 ◆男もパンツにもお金をかける時代です! 株式会社リンク(※1)が運営するオンラインセレクトショップ e-select (http://www.e-select.st/)(※2)は、全店・全品・無条件で送料無料のショッピングサイト。男性下着ブームの熱をいち早く感じ、2004年のオープン当初から男性下着専門ブランド「OVER THE TWELVE」と提携し、「男もパンツにお金をかける!」ライフスタイルを提唱してきました。ネットで気軽に買える手軽さ、そして全品が送料無料であることもあって人気爆発。業界でも噂が広がり、他のアンダーウェアメーカーからも出店依頼が殺到しています。
(※2)【 e-select 】http://www.e-select.st/
< お問合せ先 > ※本リリースの転送・引用は、自由にご利用下さい。 |
世界的な人道支援組織セーブ・ザ・チルドレンは、母親、子どもとして最も快適に暮らしやすい国のランキングである「母親指標(Mothers’ Index)*1」を毎年発表しています。8回目となる今年は、先進18カ国を含む過去最多の140カ国の、母親と子どもの置かれている状況を調査いたしました。
一方、日本のランキングは、140カ国中「母親指標(総合)」で29位、「女性指標(Women’s Index)*2」で33位、「子ども指標(Children’s Index)*3」で5位となっています。衛生面や母子手帳の充実などをはじめ、5歳以下の子どもの死亡率の低さにより「子ども指標」では上位にランキングされる反面、国政レベルでの女性議員数の少なさなど「女性指標」は33位と他の欧米諸国に比べ低いランキングになっています。この二つの指標を元に評価される「母親指標」では29位と、日本にとって考えさせられる調査となっています。
1位 スウェーデン
2位 アイスランド
3位 ノルウェー
4位 ニュージーランド
5位 オーストラリア
29位 日本
1位 スウェーデン
2位 アイスランド
3位 ニュージーランド
4位 オーストラリア
5位 ノルウェー
33位 日本
1位 イタリア
2位 アイスランド
3位 ドイツ
4位 スウェーデン
5位 日本
5位 マルタ
*1 「母親指標(Mothers’ Index)」は、以下の女性および子どもの健康の指標を下に比較されて
*2 「女性指標(Women’s Index)」は、主に上記指標の1~8を中心に比較しています。
*3 「子ども指標(Children’s Index)」は、主に上記指標の9~13を中心に比較しています。
Media Advisory: Sate of the World Mothers 2007: Saving the Lives of Children Under 5
The State of the World’s Mothers 2007年レポートは5月8日に全世界一斉にリリースされます。今年のレポートは、簡単に予防もしくは治療できる病気などで、毎日死んでいく子どもが28,000人いること、基本的な人命救助薬がいまだに必要とする何百万人もの母親や子どもに届いていないという悲劇的な現状にフォーカスを置いています。
今回、第8回「母親指標」による母親になるのにベストな国・ワーストな国ランクに、初めて途上国60ヶ国のChild Survival Progress Rankingsが含まれています。ランキングは、5歳以下の子どもの生命を守るのに成功した国、失敗した国を指摘しています。
社団法人 セーブ・ザ・チルドレン・ジャパン
広報・マーケティング/PR担当:葉山 久美子
TEL:03-3516-8926 FAX:03-3516-8923 Email:hayama@savechildren.or.jp
1. 欧州排出権取引のこれまで
2. 排出権価格の推移と変動要因
3. 分野別の排出権取引への参加状況
4. 取引手法の発展
5. 関 連 質 疑 応 答
6. 名 刺 交 換 会
講 師 アーガス・メディア 日本代表 三田 真己 氏
エネルギー相場の査定で世界最大規模を誇る独立企業。1970年の創立以来、エネルギー市場における商品の相場査定および需給ファンダメンタルの調査を専門に企業活動を続けている。英国・ロンドン本社をはじめ、シンガポール、モスクワ、ヒューストン、ワシントンに拠点を構える。また、世界主要30 都市に200名以上のアナリストを擁し、精密な市場調査を行う。現在、60種類以上のエネルギーレポートを発行し、1,800を超える価格インデックスをエネルギー市場に提供する。排出権関連では、国際的な環境政策および企業による排出削減動向をレポートするArgus Global Emissions および、欧州排出権市場における毎日の市況動向をレポートするArgus European Emissions Markets Report を発行している。
開催日 2007年6月6日(水) 14:00-16:00
主催者 株式会社 日 本 計 画 研 究 所
会場 東京都 / JPIカンファレンス スクエア
千代田区有楽町1-2-14 / 紫ビル8階(帝国ホテルタワ-正面)
受講料 セミナー参加費
お一人様 : 29,480円(資料代・消費税込)
株式会社 日本計画研究所
研究開発部 浜浩子
Tel:03-3508-9070 Fax:03-5512-9377
1. 神奈川工科大学の歴史と概要
2. 神奈川工科大学の教育研究
3. 神奈川工科大学のキャンパス再開発
4. 神奈川工科大学の社会貢献
5. 関 連 質 疑 応 答
6. 名 刺 交 換 会
講 師 神奈川工科大学 学長 工学博士 小口 幸成 氏
1965年10月~1966年12月 米国ブラウン大学へ研究留学
1969年 3月 慶應義塾大学大学院工学研究科博士課程単位取得退学
1970年 4月 慶應義塾大学 助手
1972年 3月 工学博士(慶應義塾大学)
1975年 4月 慶應義塾大学 専任講師
1976年 4月 幾徳工業大学(現、神奈川工科大学) 助教授
1983年 4月 幾徳工業大学 教授
2003年 4月 学校法人.友学園 理事長(現在に至る)
2005年 4月 神奈川工科大学 学長(現在に至る)
1999年 5月 日本冷凍空調学会常務理事
2003年 4月 日本熱物性学会会長
2005年 4月 神奈川県私立大学連絡協議会副会長・理事
2006年 4月 関東工学教育協会理事
2006年 9月 日本学術会議連携会員(現在に至る)
1975年 5月 日本冷凍協会賞(論文賞)
1977年 4月 日本機械学会賞(論文賞)
1995年11月 日本冷凍空調学会功績賞
2002年 3月 日本機械学会フェロー
2002年10月 高圧ガス保安協会会長表彰(功績賞)
2003年10月 経済産業大臣表彰(功績賞)
2004年 5月 日本冷凍空調学会学術賞学術普及貢献賞
2004年10月 日本冷凍空調学会学術賞
2005年10月 日本冷凍空調学会功労賞
開催日 2007年5月15日(火) 14:00-16:00
主催者 株式会社 日 本 計 画 研 究 所
会場 東京都 / JPIカンファレンス スクエア
千代田区有楽町1-2-14 / 紫ビル8階(帝国ホテルタワ-正面)
受講料 セミナー参加費
お一人様 : 29,990円(資料代・消費税込)
株式会社 日本計画研究所
研究開発部 浜浩子
Tel:03-3508-9070 Fax:03-5512-9377
Dental Treats (スリーエム デンタルトリーツ)」の販売開始
粗タンパク 40%以上
粗繊維 8.0%以下
粗脂肪 4.0%以上
水分 12%以下
輸入販売者:有限会社エムビー 神奈川県横浜市鶴見区鶴見中央
製造者:3M Sports & Leisure 3M Center, St. Paul, MN 55144-1000,
要約: アフィリエイト型アルバイトサイト「ジョブセンス」(URL http://j-sen.jp/)を運営する株式会社リブセンス(代表取締役 村上太一 早稲田大学3年在学中 本社:新宿区)は、ジョブセンスに掲載する求人情報を従来の首都圏から全国化した事をお知らせいたします。 本文: 業界最大級のアフィリエイト型アルバイト求人情報サイト「ジョブセンス」(サイトURL http://j-sen.jp/)を運営する株式会社リブセンス(代表取締役社長 村上太一 早稲田大学3年在学中 本社:新宿区 以下、リブセンス)は、この度ジョブセンス内に掲載する求人情報を従来の首都圏から全国化した事を正式にお知らせいたします。 アフィリエイト型アルバイト求人情報サイト「ジョブセンス」は、初期費用、掲載費一切無料で採用につながった時のみ料金が発生する完全成功課金型のサービスです。 従来の求人媒体と違い掲載期間の制限はなく、採用者側の状況に合わせた採用が可能になっており「掲載リスクのない求人媒体の登場」として多くの企業から反響をいただいております。 求職者の方にもジョブセンスを通じて応募し採用されると「採用祝い金」をプレゼントしており、求職者側、企業側双方にメリットのあるサイトとなっております。 全国化に伴い、求人情報の検索システム、デザイン共に全面リニューアルし、より求職者にとって使いやすいサイトに生まれ変わりました。 今後共「採用できないのにお金を払う時代は終わりです」を信念のもとジョブセンスを通じて企業の求人活動に寄与していきたいと思っております。 |
KOHLER, Wis., May 9 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Kohler Co.'s Global Power Group, a global leader in engines and power generator systems, has entered into an agreement to purchase Lombardini Srl from Mark IV Luxembourg S.A.R.L., a subsidiary of Mark IV Industries, Inc. The acquisition agreement is subject to relevant regulatory approval. Kohler Co.'s acquisition of Lombardini "will provide a strong complement to our existing Engine Business by adding a complete diesel engine line to serve the needs of our commercial and consumer customers worldwide," said Dick Fotsch, Global Power Group President. Kohler Co.'s engine division, in operation since the 1920s, manufactures air- and liquid-cooled, four-cycle gasoline engines in the 4 to 38 horsepower range. Kohler engines are supplied to equipment manufacturers worldwide in the lawn and garden, commercial and industrial, agricultural and construction markets. Kohler manufactures its engines from three North American facilities and one facility, as part of a joint venture agreement in China. The 85-year old Lombardini Srl, headquartered in Reggio Emilia, Italy, manufactures small diesel, gas, and petrol engines for the industrial, transportation, agriculture, marine and light construction industries. Lombardini's diesel and gasoline engine line ranges from 3 to 72 horsepower. "By being acquired by Kohler Co., Lombardini will become part of a group committed to growing the Engine Business globally," said Dr. Gianni Borghi, CEO, Lombardini Srl. "We're confident that the combined engineering expertise and worldwide market support will serve our original equipment customers and end customers very well." The acquisition will also provide Kohler with an expanded geographical presence in the European and North African markets. "Lombardini is a strong geographic complement to our Engine Business and we're pleased to add contemporary diesel technology to our product offering," said Fotsch, adding that Lombardini's advances in cleaner, quieter diesel engines were complementary to Kohler's ongoing commitment to environmentally sound products. The acquisition is expected to be completed in early summer 2007. About Kohler Co. Founded in 1873 and headquartered in Kohler, Wisconsin-USA, Kohler Co. is one of the oldest and largest privately-held companies in the United States. Kohler is a global leader in the manufacture of kitchen and bath products, engines and power generation systems, cabinetry, tile and home interiors, and international host to award-winning hospitality and world-class golf destinations. A division of Kohler Co.'s Global Power Group, Kohler Engines is a leading manufacturer of four-cycle, gasoline engines -- ranging from 4 to 38 horsepower -- under the brand names KOHLER Courage(R), Aegis(R), Command PRO(R), and Command(R). All KOHLER engines are backed by a dealer/distributor network that is 10,000 strong worldwide ( http://www.KohlerEngines.com ). About Lombardini Srl and Mark IV Industries, Inc. Lombardini, headquartered in Reggio Emilia, Italy, manufactures small diesel and gasoline engines in 5 plants in Europe and Asia. It is represented worldwide through seven commercial subsidiaries and hosts more than 1,600 service locations. The company markets under four brands: Lombardini, Lombardini Marine, Ruggerini Diesel and Acme Motori. Lombardini was established in 1922 and acquired by Mark IV Industries, Inc. in 1999. Mark IV Industries, Inc. is headquartered in Amherst, New York, USA and Torino, Italy (http://www.mark-iv.com) and is a leading global diversified manufacturer of highly engineered systems and components for transportation infrastructure, vehicles and equipment. The company's systems and components are designed to promote a cleaner and safer environment and include advanced radio frequency, information display, diesel and gasoline engine, air admission and fuel and fluid handling technologies. The company has a global marketing and manufacturing footprint. Mark IV is majority controlled by funds advised by BC Partners ( http://www.bcpartners.com ), a leading pan-European private equity firm with offices in Milan, Hamburg, London, Geneva and Paris. Since the firm was founded in 1986, the funds advised by BC Partners have invested in 63 acquisitions with a total transaction volume of euro 48 billion. For more information, please contact: Stephanie Dlugopolski Kohler Co. Tel: +1-920-457-4441, ext. 70098 Email: Stephanie.dlugopolski@kohler.com
Dual-Band Power Amplifier to Deliver Cutting Edge Features for Digital Life Style WARREN, N.J., May 9 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- ANADIGICS, Inc. (Nasdaq: ANAD) today announced that they are shipping production volumes of ANADIGICS AWT6310R dual-band power amplifier (PA) module to LG Electronics for its VX9400 mobile phone. The VX9400 offers a slim, stylish swing bar design with a large (2.2") color LCD screen for optimal (landscape) TV viewing to support VCAST Mobile TV, the latest breakthrough in mobile entertainment technology. The LG VX9400 offers some of the most advanced mobile phone features available to wireless phone users today, including a 1.3 mega pixel camera with flash and camcorder that allows users to record up to one hour of consecutive video with an external memory card. It plays MP3s, streams VCAST video, has the ability to download 3D games and has stereo Bluetooth capability. Additionally, with the LG VX9400's easy-to-use multitasking capability, users can take calls, messages and when they hang up return to enjoying the program they were currently watching. "The LG VX9400 is yet another benchmark in a long line of firsts for LGE Mobile Phones," said Skott Ahn, President and CEO of LG Electronics Mobile Communications Company. "The state-of-the-art performance and compact size of the ANADIGICS' dual-band CDMA PA module allows us to integrate top-notch multimedia features into the VX9400." "We are very pleased to be in the ultra-modern, feature rich VX9400 phone for Verizon Wireless, it is the ideal TV phone in addition to the multimedia functions that we have come to expect," said Dr. Bami Bastani, President & CEO of ANADIGICS. "ANADIGICS' leading line of wireless broadband products positions us to be a strong player in the advanced multimedia 3G handsets for the digital lifestyle." The AWT6310R dual-band CDMA PA is based on ANADIGICS' advanced patented InGaP-Plus(TM) technology. The AWT6310R meets increasing demands for higher levels of integration for cellular and PCS frequency bands, ensuring optimal performance for each band, and providing 25% space savings compared with solutions requiring two single-band PAs. The AWT6310R offers a common VMODE line to simplify the control interface, and supports single-mode operation up to full antenna power. The 3 mm by 5 mm low profile dual-band PAs are manufactured using a material set consistent with the European Union's Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS). For additional information, contact ANADIGICS by phone (908) 668-5000 or FAX (908) 668-5132 or visit the Company's Web site at http://www.anadigics.com . About ANADIGICS, Inc. ANADIGICS, Inc. (Nasdaq: ANAD - News) is a leading provider of semiconductor solutions in the rapidly growing broadband wireless and wireline communications markets. The Company's products include power amplifiers, tuner integrated circuits, active splitters, line amplifiers, and other components, which can be sold individually or packaged as integrated radio frequency and front end modules. Safe Harbor Statement Except for historical information contained herein, this press release contains projections and other forward-looking statements (as that term is defined in the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended). These projections and forward-looking statements reflect the Company's current views with respect to future events and financial performance and can generally be identified as such because the context of the statement will include words such as "believe", "anticipate", "expect", or words of similar import. Similarly, statements that describe our future plans, objectives, estimates or goals are forward-looking statements. No assurances can be given, however, that these events will occur or that these projections will be achieved and actual results and developments could differ materially from those projected as a result of certain factors. Important factors that could cause actual results and developments to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such projections and forward-looking statements include those factors detailed from time to time in our reports filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, including our annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2006. For more information, please contact: Press Contact: Chuck Manners Godfrey Tel: +1-717-393-3831 Fax: +1-717-393-1403 Email: chuck@godfrey.com Corporate Contact: Jennifer Palella ANADIGICS, Inc. Tel: +1-908-668-5000 Fax: +1-908-412-5978 Email: jpalella@anadigics.com Investor Relations: Thomas Shields ANADIGICS, Inc. Tel: +1-908-412-5995 Email: tshields@anadigics.com
FARMINGTON, Conn., May 9 /PRNewswire/ -- Otis Elevator Company, a unit of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE: UTX), was awarded a nearly $8 million contract to supply and install elevators for the first residential development in New Songdo City, South Korea's new international city and the world's largest private real estate development. Otis will provide elevators, including high-speed units, to 1st World Towers, a group of mixed-use residential buildings ranging in height from two to 64 stories. "We are honored Otis products have been selected for this premier development that will not only serve as a dynamic center for international business and luxury living, but will also incorporate innovative green design," said Otis President Ari Bousbib. The environmentally friendly and energy-efficient city will balance residential, cultural, business, retail and recreational space. By 2015, New Songdo City is expected to include 50 million square feet of office space, 30 million square feet of retail space, 5 million square feet of hotel space and 10 million square feet of green space. Called the "gateway to Northeast Asia," New Songdo City is being developed on 1,500 acres of reclaimed land along Incheon's waterfront located 40 miles southwest of Seoul. The city will be connected to Incheon International Airport via a new bridge. Otis Elevator Company is the world's largest manufacturer and maintainer of people-moving products including elevators, escalators and moving walkways. With headquarters in Farmington, Connecticut, Otis employs 61,000 people, offers products and services in more than 200 countries and territories and maintains 1.5 million elevators and escalators worldwide. United Technologies Corp., based in Hartford, Connecticut, is a diversified company providing high-technology products and services to the building and aerospace industries. For more information, please contact: Tizz Weber Director, Communications Otis Elevator Company Tel: +1-860-676-6127 Email: Tizz.Weber@Otis.com
Expanded Relationship to Also Further VeriSilicon SoC Application Platform for Key Vertical Segments SHANGHAI, China AND CAMBRIDGE, England, May 9 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- VeriSilicon Holdings Co., Ltd. (VeriSilicon) and ARM ((LSE: ARM); Nasdaq: ARMHY), today announced that VeriSilicon has licensed the ARM926EJ-S(TM) processor. In addition to offering the ARM922T(TM) processor and the ARM7TDMI(R) processor, the licensing agreement extends VeriSilicon's ARM926EJ-S processor-based current offering to fully synthesizable capabilities and configurable cache systems, as an ARM(R) Approved Design Center. It also further strengthens VeriSilicon ASIC Turnkey Design capability in consumer electronics applications such as audio/video, voice and multimedia. With this agreement, VeriSilicon will be able to directly provide customers ARM(R) technology-based designs for any foundry/process node. VeriSilicon is a fabless ASIC design foundry focusing on providing best-in-class vertical platform solutions, system knowledge and services to help SoC customers go from chip specification to production. Customers can choose from a number of VeriSilicon design services such as chip specification, system software development, front-end and back-end design, and manufacturing services for a wide range of foundries. In addition to accessing the ARM7(TM) and ARM9(TM) family microprocessors, customers can also choose from VeriSilicon's V.Blox IP Library a rich, complementary assortment of IP products and services such as DSP offerings as well as high speed PHYs, analog and mixed-signal functional blocks for their SoC needs. "VeriSilicon's extensive SoC offerings and advanced design capabilities will provide our customers and Partners significant product performance advantages across a wide range of devices," said Jun Tan, president of ARM China. "With this agreement, VeriSilicon will be able to increase its already large momentum in securing complex designs for high-growth markets such as mobile, consumer, and networking." "We are very excited to expand our partnership with ARM and look forward to integrating these technologies as a part of our SoC platform offerings," said Dr. Wayne Dai, president & CEO of VeriSilicon. "By offering a complete range of ARM processors in our ASIC Turnkey Services, VeriSilicon can address the most challenging product need and provide ultra-competitive solutions at low cost and reduced risk." About VeriSilicon VeriSilicon Holdings Co., Ltd ("VeriSilicon") is a fast growing silicon solutions company providing products and services that enable customers to meet their chip design objectives, accelerate development programs and deliver market proven silicon products -- on time and at lower cost. VeriSilicon specializes in providing expert design services, market leading ZSP(R) licensable cores and platforms, industry standard semiconductor IP and scalable ASIC turnkey services across a broad range of application markets, including multimedia, voice and wireless communications. VeriSilicon has design, operation and sales and support offices in Santa Clara, California, Dallas, Texas, Shanghai and Beijing, China, Taipei, Taiwan, Tokyo, Japan, Nice, France and Seoul, Korea. For more information, visit http://www.verisilicon.com About ARM ARM designs the technology that lies at the heart of advanced digital products, from mobile, home and enterprise solutions to embedded and emerging applications. ARM's comprehensive product offering includes 16/32-bit RISC microprocessors, data engines, graphics processors, digital libraries, embedded memories, peripherals, software and development tools, as well as analog functions and high-speed connectivity products. Combined with the company's broad Partner community, they provide a total system solution that offers a fast, reliable path to market for leading electronics companies. More information on ARM is available at http://www.arm.com . NOTE: ARM and ARM7TDMI are registered trademarks of ARM Limited. ARM7, ARM9, ARM922T and ARM926EJ-S are trademarks of ARM Limited. All other brands or product names are the property of their respective holders. "ARM" is used to represent ARM Holdings plc; its operating company ARM Limited; and the regional subsidiaries ARM INC.; ARM KK; ARM Korea Ltd.; ARM Taiwan; ARM France SAS; ARM Consulting (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.; ARM Belgium N.V.; AXYS Design Automation Inc.; AXYS GmbH; ARM Embedded Solutions Pvt. Ltd.; and ARM Physical IP, Inc.; and ARM Norway AS. For more information, please contact: VeriSilicon: Federico Arcelli Corporate VP, WW Sales & Marketing Tel: +33-4-93-18-73-47 Email: federico.arcelli@verisilicon.com ARM: ARM PRESS OFFICE: Tel: +44-208-846-0797 Niall O'Malley, Text 100 Tel: +44-208-846-0740 Email: londonarm@text100.co.uk Claudia Natalia, ARM Tel: +1-408-548-3172 Email: claudia.natalia@arm.com Michelle Spencer, ARM Tel: +44-1628-427780 Email: michelle.spencer@arm.com
Deal to Expand PowerPC Position in Emerging Markets as Well as System Offering Around Microprocessor SHANGHAI, China, May 9 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- VeriSilicon Holdings Co., Ltd. (VeriSilicon), a leading world class ASIC design foundry and semiconductor IP provider, today announced an agreement with IBM (NYSE: IBM) to offer the PowerPC(R) 405 and 440 microprocessors. The deal enables silicon manufacturers interested in IBM's processor offerings to work with VeriSilicon for a one-stop-shop solution in terms of SoC IP, processor software, silicon design services, and manufacturing needs. Under the terms of the agreement, VeriSilicon will be able to directly provide customers the IBM's PowerPC 405 and 440 microprocessors. VeriSilicon is a fabless ASIC design foundry that provides best-in-class semiconductor IP, ASIC design and turnkey service to help SoC customers go from chip specification to production. In addition to accessing the PowerPC 405 and 440 microprocessors, customers can choose from a rich assortment of IP products and services to dramatically reduce development times and project costs. For example, the V.Blox IP Library from VeriSilicon includes complementary processor and DSP offerings as well high speed PHYs, analog and mixed-signal functional blocks. VeriSilicon also provides market-ready application SoC platforms for a number of vertical spaces, such as portable multimedia and voice, which completely addresses both the hardware and software needs for an IC manufacturer. "Power Architecture-based processors offer the broadest market penetration of any microprocessors in the industry today," said Richard Busch, Director of ASIC Products, PowerPC Licensing and Cores, IBM Global Engineering Solutions. "VeriSilicon's proven track record and ability to provide platform solutions around the Power Architecture will enable customers to get to market quicker with best-in-class silicon products." "The IBM PowerPC microprocessors are ideal solutions for a number of markets that we and our customers engage in," said Dr. Wayne Dai, President & CEO of VeriSilicon. "While VeriSilicon already offers a number of processor offerings, such as ZSP and ARM, our relationship with IBM represents our commitment to work with technology-leaders to provide customers the right solution for their application. When coupled with our other products and services, VeriSilicon uniquely enables customers with ultra-competitive solutions to meet their most demanding product requirements." About VeriSilicon VeriSilicon Holdings Co., Ltd. is a leading world class ASIC design foundry providing libraries, semiconductor IPs, design and turnkey manufacturing services with multi-fab capability and on process technologies down to 90nm. VeriSilicon has achieved first silicon success and entered volume production of many complex, multi-million gates SoCs using the leading wafer foundries in APAC and China. VeriSilicon has operations in US, China, Taiwan, Japan, France, and Korea. Over 500 customers worldwide have licensed VeriSilicon IPs and Standard Design Platforms. In 2005, VeriSilicon was ranked number three in Deloitte Technology Fast 50 China, the top 50 fastest-growing technology companies in China and number six in Deloitte Fast 500 Asia Pacific, the top 500 fastest-growing technology companies in Asia Pacific. VeriSilicon was also named one of the Red Herring 100 Private Companies of Asia, and selected as one of the EE Times 60 Emerging Startups. More information is available at www.verisilicon.com. PowerPC is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. For more information, please contact: Federico Arcelli Corporate VP, WW Sales & Marketing, VeriSilicon Tel: +33-4-93-18-73-47 Email: federico.arcelli@verisilicon.com
Digi's Watchport/FastAccess Combines Faster and Continuous Computer Authentication with Award-Winning USB Cameras MINNETONKA, Minn. and COVERT, Mich. May 9 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Sensible Vision, the innovator of continuous authentication, and Digi International (NASDAQ: DGII) today announced the integration of Sensible Vision's FastAccess(TM) facial recognition software with Digi's Watchport(R) high-performance USB cameras. The Watchport/FastAccess bundled solution gives organizations continuous information protection with fast and accurate authentication and eliminates cumbersome passwords and security procedures. "We are pleased to be adding the intelligent facial recognition of FastAccess to our Watchport cameras," said Stephen Popovich, Vice President of Business Development at Digi. "We continue to see increased interest in biometrics as a seamless and transparent way to secure and monitor computers and workstations in a wide range of applications -- from retail to healthcare environments. The intelligence of the FastAccess software to accurately recognize authorized users and eliminate passwords is a perfect fit with our high-performance cameras." "Working with Digi's Watchport cameras adds great value to our FastAccess software," said George Brostoff, CEO of Sensible Vision. "The precision of Watchport's award-winning camera technology is ideal for environments that require more advanced and sophisticated video input. When combined with FastAccess' quick and accurate authentication, we offer a compelling solution that effectively delivers workflow optimization and robust security." Digi's Watchport commercial-grade USB cameras are ideal for mission-critical applications such as kiosks, automated teller machines, ID badging, building security, point-of-sale applications and mobile computing. Features such as exceptional low-light sensitivity and a variety of replaceable lenses boost performance and make the cameras even easier to integrate into commercial applications. Sensible Vision's FastAccess is a powerful yet simple solution that replaces a user's password with their face. Using patent-pending biometric facial recognition technology, FastAccess automatically and continuously authenticates user log-in and instantly secures the computer when the user leaves. This virtually eliminates login passwords, makes the computer significantly more secure and easier to use, and strengthens access control auditing for privacy and identity management policies. Advantages include: -- No More Unsecured, Unattended Computers: Computers instantly secure themselves when users step away. -- Better User Productivity: Users can focus on their jobs rather than time-consuming and frustrating processes of constantly entering passwords or other authentication procedures. -- Improved Access Control and Auditing: Provides an accurate audit of computer and network access for business and regulatory compliance -- a true audit log of who's been at the computer and when. -- Simple Setup and Administration: Unlike other security and biometric solutions, no special enrollment procedure is needed. Administrators can configure FastAccess locally or remotely through Microsoft's Active Directory. The Watchport/FastAccess bundle, which includes one Watchport/V3 USB camera and one FastAccess facial recognition software license, is available now for the list price of US$394.00. Additional offerings for other Watchport camera models will follow. For more information, please visit http://www.digi.com/products/videosensors/watchportcameras.jsp . About Digi International Digi International, the leader in device networking for business, develops reliable products and technologies to connect and securely manage local or remote electronic devices over the network or via the web. Digi offers the highest levels of performance, flexibility and quality, and markets its products through a global network of distributors and resellers, systems integrators and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). About Sensible Vision Headquartered in Covert, Michigan, Sensible Vision Inc. ( http://www.sensiblevision.com ) is the innovator of continuous authentication. Sensible Vision's flagship product, FastAccess(TM), is a facial recognition software solution that provides quick and continuous authentication and access control for computers and workstations. Using patent-pending biometric facial recognition, it speeds and simplifies access to the computer in a way that is economical and easy to deploy. FastAccess is a trademark of Sensible Vision, Inc. All other names and trademarks referenced herein are the properties of their respective owners. 5/2007 For more information, please contact: Hokie Chan Digi International Tel: +852-2833-1008 Email: hokiec@digi.com
NEW YORK, May 9 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Medley Global Advisors, LLC (MGA), the leading independent provider of policy intelligence to hedge funds, asset managers, investment banks, and governments, announced today that it has hired Michael Schetzel as a Strategist for its Client Team and Gustavo Rangel as a Latin America Analyst in its Emerging Markets Group. ( Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070508/NYTU143LOGO ) Michael Schetzel was a Strategist for the Connecticut based global macro hedge fund Bridgewater Associates prior to joining MGA. Before that he worked for nine years at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, where he was Chief Dealer of the Foreign Exchange and Investment Desk, as well as Responsibility Manager for Permanent Open Market Operations and Trader/Analyst in the Government Securities Staff of the Markets Division. He also worked at the Bank of England as a Portfolio Manager of dollar and yen denominated fixed income portfolios as well as Analysis Team Manager in the BOE's Foreign Exchange Division. He holds a Masters in International Affairs, Banking and Finance from the Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs, as well as degrees from the University of Maryland and the University of London. Gustavo Rangel joined MGA from Barclays Capital's Emerging Markets Research group, where he provided research and analysis of central banks, fiscal policy, and domestic politics of the Latin America region, including Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Mexico and Panama. Before that he was an Equity Analyst at Banco Boreal in Brazil. He holds a Doctorate in Economics from the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana and a BA in economics from the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. "Both candidates bring a powerful understanding in their respective areas of the interplay between the policy world and the financial markets that is so critical to our firm and to our clients," said Sassan Ghahramani, MGA's Chief Executive Officer. "Michael will be able to draw on his experience at the Federal Reserve and at Bridgewater, one of the largest global hedge funds, to connect the dots between monetary policy developments and potential investment strategies for clients. Gustavo will be able to draw on his experience as Latin America analyst to identify and handicap the major economic and political developments in the region that clients need to be watching out for. We are very excited to have both of them on our team." About MGA MGA analyzes primary sourced and public input from policymakers and applies it to industry and financial markets to help clients and policymakers anticipate key macro and regulatory events that affect them. MGA provides services covering select G7/OECD fixed income and currency markets, emerging markets, telecoms, utilities, and energy markets. It was founded in 1997 and is headquartered in New York City, with offices in Washington DC, London, and Tokyo. For more information on MGA, visit http://www.medleyadvisors.com . To contact the firm, e-mail advisors@medleyadvisors.com or call Launa Myrie at 212 219 9096. For more information, please contact: Launa Myrie Medley Global Advisors, LLC Tel: +1-212-219-9096 Email: advisors@medleyadvisors.com