

ニュースサイトなど宛てに広く配信された、ニュースリリース(プレスリリース)、 開示情報、IPO企業情報の備忘録。 大手サイトが順次削除するリリースバックナンバーも、蓄積・無料公開していきます。 ※リリース文中の固有名詞は、発表社等の商標、登録商標です。 ※リリース文はニュースサイト等マスコミ向けに広く公開されたものですが、著作権は発表社に帰属しています。





株式会社トンボ飲料 創業111周年記念
 ホームパーティ用に合計111名様! プレゼント キャンペーン

株式会社トンボ飲料(本社 富山県富山市、社長 翠田章男)では、新商

泡、 アルコール分0.2%未満)です。


・保存料・着色料・香料・甘味料など 食品添加物 一切 不使用
・砂糖 不使用で あんしんカロリー

~ 微発泡のせいか、お酒を飲んでいるような感じがして、
   ちょうど良いと思います。 ~

~ 日頃ワインをよく飲むのですが、
   使いたいですね ~

 そこで、今回は、「私の休日」を、お一人様2ケース(495ml 6本入り 1
ケース、240ml 12本入り 1ケース)、株式会社トンボ飲料が今年で創業
111周年* を迎えることにちなんで、合計111名様にプレゼントいたしま


■企 画 名/  
  ホームパーティ用 「私の休日」 プレゼントキャンペーン

  <白>シャルドネ240ml(12本) 各 1ケース


 <赤>カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨン240ml(12本)各 1ケース

■応募期間/2007年 5月10日(木)~ 6月 5日(火)

 第1週 :5月10日(木)~5月15日(火)/5月16日(水)抽選
                         ⇒ 当選者36名
 第2週 :5月16日(水)~5月22日(火)/5月23日(水)抽選
                         ⇒ 当選者25名
 第3週 :5月23日(水)~5月29日(火)/5月30日(水)抽選
                         ⇒ 当選者25名
 第4週 :5月30日(水)~6月 5日(火)/6月 6日(水)抽選
                         ⇒ 当選者25名
      (株式会社トンボ飲料 創業111周年にちなんで)

  株式会社トンボ飲料 通販事業部 「私の休日」事務局
  担当/広井 和裕,金田 卓,村上 加奈
  tel:076-441-4456 fax:076-431-0264
  e-mail :wk922-info@watashino-kyujitsu.com



バッグサービス紹介ページ http://www.e-closet.com/huton/index.html















  関連ページ http://www.e-closet.com/kikuya/index.html

■2007年 受付と納期■

(上旬:1日~10日 中旬:11日~20日 下旬:21日~末日)

  素材 :羽毛・羊毛・綿・ポリエステル
  品目 :敷布団・かけ布団・肌かけ・コタツ布団・毛布

  羽毛布団(シングル)   :6,720円
  羊毛布団(シングル)   :4,200円
  コタツ布団        :3,000円~

 ご利用金額 5,000円未満    :2,500円
      10,000円以上      :無料


冬布団のクリーニング&保管はe-closetへ! 4月27日~7月31日受付、9中旬~10月下旬に納品。最長5ヶ月保管で、保管料は驚きの0円。どんな素材の布団も丸洗いで清潔。プロの保管でダニ・虫の心配なし。

季節衣料のクリーニング&保管サービスe-closet(いーくろーぜっと)では、前年大好評だった布団クリーニング&保管サービスを今年も展開。4月27日~7月31日受付、9中旬~10月下旬に納品。最長5ヶ月保管で、保管料は驚きの0円。どんな中綿でも独自の水洗を施し、清潔な仕上がりに! プロの保管でダニ・虫の心配なし。

冬の間中活躍した冬布団。押入れにしまう前に、ぜひクリーニングを! 季節衣料のクリーニング&保管サービスe-closet(いーくろーぜっと)では、前年大好評だった布団クリーニング&保管サービスを今年も展開。4月27日~7月31日受付、9中旬~10月下旬に納品。最長5ヶ月保管で、保管料は驚きの0円。羽毛・羊毛・綿、どんな素材も独自の水洗いを施し、清潔な仕上がりに!収納スペースに余裕ができる&プロの保管でダニ・虫の心配なし。

冬の間中活躍した冬布団。押入れにしまう前に、ぜひクリーニングを! 季節衣料のクリーニング&保管サービスe-closet(いーくろーぜっと)では、前年大好評だった布団クリーニング&保管サービスを今年も展開。4月27日~7月31日受付、9中旬~10月下旬に納品。最長5ヶ月保管で、保管料は驚きの0円。羽毛・羊毛・綿、どんな素材も独自の水洗いを施し、清潔な仕上がりに! 徹底した乾燥で、芯までふっくら仕上がる。自宅の収納スペースに余裕ができる&プロの保管でダニ・虫の心配なし。敷・かけ布団だけではなく、毛布、コタツ布団も取り扱い。春から秋まで押入れで眠るだけの布団類一式、専用集荷キットでらくらく発送を!
 【1】お客様窓口 (株)喜久屋カスタマーサポートセンター
   フリーダイヤル 0120-35-0985(祝祭日を除く月~金9:00~17:00)
 サポートメール support@e-closet.com

【2】マスコミ対応窓口 e-closet事務局 荒井
 電話(喜久屋) 03-3884-6883  Fax.03-3850-3132
お問い合わせメール support@e-closet.com

e-closet ホームページ http://www.e-closet.com/
     マスコミ掲載記録 http://www.e-closet.com/mas/index.html
喜久屋 ホームページ http://www.kikuya-cl.co.jp/










 株式会社ピーエイ 教育ビジネス事業部 担当:関根

おまかせ携帯ホームページ オープニングキャンペーン実施中






http://j-net22.crt.jp/a1k-hp/ 「おまかせ携帯ホームページ」




\0のカップコーヒーも登場!! 広告収入を販売価格に還元
5/9 「注目広告媒体 2007」に出展


株式会社ウィル・ビー(所在地:新宿区西新宿 代表取締役:江本亮)は、最安で0円※1となる広告付きカップ式自動販売機「メディアカフェ」の設置サービスと広告販売を、2007年6月下旬から開始します。
また、当サービスは、株式会社アペックス(東京本社所在地:千代田区九段南 代表取締役社長:森吉平 事業内容:カップ式自動販売機による飲料販売事業等)と業務提携の上、運営いたします。




★広告主、広告代理店、自販機設置先を募集中! 5/9「注目広告媒体 2007」に出展
なお、5月9日(水)、広告媒体の合同カンファレンス「注目広告媒体 2007」にブース出展し、デモ機を設置の上「メディアカフェ」を紹介させていただきます。また、現在、全無料のコンセプトショップ「オールフリー」を計画中です(近日発表予定)。

※1 設置場所の条件により販売価格が異なります。0円は最大割引適用時。

無料タイプ 広告料により、0円で飲料を提供する。
有料タイプ 広告料金額に応じて、定価から広告収入を差し引いた金額で、販売価格を設定する(10円単位)。


10,000カップ セット @80円 セット価格 80万円
30,000カップ セット @78円 セット価格 234万円
50,000カップ セット @75円 セット価格 375万円
100,000カップ セット @70円 セット価格 700万円

コップ側面(約200×90mm変形 4C)、中央モニター(19/10.4インチ 15秒/30秒)、カタログ・ラック設置(任意サイズ~A4サイズ)、ラッピング(H165×W130×D90cm)、タッチパネル式液晶モニターによる簡易ゲームや各種プログラムに対応


H183×W130×D90cm 既存の設置台数(取扱数) 全国35,000台以上

開催日時 2007年5月9日(水) 14:00~17:00
主催運営 株式会社ファインドスター
会場 TKP六本木ビジネスセンター
住所 東京都港区六本木 6-7-6 Pfアカデミービル
来場者(想定) 企業の広告宣伝・販売促進担当、広告代理店


株式会社ウィル・ビー 担当:諏佐/青木/野崎
TEL:03(5333)3210  FAX:03(5333)3211 susa@willb.co.jp

株式会社ウィル・ビー 担当:諏佐/青木/串間
TEL:03(5333)3254  FAX:03(5333)3211
(ゴールデンウィーク中のお問い合わせ先) 諏佐 080-6585-4011(諏佐携帯)


 【報道関係各位】                2007年2月21日
  『ペンシル インターネットビジネスセミナー2007』DVD販売開始



  シル インターネットビジネスセミナー2007』を発売開始致しまし





  【『ペンシル インターネットビジネスセミナー2007』詳細】


    『ペンシル インターネットビジネスセミナー2007』


    講演  :約1時間25分
    会社案内:    15分


       ◆不動産・建築 ◆通販事例 ◆B to B

    ●01:戦略編 コンセプトワーク
        (通信販売 成功事例)
    ●01:コンテンツ編 コンテンツの強化
        (不動産・建築 成功事例)

    ●03:戦略的SEO編 検索エンジン活用法
        (会員登録・資料請求 成功事例)

    ●04:誘導編 サイト解析マーケティング


    URL: http://www.pencil.co.jp/dvd/

        ■□■  株式会社ペンシル  ■□■     

    株式会社ペンシル > http://www.pencil.co.jp/



  株式会社ペンシル  広報担当:柴山

      福岡市中央区天神1-3-38 天神121ビル5F
        TEL :092-726-1400
        FAX :092-726-1422

 株式会社ペンシル               http://www.pencil.co.jp/



カラーマネージメント液晶モニターColorEdge CG211が、欧州のカメラ・ビデオ誌編集者団体主催のTIPA Awards : 2007を受賞

株式会社ナナオ(本社:石川県白山市、代表取締役社長:実盛 祥隆)の21.3型カラーマネージメント液晶モニターEIZO ColorEdge CG211が、この度TIPA(Technical Image Press Association ※)が主催する「TIPAベスト・ヨーロピアン・フォト・アンド・イメージング・アワード2007」の部門賞(Best Monitor)を受賞しました。


この度、受賞対象となったColorEdge(カラーエッジ) CG211は、色再現性に優れた液晶パネルの採用、ナナオの独自技術により実現される滑らかな階調特性、専用のキャリブレーションソフトウェアの標準添付など、高精度のカラーマネージメント環境を要求するグラフィックス市場に必要な性能を満たしたカラー液晶モニターです。
なお、ColorEdge CG211の上位機種に当たるColorEdge CG220(現在は後継機のColorEdge CG221を販売中)も、一昨年の2005年度TIPA写真賞を受賞しています。

ColorEdge CG211の概要は、EIZOサイトにてご参照いただけます。
EIZOサイト ColorEdgeページ:

2.ColorEdge CG211の主な特長
(1) 画面全域の輝度、色度の均一性を保つ独自開発の「デジタルユニフォミティ補正回路」を搭載。
(2) 滑らかな階調を表示する制御ICチップ(ASIC)を搭載。16bit内部演算処理で、高精度の階調表示を実現。
(3) 出荷時に工場にて1台1台ガンマ値を測定・調整。個体差・ばらつきの少ない極めて滑らかな階調表示を提供。
(4) モニター内部の12bitルックアップテーブルを用いたハードウェア・キャリブレーションに対応。
(5) パネル部を縦へ回転させるだけで、画像も縦表示に変わる「ActiveRotation II」機能を搭載。完全なハードウェア制御により、高速で、安定した画像表示を提供。
(6) 大画面、広視野角で、色度変位の小さいIPS方式の液晶パネルを採用。
(7) 調光機能で常に安定した表示を実現。

Copyright (c)2007 株式会社ナナオ All rights reserved.

【 お客様からのお問い合わせ先 】
EIZOコンタクトセンター TEL:0120-956-812 FAX:076-274-2496
ホームページ: http://www.eizo.co.jp/

【 報道関係各位のお問い合わせ先 】
株式会社ナナオ マーケティング部 販売促進課 
TEL:076-277-6795 FAX:076-277-6796 E-Mail:press@eizo.co.jp


開発を手がける株式会社ミュートス(本社:大阪市 代表取締役 久常真嗣

概 要
■ マイベスト機能

■ キャンペーン期間
   2007年5月10日(木)~23日(水) 2週間

■ 方法

       ① お気に入りの 「映画」
       ② お気に入りの 「レストラン」
       ③ お気に入りの 「お酒」
  ※遊び方などはhttp://www.bookdaq.jp/ サイト内でお知らせ致します。

■ キャンペーン商品

        ☆商品券     4,000円
        ☆ビール券    4,000円

◆ 株式会社ミュートス 会社概要
 (1)商   号:株式会社ミュートス      
 (2)代 表 者:代表取締役 久常 真嗣
 (4)事業内容 :インターネット関連システム開発の企画運営


プレスリリース                     2007年5月2日


       ~リンク型検索サイト リラックス・ナビ~

リラックスナビ(プレイシャス株式会社・本社:東京都新宿区、代表取締役:大平 優一)では、“整体・指圧・マッサージ”等の治療院向けに、無料でホームページサイトを登録できるリンク型検索サイトサービスを開始いたしました。









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( http://relax-navi.net/register.php )



ご不明な点などがございましたらその旨 メールにてご連絡ください。

( http://relax-navi.net/modules/tinyd0/ )


担当者: 光月(こうづき)
TEL  : 03-3260-3139
E-mail: info@relax-navi.net

プレイシャス株式会社 インターネット事業部
東京都新宿区天神町41番 三益ビル2F
URL  : http://praycious.com/
E-mail: info@praycious.com










【開催日時】 8月25日(土) 11:00~20:00 (予定)※雨天決行
8月26日(日) 11:00~17:30 (予定)※雨天決行 

【会 場】 原宿・表参道・代々木周辺 (全6会場)

【参加チーム】 100チーム

【踊り子総数】 約6,000名

【観客動員数】 約100万人(2006年度)

【同時開催】 よさこい広場(高知物産展)※代々木公園イベント広場内

【最寄り駅】 JR原宿駅・東京メトロ明治神宮前駅

【公式サイト】 http://www.yosakoi-harajuku.com/ 

 原宿表参道元氣祭スーパーよさこい事務局 (担当 村上)
 電話 : 03-5766-1320 FAX : 03-3406-7220
 E-mail : info@yosakoi-harajuku.com

W.P. Stewart & Co., Ltd. Announces First Quarter 2007 Financial Results
May 03, 2007

     A loss of $0.04 per share after non-recurring charges
of $5.8 million or 
     $0.12 per share (diluted) compared with first quarter
2006 earnings of 
     $0.28 per share (diluted)

    Cash earnings were $0.14 per share (diluted) after
non-recurring charges of $1.6 million or $0.03 per share
(diluted) for the first quarter of 2007 compared with $0.32
per share (diluted) in the first quarter of 2006 - see GAAP
reconciliation statement below

    HAMILTON, Bermuda, May 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- W.P.
Stewart & Co., Ltd. today reported a net loss of $1.8
million, or $0.04 per share (diluted) and $0.04 per share
(basic), for the first quarter ended 31 March 2007.  This
compares with net income in the first quarter of the prior
year of 
$12.7 million or $0.28 per share (diluted) and $0.28 per
share (basic).

    During the first quarter, the Company entered into
agreements with certain employees whose employment with the
Company terminated in the quarter. In accordance with the
terms of these agreements, the Company has incurred
one-time, non-recurring cash expenses of approximately
$1,600,000 and non-cash charges related to restricted
shares of approximately $4,200,000 in the first quarter of
2007. Combined, these one-time, non-recurring charges
equate to approximately $0.12 per share, diluted.

    Cash earnings for the quarter ended 31 March 2007 were
$6.4 million, or $0.14 per share (diluted), (net loss of
$1.8 million adjusted to include $8.2 million representing
non-cash income and expenses consisting of unrealized gains
and losses, non-cash compensation, depreciation,
amortization and other non-cash charges on a tax-effected
basis). In the same quarter of the prior year, cash
earnings were $14.5 million, or $0.32 per share (diluted),
(net income of $12.7 million adjusted for the inclusion of
$1.8 million representing expenses of non-cash
compensation, depreciation, amortization and other non-cash
charges, on a tax-effected basis).

    Commenting on the results for the quarter, Bill
Stewart, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer said:
"I indicated in February that we were in a classic
turnaround situation and that things could get worse before
getting better. Our financial results for this first quarter
are disappointing but not entirely surprising and certainly
not indicative of where our new management team hopes to
take the Company over the next several years. I am
optimistic that we are on the right track but there is a
lot of hard work yet to do."

    For the first quarter of 2007 there were 45,986,856
common shares outstanding on a weighted average diluted
basis compared to 45,941,269 common shares outstanding for
the first quarter of 2006 on the same weighted average
diluted basis.


    Performance in the W.P. Stewart & Co., Ltd. U.S.
Equity Composite (the "Composite") for the first
quarter of 2007 was -0.7% pre-fee and -1.0% post-fee. This
compares with 0.6% for the S&P 500.

    For the twelve-month period ending 31 March 2007,
performance in the Composite was 6.7%, pre-fee and 5.6%,
post-fee. This compares with 11.8% for the S&P 500.

    In each of the three-, five- and ten-year periods ended
31 March 2007, performance of the W.P. Stewart U.S. Equity
Composite has exceeded the performance of the S&P 500
on a pre-fee basis. On a post-fee basis, performance
exceeded the S&P 500 for the ten-year period ended 31
March 2007 but fell slightly behind on a three- and
five-year basis. 

    Performance in the W.P. Stewart international portfolio
(ex United States) for the first quarter of 2007 was +2.2%,
pre-fee, and 2.1%, post-fee, compared to +4.1% for the MSCI
EAFE Index. Performance in the Global portfolio was -0.1%,
pre-fee, and -0.4%, post-fee, compared to +2.5% for the
MSCI World Index. 

    Commenting on this first quarter performance, Mark
Phelps, Managing Director - Global Investments, said:
"Performance in our U.S. portfolios is disappointing
but continues to reflect the hostile environment for high
quality large cap growth stocks in the United States but I
do believe that with the continuing strong trend in
'look-through' earnings growth and attractive valuations we
can look forward to very good returns over the next few
years. It is right for us to remain patient and true to our
style. Performance in the international and European
portfolios is mixed but generally positive."

    Preliminary indications are that year-to-date
performance as of 30 April for the W.P. Stewart U.S. Equity
Composite was +2.7%, pre-fee, and +2.3%, post-fee; for the
international portfolio was +4.7%, pre-fee, and +4.3%,
post-fee, and for the Global portfolio was +4.7%, pre-fee,
and +4.3%, post-fee.

    Assets Under Management

    Assets under management (AUM) at quarter-end were
approximately $6.4 billion, compared with approximately
$8.1 billion at 31 December 2006, and approximately $9.4
billion at 31 March 2006.

    Total net outflows of AUM for the quarter ended 31
March 2007 were approximately $1,663 million, compared with
total net outflows of approximately $667 million and
approximately $237 million in the fourth quarter and in the
first quarter of 2006, respectively.

    In the quarter, net cash outflows from existing
accounts were approximately $239 million, compared with net
cash outflows of approximately $196 million and
approximately $31 million in the fourth quarter and in the
first quarter of 2006, respectively.

    Net outflows from our publicly-available funds and
flows from new accounts minus closed accounts were
approximately $1,424 million for the quarter compared to
approximately $471 million and approximately $206 million
in the fourth quarter and in the first quarter of 2006,

    Net flows in April 2007 were negative approximately
$255 million.

    Look-Through Earning Power

    W.P. Stewart & Co., Ltd. concentrates its
investments in large, generally less cyclical, growing
businesses. Throughout most of the Company's history, the
growth in earning power behind clients' portfolios has
ranged from approximately 11% to 22% annually. Currently,
the "look-through" earning power behind our
clients' portfolios remains solidly positive with portfolio
earnings per share growth on a trailing four quarter basis
as at 31 March 2007 expected to have advanced at the high
end of the historical range. The Company's research
analysts expect "look-through" portfolio earnings
growth to be within the 12-15% range over the next few
    Revenues and Profitability

    Revenues were $25.9 million for the quarter ended 31
March 2007, compared to $36.2 million for the same quarter

    The average gross management fee was 1.08%, annualized,
for the quarter ended 31 March 2007, compared to 1.14%,
annualized, for the same quarter of the prior year.
Excluding performance fee based accounts, the average gross
management fee was 1.22% for the quarter ended 31 March
2007, compared to 1.27%, annualized, for the same quarter
of the prior year.  

    Total operating expenses increased approximately $6.6
million, including the non-recurring charges of $5.8
million referenced above, to $27.9 million for the first
quarter 2007, from $21.2 million in the same quarter of the
prior year.  

    The advance in expenses substantially reflects non-cash
compensation expense related to the Company's restricted
share issuances to employees of approximately $6.8 million
for the first quarter of 2007, which includes $4.2 million
related to employees whose employment terminated in
February 2007. In the first quarter of 2006 these non-cash
compensation expenses were $280,000 after adjusting for a
reversal of approximately $500,000 related to the
forfeiture of previously issued restricted shares. This
non-cash compensation expense is included in "employee
compensation and benefits".

    We expect non-cash compensation expense related to
restricted share grants to be at least $14 million for

    The Company's provision for taxes resulted in a tax
benefit of approximately $100,000 based on a pre-tax loss
of $1.9 million for the quarter ended 31 March 2007
compared with a tax provision of approximately $2.3 million
based on pre-tax income of $15.0 million in the comparable
quarter of the prior year. The provision/benefit for taxes
represents the Company's estimate of taxes on the
income/loss applicable to all jurisdictions and is
calculated at rates equal to the applicable statutory
income tax rate in each jurisdiction.

    Other Events

    The Company paid a dividend of $0.23 per common share
on 31 January 2007 to shareholders of record as of 17
January 2007, and further, paid a dividend of $0.15 per
common share on 27 April 2007 to shareholders of record as
of 13 April 2007. This latter payment reflects a change in
the dividend policy which was announced in a press release
on 29 March 2007. 

    Conference Call

    In conjunction with this first quarter 2007 earnings
release, W.P. Stewart & Co., Ltd. will host a
conference call on Thursday, 3 May 2007.  The conference
call will commence promptly at 9:15 a.m. (EDT). Those who
are interested in participating in the teleconference
should dial 1-800-922-9655 (within the United States) or
+973-935-2407 (outside the United States).  The conference
ID is "W.P. Stewart" or "8701547". To
listen to the live broadcast of the conference over the
Internet, simply visit our website at www.wpstewart.com and
click on the Investor Relations tab for a link to the

    The teleconference will be available for replay from
Thursday, 3 May 2007 at 12:00 noon (EDT) through Thursday,
10 May 2007 at 5:00 p.m. (EDT). To access the replay,
please dial 1-877-519-4471 (within the United States) or
+973-341-3080 (outside the United States). The PIN number
for accessing this replay is 8701547.

    You will be able to access a replay of the Internet
broadcast through Thursday, 10 May 2007, on the Company's
website at http://www.wpstewart.com. The Company will
respond to questions submitted by e-mail, following the

    W.P. Stewart & Co., Ltd. is an asset management
company that has provided research-intensive equity
management services to clients throughout the world since
1975. The Company is headquartered in Hamilton, Bermuda,
and has additional operations or affiliates in the United
States, Europe and Asia.

    The Company's shares are listed for trading on the New
York Stock Exchange (NYSE: WPL) and on the Bermuda Stock
Exchange (BSX: WPS).

    For more information, please visit the Company's
website at http://www.wpstewart.com, or call W.P. Stewart
Investor Relations (Fred M. Ryan) at 1-888-695-4092
(toll-free within the United States) or + 441-295-8585
(outside the United States) or e-mail to

    Statements made in this release concerning our
assumptions, expectations, beliefs, intentions, plans or
strategies are forward-looking statements within the
meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of
1995. Such statements involve risks and uncertainties that
may cause actual results to differ from those expressed or
implied in these statements. Such risks and uncertainties
include, without limitation, the adverse effect from a
decline or volatility in the securities markets, a general
downturn in the economy, the effects of economic, financial
or political events, a loss of client accounts, inability of
the Company to attract or retain qualified personnel, a
challenge to our U.S. tax status, competition from other
companies, changes in government policy or regulation, a
decline in the Company's products' performance, inability
of the Company to implement its operating strategy,
inability of the Company to manage unforeseen costs and
other effects related to legal proceedings or
investigations of governmental and self-regulatory
organizations, industry capacity and trends, changes in
demand for the Company's services, changes in the Company's
business strategy or development plans and contingent
liabilities. The information in this release is as of the
date of this release, and will not be updated as a result
of new information or future events or developments.

    W.P. Stewart & Co., Ltd.
    Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statements of

                          For the Three Months Ended       
  % Change From
                        Mar. 31,     Dec. 31,     Mar. 31, 
Dec. 31,  Mar. 31,
                          2007         2006         2006   
  2006      2006

      Fees           $21,061,944  $31,874,280  $27,187,308 
 -33.92%   -22.53%
      Commissions      4,459,454    5,686,392    8,260,794 
 -21.58%   -46.02%
      Realized and
       unrealized gains/
       (losses) on
       investments (1)  (21,201)    2,088,155       41,752 
-101.02%  -150.78%
      Interest and
       other (1)         440,328      101,107      756,325 
 335.51%   -41.78%

                      25,940,525   39,749,934   36,246,179 
 -34.74%   -28.43%

       and benefits   16,149,555   12,900,065    7,738,837 
  25.19%   108.68%
      Fees paid out    1,781,660    2,003,373    2,174,908 
 -11.07%   -18.08%
       clearance and
       trading           787,965    1,159,174    1,642,079 
 -32.02%   -52.01%
      Research and 
       administration  3,392,907    3,348,373    3,629,544 
   1.33%    -6.52%
      Marketing        1,564,158    1,753,368    1,711,094 
 -10.79%    -8.59%
      Depreciation and
       amortization    1,438,229    1,727,325    1,575,794 
 -16.74%    -8.73%
      Other operating  2,737,124    3,093,667    2,762,137 
 -11.52%    -0.91%
                      27,851,598   25,985,345   21,234,393 
   7.18%    31.16%

    (Loss) / Income
      before taxes   (1,911,073)   13,764,589   15,011,786 
-113.88%  -112.73%

    Provision for
     taxes              (74,295)    2,138,009    2,347,675 
-103.47%  -103.16%

    Net (loss) / 
     income         $(1,836,778)  $11,626,580  $12,664,111 
-115.80%  -114.50%

    Earnings per

    Basic earnings
     per share           $(0.04)        $0.25        $0.28 
-116.00%  -114.29%

    Diluted earnings
     per share           $(0.04)        $0.25        $0.28 
-116.00%  -114.29%

    Note (1): Prior period amounts have been revised to
reflect presentation consistent with current period

    W.P. Stewart & Co., Ltd.
    Net Flows of Assets Under Management*

                                             For the Three
Months Ended
                                           Mar. 31,    Dec.
31,   Mar. 31,  
2006       2006
    Existing Accounts:
      Contributions                            $83      
$183       $329
      Withdrawals                            (322)     
(379)      (360)
    Net Flows of Existing Accounts           (239)     
(196)       (31)
    Publicly Available Funds:
      Contributions                             75        
18         34
      Withdrawals                            (119)      
(63)       (69)
    Direct Accounts Opened                     115        
34         57
    Direct Accounts Closed                 (1,495)     
(460)      (228)
    Net New Flows                          (1,424)     
(471)      (206)
    Net Flows of Assets Under Management  $(1,663)    
$(667)     $(237)

    * The table above sets forth the total net flows of
assets under management for the three months ended March
31, 2007, December 31, 2006 and March 31, 2006,
respectively, which include changes in net flows of
existing accounts and net new flows (net contributions to
our publicly available funds and flows from new accounts
minus closed accounts). The table excludes total capital
appreciation or depreciation in assets under management
with the exception of the amount attributable to
withdrawals and closed accounts.

    For more information, please contact: 

     Fred M. Ryan
     W.P. Stewart & Co.
     Tel: +1-441-295-8585
British American Tobacco plc: Quarterly Report to 31 March 2007
May 03, 2007

    LONDON, May 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --


    THREE MONTHS               2007       2006             
    Revenue               GBP2,232m  GBP2,297m             

    Profit from             GBP684m    GBP616m             

    Adjusted diluted         24.31p     22.05p             
    earnings per

    -- The reported profit from operations was 11 per cent
higher at GBP684 million, or 6 per cent higher if
exceptional items are excluded. However, the results from
all the regions were adversely impacted by exchange. Profit
from operations, excluding exceptional items, would have
been 18 per cent higher at comparable rates of exchange,
with all regions contributing to this strong result except
for America-Pacific which was slightly lower than last
    -- Group volumes from subsidiaries were 156 billion, a
decrease of 3 per cent, mainly as a result of the high
level of trade buying in some markets at the end of 2006,
supply chain disruptions in the Middle East and the loss of
StiX in Germany. The Group saw share improvements across
many markets, particularly for its global drive brands. The
four global drive brands  achieved an overall volume growth
of 6 per cent. The reported Group revenue was 3 per cent
lower at GBP2,232 million but, at comparable rates of
exchange, would have increased by 6 per cent as a result of
more favourable pricing and better product mix.
    -- Adjusted diluted earnings per share rose by 10 per
cent, benefiting from the increase in profit from
operations, an improved contribution from associate
companies, lower net finance costs, a lower tax rate and
the impact of the share buy-back programme, partly offset
by a higher minorities charge. 
    -- The Chairman, Jan du Plessis, commented "We
have started the year with strong growth in both revenue
and operating profit at comparable rates of exchange, as a
result of improved pricing and cost savings. In addition,
the first quarter has been somewhat flattered by excellent
performances in Brazil and South Africa. Looking ahead, it
is worth remembering that earnings per share benefited from
a number of one-off factors in the second quarter of 2006.
For the year as a whole, adverse exchange rates are
expected to hold back our earnings per share growth."

    For more information, please contact:  

    Ralph Edmondson/ Rachael Brierley, 
    Tel: +44-20-7845-1180, +44-20-7845-1519

    David Betteridge/Kate Matrunola/ Catherine Armstrong
    Tel: +44-20-7845-28

Findus Ltd Supplement Success Prompts International Distribution Partnership Search
May 03, 2007

    LONDON, May 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Due to incredibly
high consumer demand Findus Ltd. is looking for global
distribution and fulfilment partners for its Mega03 Omega-3
supplement brand, which is supported by The David Beckham
Academy world wide.

http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070502/255885 )

    Offering his support for the product David Beckham
comments: "To maintain fitness throughout life,
whether you are an athlete or not, you need to consider a
balanced diet, which is why Mega03 Omega-3 is a good fit
for what we teach at the Academy".

    Head of Findus Ltd and Mega03 Ltd, Geir Frantzen,
commenting on the brand's success says: "We believe
that, as manufacturers, we have a vital role to play in
making the world a healthier place and the launch of Mega03
Omega-3 further underlines this ethos.

    "We hope to spread this ethos globally with the
help of strategic distribution and fulfilment

    Currently available exclusively on-line the product has
exceeded all expectations in its first six weeks. The
company is looking for partners that hold a strong track
record in the health sector to support Mega03 Omega-3
supplement sales globally.

    Companies that fit this profile and have solid
logistical infrastructure in the regions of North and South
America, Northern Asia, Asia Pacific, India, Middle East and
South Africa can register interest via the brand's website
www.mega03.com, no later than May 20th 2007., or
alternatively email Head of Business development Simon Rees
on simon.rees@mega03.com

    True Sea Purity

    Findus MegaO3 Omega-3 is based on a 100-year-old recipe
and provides essential Omega-3 fatty acids in small, easy to
swallow capsules thanks to the company's unique extraction

    Manufactured using Omega-3 from oily fish, as opposed
to the ubiquitous cod liver oil, Findus MegaO3 Omega-3
contains some of the purest forms of these marine fatty
acids available -- and the most readily absorbed too.

    The new product is also one of the few that can boast
being 100% from the sea. The capsule shells are made from
fish gelatine (most capsules are made from animal
gelatine), thereby combating concerns over toxins that are
found in many oily fish, because the Omega-3 in the Findus
supplement is taken from fish meat, not the liver, making
it purer.

    All the fish used in the manufacture of MegaO3 Omega-3
are from sustainable sources and fully traceable and, as if
that wasn't enough, Findus MegaO3 Omega-3 capsules provide
vitamins A, D & E as the antioxidants in these vitamins
help maintain the freshness of the oils with the added bonus
of providing further health benefits to the consumer.

    For more press information please contact Zara Reid at
Rose Reid Media on zara@rosereidmedia.com or

     For more information, please contact: 

      Zara Reid
      Rose Reid Media
      Tel:   +44-5600-752008
      Email: zara@rosereidmedia.com

ENSR Conducts Hazardous Waste Health and Safety Training in Asia
May 03, 2007

    KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, May 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
ENSR has conducted comprehensive health and safety training
to leading petroleum, chemical and manufacturing companies
in three locations in Asia. ENSR, part of AECOM, is a
leading global environmental services provider with over
150 staff in China. ENSR also conducted training for AECOM
sister company Maunsell Hong Kong, as well as for internal
staff.  The HAZWOPER training class deals with hazardous
waste regulations.  

    HAZWOPER regulations were initiated by OSHA in the
United States in the 1980s to protect workers involved in
investigating or cleaning up hazardous waste sites. ENSR's
HAZWOPER training courses are designed for those who work
with or are exposed to hazardous materials.

    The training was led by ENSR's Kevin Powers, Director
of Health & Safety, who commented, "Our Asian
clients wish to adopt best-in-class hazardous waste health
and safety practices that have been improved and
streamlined in North America the past 20 years.  We're
delighted to share these practices."  

    ENSR has been recognized by industry for its
best-in-class health & safety program. ENSR has
received numerous industry and business awards, including
ExxonMobil Asia Pacific safety awards and multiple BP
Health, Safety, Security and Environmental awards,
including the BP 2005 Diamond Award.

    About ENSR

    ENSR is a leading worldwide environmental firm serving
industrial clients and government agencies with 2,000
employees from 70 global offices.  ENSR provides
comprehensive consulting, engineering, remediation, and
environmental health and safety (EHS) management solutions.
 The recipient of numerous industry, business and client EHS
awards, ENSR has recently received Environmental Business
Journal awards for business achievement and organizational
innovation, and multiple BP Health, Safety, Security and
Environmental Awards, Textron Environmental Remediation
Partner in Excellence Awards, and ExxonMobil Asia Pacific
Safety Awards. ( http://www.ensr.aecom.com )

    About AECOM

    AECOM is a global provider of professional technical
and management support services to a broad range of
markets, including transportation, facilities and
environmental.  With approximately 29,000 employees around
the world, AECOM is a leader in all of the key markets that
it serves.  AECOM companies provide a blend of global reach,
local knowledge, innovation and technical excellence in
delivery solutions that enhance and sustain the world's
built, natural and social environments.  AECOM serves
clients in more than 60 countries and has annual revenue of
approximately $3.4 billion.  More information on AECOM and
its services can be found at http://www.aecom.com . 

    For more information, please contact:

     John Petraglia
     Tel:   +1-800-722-2440
     Email: jpetraglia@ensr.aecom.com
VWR International, Inc. to be Acquired by Madison Dearborn Partners
May 03, 2007

    WEST CHESTER, Pa., May 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- VWR
International, Inc., a portfolio company of Clayton,
Dubilier & Rice, Inc. (CD&R) and a leader in the
global laboratory supply industry, today announced that
CDRV Investors, Inc., its parent company, has entered into
a definitive agreement that will result in VWR being
acquired by Madison Dearborn Partners (MDP).  The
transaction is expected to be completed during the third
quarter of 2007, subject to customary closing conditions. 
Terms of the transaction were not disclosed.

    This announcement follows a period of significant
growth and profitability for VWR, driven by strategic
initiatives designed to make VWR the supplier of choice in
the $27 billion global laboratory supply industry.  With
2006 revenue of over $3.2 billion, VWR is the second
largest distributor in the industry and has a global base
of customers in pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, education
and industry. 
    "This transaction is clear recognition of our
achievements over the past three years," said VWR
President and Chief Executive Officer, John Ballbach. 
"Together with the team from CD&R, we have put
together a very talented management team, restructured our
operations to more efficiently serve customers, made
significant debt repayments and launched our business in
Asia.  We are very appreciative of our employees' efforts,
as well as the loyalty of our customers, which have
together made VWR the market leader it is today.  We look
forward to continuing to execute our strategy together with
Madison Dearborn Partners and to maintaining our position as
a market leader."

    Madison Dearborn Partners is one of the most successful
private equity investors in the U.S.  Since its formation in
1993, MDP funds have closed over 100 transactions in the
U.S. and Europe.  Tim Sullivan, a Managing Director for
MDP, said: "We believe VWR is the premier distributor
to the global laboratory supply industry. The Company's
outstanding management team, superior distribution
capabilities and excellent vendor and customer
relationships are keys to its success.  We are excited
about the Company's leadership and opportunity for
continued growth."

    Richard J. Schnall, a VWR director and partner at
Clayton, Dubilier & Rice, which acquired VWR from Merck
KGaA in April of 2004, said, "We are extremely proud of
the management team and of the performance gains achieved by
the business over the period of our ownership.  VWR is a
great company and is positioned to continue to grow and
prosper in the future."

    VWR announced on March 12, 2007 that it was exploring
strategic options for the Company.

    About VWR International, Inc.
    VWR International is a leader in the global research
laboratory industry with worldwide sales in excess of $3
billion US dollars. VWR's business is highly diversified
across products and services, geographic regions and
customer segments. The Company offers products from a wide
range of manufacturers, to a large number of customers
primarily in North America, Europe and other locations.
VWR's principal customers are major pharmaceutical,
biotechnology, chemical, technology, clinical, food
processing and consumer product companies, universities and
research institutes, governmental agencies, environmental
testing organizations, and primary and secondary schools.
VWR distributes a diversified product mix, including
chemicals, glassware and plasticware, equipment and
instruments, furniture, protective apparel, production and
safety products, and other life science and laboratory
products and supplies. VWR supports its customers by
providing storeroom management, product procurement, supply
chain systems integration, technical services and laboratory
bench top delivery. VWR maintains operations in over 20
countries and employs over 6,000 people worldwide. VWR
International is headquartered in West Chester,
Pennsylvania. VWR-G

    For more information on VWR International, phone
1-800-932-5000, visit http://www.vwr.com , or write, VWR
International, Inc., 1310 Goshen Parkway, P.O. Box 2656,
West Chester, PA 19380-0906.

    VWR and design are registered trademarks of VWR
International, Inc.

    About Madison Dearborn Partners, LLC

    Madison Dearborn Partners, based in Chicago, is one of
the most experienced and successful private equity
investment firms in the United States.  MDP has more than
$14 billion of equity capital under management and makes
new investments through its most recent fund, Madison
Dearborn Capital Partners V, a $6.5 billion investment fund
raised in 2006.  MDP focuses on management buyout
transactions and other private equity investments across a
broad spectrum of industries, including basic industries,
communications, consumer, financial services, and health
care. For more information, please visit the MDP website at

    About Clayton, Dubilier & Rice, Inc.

    Clayton, Dubilier & Rice, Inc. (CD&R) is a
leading private equity investment firm that has earned
consistent, superior investment returns using an integrated
operational and financial approach to building and growing
portfolio businesses. Since its founding in 1978, CD&R
has managed investments of over $8 billion in 39 U.S. and
European subsidiaries or divisions of large multi-business
corporations with revenues exceeding $40 billion,
representing an aggregate transaction value of over $40
billion. CD&R led a group of investors in the purchase
of The Hertz Corporation from Ford Motor Company in
December 2005. The firm's investments have also included
Kinko's, which was sold to FedEx in February 2004; Culligan
International, leading global provider of water treatment
product and services; and Scotts, a leader in
do-it-yourself lawn and garden consumer products. CD&R
is based in New York and London. For more information about
CD&R, visit http://www.cdr-inc.com . 

    This release includes forward-looking statements within
the meaning of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform
Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements are not historical,
but are made based on management's current expectations and
beliefs concerning future developments and their potential
effects upon VWR International, Inc. and its subsidiaries.
There can be no assurance that future developments
affecting the Company will be those anticipated by
management. These forward-looking statements are not a
guarantee of future performance and involve risks,
uncertainties and other factors, including without
limitation those described under the caption "Item 1A.
Risk Factors" and other risks described in our Annual
Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2006
and the Company's other reports on file with the Securities
and Exchange Commission. We do not intend, and are under no
obligation, to update any particular forward-looking
statement included in this release.

    For more information, please contact:

     Alan Oshiki
     Broadgate Consultants, LLC
     Tel:   +1-212-232-2354
     Email: aoshiki@broadgate.com 
China LotSynergy Holdings Limited and International Game Technology Announce Strategic Alliance in China Lottery Market
May 03, 2007

    HONG KONG and RENO, Nev., May 3 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
China LotSynergy Holdings Limited (SEHK: 8161) and
International Game Technology (NYSE: IGT) today announced
that China LotSynergy Holdings Limited ("CLS")
and International Game Technology ("IGT") have
entered into a strategic alliance through a Subscription
Agreement and a Technical Cooperation Agreement on May 1,

    Pursuant to the agreements, IGT will invest
approximately US$103 million in CLS, partly in the form of
equity and partly in the form of a convertible note.
Through the strategic alliance with CLS, IGT will be able
to gain access to the fast-growing Chinese Lottery market,
while CLS will be able to source advanced gaming technology
to support its business expansion in China.

    Ivy Lau, Chairperson of CLS said, "IGT is a global
leader in the supply of gaming technology.  This strategic
alliance will be highly beneficial to both parties. We
believe that IGT is the right strategic partner for us
given its superior manufacturing capabilities and game and
systems technology."

    TJ Matthews, Chairman of IGT said, "We are very
excited about the opportunity to participate in the
fast-growing China Lottery industry by partnering with an
established market leader who has extensive local expertise
and experience like CLS.  Our strategic investment in CLS
attests to our confidence in the future success of our

    Proceeds from the shares and convertible note will be
used for business expansion, potential investment
opportunities, and general working capital purposes.

    The completion of the agreements is subject to
customary closing conditions, including, but not limited
to, mutual satisfactory completion of due diligence and the
Stock Exchange of Hong Kong approval on the listing of new
shares.  The closing date is anticipated to be on or before
May 31, 2007.

    About China LotSynergy Holdings Limited

    CLS is principally engaged in investment, project
development and the provision of technologies and equipment
and consultancy services in Lottery business and related
sectors in China.

    About International Game Technology 

    IGT ( http://www.IGT.com ) is a global company
specializing in the design, development, manufacturing,
distribution and sale of computerized gaming machines and
related systems.

    Statements in this release, which are not historical
facts, are "forward looking" statements under the
Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.  Although
IGT believes that the expectations reflected in any of its
forward-looking statements are reasonable, actual results
could differ materially from those projected or assumed. 
IGT's future financial condition and results of operations,
as well as any forward-looking statements, are subject to
change and to inherent known and unknown risks and
uncertainties. IGT does not intend, and undertakes no
obligation, to update forward-looking statements to reflect
future events or circumstances.

    Information on risks and factors that could affect
IGT's business and financial results are included in our
public filings made with the Securities and Exchange

    For more information, please contact:

     Patrick Cavanaugh, Executive Director
     Investor Relations of IGT
     Tel:  +1-866-296-4232

Canadian Solar to Present at the 2007 Deutsche Bank Technology Conference
May 02, 2007

    JIANGSU, China, May 2 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Canadian
Solar Inc. ("the Company", or "CSI")
(Nasdaq: CSIQ) today announced that the Company is
scheduled to present at the 2007 Deutsche Bank Technology
Conference on Wednesday, May 16, 2007 in San Francisco. Dr.
Shawn Qu, President and Chief Executive Officer, will
present at the conference. The Company will webcast the
presentation live on its website at http://www.csisolar.com

    Place:    The Westin St. Francis, San Francisco

    Time:     3:40 p.m. PT, Wednesday, May 16, 2007 in San

              6:40 p.m. ET, Wednesday, May 16, 2007 in New
York City

              6:40 a.m., Thursday, May 17, 2007 in Jiangsu,
    Web Access: 	http://www.csisolar.com

    About Canadian Solar Inc. 

    Founded in 2001, Canadian Solar Inc. (CSI) is a
vertically integrated manufacturer of solar cells, solar
modules and custom-designed solar application products
serving worldwide customers.  CSI is incorporated in Canada
and conducts all of its manufacturing operations in China. 
Backed by years of experience and knowledge in the solar
power market and the silicon industry, CSI has become a
major global provider of solar power products for a wide
range of applications.  For more information visit
http://www.csisolar.com .

    For more information, please contact::
    In Jiangsu P.R. China                                  
     Bing Zhu, Chief Financial Officer                     
     Canadian Solar Inc.                                   
     Tel:   +86-512-62696755                               
     Email: ir@csisolar.com                                
    In the U.S.                                            
     David Pasquale                                        
     The Ruth Group                                        
     Tel:   +1-646-536-7006                                
     Email: dpasquale@theruthgroup.com  
Elsevier Enhances MD Consult, Providing Physicians Faster Access to Crucial
May 02, 2007

'Clinically Clever' Search Improves Query Interpretation
and Generates
Results Organized by how Physicians Diagnose and Treat
Patients; Free MD
Consult Access During May 2007

    ST. LOUIS, May 2 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Elsevier, a
leading publisher of scientific, technical and medical
information products and services, has enhanced MD Consult,
its online clinical reference tool, to accelerate access to
information and educational content for better diagnosis
and treatment. Search results for the most common queries
are tailored to each stage of the diagnostic and clinical
workup, starting with assessing a patient's signs and
symptoms, then moving on to diagnosis, treatment, potential
complications, and prognosis.

    "Clinicians want fast, concise answers at the
point of care, and they want to have access to the most
important information about a medical condition from
high-quality trusted resources," says Dr. Jonathan
Teich, an attending physician in emergency medicine at
Harvard's Brigham and Women's Hospital and Chief Medical
Informatics Officer at Elsevier. "The new user
interface and smarter search tools enable healthcare
professionals to quickly access information in formats they
can put to immediate use."

    To encourage use of the new enhanced MD Consult,
Elsevier is offering free access to MD Consult
(www.mdconsult.com) throughout May 2007. During this time
users can test the site without a paid subscription.


    MD Consult revamped its search capabilities and user
interface through an extensive process involving input from
physicians, medical students, librarians, and other health
care professionals around the world. Customers participated
in individual interviews, usability tests, focus groups,
surveys, collaborative design sessions, and live,
observational tests of sample searches.

    Innovations in the new version of MD Consult include:

    -- Recommended results for top searches: Recommended
results pages for the most popular search queries within MD
Consult are organized according to how physicians diagnose
and treat patients.

    -- Additional search recommendations: MD Consult
proactively guides clinicians to add details or refinements
to more general searches. For instance, typing in a term
such as "hepatitis" would return information
links immediately, and also would generate recommendations
for more specific terms such as "hepatitis A" or
"hepatitis C."

    -- Best resource suggestions: MD Consult includes an
extensive collection of world leading clinical reference
texts and journals. When clinicians are searching for a
specific book, author or journal, MD Consult provides a
direct link to access the desired resource.

    -- Easier, faster drug search: Whether clinicians type
in the brand name of a drug or its generic equivalent, MD
Consult generates a link to the correct information,
including drug indications, contraindications, adverse
reactions, FDA approvals, and safety notices.

    MD Consult is an integral component of how Elsevier is
continually working to improve outcomes in health and in
the business of health. Using it, clinicians can seek
current, evidence-based and experience-based answers to
specific clinical questions, obtain general overviews on
medical topics, make patient management decisions and find
drug information. The program also includes topical medical
news and provides patient educational materials.

    "MD Consult combines the best medical content with
the best clinical reference tools to help doctors help
patients," says Brian Nairn, CEO of Elsevier's Health
Sciences Division. "Elsevier has a tradition of
providing quality, reliable information for clinicians in
academic, patient care and research settings, and now our
customers will have faster access to critical clinical

    MD Consult now serves over 280,000 users and is
licensed by more than
1,700 health care organizations worldwide, including nearly
95% of US medical schools. Subscribers search extensive
Elsevier content 1.5 million times per month and view more
than 8 million pages of clinical content, primarily during
daytime practice hours.

    About Elsevier

    Elsevier is a world-leading publisher of scientific,
technical and Medical information products and services.
Working in partnership with the Global science and health
communities, Elsevier's 7,000 employees in over 70 Offices
worldwide publish more than 2,000 journals and 1,900 new
books per year, in addition to offering a suite of
innovative electronic products, such as ScienceDirect, MD
Consult, Scopus, bibliographic databases, and online
reference works.

    Elsevier is a global business headquartered in
Amsterdam, The Netherlands and has offices worldwide.
Elsevier is part of Reed Elsevier Group plc, a
world-leading publisher and information provider. Operating
in the science and medical, legal, education and
business-to-business sectors, Reed Elsevier provides
high-quality and flexible information solutions to users,
with increasing emphasis on the Internet as a means of
delivery. Reed Elsevier's ticker symbols are REN (Euronext
Amsterdam), REL (London Stock Exchange), RUK and ENL (New
York Stock Exchange).

    For more information, please contact: 

    Tom Reller
    Tel:   +1-212-462-1912
    Email: T.Reller@Elsevier.com
The Venetian Macao Continues Tradeshow and Corporate Meeting Momentum
May 02, 2007

Leading Worldwide Organizers Increasingly Select Venetian
Macao for Upcoming Events

    MACAO, May 2 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The Venetian Macao
Resort Hotel, a Las Vegas Sands Corp. (NYSE: LVS) property,
said today it continues to book Meeting, Incentive,
Convention and Exhibition (MICE) business at a strong pace
and has inked several prominent tradeshows over the past
few weeks. The mega resort, scheduled to open this summer,
now has commitments from more than 20 tradeshow organizers
to produce 44 events over the next two years.  The varied
tradeshows feature a cross-section of business sectors and
will generate a significant number of hotel room nights for
The Venetian Macao, including tens of thousands in just the
first few months after the opening of the property.

    "The momentum our MICE team has been experiencing
is incredible and the current demand is far beyond our
expectations.  Entire shows are relocating to Macao as they
clearly recognize the advantages of staging a show with
us," said William P. Weidner, president and chief
operating officer of Las Vegas Sands Corp.  "Bringing
an entirely new approach to the MICE industry in Asia has
definitely paid off as trade show organizers recognize our
team's experience and our one-of-a kind integrated resort
that will allow these shows to attract attendees."

    Recent shows booked by The Venetian Macao include; the
ISSA/InterClean show, which is relocating an event
previously held in Shanghai. This important show is a joint
venture between Amsterdam/Rai, one of Europe's leading
exhibition organizers, and the Washington D.C. based
International Sanitary Supply Association; The World
Tobacco Show, which is relocating an event previously held
in Bali, Indonesia.  This important show is produced by DMG
World Media, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Daily Mail
& General Trust plc.; The International Association of
Amusement Parks and Attractions, a Washington D.C. based
Association, also recently chose Macao for the 2008 IAAPA
Asian Expo, an event being held this year in Bangkok. 

    Kenfair International (Holdings) Limited, one of Hong
Kong's leading exhibition organizers globally recognized
for producing events for the toy, gift, premium incentive
and electronics industries, has signed a long-term contract
with The Venetian Macao to produce two trade shows each
year.  The Venetian Macao will also host the Macao
International Pharmaceutical Expo, a trade show produced by
the China Center for Pharmaceutical International Exchange,
an exhibition company registered with the Central
Government, and affiliated with China's State Food and Drug
Administration, working in cooperation with Bestway
International Exhibition Company Macau. 

    Separately, The Venetian Macao has already signed
contracts for 20 corporate meetings to be held within the
first four months of opening.  Additional meetings have
also been scheduled for 2008. Among the distinguished
organizations selecting The Venetian Macao are McDonalds,
Deloitte, Uniflair, Johnson & Johnson, MassMutual Asia,
Shanghai Xing Tai Real Estate Development, Japan
Agricultural Association, Nissan Motors and Hagemeyer. 
Weidner said many of the region's most important corporate
meeting planners are on board to help book corporate
meetings at The Venetian Macao.  "In fact, Jalpak
International, Japan Travel and Destination Asia, all
important meeting organizers in the region, respectively
referred the Japan Agricultural Association, Nissan Motors
and Hagemeyer to our corporate booking team."

    "The wide variety of products and services
represented here is indicative that The Venetian Macao has
a unique appeal to both tradeshow organizers and meeting
planners and is well on its way to becoming their 
destination of choice," added Weidner.  "The
assortment of entertainment, shopping, dining and
recreation options, in concert with state-of-the art
exhibition and meetings facilities, is clearly positioning
The Venetian Macao as the pre-eminent meeting and
convention destination in Asia."

    Other significant trade shows previously announced by
The Venetian Macao include the Asian Automotive Aftermarket
Products Expo, CMP Asia Jewelry and Watch Show, the Global
Gaming Expo Asia, Motor World Macau, and the Hong Kong
Jewelry Manufacturers Exhibition.

    The Venetian Macao will be one of the largest hotels in
Asia and will be Macao's first true mega-resort.  It will
feature 3,000 all-suite rooms, 1.2 million-square feet of
meeting, convention and exhibition space, world-class
entertainment in a 15,000-seat arena, and an impressive
array of dining, shopping, and recreation options.

    The Venetian Macao, located in Macao, Special
Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China,
will also serve as the anchor of the Cotai Strip, a master
planned development of resort and casino properties. The
Cotai Strip(TM) will feature hotels operated by some of the
most prestigious names in the hotel industry, including Four
Seasons, Sheraton, St. Regis, Shangri-La, Traders, Hilton,
Conrad, Fairmont, and Raffles. Las Vegas Sands Corp. will
own and construct each of the hotels as well as operate the
casinos and entertainment venues in each hotel.

    Statements in this press release, which are not
historical facts, are "forward looking"
statements that are made pursuant to the Safe Harbor
Provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act
of 1995. Forward-looking statements involve a number of
risks, uncertainties or other factors beyond the Company's
control, which may cause material differences in actual
results, performance or other expectations. These factors
include, but are not limited to general economic
conditions, competition, new ventures, government
regulation, legalization of gaming, interest rates, future
terrorist acts, insurance, and other factors detailed in
the reports filed by Las Vegas Sands Corp. with the
Securities and Exchange Commission.


    Las Vegas Sands Corp. (NYSE: LVS) is one of the leading
international developers of multi-use integrated resorts.
The Las Vegas, Nevada-based company owns and operates The
Venetian Resort-Hotel-Casino and the Sands Expo and
Convention Center in Las Vegas and the Sands Macao in the
People's Republic of China (PRC) Special Administrative
Region of Macao. The company is currently constructing four
additional integrated resorts: The Venetian Macao
Resort-Hotel in Macao; The Palazzo Resort-Hotel-Casino in
Las Vegas; Sands Bethworks(TM) in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania;
and The Marina Bay Sands(TM) in Singapore.

    LVS is also creating The Cotai Strip(TM), a
master-planned development of resort-casino properties in
Macao. Additionally, the company is working with the Zhuhai
Municipal People's Government of the PRC to master-plan the
development of a leisure resort and convention complex on
Hengqin Island in the PRC.

    Media Contacts:

    Ron Reese 
    Las Vegas Sands Corp.
    (702) 414-3607

    Winnie Leung
    Fleishman-Hillard Hong Kong
    Tel: (852) 2530-0203 or (852) 9266-4196
500,000 .mobi Names Registered Showing Continued Demand for Useful Mobile Content
May 02, 2007

Top brands lead way with millions of pages of mobile

    DUBLIN, Ireland and WASHINGTON, May 2
/Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- dotMobi, the company behind the
first and only Internet address designed specifically for
mobile phones, today announced more than 500,000 .mobi
domains have been registered in 104 countries since the
domain's commercial launch in October 2006. 

    The continual growth of .mobi registrations illustrates
that content developers are focused on delivering quality
sites and applications to mobile phones for consumers to
use.  Millions of pages of content are now live on .mobi
sites and many of the world's leading brands have gone
".mobi" over the past few months. 

    Travel brands have quickly adopted .mobi sites to
extend their brands for travelers while they are "on
the go." Existing sites range from the 2007 Webby
Award-nominated Travelosa.mobi to SAS (Scandinavian
Airlines), the first airline to enable .mobi access to
flight information, check in and schedules.  Soon,
travelers will see Amtrak.mobi plus the full range of
lodging properties from the Hilton Hotels Corporation
available as .mobi sites. 

    A number of high-end auto brands -- BMW.mobi,
Ferrari.mobi and Rolls-Royce.mobi -- are pioneering the way
for the automobile industry on the mobile web. But
"mobile" travel and automobile brands are only
the start. 

    News and entertainment heavy hitters such as ESPN.mobi,
Maxim.mobi, FoxNews.mobi, BusinessWeek.mobi and
CNNMoney.mobi have gone mobile. And music celebrities like
China's Wei Wei with weiwei.mobi, India's Vayu with
vayu.mobi and Tila Tequila with misstila.mobi have embraced
the mobile internet. 

    A number of mobile operators including TIM, the mobile
arm of Telecom Italia, and Bulgaria's Vivatel are making
.mobi an essential part of their communications strategy. 

    Others are finding unique applications for .mobi sites
such as social networking with yolo.mobi and cerkle.mobi,
hobbyists sites like bigfishtackle.mobi and p-o-k-e-r.mobi
and fitness sites like pumpone.mobi. Some additional hot
sites for people on the go are cabbies.mobi to locate a
taxi in the US, UK and Canada and screenings.mobi to find
film times and locations in those same countries. Also,
VoteScotland.mobi means that people can vote in elections
via their phones instead of going to the polling station. 

    "The results demonstrate the strong role dotMobi
is playing in driving the creation of mobile content on the
Internet," said Neil Edwards, CEO of dotMobi.
"Most importantly, the mobile industry's consumer
focus around creating .mobi sites is bearing strong results
in a short period of time. Consumers finally have
easy-to-use and affordable made-for-mobile content." 

    He added, "Our new cross-platform mobile Web
developer certification program is already graduating
certified developers with hundreds of additional developers
already signed to take certification testing." 
    About dotMobi

    dotMobi (the informal name of mTLD Top Level Domain,
Ltd.), a consortium based in Dublin, Ireland with offices
in Washington, DC and Beijing, is leading the growth of
Internet use from mobile phones with the .mobi domain name.
Unique among domain name providers, dotMobi ensures that
services and sites developed around .mobi are optimized for
use by mobile devices. On-the-go consumers can have
confidence that an Internet site or service will work on
their mobile phones when using a .mobi address. 

    dotMobi is backed by leading mobile operators, network
& device manufacturers, and internet content providers,
including Ericsson, GSM Association, Hutchison 3, Microsoft,
Nokia, Orascom Telecom, Samsung Electronics, Syniverse,
T-Mobile, Telefonica Moviles, TIM, Visa and Vodafone.
dotMobi is also a sponsor of W3C's Mobile Web Initiative. 

    For more information on dotMobi domains and
registration information, visit http://mtld.mobi . Visit
the dotMobi blog at http://blog.mobi .

    For more information, please contact: 

    Vance Hedderel
    Danielle Siemon
    A&R Edelman for dotMobi
    Sasha Manners
    Edelman UK for dotMobi

Automotive Knowledge and Networking with Europe
May 02, 2007

    MUNICH, Germany, May 2 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The
automotive networking platform www.AutomotiveK.com is
opening its doors and going on the Internet with a Chinese
language version.

    On-Demand Automotive Knowledge

    With this offer, the industry platform for the
automotive sector is now serving the Chinese market with
its comprehensive range of networking and knowledge
functions. The goal of this involvement with China is to
provide comprehensive support to Chinese automobile
manufacturers and suppliers in their entrance into the
European market.

    Networking within the Automotive Industry

    At the Internet address http://www.AutomotiveK.com,
Chinese commerce now has the opportunity to communicate and
exchange globally with the automotive sector on a one-to-one
level in a special interest community. As a technology
partner of XING, however, AutomotiveK.com is more than the
well-known networking site on the Internet.

    Access to Knowledge and Automotive Experts

    At AutomotiveK.com, employees of the automobile
industry acquire personalized access to experts in the
sector. Current, specialized information is available
cost-free and on demand to those in the industry, teaching
and research fields in a designated knowledge section of
http://www.AutomotiveK.com . In the future, exclusive
industry know-how will be made clear in all media formats.

    Share Knowledge with Mercedes, Audi, BMW

    With this network, Automotive Knowledge GmbH, seated in
Munich, Germany, offers an industry platform for the
automotive sector that combines networking and knowledge
management. It facilitates exposure to important industry
contacts at Mercedes, BMW, Audi, Volkswagen and others.

    For more information, please contact:

     Dr. Gunther Suchy, Christian Schuster,
     Automotive Knowledge GmbH,
     Hohenzollernstrasse 81, 80796 Munich
     Tel:   +49-89-8905-0724
     Email: g.suchy@automotivek.com

Ameriforge Group Inc. Acquires GLOENCO and Related China Operations
May 02, 2007

Acquisition to Expand Ameriforge's Power Generation and
Aerospace Market Capabilities

    HOUSTON, May 2 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Ameriforge Group
Inc. today announced that it has acquired the assets of
GLOENCO, a global provider of leading-edge products,
services, and supply chain solutions for the power
generation and aerospace industries. In addition,
Ameriforge acquired the stock of GLOENCO's related China
operations: Foshan AF Manufacturing Technology Co., Ltd.
and Shanghai AF International Trading Company.  Terms of
the transaction were not disclosed. 


    GLOENCO provides design, machining, welding, testing,
assembly, and component repair services to select power
generation and aerospace customers. The company operates
from multiple facilities in Newport, New Hampshire;
Greenville, South Carolina; Shanghai, China; and Shunde,

    David Heminger, President and CEO of Ameriforge Group,
Inc., said, "Ameriforge is a leader in providing fully
integrated forged product solutions to strategic customers
in selected markets. The GLOENCO acquisition continues our
aggressive growth by broadening our manufacturing base,
expanding geographically, and applying our operational
competencies to the needs of our key customers. GLOENCO's
manufacturing capabilities, global presence, and advanced
supply chain management expertise are a great fit with
Ameriforge's strategic objectives. This acquisition is a
hallmark event for Ameriforge, and I am extremely pleased
that GLOENCO has now joined the Ameriforge team." 

    Rick Thomas, President of GLOENCO, commented on the
purchase saying, "We were one of Ameriforge's select
group of strategic customers. Through our collaborative
working relationship we saw firsthand the potential for the
alignment of Ameriforge's superior performance and
innovative business approach with GLOENCO's advanced
capabilities and strong relationships within the global
power generation and aerospace market segment. GLOENCO is
committed to providing superior service -¨D access to the
Ameriforge infrastructure will allow us to provide an
expanded and improved range of products, service, and
support to our customers." 

    Ameriforge Group is a manufacturer of forged products,
dedicated to growing with select customers and suppliers
through collaboration in process and technical innovation,
applied to global markets. Ameriforge provides complete
forged product solutions -- fully integrating design,
forging, heat-treating, precision machining, specialized
welding, component assembly, and testing. The company
serves a variety of markets and is organized into three
distinct market focused business segments, including (1)
Connectors and Sealing Technology, (2) Power Generation and
Aerospace, and (3) Transportation and Industrial. GLOENCO
will continue to operate as an independent company,
associated and closely aligned with Ameriforge's Power
Generation and Aerospace business segment. 

    For more information, please contact:

    Charles Armbrust
    SVP and Chief Financial Officer
    Ameriforge Group Inc.
    Tel:   +1-713-393-4291
    Email: carmbrust@ameriforge.com
Checkpoint Systems Introduces New Evolve (TM) Dual-Function EAS-EPC Labels
May 02, 2007

First Company to Introduce Standard EPC Gen-2 Compliant
Labels Compatible with RF-EAS Systems

    HONG KONG, May 2 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Checkpoint
Systems, Inc. (NYSE: CKP), a leading manufacturer and
marketer of identification, tracking, security and
merchandising solutions for the retail industry and its
supply chain, today announced the introduction of the
Evolve(TM) family of labels, the company's new
dual-function EAS-EPC labels for security and inventory
management applications. Representing the industry's first
truly integrated electronic article surveillance (EAS) and
radio frequency identification (RFID) labeling product, 
the new dual-function labels are designed to help retailers
improve their inventory visibility at case and item level,
while at the same time maximize the benefits of their EAS
security systems.

    "With the introduction of the Evolve labels, we
are now able to provide our customers with a product that
combines the benefits of both EAS and EPC functionality
into one small, integrated label," says George Off,
Checkpoint CEO.  "The Evolve label is a good example
of the 'Checkpoint way' - we design products that make
sense for retailers today, while also providing them with a
path to the future. With Evolve EAS-EPC labels, they can
leverage their investments in RF-EAS systems, while
capitalizing on the benefits of RFID for improved inventory
management and visibility across their supply chains.
Ultimately, that's good for the consumer as it leads to
better merchandise availability."

    "As products move through the supply chain,
on-shelf availability is negatively impacted by theft,
damage and paperwork errors," he explains. "The
combined functionality of the Evolve labels provides the
benefits of EAS theft deterrence and EPC inventory
visibility. We believe this new labeling solution
represents a very practical way forward for retailers,
providing them with a flexible and incremental approach to
change, at a pace with which they are comfortable."  

    The patent-pending Evolve labels operate in the UHF
band of 860 to 960 MHz for the additional advantage of
traceability, and at 8.2 MHz for RF-EAS systems.
Checkpoint's technical expertise and innovative
manufacturing processes enable the company to combine a Gen
2-compliant product and EAS circuit. As an added benefit,
the EAS performance is significantly enhanced. The UHF
antenna incorporates the use of Impinj Monza silicon and
allows the ability to track information at a greater read
distance at the receiving dock doors and onto the sales
floor.  The Evolve labels can be used in conjunction with
existing Checkpoint RF EAS systems and are Gen 2 compliant
to work with Checkpoint's UHF Portals or any certified Gen
2 reader and antenna hardware.

    Checkpoint Systems has a long, established history with
retailers and their suppliers through its EAS-based security
and shrink management business.  With more than one million
RF devices installed in retail stores around the world
today and more than 100 billion products secured over its
38 year history, Checkpoint's global source tagging program
leads the industry, providing retailers and their suppliers
with the most comprehensive suite of tools to improve
merchandise availability for the consumer. CheckNet, the
company's global logistics and data communications platform
for its source tagging service, provides real-time delivery
of critical item level information and protection applied
on products at the point of manufacture.  In addition, the
company's extensive radio frequency (RF) knowledge and
expertise enables Checkpoint to develop high-performing
RFID solutions for item-level and case and pallet
applications in the retail supply chain. 

    Evolve labels can be customized to support a variety of
form factor requirements and are available now for trials. 

    "The business possibilities and benefits offered
by Evolve EAS-EPC labels are significant," concluded
Off. "When combined with CheckNet, our customers will
have access to the best combined security and tracking
solution available on the market today."

    About Checkpoint Systems, Inc.

    Checkpoint Systems, Inc. is a leading manufacturer and
marketer of identification, tracking, security and
merchandising solutions for the retail industry and its
supply chain. Checkpoint's services are aimed at increasing
sales and protecting the profits of its customers. Listed on
the NYSE (NYSE:CKP), Checkpoint operates in every geographic
market and employs 3,200 people worldwide. Checkpoint
specializes in source protection of consumer goods, EAS
(Electronic Article Surveillance), RFID (Radio Frequency
Identification) and merchandising solutions. 

    For additional information, visit the Checkpoint
Systems Web site at www.checkpointasiapacific.com .

    Checkpoint Systems, Inc.
     Asia Pacific
     Natalie Chan
     Tel :   +852-2995-8350
     Emaill: natalie.chan@checkpt.com

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