松下電工株式会社では、高齢者の外出をサポートする「ナショナルおでかけシリーズ」として、《ナショナルおでかけステッキ(2品番)》《ナショナルおでかけ歩行車いす リフィットプチ》《ナショナルおでかけ車いす リフィット》の3機種・4品番を2006年10月21日から新発売します。
■ 主な特長
(1) 「ナショナルおでかけシリーズ」は、ステッキ・歩行車いす・車いすの3機種からライフスタイルや身体状況に応じてお選びいただけます
(2) SGマーク取得の安心仕様で、毎日のおでかけをサポートします
■ 市場背景
■ 特長
(1) 「ナショナルおでかけシリーズ」は、ステッキ・歩行車いす・車いすの3機種からライフスタイルや身体状況に応じてお選びいただけます
・ 《ステッキ》・・・・・・・・・支えがあれば歩くことができる方に。
・ 毎日の買い物・お出かけ時の頼もしいパートナーとして自立をサポートします。
(2) SGマーク※取得の安心仕様で、毎日のおでかけをサポートします
・ 3機種全てで安全性が認められるSGマークを取得。より安心してお使いいただけます。
※ 「SGマーク」:Safty Goodsの略号 製品安全協会が生命・身体に対し危害を与える恐れのある製品について安全な製品として必要なことを定めた認定基準に適合して いると認められた製品に表示されるマーク。
■ 各商品の特長
* 関連資料 参照
■ 商品仕様
* 関連資料 参照
■ お問い合わせ先
松下電工株式会社 エイジフリー事業推進部 TEL:06-6904-9672
参考URL「介護知恵モール」 http://www.net-kaigo.com/
● 関連リンク
○グルメ情報大幅増加! 機能もより充実!
シャープ亀山工場 世界最先端の環境配慮型工場を実現
■ 主な特長
※1 2006年9月19日現在、建物設置として。当社調べ
※2 火力発電による電気でまかなった場合と比較、当社試算。
※3 2006年9月19日現在、当社調べ
※4 一般家庭の太陽光発電システムを4kWとして試算(5,210kW÷4kW=約1,300軒分)
* 詳細は添付資料を参照してください。
● 関連リンク
富士フイルムグループは、10月1日より、持株会社「富士フイルムホールディングス株式会社(社長:古森 重隆、以下富士フイルムホールディングス)」を中心に、「富士フイルム株式会社(社長:古森 重隆、以下富士フイルム)」※ および「富士ゼロックス株式会社(社長:有馬 利男、以下富士ゼロックス)」の二大事業会社を傘下に束ねた新たなグループ経営体制に移行します。
● 関連リンク
東京地区百貨店 ・ 売上高概況
東京地区百貨店売上高 8月
【 概況 】
・調査対象百貨店 13社 28店
・売上高総額 1,189億円余
・O年同月比 -1.6%
【 主要品目の動き 】
● 関連リンク
NEC Philips Unified Solutions(以下 NPUS、注1)は、イギリスで最も権威ある大学の一つであるエジンバラ大学に、SIP(注2)対応テレフォニーサーバ「UNIVERGE SV7000」ならびにIP-DECT(注3)方式の構内コードレス電話機を中核としたIPテレフォニーシステムを構築いたしました。
エジンバラ大学は、当初、新IPテレフォニーシステムと既存のフィリップス製PBX「SOPHO iS3000」(計7システム)を並存させ、今後、「SOPHO iS3000」を「UNIVERGE SV7000」システムに段階的に移行する計画であります。将来的には、既存の10,000回線を全てIP化する予定であります。
NPUSは、本年4月に設立したRoyal Philips ElectronicsとNECの合弁会社であり、欧州における企業向けネットワーク事業を推進する中核会社であります。
(注1)欧州における企業向けネットワーク事業の展開を目的として本年4月に設立された、NECと Royal Philips Electronicsとの共同出資による合弁会社。
本社:ヒルバーサム(オランダ) 社長:Ad Ketelaars(アド ケテラアス)
(注2)Session Initiation Protocol。VoIPを応用したインターネット電話などで利用される、国際標準規格の通話制御プロトコル。
(注3)Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications。ETSI(欧州通信規格協会)が策定したデジタルコードレス電話の規格。欧州におけるコードレス通信の国際標準であるDECTをIP環境で実現する方式。
< 本件に関するお客様からのお問い合わせ先 >
NEC UNIVERGEインフォメーションセンター
● 関連リンク
以 上
● 関連リンク
日本緑茶センター、クランチドライスナック「センシブルフーズ チェリーベリー」など3品を発売
センシブルフーズ(R) クランチドライ・スナック 新発売
日本緑茶センター株式会社は、センシブルフーズ クランチドライ・スナックシリーズを2006年10月2日に発売します。センシブルフーズ クランチドライ・スナックは、砂糖・保存料不使用。そのうえファットフリー。健康志向の現代人に最適の無添加・自然派スナックです。フルーツの新鮮な美味しさをそのままに、新しい食感で楽しめるクランチドライスナックです。
センシブルフーズ チェリーベリー
センシブルフーズ トロピカルブレンド
センシブルフーズ オーチャードブレンド
● 関連リンク
(1)設置場所 :王子製紙株式会社富岡工場(徳島県阿南市)
(2)完成時期 :2008年末
(3)生産品種 :軽量コート紙、微塗工紙
(4)設備の形式:オンマシンコーター ワイヤー幅 10m
(5)生産能力 :年産 350千t
(6)投資額 :500億円
富岡工場 抄紙機6台 年産300千t
● 関連リンク
【 株式会社センチュリー21・ジャパンの概要 】
以 上
マンダム、角質ケア商品「珠白 ホワイトピーリングマスク」を発売
「珠白 ホワイトピーリングマスク」新発売
株式会社マンダム(本社:大阪市、社長執行役員:西村元延)では、女性の肌の美しさと輝きを考えるブランド「珠白」第2弾として「珠白 ホワイトピーリングマスク」を2006年10月24日より全国で発売します。
くすみのおもな原因となる肌に残ったメラニンを含む角質と余分な皮脂をケアする角質ケア アイテムです。ピーリングをスペシャルケアから身近なデイリーケアに進化させ、毎日、朝晩の洗顔のときにやさしくなじませるだけでくすみのない、陶器のようになめらかな透明美肌へと導きます。
■ 発売背景
「珠白 ホワイトピーリングマスク」は、毎日朝晩、洗顔後軽くなじませたあと流すだけで、植物酵素と板状のホワイトアミノコートアパタイトが古い角質と余分な皮脂を取り除き、くすみやごわつきのない透明美肌に導いてくれます。毎日使うものなので徹底的に肌のやさしさにこだわりました。肌に負担がないノンスクラブタイプ、防腐剤フリーです。使用実感として余分な角質や皮脂が除去された肌はなめらかとなり、毎日のベースメークの仕上がりも化粧崩れもしにくく、美しさが長持ちします。さらにアミノ酸系の洗浄成分も配合されていますので、洗顔料も兼ねています。
◆ 自宅で毎日ピーリング。朝晩使っていただくだけで輝くような肌に
◆ 肌に負担のないマンダムオリジナル成分『ホワイトアミノコートアパタイト配合』
◆ 目覚める透明感!肌の明るさワントーンアップ
■ 商品概要
[商品名] 珠白 ホワイトピーリンング マスク
[発売日] 2006年10月24日
[売上目標] 25,000 千円(2006年10月~2007年3月31日 希望小売価格換算)
[製造元] 株式会社 ビューコス
[販売店] 全国主要バラエティストア
[商品種類別] マスク・マッサージ・洗顔
[容量/希望小売価格] 100g ¥1,470(税抜¥1,400)
● 関連リンク
小岩井乳業、「小岩井 コンフィチュール&ヨーグルト(アップル)」を発売
「小岩井 コンフィチュール&ヨーグルト【アップル】」
2006年10月3日(火)から 新発売
小岩井乳業株式会社(本社:東京都千代田区、社長:栗原 信秀)は、「小岩井 生乳100%ヨーグルト」とカスタード風味のアップルコンフィチュール(※)を合わせた「小岩井 コンフィチュール&ヨーグルト【アップル】」を、10月3日(火)から発売いたします。
「小岩井 コンフィチュール&ヨーグルト【アップル】」は、生乳だけを長時間じっくり発酵させた、自然のなめらかさが特長のプレーンヨーグルトに、カスタード風味のアップルコンフィチュールを加えました。食感の残るリンゴ果肉の入ったコンフィチュールは、酸味に負けない甘さのあるカスタード風味になっております。洋菓子の定番であるカスタードはリンゴと相性が良く、タルトやパイなどで一緒に用いられています。しっかりとした甘さと食感のある本商品は、洋菓子のように食べごたえのあるものに仕上がっております。
商品名 小岩井 コンフィチュール&ヨーグルト【アップル】
種類別 乳等を主要原料とする食品
容量 120g
希望小売価格 140円(税込147円)
保存方法 要冷蔵10℃以下
賞味期限 18日間
販売地域 全国(沖縄を除く)
発売日 2006年10月3日(火)から
小岩井乳業株式会社 お客様相談室 フリーダイヤル:0120-171766
● 関連リンク

BEIJING, March 9 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- eLong, Inc. (Nasdaq: LONG), a leading online travel service provider in China, today announced that its board of directors had elected Henrik Kjellberg to replace Barney Harford as Chairman, effective March 10, 2007. Mr. Kjellberg is one of Expedia, Inc.'s representatives on eLong's board. Expedia, the leading online travel company in the world, is eLong's controlling shareholder, with approximately 52% of the company's equity. Mr. Kjellberg is President of Expedia Asia Pacific and has been a board member of eLong since October, 2005. Barney Harford will remain a member of the eLong board of directors. (Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20041118/ELONGLOGO ) "I am delighted with Expedia's recent establishment of a new Asia Pacific regional headquarter in Hong Kong and Mr. Kjellberg's relocation to Hong Kong, which corresponds with Expedia's increasing effort in the region," commented Tom SooHoo, Chief Executive Officer of eLong. "Over the past five years, Mr. Kjellberg established a track record of tremendous results for Expedia in Europe and is already very familiar with our company's operations and management. We welcome his increased role on our board and look forward to continue benefiting from his valuable insight and extensive knowledge of online travel." eLong today also announced the appointment of Chris Chan as CFO, effective March 10, 2007. Mr. Chan will replace Tony Shen, who has acted as interim CFO since July 27, 2006 and will continue in his current consulting capacity to the company during the transition period. "We thank Tony for his leadership of eLong's finance team during our search for a permanent CFO and wish him well in his future endeavors," remarked Tom SooHoo, Chief Executive Officer of eLong. "We're pleased to have Chris on board and look forward to benefiting from the valuable financial and operational experience he brings to eLong." Separately, eLong today also announced results for the fourth quarter of 2006. About Henrik Kjellberg Mr. Kjellberg is President of Expedia Asia Pacific, a division of Expedia, Inc. Before that, Mr. Kjellberg was Senior Vice President of international lodging & destination services. Previously he held the position of Vice President and Managing Director, Supply Europe for Expedia, in which role he oversaw all hotel, car and destination services for the region. Since joining Expedia in 2001, Mr. Kjellberg has overseen the launches of Expedia Netherlands and Expedia Italy. Additionally, he managed Expedia.com's WWTE(TM) private-label service in Europe. Prior to joining Expedia, Mr. Kjellberg worked for Procter & Gamble and Scandinavian Internet portal Spray. Mr. Kjellberg holds a Master of Science in economics from the Stockholm School of Economics. About Chris Chan Prior to joining eLong, Mr. Chan was Finance Director of Pepsico China Beverages, responsible for financial reporting in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Prior to Pepsico, Mr. Chan served as Financial Services Manager of Sun Microsystems, Greater China. Prior to Sun, Mr. Chan served as CFO of Netstar Hong Kong Limited, Greater China and as Financial Controller of GE Plastics China. Mr. Chan received his MBA from Purdue University and his Bachelor of Science from Cornell University. Mr. Chan is a Certified Public Accountant in the U.S. and in Hong Kong. About eLong, Inc. eLong, Inc. (Nasdaq: LONG) is a leading online travel company in China. Headquartered in Beijing, eLong has a national presence across China. eLong uses web-based distribution technologies and a 24-hour call center to provide consumers with access to travel reservation services. Aiming to enrich people's lives through the freedom of independent travel, eLong empowers consumers to make informed choices by providing a one-stop travel solution and consolidated travel tools and information such as maps, virtual tours and user ratings. eLong has the capacity to fulfill air ticket reservations in over 57 major cities across China. In addition to choice of a wide hotel selection in the Greater China region, eLong offers Chinese consumers the ability to make bookings at international hotels in over 140 destinations worldwide. eLong operates the websites http://www.elong.com and http://www.elong.net. About Expedia, Inc. Expedia, Inc. is the world's leading online travel company, empowering business and leisure travelers with the tools and information they need to easily research, plan, book, and experience travel. Expedia, Inc. also provides wholesale travel to offline retail travel agents. Expedia, Inc.'s portfolio of brands includes: Expedia.com(R), hotels.com(R), Hotwire(R), Expedia(R) Corporate Travel, TripAdvisor(R) and Classic Vacations(R). Expedia, Inc.'s companies also operate internationally with sites in Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Australia, Japan and China, through its investment in eLong(TM). For more information, visit http://www.expediainc.com/ (Nasdaq: EXPE). Expedia, Expedia.com are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Expedia, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Classic Vacations is either a trademark or registered trademark of Classic Vacations, LLC in the U.S. and/or other countries. hotels.com is either a trademark or registered trademark of hotels.com, L.P., a subsidiary of hotels.com in the U.S. and/or other countries. Hotwire is either a trademark or registered trademark of Hotwire, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. TripAdvisor is either a trademark or registered trademark of TripAdvisor, LLC in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other logos or product and company names mentioned herein may be the property of their respective owners. Safe Harbor Statement Statements in this press release concerning eLong's future business, operating results and financial condition are "forward-looking" statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Words such as "anticipate," "believe," "estimate," "expect," "forecast," "intend," "may," "plan," "project," "predict," "should" and "will" and similar expressions as they related to the Company are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. These forward looking statements are based upon management's current views and expectations with respect to future events and are not a guarantee of future performance. Furthermore, these statements are, by their nature, subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual performance and results to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements as a result of a number of factors. Factors that could affect the Company's actual results and cause actual results to differ materially from those included in any forward-looking statement include, but are not limited to, eLong's historical operating losses, its limited operating history, declines or disruptions in the travel industry, the recurrence of SARS, an outbreak of bird flu, eLong's reliance on having good relationships with hotel suppliers and airline ticket suppliers, collection risk with respect to eLong's corporate travel accounts receivable, the possibility that eLong will be unable to timely comply with Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, the risk that eLong will not be successful in competing against new and existing competitors, risks associated with Expedia, Inc.'s (Nasdaq: EXPE) majority ownership interest in eLong and the integration of eLong's business with that of Expedia's, subsequent revaluations of the Chinese currency, changes in eLong's management team and other key personnel and other risks outlined in eLong's filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (or SEC), including eLong's Form 20-F filed with the SEC in connection with the Company's fiscal year 2004 results. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements, which speak only as of their dates. Investor Contact: Raymond Huang eLong, Inc. Investor Relations Manager ir@corp.elong.com +86 10 5860 2288 ext. 6633

BEIJING, March 9 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- eLong, Inc. (Nasdaq: LONG), a leading online travel service provider in China, today reported unaudited financial results for the fourth quarter and fiscal year ended December 31, 2006. (Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20041118/ELONGLOGO ) Business Highlights Highlights for the fourth quarter of 2006: * Travel revenues increased 24% year-over-year and decreased 7% sequentially to RMB67.1 million (US$8.6 million), and total revenues grew 20% year-over-year and decreased 7% sequentially to RMB69.7 million (US$8.9 million); * Hotel commissions increased 23% year-over-year and decreased 2% sequentially to RMB56.0 million (US$7.2 million); * Air ticketing commissions increased 27% year-over-year and decreased 13% sequentially to RMB9.6 million (US$1.2 million); * The Company recorded operating loss of RMB1.3 million(US$165,000) for the fourth quarter of 2006, which included non-cash related stock-based compensation expense and amortization of intangibles of RMB3.5 million (US$443,000), as compared to operating loss of RMB16.8 million (US$2.1 million) in the same period one year ago and operating income of RMB1.7 million (US$215,000) in the third quarter of 2006; * The Company recorded net loss of RMB1.8 million (US$234,000) for the fourth quarter of 2006, as compared to net loss of RMB8.7 million (US$1.1 million) in the same period a year ago, and net income of RMB2.7 million (US$337,000) in the third quarter of 2006; * The Company recorded adjusted income (a non-GAAP measure)of RMB13.5 million (US$1.7 million) for the fourth quarter of 2006, as compared to adjusted loss of RMB1.9 million(US$237,000) in the same period a year ago and adjusted income of RMB16.6 million (US$2.1 million) in the third quarter of 2006; and * As of December 31, 2006, the Company's cash and cash equivalents balance was RMB1,199.3 million (US$153.7 million). Highlights for fiscal 2006: * Travel revenues increased 43% year-over-year to RMB256.0 million (US$32.8 million), and total revenues increased 39% year-over-year to RMB264.5 million (US$33.9 million); * Hotel commissions increased 38% year-over-year to RMB209.3 million (US$26.8 million); * Air ticketing commissions increased 61% year-over-year to RMB38.3 million (US$4.9 million); * The Company recorded operating loss of RMB16.2 million (US$2.1 million) for fiscal 2006, which included non-cash related stock-based compensation expense and amortization of intangibles of RMB13.1 million (US$1.7 million), as compared to operating loss of RMB47.9 million (US$5.9 million) in fiscal 2005; * The Company recorded net loss of RMB1.1 million (US$142,000) for fiscal 2006, as compared to net loss of RMB62.2 million (US$7.7 million) in fiscal 2005; and * The Company recorded adjusted income (a non-GAAP measure)of RMB42.1 million (US$5.4 million) for fiscal 2006, as compared to adjusted loss of RMB82,000 (US$11,000) in fiscal 2005. "While we faced a challenging fourth quarter, we are pleased with the improvements we have made to our infrastructure during the period. With the December launch of our new air search system complementing our innovative 360- degree virtual hotel tours, we believe we lead the industry in leveraging technology to provide Chinese travelers with enhanced selection and features. We made significant operational and financial progress in 2006, achieving 39% growth in total revenues with only a 10% increase in total operating expenses. Service development increased only 15% while we made demonstrable web improvements to homepage, hotel and community content, and to the domestic and international air booking platform. We are confident that eLong is fundamentally stronger than ever and well-positioned to capture the growth potential in the online travel market," said Tom SooHoo, Chief Executive Officer of eLong. Separately eLong also announced today the election of Henrik Kjellberg as Chairman of the board of directors and the appointment of Chris Chan as Chief Financial Officer. Business Results Total revenues for the fourth quarter of 2006 were RMB69.7 million (US$8.9 million), an increase of 20% from RMB57.9 million (US$7.2 million) reported in the same period in 2005, and a decrease of 7% from RMB74.6 million (US$9.4 million) reported in the third quarter of 2006. Total revenues for fiscal 2006 were RMB264.5 million (US$33.9 million), an increase of 39% from RMB190.3 million (US$23.6 million) in fiscal 2005. Revenue from hotel commissions for the fourth quarter of 2006 totaled RMB56.0 million (US$7.2 million), an increase of 23% from RMB45.6 million (US$5.6 million) year-over-year, and a decrease of 2% from RMB57.4 million (US$7.3 million) sequentially. The year-over-year increase in revenue from hotel commissions was primarily due to higher room volumes accompanied by higher hotel commissions per room night. Hotel room nights booked through eLong increased 19% to 860,000 in the fourth quarter from 724,000 room nights in the corresponding period a year ago and were down 4% sequentially from 893,000 in the third quarter of 2006. The sequential decrease in revenue from hotel commissions was due to lower room volumes. Hotel commissions per room night were RMB65 in the fourth quarter of 2006, up 3% from RMB63 in the corresponding period a year ago, and up 2% from RMB64 in the third quarter. Hotel commissions increased due to better override as a result of higher room volume. Revenue from hotel commissions for fiscal 2006 totaled RMB209.3 million (US$26.8 million), an increase of 38% from RMB152.0 million (US$18.8 million) in fiscal 2005. The total number of hotel room nights booked through eLong in fiscal 2006 was 3.25 million compared to 2.54 million in fiscal 2005, an increase of 28%. Hotel commissions per room night were RMB64 in 2006, up 7% from RMB60 in fiscal 2005 mainly due to higher commissions associated with increased volume. As of December 31, 2006, eLong offered discounted rates at a choice of 3,505 hotels in 294 cities across China as compared to slightly fewer than 3,100 hotels in 278 cities a year ago. Revenue from air ticketing commissions during the fourth quarter of 2006 totaled RMB9.6 million (US$1.2 million), an increase of 27% from RMB7.6 million (US$936,000) year-over-year, and a decrease of 13% from RMB11.0 million (US$1.4 million) sequentially. Volume in air segment sales totaled 269,000 in the fourth quarter of 2006, an increase of 25% from 215,000 in the corresponding period a year ago and a decrease of 1% from 273,000 in the third quarter. Revenue per air ticket was RMB36 in the fourth quarter of 2006 as compared to RMB35 in the corresponding period a year ago and RMB41 in the third quarter. The sequential decrease of revenue per air ticket was primarily due to a decrease in the average air ticket price. Revenues from air ticketing commissions for fiscal 2006 totaled RMB38.3 million (US$4.9 million), an increase of 61% from RMB23.8 million (US$2.9 million) in fiscal 2005. Air segment sales were 1.01 million in fiscal 2006, an increase of 55% from 651,000 air segments sold in fiscal 2005. Year- over-year growth in air ticketing revenues was primarily driven by the acquisition of new air customers, increased sales of air tickets to eLong's existing hotel customer base and better product offerings. Other travel revenue in the fourth quarter of 2006 was RMB1.5 million (US$186,000), an increase of 79% from RMB813,000 (US$101,000) year-over-year, and a decrease of 62% from RMB3.9 million(US$488,000) sequentially. The sequential decrease was attributable to RMB2.6 million (US$325,000) in revenue recorded when the related contract was finalized in the third quarter of 2006 for inventory procurement services provided to Expedia by eLong for the period from January 2005 through September 2006. Other travel revenue for fiscal 2006 was RMB8.4 million (US$1.1 million) as compared to RMB2.7 million (US$334,000) in fiscal 2005. The year-over-year increase was mainly due to the increased revenues of vacation packages and as well as services provided to Expedia as explained above. Gross margin in the fourth quarter of 2006 was 76%, as compared to 80% in the corresponding period a year ago and 77% in the third quarter. The year- over-year reduction in gross margin was a result of reduction in higher-margin non-travel revenue, additional compensation and benefits for call center employees and a slightly increased proportion of revenue contributed by the air ticketing business. Gross margin in fiscal 2006 was 76% as compared to 79% in fiscal 2005. The year-over-year reduction in gross margin was due to reasons similar to those explained above. Service development, sales and marketing and general and administrative expenses for the fourth quarter of 2006 totaled RMB49.7 million (US$6.4 million), a decrease of 17% from RMB59.7 million (US$7.4 million) year-over-year, and a decrease of 3% from RMB51.4 million (US$6.5 million) sequentially. These expenses for fiscal 2006 were RMB202.4 million (US$25.9 million), an increase of 8% from RMB186.7 million (US$23.1 million) in fiscal 2005. Service development expenses were RMB10.6 million (US$1.4 million) in the fourth quarter of 2006, a decrease of 14% from RMB12.4 million (US$1.5 million) year-over-year, and a decrease of 1% from RMB10.7 million (US$1.4 million) sequentially. The year-over-year decrease reflected improvements in operational efficiencies. Service development expenses in the fourth quarter of 2006 were 15% of revenues as compared to 21% in the corresponding period a year ago and 14% in the third quarter. Service development expenses for fiscal 2006 were RMB41.9 million (US$5.4 million), an increase of 15% from RMB36.3 million (US$4.5 million) in fiscal 2005 due to ramped-up investments to support the eLong.com website and the Company's air, hotel and vacation package businesses. Service development expenses for fiscal 2006 were 16% of revenues as compared to 19% in fiscal 2005. Sales and marketing expenses were RMB26.6 million (US$3.4 million) in the fourth quarter of 2006,a decrease of 8% from RMB28.8 million (US$3.6 million) year-over-year, and an increase of 5% from RMB25.3 million (US$3.2 million) in the third quarter. Sales and marketing expenses in the fourth quarter of 2006 were 38% of revenues as compared to 50% in the corresponding period a year ago and 34% in the third quarter. Sales and marketing expenses for fiscal 2006 were RMB99.0 million (US$12.7 million),an increase of 6% from RMB93.2 million (US$11.5 million) in fiscal 2005. Sales and marketing expenses for fiscal 2006 were 37% of revenues as compared to 49% in fiscal 2005. General and administrative expenses were RMB12.6 million (US$1.6 million) in the fourth quarter of 2006,a decrease of 32% from RMB18.6 million (US$2.3 million) year-over-year, and a decrease of 18% from RMB15.4 million (US$1.9 million) sequentially. The year-over-year and sequential decreases were due to lower professional fees in the fourth quarter. General and administrative expenses in the fourth quarter of 2006 were 18% of revenues as compared to 32% in the corresponding period a year ago and 21% in the third quarter. General and administrative expenses for fiscal 2006 were RMB61.5 million (US$7.9 million), an increase of 8% from RMB57.2 million (US$7.1 million) in fiscal 2005. The rise was due to additional professional fees, headcount expenses and other expenditures associated with business expansion and public company expenses. General and administrative expenses for fiscal 2006 were 23% of revenues as compared to 30% in fiscal 2005. Operating loss in the fourth quarter of 2006 was RMB1.3 million (US$165,000), as compared to an operating loss of RMB16.8 million (US$2.1 million) in the corresponding period of 2005 and an operating income of RMB1.7 million (US$215,000) in the third quarter. The fourth quarter operating loss included non-cash related stock-based compensation expense and amortization of intangibles of RMB3.5 million (US$443,000), and the comparable non-cash related stock-based compensation expense and amortization amount was RMB3.8 million (US$472,000) for the corresponding period of 2005 and RMB2.6 million (US$330,000) for the third quarter of 2006. Operating loss for fiscal 2006 was RMB16.2 million (US$2.1 million), as compared to an operating loss of RMB47.9 million (US$5.9 million) in fiscal 2005. Other income, which represents interest income, unrealized exchange gains/losses and other income/expenses, was RMB2.3 million (US$293,000) for the fourth quarter of 2006, as compared to other income of RMB6.5 million (US$805,000) in the corresponding period a year ago, and other income of RMB3.4 million (US$424,000) in the third quarter of 2006. The sequential decrease in other income was primarily due to a higher unrealized foreign exchange loss on the translation for financial reporting purposes of eLong's US dollar denominated cash deposits and interest income into Renminbi. The unrealized foreign exchange loss was RMB11.9 million (US$1.5 million) in the fourth quarter as compared to an unrealized exchange loss of RMB11.4 million (US$1.4 million) in the third quarter. Other income for fiscal 2006 was RMB18.4 million (US$2.4 million) as compared to other income of RMB4.5 million (US$563,000) in fiscal 2005 due to higher interest income generated from higher cash balance and higher interest rate, partially offset by higher unrealized foreign exchange losses. The Company recorded a net loss of RMB1.8 million (US$234,000) for the fourth quarter of 2006, as compared to a net loss of RMB8.7 million (US$1.1 million) in the corresponding period a year ago, and a net income of RMB2.7 million (US$337,000) in the third quarter. The US GAAP diluted loss per ADS for the fourth quarter of 2006 was RMB0.08 (US$0.011), as compared to US GAAP diluted loss per ADS of RMB0.34 (US$0.042) in the corresponding period a year ago and US GAAP diluted income per ADS of RMB0.10 (US$0.013) in the third quarter. Adjusted income for the fourth quarter of 2006 (a non-GAAP measure) was RMB13.5 million (US$1.7 million), as compared to adjusted loss of RMB1.9 million (US$237,000) in the corresponding period a year ago and adjusted income of RMB16.6 million (US$2.1 million) in the third quarter. Diluted adjusted income per ADS for the fourth quarter (also a non-GAAP measure) was RMB0.50 (US$0.064), as compared to diluted adjusted loss per ADS of RMB0.08 (US$0.010) in the corresponding period a year ago and diluted adjusted income per ADS of RMB0.62 (US$0.078) in the third quarter. Please refer to the attached table for a reconciliation of net income/loss and basic and diluted income/loss per ADS under US GAAP to adjusted income/loss and basic and diluted adjusted income/loss per ADS. The Company recorded a net loss of RMB1.1 million (US$142,000) for fiscal 2006, as compared to a net loss of RMB62.2 million (US$7.7 million) in fiscal 2005. The US GAAP diluted loss per ADS for fiscal 2006 was RMB0.06 (US$0.008), as compared to US GAAP diluted loss per ADS of RMB2.5 (US$0.310) in fiscal 2005. Adjusted income for fiscal 2006 (a non-GAAP measure) was RMB42.1 million (US$5.4 million), as compared to adjusted loss of RMB82,000 (US$11,000) in fiscal 2005. Diluted adjusted income per ADS for fiscal 2006 (also a non-GAAP measure) was RMB1.56 (US$0.200), compared to diluted adjusted loss per ADS of RMB0.00 (US$0.000) in fiscal 2005. Please refer to the attached table for a reconciliation of net income/loss and income/loss per ADS under US GAAP to adjusted income/loss and basic and diluted adjusted income/loss per ADS. As of December 31, 2006, the Company's cash and cash equivalents balance was RMB1,199.3 million (US$153.7 million). "We are pleased with the year-over-year improvement in operating leverage. Building on the solid progress eLong has made in the past year, in 2007 we will continue to focus on our execution and investment in the business for long-term sustained profitability," said Tony Shen, interim Chief Financial Officer of eLong. Business Outlook eLong expects total revenues for the first quarter of 2007 within the range of RMB62.0 million (US$8.0 million) to RMB66.0 million (US$8.5 million), an increase of 16% to 23% from the first quarter of 2006. Note to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements The unaudited financial information disclosed above is preliminary. The audit of the financial statements and related notes to be included in our annual report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2006, is still in progress. Adjustments to the financial statements may be identified when the audit work is completed, which could result in significant differences between our audited financial statements and this preliminary unaudited financial information. In the fourth quarter, The Company recognized net proceeds of RMB94.2 million (US$12.1 million) in equity, which was related to a sale of a division operating an interactive online dating community to a related party purchaser. The transaction was disclosed in the third quarter earnings release. As of December 31, 2006, the Company's additional paid-in capital was RMB1,301.3 million (US$166.7 million), the increase of which was mainly due to proceeds received as explained above. Certain 2005 compensation amounts have been reclassified to conform to the current year's presentation. Safe Harbor Statement It is currently expected that the Business Outlook will not be updated until the release of eLong's next quarterly earnings announcement; however, eLong reserves the right to update its Business Outlook at any time for any reason. Statements in this press release concerning eLong's future business, operating results and financial condition are "forward-looking" statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Words such as "anticipate," "believe," "estimate," "expect," "forecast," "intend," "may," "plan," "project," "predict," "should" and "will" and similar expressions as they related to the Company are intended to identify such forward-looking statements, but are not the exclusive means of doing so. These forward looking statements are based upon management's current views and expectations with respect to future events and are not a guarantee of future performance. Furthermore, these statements are, by their nature, subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual performance and results to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements as a result of a number of factors. Factors that could affect the Company's actual results and cause actual results to differ materially from those included in any forward-looking statement include, but are not limited to, eLong's historical operating losses, its limited operating history, declines or disruptions in the travel industry, the recurrence of SARS, an outbreak of bird flu, eLong's reliance on having good relationships with hotel suppliers and airline ticket suppliers, our reliance on the Travelsky GDS system for our air business, the possibility that eLong will be unable to timely comply with Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, the risk that eLong will not be successful in competing against new and existing competitors, risks associated with Expedia, Inc.'s (Nasdaq: EXPE) majority ownership interest in eLong and the integration of eLong's business with that of Expedia's, subsequent revaluations of the Chinese currency, changes in eLong's management team and other key personnel and other risks outlined in eLong's filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission(or SEC), including eLong's Form 20-F filed with the SEC in connection with the Company's fiscal year 2005 results. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements, which speak only as of their dates. Conference Call eLong will host a conference call to discuss its fourth quarter and fiscal 2006 earnings at 8:00 pm Eastern Time, March 8, 2007(Beijing/Hong Kong time: March 9, 2007 at 9:00 am). The management team will be on the call to discuss quarterly results and highlights and to answer questions. The toll-free number for U.S. participants is +1 800 365 8460. The dial-in number for Hong Kong participants is +85222584000. The toll number for international participants is +1 210 795 0492. The passcode for all participants is "eLong". A replay of the call will be available for 1 day between 9:15 pm Eastern Time on March 8, 2007 and 9:15 pm Eastern Time on March 9, 2007. The toll-free number for U.S. callers is +1 8884852361. The dial-in number for international callers is +1 203 369 4583. The passcode for the replay is 789530. Additionally, a live and archived web cast of this call will be available on the Investor Relations section of the eLong web site at http://ir.elong.net for three months. About eLong, Inc. eLong, Inc. (Nasdaq: LONG) is a leading online travel company in China. Headquartered in Beijing, eLong has a national presence across China. eLong uses web-based distribution technologies and a 24-hour call center to provide consumers with access to travel reservation services. Aiming to enrich people's lives through the freedom of independent travel, eLong empowers consumers to make informed choices by providing a one-stop travel solution and consolidated travel tools and information such as maps, virtual tours and user ratings. eLong has the capacity to fulfill air ticket reservations in over 57 major cities across China. In addition to choice of a wide hotel selection in the Greater China region, eLong offers Chinese consumers the ability to make bookings at international hotels in over 140 destinations worldwide. eLong operates the websites http://www.elong.com and http://www.elong.net. Investor Contact: Raymond Huang eLong, Inc. Investor Relations Manager ir@corp.elong.com 86-10-5860-2288 ext. 6633 eLong, Inc. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS (UNAUDITED, IN THOUSANDS EXCEPT PER SHARE AMOUNTS) IN LOCAL CURRENCY Three Months Ended Year Ended Dec. 31, Sep. 30, Dec. 31, Dec. 31, Dec. 31, 2006 2006 2005 2006 2005 RMB RMB RMB RMB RMB Revenues Hotel commissions 56,026 57,412 45,580 209,275 151,990 Air ticketing commissions 9,593 11,045 7,551 38,288 23,773 Other travel revenue 1,452 3,860 813 8,398 2,696 Total travel revenue 67,071 72,317 53,944 255,961 178,459 Non travel 2,647 2,263 3,991 8,583 11,870 Total revenues 69,718 74,580 57,935 264,544 190,329 Cost of services 16,651 17,124 11,439 62,234 40,447 Gross profit 53,067 57,456 46,496 202,310 149,882 Operating expenses Service development 10,569 10,718 12,359 41,855 36,298 Sales and marketing 26,555 25,331 28,781 99,038 93,185 General and administrative 12,611 15,376 18,601 61,528 57,212 Amortization of intangibles 265 265 189 1,060 634 Business tax and surcharges 4,347 4,064 3,325 15,067 10,488 Total operating expenses 54,347 55,754 63,255 218,548 197,817 Income/(loss) from operations (1,280) 1,702 (16,759) (16,238) (47,935) Other income 2,289 3,353 6,499 18,403 4,547 Income/(loss) before income tax expense 1,009 5,055 (10,260) 2,165 (43,388) Income tax expense 1,490 2,199 948 4,475 1,603 Income/(loss) from continuing operations (481) 2,856 (11,208) (2,310) (44,991) Discontinued operations Income/(loss) from discontinued operations (1,332) (204) 2,770 (1,423) (16,952) Income tax expense/(benefit) of discontinued operations (2) (15) 227 24 281 Gain on sale of discontinued operations - - - 2,650 - Total discontinued operations (1,330) (189) 2,543 1,203 (17,233) Net income/(loss) (1,811) 2,667 (8,665) (1,107) (62,223) Basic income/(loss) per share - - Continuing operations (0.01) 0.06 (0.22) (0.05) (0.91) Discontinued operations (0.03) 0.00 0.05 0.02 (0.35) Basic income/(loss) per share (0.04) 0.06 (0.17) (0.03) (1.25) Diluted income/(loss) per share Continuing operations (0.01) 0.05 (0.22) (0.05) (0.91) Discontinued operations (0.03) 0.00 0.05 0.02 (0.35) Diluted income/(loss) per share (0.04) 0.05 (0.17) (0.03) (1.25) Basic income/(loss) per ADS Continuing operations (0.02) 0.12 (0.45) (0.10) (1.81) Discontinued operations (0.06) 0.00 0.10 0.04 (0.68) Basic income/(loss) per ADS (0.08) 0.12 (0.34) (0.06) (2.50) Diluted income/(loss) per ADS Continuing operations (0.02) 0.10 (0.45) (0.10) (1.81) Discontinued operations (0.06) 0.00 0.10 0.04 (0.68) Diluted income/(loss) per ADS (0.08) 0.10 (0.34) (0.06) (2.50) Shares used in computing basic net income/(loss) per share 50,464 50,374 50,311 50,392 49,638 Shares used in computing diluted net income/(loss) per share 50,464 53,878 50,311 50,392 49,638 Note that 1ADS = 2 shares eLong, Inc. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS (UNAUDITED, IN THOUSANDS EXCEPT PER SHARE AMOUNTS) IN U.S. DOLLARS Three Months Ended Year Ended Dec. 31, Sep. 30, Dec. 31, Dec. 31, Dec. 31, 2006 2006 2005 2006 2005 US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ Revenues Hotel commissions 7,179 7,264 5,648 26,816 18,833 Air ticketing commissions 1,229 1,397 936 4,906 2,946 Other travel revenue 186 488 101 1,076 334 Total travel revenue 8,594 9,149 6,684 32,798 22,113 Non travel 339 286 495 1,100 1,471 Total revenues 8,933 9,435 7,179 33,898 23,584 Cost of services 2,134 2,166 1,417 7,975 5,012 Gross profit 6,799 7,269 5,761 25,923 18,572 Operating expenses Service development 1,354 1,356 1,531 5,363 4,498 Sales and marketing 3,403 3,205 3,566 12,691 11,547 General and administrative 1,616 1,945 2,305 7,884 7,089 Amortization of intangibles 34 34 23 136 79 Business tax and surcharges 557 514 412 1,931 1,300 Total operating expenses 6,964 7,054 7,838 28,005 24,512 Income/(loss) from operations (165) 215 (2,077) (2,082) (5,940) Other income 293 424 805 2,358 563 Income/(loss) before income tax expense 128 639 (1,271) 276 (5,376) Income tax expense 191 278 117 573 199 Income/(loss) from continuing operations (63) 361 (1,389) (297) (5,575) Discontinued operations Income/(loss) from discontinued operations (171) (26) 343 (182) (2,101) Income tax expense/(benefit) of discontinued operations - (2) 28 3 35 Gain on sale of discontinued operations - - - 340 - Total discontinued operations (171) (24) 315 155 (2,135) Net income/(loss) (234) 337 (1,074) (142) (7,710) Basic income/(loss) per share Continuing operations (0.001) 0.008 (0.028) (0.006) (0.112) Discontinued operations (0.004) 0.000 0.006 0.003 (0.043) Basic income/(loss) per share (0.005) 0.008 (0.021) (0.003) (0.155) Diluted income/(loss) per share Continuing operations (0.001) 0.006 (0.028) (0.006) (0.112) Discontinued operations (0.004) 0.000 0.006 0.003 (0.043) Diluted income/(loss) per share (0.005) 0.006 (0.021) (0.003) (0.155) Basic income/(loss) per ADS Continuing operations (0.003) 0.015 (0.055) (0.013) (0.225) Discontinued operations (0.008) 0.000 0.013 0.005 (0.085) Basic income/(loss) per ADS (0.011) 0.015 (0.042) (0.008) (0.310) Diluted income/(loss) per ADS Continuing operations (0.003) 0.013 (0.055) (0.013) (0.225) Discontinued operations (0.008) 0.000 0.013 0.005 (0.085) Diluted income/(loss) per ADS (0.011) 0.013 (0.042) (0.008) (0.310) Shares used in computing basic net income/(loss) per share 50,464 50,374 50,311 50,392 49,638 Shares used in computing diluted net income/(loss) per share 50,464 53,878 50,311 50,392 49,638 Note 1: The conversions of Renminbi (RMB) into United States dollars (USD) as at the reporting dates are based on the noon buying rate of USD1.00 = RMB7.8041 on December 31,2006, USD1.00 = RMB7.904 on September 30, 2006 and USD1.00 = RMB8.0702 on December 31, 2005 in the City of New York for cable transfers of Renminbi as certified for customs purposes by the Federal Reserve. No representation is intended to imply that the RMB amounts could have been, or could be, converted, realized or settled into U.S. dollars at that rate on the reporting dates. eLong, Inc. CONSOLIDATED SUMMARY BALANCE SHEET DATA (UNAUDITED, IN THOUSANDS) Dec. 31, Dec. 31, Dec. 31, Dec. 31, 2006 2005 2006 2005 ASSETS RMB RMB US$ US$ Current assets Cash and cash equivalents 1,199,323 988,560 153,679 122,495 Restricted cash equivalents - 76,177 - 9,439 Total Accounts receivable, net 28,493 34,655 3,651 4,294 Investment securities 163 260 21 32 Prepaid expenses and other current assets 12,772 9,982 1,636 1,237 Total current assets 1,240,751 1,109,634 158,987 137,498 Equipment and software, net 37,809 33,306 4,845 4,127 Goodwill 30,000 34,083 3,844 4,223 Intangibles 3,746 4,806 480 596 Other non-current assets 22,029 6,508 2,823 806 Deferred tax assets 982 84 126 10 Total assets 1,335,317 1,188,421 171,105 147,260 LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY Current liabilities Accounts payable, accrued expenses and other payables 112,328 88,013 14,394 10,906 Advances from customers 1,361 736 174 91 Short term loans - 6,000 - 743 Taxes payable 20,735 3,004 2,657 372 Total current liabilities 134,424 97,753 17,225 12,112 Other long term liabilities 980 - 126 - Deferred Tax Liabilities 132 132 17 16 Total liabilities 135,536 97,885 17,368 12,128 Minority interest - 1,628 - 202 Shareholders' equity Ordinary shares 4,192 4,167 537 516 Additional paid-in capital 1,301,312 1,216,879 166,747 150,787 Other equity items 2,398 (26,441) 307 (3,276) Accumulated deficit and other comprehensive income (108,121) (105,697) (13,854) (13,097) Total shareholders' equity 1,199,781 1,088,908 153,737 134,930 Total liabilities and shareholders' equity 1,335,317 1,188,421 171,105 147,260 eLong, Inc. RECONCILIATION OF US GAAP INCOME/(LOSS) AND EPS TO NON-GAAP ADJUSTED INCOME/(LOSS) AND EPS (UNAUDITED, IN THOUSANDS EXCEPT PER SHARE AMOUNTS) IN LOCAL CURRENCY Three Months Ended Year Ended Dec. 31, Sep. 30, Dec. 31, Dec. 31, Dec. 31, 2006 2006 2005 2006 2005 RMB RMB RMB RMB RMB Net income/(loss) (1,811) 2,667 (8,665) (1,107) (62,223) Amortization of non-cash stock- based compensation 3,194 2,341 3,626 12,006 16,507 Amortization of intangibles 265 265 189 1,060 1,190 Other non-cash compensation - - 505 - 1,011 Unrealised foreign exchange losses on US$ net monetary assets/liabilities 11,899 11,357 2,439 32,803 25,888 Writedown of subsidiary's goodwill and intangibles - - - - 17,545 Gain on disposal of discontinued operations - - - (2,650) - Adjusted income/(loss) 13,547 16,630 (1,906) 42,112 (82) Basic adjusted income/(loss) per share 0.27 0.33 (0.04) 0.84 0.00 Diluted adjusted income/(loss) per share 0.25 0.31 (0.04) 0.78 0.00 Basic adjusted income/(loss) per ADS 0.54 0.66 (0.08) 1.68 0.00 Diluted adjusted income/(loss) per ADS 0.50 0.62 (0.08) 1.56 0.00 Shares used in computing adjusted basic income/(loss) per share 50,464 50,374 50,311 50,392 49,638 Shares used in computing adjusted diluted income/(loss) per share 53,860 53,878 50,311 53,749 49,638 eLong, Inc. RECONCILIATION OF US GAAP INCOME/(LOSS) AND EPS TO NON-GAAP ADJUSTED INCOME/(LOSS) AND EPS (UNAUDITED, IN THOUSANDS EXCEPT PER SHARE AMOUNTS) IN U.S. DOLLARS Three Months Ended Year Ended Dec. 31, Sep. 30, Dec. 31, Dec. 31, Dec. 31, 2006 2006 2005 2006 2005 US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ Net income/(loss) (234) 337 (1,074) (142) (7,710) Amortization of non-cash stock- based compensation 409 296 449 1,538 2,045 Amortization of intangibles 34 34 23 136 147 Other non-cash compensation - - 63 - 125 Unrealised foreign exchange losses on US$ net monetary assets/liabilities 1,525 1,437 302 4,203 3,208 Writedown of subsidiary's goodwill and intangibles - - - - 2,174 Gain on disposal of discontinued operations - - - (340) - Adjusted income/(income) 1,734 2,104 (237) 5,395 (11) Basic adjusted income/(loss) per share 0.034 0.042 (0.005) 0.107 (0.000) Diluted adjusted income/(loss) per share 0.032 0.039 (0.005) 0.100 (0.000) Basic adjusted income/(loss) per ADS 0.068 0.084 (0.009) 0.214 (0.000) Diluted adjusted income/(loss) per ADS 0.064 0.078 (0.010) 0.200 (0.000) Shares used in computing adjusted basic income/(loss) per share 50,464 50,374 50,311 50,392 49,638 Shares used in computing adjusted diluted income/(loss) per share 53,860 53,878 50,311 53,749 49,638 Use of Non-GAAP Financial Information To supplement our consolidated financial statements presented herein in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States ("US GAAP"), the Company also uses non-GAAP measures of adjusted net income/(loss) and adjusted diluted income/(loss) per ADS, which are adjusted from results based on US GAAP to exclude the impact of (1) amortization of non-cash stock-based compensation expense, (2) amortization of intangible assets, (3) other non-cash compensation, (4) unrealised foreign exchange losses on the conversion of eLong's US$ denominated net monetary assets/liabilities into Renminbi,(5)writedown of subsidiary good will and in tangibles, and (6)gain on disposal of discontinued operations. Management believes these non-GAAP financial measures enhance the user's overall understanding of our current financial performance and our prospects for the future and, additionally, uses these non-GAAP financial measures internally for the general purpose of analyzing and managing the Company's business. Specifically, we believe the non-GAAP financial measures provide useful information to both management and investors by excluding certain charges that we believe are not indicative of our core operating results. The presentation of this additional information is not meant to be considered superior to, in isolation from or as a substitute for results prepared in accordance with US GAAP. For more information, please contact: Raymond Huang eLong, Inc. Tel: +86-10-5860-2288 ext. 6633 Email: ir@corp.elong.com

System benefits participants, coaches, spectators and more PEORIA, Ill., March 9 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- IPICO Sports has launched a new turnkey tracking and timing solution for use in the global sports industry that is more accurate, more reliable, less expensive and easier to use than other systems currently used to collect data during active sports events. (Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070308/CGTH021 ) IPICO Sports uses technology developed by IPICO Inc., a world-leading Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) solution supplier. The hardware offers performance advantages over alternative technologies when dealing with the challenging environments inherent in active sports events. The people behind IPICO Sports have taken this proven technology a step further--using their decades of sports management knowledge to provide a turnkey solution. They create customized software that manages the data, and then instantly communicates it to spectators, the media, participants and coaches. The technology has been successfully introduced to the industry in a variety of sporting events, most recently providing timing and information management services to the U.S.A. National Cross Country Championships and World Cross Country Team Trials on Feb. 10, 2007, in Boulder, Colo. "It was terrific," said global running aficionado Brendan Reilly. "We were getting instant updates and information, which kept the spectators engaged. The steady stream of split times and time gaps among the leading runners in each of the races helped boost the excitement." The new technology is significantly less expensive than competitive solutions. "This system costs a third of what sporting events are used to paying," says CEO Mark Herbst. "Race directors can provide splits at every mile for what they were paying to track one or two splits per race." The technology is designed for cycling, running, swimming, Nordic and other events--including multi-stage and multi-sport races. IPICO Sports also plans to penetrate unserved markets at the sports club and scholastic levels, addressing fitness and performance enhancement and wellness enterprise solutions. About IPICO Sports Peoria, Ill.-based IPICO Sports combines years of sports management experience with innovative technologies to help sport and event providers improve the level of services they offer to athletes, spectators, the media, commentators and other participants. We use the latest Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology in conjunction with information management and communication tools to design custom solutions that capture, manage and distribute results in the active sports, wellness and recreation markets. Visit us at http://www.ipicosports.com . For more information, please contact: Philip Lockwood IPICO Sports Tel: +1-309-672-6442, Email: plockwood@ipicosports.com

LONDON, March 9 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The 10 members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) bound by the group's output agreements produced an average 26.62 million barrels of crude oil per day in February, a Platts survey showed March 8. This is down 330,000 barrels per day (b/d) from January's 26.95 million b/d but still well above the group's new 25.8 million b/d production target established last month. Total OPEC production, including that of Iraq and new member Angola, averaged 30.18 million b/d, up 70,000 b/d from January, the survey showed. Iraq is not bound by OPEC's output agreements and Angola has yet to be assigned a production target. Among the OPEC-10, Nigeria was the only country not to reduce output. Algeria, Libya, Qatar and the UAE each cut by 10,000 b/d. Indonesia and Venezuela each reduced output by 20,000 b/d. Slightly bigger cuts of 50,000 b/d each came from Iran and Kuwait, while Saudi Arabia sliced 150,000 b/d off January production to produce an average 8.6 million b/d in February. "OPEC's focus may soon begin to shift toward loosening its hold on supplies toward the third quarter," suggests Platts Director of Oil John Kingston, especially if oil prices stay strong. "With the price of benchmark West Texas Intermediate firmly in the vicinity of $60, it's doubtful that OPEC will seek to significantly tighten the screws on the market." Kingston says it will be particularly interesting to see what Iraq and Angola produce over time. Iraq, still struggling to rebuild its oil industry after years of UN sanctions and the US-led invasion of 2003, boosted its output to just above 2 million b/d from 1.66 million b/d in January as exports recovered after January disruption. Angola, which joined OPEC in January, has yet to be asked to limit its oil output. According to survey data, the oil exporter boosted production to 1.55 million b/d in February from 1.5 million b/d in January. OPEC ministers agreed last October to remove 1.2 million b/d of crude from world oil markets from November, saying supply was well in excess of demand and setting a production target of 26.3 million b/d. In December, they agreed to expand the cut by 500,000 b/d from February. The cuts were based on estimated September production of 27.5 million b/d. The target, as of February 1, is 25.8 million b/d. The latest survey shows that the OPEC-10 have cut supply by more than 1 million b/d since September, when Platts estimates pegged production at 27.81 million b/d. Country February January December November October Cut Algeria 1.330 1.340 1.350 1.350 1.370 0.084 Indonesia 0.840 0.860 0.860 0.860 0.860 0.055 Iran 3.800 3.850 3.850 3.850 3.900 0.249 Kuwait 2.410 2.460 2.460 2.460 2.530 0.142 Libya 1.680 1.690 1.700 1.710 1.730 0.102 Nigeria 2.250 2.250 2.230 2.230 2.300 0.142 Qatar 0.790 0.800 0.800 0.800 0.830 0.050 Saudi Arabia 8.600 8.750 8.790 8.800 9.070 0.538 UAE 2.490 2.500 2.500 2.550 2.600 0.143 Venezuela 2.430 2.450 2.460 2.460 2.540 0.195 OPEC-10 26.620 26.950 27.000 27.070 27.730 1.700 Angola 1.550 1.500 N/A N/A N/A Iraq 2.010 1.660 1.900 1.990 2.020 Total 30.180 30.110 28.900 29.060 29.750 About Platts: Platts, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE: MHP), is a leading global provider of energy and metals information. With nearly a century of business experience, Platts serves customers across more than 150 countries. From 14 offices worldwide, Platts serves the oil, natural gas, electricity, nuclear power, coal, petrochemical and metals markets. Platts' real time news, pricing, analytical services, and conferences help markets operate with transparency and efficiency. Traders, risk managers, analysts, and industry leaders depend upon Platts to help them make better trading and investment decisions. Additional information is available at http://www.platts.com. About The McGraw-Hill Companies: Founded in 1888, The McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE: MHP) is a leading global information services provider meeting worldwide needs in the financial services, education and business information markets through leading brands such as Standard & Poor's, McGraw-Hill Education, BusinessWeek and J.D. Power and Associates. The Corporation has more than 280 offices in 40 countries. Sales in 2006 were $6.3 billion. Additional information is available at http://www.mcgraw-hill.com . For more information, please contact: Europe: Shiona Ramage Tel: +44-207-1766153 Asia: Casey Yew Tel: +65-653-06552 Kathleen Tanzy Tel: +1-212-904-2860
サントリー、「響21年 スペシャルボトルコレクション 2006」2種(有田焼・九谷焼)を限定発売
「響21年 スペシャルボトルコレクション 2006」2種新発売
― 世界も認める「響21年」のスペシャルボトルを限定500本発売
贅を尽くした最高級ウイスキーを有田焼・九谷焼の逸品で ―
サントリー(株)は、「サントリーウイスキー 響21年 スペシャルボトルコレクション 2006」2種(有田焼・九谷焼)を各500本限定で12月5日(火)から全国で新発売します。
「響21年 スペシャルボトルコレクション」は、年末年始のご挨拶品として、またボトルコレクターの方々からも毎年ご好評をいただいています。日本を代表する高級ウイスキー「響」の21年ものを、この機会にしか手に入らない有田焼・九谷焼の希少性の高いオリジナルボトルに入れてお届けします。
「響21年」は、世界的にも権威ある酒類国際コンペティション「第11回インターナショナル スピリッツ チャレンジ2006」(ISC)において金賞を受賞、3年連続受賞という快挙を成し遂げました。
●サントリーウイスキー 響21年 スペシャルボトルコレクション 2006有田焼<色絵梅流水文瓶(いろえうめりゅうすいもんびん)>
●サントリーウイスキー 響21年 スペシャルボトルコレクション 2006九谷焼<吉田屋風枇杷文瓶(よしだやふうびわもんびん)>
― 記 ―
600ml 30,000円 43% 3本(全数化粧箱入り)
2006年12月5日(火) 全国
サントリー(株)お客様センター フリーダイヤル 0120-139-310
(東京)〒135-8631 東京都港区台場2-3-3
(大阪)〒530-8203 大阪市北区堂島浜2-1-40
サントリーホームページ http://www.suntory.co.jp/
以 上
● 関連リンク
マンダム、睡眠中に目元を集中ケアする「パーフェクトアシスト24 フォーアイズ」を発売
パーフェクトアシスト24 フォーアイズ 新発売
【 パーフェクトアシスト24 フォーアイズ 】
株式会社マンダム(本社:大阪市、社長執行役員:西村元延)では、コラーゲンで育む、24時間乾かない肌を目指す「パーフェクトアシスト24」から第3弾として「パーフェクトアシスト24 フォーアイズ」を2006年10月24日より全国で発売します。
【 発 売 背 景 】
【 商 品 概 要 】
【 商 品 概 要 】
[商 品 名] パーフェクトアシスト24 フォーアイズ
[発 売 日] 2006年10月24日
[売上目標] 31,250千円(2006年10月~2007年3月31日 希望小売価格換算)
[製 造 元] 株式会社 ビューコス
[販 売 店] 全国主要バラエティストア
[商品種類別] 目元用パック・目元用クリーム
[容量/希望小売価格] 14g ¥2,625(税抜¥2,500)
● 関連リンク
サントリー、ティーソーダ「リプトン スパークル アップルティーソーダ」を発売
「リプトン スパークル アップルティーソーダ」新発売
― リンゴの甘い香りと紅茶とソーダのすっきりした味わい ―
サントリー(株)は、「リプトン スパークル アップルティーソーダ」を10月17日(火)から全国で新発売します。
「リプトン ティーソーダ スパークル」は、2003年の発売以来、レモンティーの風味と、ほどよい炭酸の刺激が加わった爽やかな味わいに、お客様からご好評をいただいています。今回発売する「リプトン スパークル アップルティーソーダ」は、リンゴの甘い香りと紅茶によるすっきりした後味が特長のティーソーダです。
「リプトン スパークル アップルティーソーダ」
500mlペットボトル 140円 24本
▼発売期日 2006年10月17日(火)
▼発売地域 全 国
サントリー(株)お客様センター フリーダイヤル 0120-139-320
(東京)〒135-8631 東京都港区台場2-3-3
(大阪)〒530-8203 大阪市北区堂島浜2-1-40
サントリーホームページ http://www.suntory.co.jp/
以 上
● 関連リンク
サントリー、「サントリー ジャスミン茶」をリニューアル発売
「サントリー ジャスミン茶」リニューアル
― 秋・冬にぴったりなコクと旨みのある味わい、
温かみが感じられるパッケージで新登場 ―
サントリー(株)は、「サントリー ジャスミン茶」の中味・パッケージをリニューアルし、10月24日(火)から全国で新発売します。
「サントリー ジャスミン茶」は、2003年に発売し、女性のお客様を中心にご好評をいただいています。今回は、秋・冬にぴったりなコクと旨みのある味わいと、華やかさの中に温かみが感じられるパッケージで新登場します。
― 記 ―
「サントリー ジャスミン茶」
500mlペット 140円 24本
サントリー(株)お客様センター フリーダイヤル 0120-139-320
(東京)〒135-8631 東京都港区台場2-3-3
(大阪)〒530-8203 大阪市北区堂島浜2-1-40
以 上
● 関連リンク
サントリー、米国で人気のフレーバーウオツカ「スカイ シトラス」を発売
「SKYY CITRUS(スカイ シトラス)」新発売
― レモンやライムなど5種の柑橘類が爽やかに香る新しい味わい ―
サントリー(株)は、プレミアムウオツカ「SKYY(スカイ)」の新アイテムとして、アメリカで人気のフレーバーウオツカ「SKYY CITRUS(スカイ シトラス)」を10月10日(火)から全国で新発売します。
「スカイ シトラス」は、アメリカを中心に販売されている「スカイ フレーバーウオツカ」シリーズの中でも若者に最も人気の柑橘類フレーバーです。また、「2006 SAN FRANCISCO WORLD SPIRITS COMPETITION」のフレーバーウオツカ部門において、最高金賞を受賞しました。今回、販売エリアを世界に拡大するのにともない、日本でも「スカイ シトラス」を新発売し、ウオツカの新しい楽しみを提案します。
柑橘の爽快な香りと味わいが特長の「スカイ シトラス」は、シンプルな飲み方がおすすめです。
(1)スカイ シトラス 120ml
(2)チンザノ ベルモット エクストラドライ 30ml
(1)スカイ シトラス 45ml
(2)トニックウォーター 90ml
― 記 ―
「スカイ シトラス」
750ml 3,200円 37% 6本
▼品 目 スピリッツ
▼発売期日 2006年10月10日(火)
▼発売地域 全 国
サントリー(株)お客様センター フリーダイヤル 0120-139-310
(東京)〒135-8631 東京都港区台場2-3-3
(大阪)〒530-8203 大阪市北区堂島浜2-1-40
サントリーホームページ http://www.suntory.co.jp/
以 上
● 関連リンク
サントリー、缶コーヒー「ボス エスプレッソ〈ヴェネチア〉」など2種を発売
「ボス エスプレッソ〈ヴェネチア〉」
「ボス 憩(いこい)」新発売
サントリー(株)は、「ボス エスプレッソ〈ヴェネチア〉」を10月10日(火)から、「ボス 憩(いこい)」を10月17日(火)から、全国で新発売します。
"働く男の相棒コーヒー"としてお客様に親しまれている「BOSS」は、2006年も引き続き積極的な活動を展開しています。今回、新たなラインナップとして「ボス エスプレッソ〈ヴェネチア〉」「ボス 憩(いこい)」を投入することにより、今後も新たなボスユーザーを拡大していきます。
●「ボス エスプレッソ〈ヴェネチア〉 170g缶」
小容量サイズ(155~170g缶)の缶コーヒーユーザーは、レギュラーサイズを飲みながら、合間に1本小容量サイズを飲む、"小容量サブユーザー"が市場の圧倒的多数を占めており、小容量缶コーヒーに「上質で、香りが良く、コーヒー感のある味わい」を求めていることが、当社の消費者調査からわかっています。今回、こうしたニーズに着目し、「ボス エスプレッソ〈ヴェネチア〉 170g缶」を新発売します。
●「ボス 憩(いこい)」
「サントリー ボス エスプレッソ〈ヴェネチア〉」
170g缶 115円 30本
「サントリー ボス 憩(いこい)」
190g缶 115円 30本
「サントリー ボス エスプレッソ〈ヴェネチア〉」
「サントリー ボス 憩(いこい)」
▼発売地域 全 国
サントリー(株)お客様センター フリーダイヤル 0120-139-320
(東京)〒135-8631 東京都港区台場2-3-3
(大阪)〒530-8203 大阪市北区堂島浜2-1-40
サントリーホームページ http://www.suntory.co.jp/
以 上
● 関連リンク
― 年間販売計画を550万ケースに、あわせて自動販売機用容器を投入 ―
サントリー(株)は、好調な販売を続ける特定保健用食品「サントリー 黒烏龍茶OTPP」の販売計画を550万ケースに上方修正するとともに、自動販売機での拡売を図り、専用の容器を10月17日(火)から投入します。
※1 「薬理と治療」vol.32(2004)N=20
※2 台湾・静宜大学にて実施 第25回日本肥満学会発表(2004)
以 上
● 関連リンク
サントリー、「サントリー緑茶 ホット伊右衛門 焙じ茶」などを発売
「サントリー緑茶 ホット伊右衛門 焙じ茶」
「サントリー COCOA」(黒ごま入りココア飲料)
サントリー(株)は、「サントリー緑茶 ホット伊右衛門 焙じ茶」を10月17日(火)から、「サントリー COCOA」(黒ごま入りココア飲料)を10月31日(火)から全国で発売します。
●「サントリー緑茶 ホット伊右衛門 焙じ茶」
「伊右衛門 焙じ茶」は、老舗茶舗らしい上質な美味しさを目指し、京都福寿園の茶匠が茶葉を厳選し、お茶本来の旨みを残しつつ、ふっくら甘く香ばしい味わいです。今回発売する「ホット伊右衛門 焙じ茶」は、「伊右衛門 焙じ茶」と同様、春摘み茶葉をひと夏寝かせて熟成させた「寝かせ一番茶」を使用。直火でじっくり炙った「炙り茶葉」をさらにたっぷりと使用することで、温めたときに香ばしい美味しさに仕上げました。
●「サントリー COCOA」(黒ごま入りココア飲料)」
― 記 ―
・商品名 「サントリー緑茶 ホット伊右衛門 焙じ茶」
容量・梱包 345mlペット×24本
希望小売価格(消費税別) 130円
発売期日 10月17日(火)
・商品名 「サントリー COCOA」(黒ごま入りココア飲料)
容量・梱包 190g缶×30本
希望小売価格(消費税別) 115円
発売期日 10月31日(火)
サントリー(株)お客様センター フリーダイヤル 0120-139-320
(東京)〒135-8631 東京都港区台場2-3-3
(大阪)〒530-8203 大阪市北区堂島浜2-1-40
以 上
● 関連リンク
サントリー、カロリー50%オフのカクテル「カクテル カロリ。〈ストロベリーホワイト〉」など2品を冬季限定発売
カロリー50%オフ※1「カクテル カロリ。」〈ストロベリーホワイト〉〈ウィンターメロンボール〉冬季限定発売
サントリー(株)は、カロリー50%オフ※1のカクテル「カクテル カロリ。」2種〈ストロベリーホワイト〉〈ウィンターメロンボール〉を11月7日(火)から全国で冬季限定発売します。
「カクテル カロリ。」は、カロリー50%オフ※2というコンセプトでお客様にご好評いただいているチューハイ「カロリ。」ブランドの新シリーズです。9月12日に新発売した同シリーズの一斉出荷数量は、50万ケース(250ml換算)を超え、好調な出足となっています。
今回、年末のカクテル需要期を前に新たに冬季限定アイテムを投入することにより、「カクテル カロリ。」ブランドのさらなる強化を図ります。
※1 当社カクテル平均値比
※2 当社フルーツチューハイ平均値比
〈 ストロベリーホワイト 〉
〈 ウィンターメロンボール 〉
「カクテル カロリ。」のレイアウトを生かしつつ、年末のパーティシーンをイメージさせる華やかな色の組み合わせと缶全体に散りばめた雪のイラストにより、冬の季節感と限定感を演出しています。
― 記 ―
「カクテル カロリ。〈ストロベリーホワイト〉」
350ml 141円 4% 24本
「 同 〈ウィンターメロンボール〉」
350ml 141円 4% 24本
全 国
▼品 目
▼「カロリ。」ホームページアドレス: http://suntory.jp/CALORI/
サントリー(株)お客様センター フリーダイヤル 0120-139-310
(東京)〒135-8631 東京都港区台場2-3-3
(大阪)〒530-8203 大阪市北区堂島浜2-1-40
サントリーホームページ http://www.suntory.co.jp/
以 上