

ニュースサイトなど宛てに広く配信された、ニュースリリース(プレスリリース)、 開示情報、IPO企業情報の備忘録。 大手サイトが順次削除するリリースバックナンバーも、蓄積・無料公開していきます。 ※リリース文中の固有名詞は、発表社等の商標、登録商標です。 ※リリース文はニュースサイト等マスコミ向けに広く公開されたものですが、著作権は発表社に帰属しています。





 ■製品紹介ページ : http://www.needswell.jp/intrablog/


『Agenda.BLOG』とは、高機能なオープンソースのブログエンジン「WordPress MU(マルチユーザ版)」をベースにして独自の機能を盛り込み、高い「拡張性」を持ち、「簡単に」かつ「ローコスト」で導入が可能な社内ブログ統合パッケージです。








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 □ 株式会社ニーズウェル(担当:伊野・中野)
 □ TEL : 03-5360-3671
 □ FAX : 03-5360-1658
 □ E-Mail : nsg-info@needswell.com

【株式会社ニーズウェル 会社概要】
 □ 代表者 : 代表取締役社長 佐藤一男
 □ 所在地 : 東京都新宿区富久町13-15 サウスタワー6F
 □ 創 業 : 昭和61年10月
 □ 資本金 : 2億円
 □ TEL : 03-5360-3671(代表)
 □ URL : http://www.needswell.jp/
 □ 事業内容:
   ・ 社内(イントラ)ブログソリューション
   ・ 社内SNSソリューション
   ・ Ruby on RailsによるWeb2.0アプリケーション開発ソリューション
   ・ インターネットコンテンツの企画、制作、運営
   ・ ホスティングサービス
   ・ トレーニングサービス

 ークをベースに SaaS プラットフォームを安定提供するSaaS Integration
 □ TEL : 03-5977-0888
 □ E-Mail : info@hoster.jp
 □ URL : http://www.hoster.jp/



■■  全巻読破.com NEWS vol.17 2007/05/30
■■   http://zenkandokuha.com

【2】新着コミックスの紹介 … 課長島耕作、他
【3】買取サービスのご案内 … 読み終わったマンガは全巻読破.comへ!
【1】新着コミックスの紹介 …課長島耕作、他
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※全巻読破.com販売価格 3,950円(税込)

■部長島耕作 [1~13全巻] (著)弘兼憲史





■加治隆介の議 [1~20全巻] (著)弘兼憲史





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もう読み飽きたマンガや粗大ゴミと化しているマンガ、引っ越すのに邪魔になって しょうがないマンガ、ケースは様々ですが、とにかくいらないマンガがあったら、ドシドシ問い 合わせしてやってください★

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 また、より的確なマッチングを実現するため、Job Matchmaker(マッチング交渉代理システム)を導入し、リクルーティングパートナーという専属のコーディネーターが、企業が必要とする人材のヒアリングから求職者のスキルチェック並びにヒアリング、面接、そしてマッチングに至るまで、採用に関するトータルサポートを行う有料サービスも同時に開始します。

■特 徴


2. ユーザーからの「リアルボイス」を取りまとめ、随時トピック企画を増殖していきます。ニーズにより変化していくユーザー参加型の就職・転職サイトであり、採用に関するマーケティングをも担います。つまり、利用者が増えれば増えるほど、情報提供量や情報の質が高まりサービスの質も向上していくという仕組みです。Web2.0の概念を積極的に取り入れていきます。 

3.Job Matchmaker(マッチング交渉代理システム)の導入により、リクルーティングパートナーと呼ばれる専属のコーディネーターが求人企業・求職者双方のニーズを的確に酌み取り、理想的なマッチングに貢献します。






3. 転職者自らが自分を自由にアピールできるスペースを設け、企業に対し自分の特色を全面に  出した積極アピールが可能です。

4.Job Matchmaker(マッチング交渉代理システム)の導入により、リクルーティングパートナーと

「JRF( Jobby Relief Fund )/ ジョビー募金」を設立し、サイト内で任意の慈善活動を行っていきます。


TEL:03-3639-3639 担当:高野
059-370-0623 担当:森山



地区 日程 場所
■東京:6/8(金) 日本オラクル(株)本社
■福岡:6/21(木) 日本オラクル(株)西部支社
■仙台:7/6(金) 日本オラクル(株)東北支社
■名古屋:7/19(木) 日本オラクル(株)中部支社


東芝情報システム株式会社(以下:東芝情報システム、本社:神奈川県川崎市、取締役社長:澤田 晃三)は、来る6月22日の第57期定時株主総会において、下記の役員体制とすることを内定致しましたので、ご案内致します。


    取締役社長  澤田 晃三
    常務取締役  石井 潤
(昇任)常務取締役  中島 修一郎(現 当社取締役)
    取 締 役  相川 廣志
    取 締 役  田窪 謙二
    取 締 役  佐藤 文雄
    取 締 役  小柳 勉
(新任)取 締 役  平田 陽一
(現 当社第一エンベデッドシステムソリューション事業部長)
    取 締 役  真木 明
    取 締 役  太田 英昭
(新任)常勤監査役  宍戸 勇一(現 当社社長付)
(新任)常勤監査役  野中 正男
(現 株式会社フジテレビジョン技術局放送技術センター放送部部長)
    監 査 役  恩地 和明

※尚、現常務取締役 石川 溪一
   現取締役 常岡 正義(東芝ITサービス株式会社監査役に就任予定)、
   現監査役 神田 統將(嘱託委嘱予定)、
   現監査役 吉田 利雄
  以  上






 リクルートのエンジニアのための『仕事・職場・転職』応援サイト 「リクナ
ビNEXT Tech総研」(http://rikunabi-next.yahoo.co.jp/tech/)は、














担当:相澤(広報部 社外広報G)
Standard & Poor's Compustat(R) Expands Coverage in Taiwan, India
May 30, 2007

Compustat's Company Data Grows to 17,500 Firms, Adding 500
Businesses in India and 900 in Taiwan, Helping Clients Who
Need Indian and Taiwanese Company Information for Their
Financial Analysis

    NEW YORK, May 30 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- In response to
growing customer demand for more fundamental information on
Asian companies, Standard & Poor's, the leading provider
of financial market intelligence, announced that
Compustat(R) has expanded significantly its company
coverage in Taiwan and India.

    Compustat has added approximately 500 active Indian
companies, including between five and 10 years of company
history.  Compustat has also entered an agreement with TX
Investment Consulting Company (TX), a data provider in
Beijing, to receive extensive fundamental data for an
additional 900 companies in Taiwan. The initial set of
Taiwanese data will provide two-to-three years of annual
history, including one year of semiannual history, and is
expected to grow to five years of history by this summer. 
The addition of Taiwan-based companies brings Compustat's
overall market cap coverage for the Asian market to over

    "Institutional money managers and analysts around
the world who use Compustat's vital company, index and
industry information to support their financial models and
analysis, will appreciate the additional company coverage
in Taiwan and India," said Chandra Muliadikara,
Compustat Product Manager. "Our partnerships with the
data providers of the Indian and Taiwanese company data
enable us to capitalize on their expertise and deliver a
more robust database to our clients."

    For more information, visit
http://www.standardandpoors.com or call 800-523-4534.  

    About Compustat Data

    Standard & Poor's Compustat(R) data is used by
institutional money managers and analysts around the world.
With fundamental and market data on 65,000 global
securities, Compustat provides vital company, index and
industry information that supports financial models and
proprietary company and industry analysis. 

    About Standard & Poor's

    Standard & Poor's, a division of The McGraw-Hill
Companies (NYSE: MHP), is the world's foremost provider of
financial market intelligence, including independent credit
ratings, indices, risk evaluation, investment research and
data. With approximately 8,500 employees, including wholly
owned affiliates, located in 21 countries, Standard &
Poor's is an essential part of the world's financial
infrastructure and has played a leading role for more than
140 years in providing investors with the independent
benchmarks they need to feel more confident about their
investment and financial decisions. For more information,
visit http://www.standardandpoors.com .

    For more information, please contact:

    Media Information:

     Christopher Capot
     KNB Communications
     Tel:   +1-212-505-2441
     Email: ccapot@knbpr.com

    Product Information:

     Cristy Oberg
     Standard & Poor's
     Tel:   +1-303-721-4340
     Email: cristy_oberg@standardandpoors.com
Sicon Semiconductor and Zoran Announce Technology Cooperation
May 30, 2007

    LINKOPING, Sweden, May 30 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- 

    Sicon Semiconductor AB and Zoran Corporation announce
that the companies are cooperating on delivering improved
technologies for digital television products.

    "We've evaluated Sicon's product offerings for the
digital television market and are quite impressed with their
performance, and low power consumption," says Steven
Brook, Senior Director, Marketing and Intellectual
property, Zoran Corporation. "We are pleased to be
able to recommend Sicon's cost-competitive products to our
DTV customers."

    "The superior performance and ultra-low power
consumption of Sicon's products is achieved by using the
patented PSAR architecture of the Sicon A/Dvance family of
products. Optimized for video graphics applications,
Sicon's solution represents the best cost/performance in
the industry, while enhancing the picture quality of
digital televisions that utilize Zoran's leading HDTV
technology," adds Jan-Erik Lennefalk, Sicon's Vice
President Marketing.

    About Sicon

    Sicon Semiconductor, based in Linkoping, Sweden, is a
fabless innovation and product company with over 25 years
of experience in mixed signal and analog design. Sicon's
solutions are based on a patented technology, PSAR, in
Analog to Digital conversion, which enables
industry-leading solutions for video and graphics
multimedia interface. The performance and cost benefits
that Sicon provides allow both consumer and professional
applications to be realized. Sicon's A/D products are
designed using leading-edge standard CMOS processes.
Sicon's unique technology allows customers to benefit from
the scalable and portable technology that will secure
optimum cost/performance, while meeting customers'
stringent TTM needs. For more information about Sicon,
visit the company's web site at http://www.siconsemi.com .

    About Zoran Corporation

    Zoran Corporation, based in Sunnyvale, California, is a
leading provider of digital solutions in the growing digital
entertainment and digital imaging markets. With two decades
of expertise developing and delivering digital signal
processing technologies, Zoran has pioneered
high-performance digital audio and video, imaging
applications, and Connect Share Entertain technologies for
the digital home. Zoran's proficiency in integration
delivers major benefits for OEM customers, including
greater capabilities within each product generation,
reduced system costs, and shorter time to market.
Zoran-based DVD, digital camera, DTV, multimedia mobile
phone, and multifunction printer products have received
recognition for excellence and are now in hundreds of
millions of homes and offices worldwide. Zoran has
headquarters in the U.S. and operations in Canada, China,
England, Germany, India, Israel, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan,
and may be contacted on the World Wide Web at
http://www.zoran.com or at +1-408-523-6500.

    Zoran and the Zoran logo are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Zoran Corporation and/or its subsidiaries in
the United States and/or other countries. All other names
and brands may be claimed as property of others.

    For more information about the cooperation, please

     Jan-Erik Lennefalk, VP Marketing, Sicon Semiconductor
     Tel:    +46-13-23-42-20
     Email:  jan-erik.lennefalk@siconsemi.com

     Roland Andersson, CEO, Sicon Semiconductor
     Tel:    +46-13-23-42-20
     Email:  roland.andersson@siconsemi.com 

Mersana Therapeutics, Inc. Initiates Phase I Trial of Anti-Cancer Agent, XMT-1001, in Solid Tumors
May 30, 2007

-- First Compound Based on Company's Proprietary
Fleximer(R) Polymer Platform Enters Clinical Trials

    CAMBRIDGE, Mass., May 30 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Mersana
Therapeutics, a cancer therapeutics company, announced today
that it has initiated a Phase I open-label, dose-escalation
trial of its lead product candidate, XMT-1001, in patients
with solid tumors. XMT-1001 is a polymer-based prodrug of
camptothecin (CPT), a well-characterized topoisomerase I
inhibitor with potent anti-tumor activity.

    The primary objectives of the study are to determine
the safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetic profile of
XMT-1001. Patients also will be assessed for evidence of
anti-tumor activity. The study is being conducted at three
clinical sites: University of Maryland, Greenbaum Cancer
Center under the supervision of Dr. Edward Sausville; TGen
Clinical Research Services at Scottsdale Heathcare's
Virginia G. Piper Center under the supervision of Stephen
P. Anthony, D.O. and Daniel Von Hoff, M.D.; and U.S.
Oncology in Albany, NY under the supervision of Lawrence
Garbo, M.D.

    "Taking our first compound into the clinic in less
than eighteen months from financing for IND-enabling studies
is a major milestone for Mersana," said Julie Olson,
Ph.D., President and CEO of Mersana.  "In addition to
XMT-1001, we have several other active programs in our
pipeline that take advantage of the unique features of our
Fleximer(R) platform and we look forward to advancing these
compounds into the clinic," she concluded.

    Preclinical data from studies with XMT-1001 presented
at the recent American Association of Cancer Research
annual meeting showed that the agent was a potent and
efficacious agent against tumor xenografts of human colon
cancer and human ovarian cancer.  Fleximer helps deliver up
to 75 times more active CPT (camptothecin) to cancer tumors
than with free CPT administration.  
    "Derivatives of the anticancer agent camptothecin,
such as Camptosar(R), have been successful but their true
clinical potential has been limited by safety issues,"
commented Robert J. Fram, M.D., Chief Medical Officer at
Mersana. "It is our hope that our Fleximer-based CPT
conjugate, XMT-1001, will significantly improve the safety
and therapeutic window of CPT and position the compound to
be effective in a broad range of solid tumors."

    About XMT-1001

    XMT-1001 is Mersana's most advanced Fleximer-based
product candidate.  It utilizes a novel, dual release
mechanism to liberate a camptothecin prodrug, which is then
converted within cells into camptothecin, a DNA
topoisomerase I inhibitor.  In pre-clinical studies,
XMT-1001 was better tolerated and more efficacious than
either camptothecin or irinotecan in models of human
cancer, showing extended plasma half-life and high
concentrations in tumor tissue.

    About Fleximer Technology

    Fleximer technology improves the therapeutic index of
cytotoxic compounds useful as anti-cancer agents by
uniquely combining biodegradability with "biological
stealth" properties, making Fleximer materials and
their conjugates long-circulating and non-immunotoxic. 
Fleximer molecules are characterized by solubility in
water, stability in common manufacturing procedures and in
normal physiological conditions, and non-enzymatic
biodegradability upon uptake by cells.  

    About Mersana Therapeutics, Inc.

    Mersana, a privately held, venture-backed company, is
developing novel oncology agents based on clinically
validated compounds through the use of Fleximer(R), a
proprietary bio-degradable and bio-inert material that
enhances the pharmacokinetics, safety, and solubility of
drugs.  Mersana has an exclusive license from the
Massachusetts General Hospital for its core technologies.  
Mersana's pipeline includes compounds with activity against
multiple tumor types and human proof-of-concept that are
improved by its proprietary technologies.  Mersana's
investors include Fidelity Biosciences, ProQuest
Investments, Rho Ventures, Harris & Harris Group and
PureTech Ventures.
    Camptosar(R) is a registered trademark of Pfizer.

    For more information, please contact:

     Pete Leone
     Chief Operating Officer
     Mersana Therapeutics, Inc.
     Tel:   +1-617-498-0020

     Kathryn Morris, KMorrisPR
     Tel:   +1-845-635-9828
     Email: kathryn@kmorrispr.com

Otis Awarded Sixth Tower in Premier Chicago Development
May 30, 2007

    FARMINGTON, Conn., May 30 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Otis
Elevator Company, a unit of United Technologies Corp.
(NYSE: UTX), won an $11 million order for Aqua, the latest
high-rise tower under construction as part of Chicago's
premier Lakeshore East community. 

    "We have selected Otis as our primary elevator
supplier, because of the quality of the Otis product and
the responsiveness of its people," said James
Loewenberg, co-chief executive officer, Magellan
Development Group, developer for the project. "Through
our longstanding relationship, we have worked together to
overcome any challenges that have arisen in the new
construction and service sides of the business."

    When completed, the 28-acre, $4 billion Lakeshore East
will consist of 16 high-rise residential buildings, 4,900
residences, 2.2 million square feet of commercial space,
1,500 hotel rooms, a 6-acre public park and an elementary

    Otis has been selected for six of the seven towers that
have been completed or are under construction in the
development. In this latest award, Otis will provide
high-speed, gearless elevators for the 82-story Aqua, which
will be Chicago's first high-rise building designed to
combine condominiums, luxury rental apartments, hotel
suites and retail space.

    "Lakeshore East is one of the most highly
acclaimed developments in Chicago this decade," said
Otis President Ari Bousbib. "Otis is proud that
Magellan Development Group LLC has selected Otis as the
elevator supplier of choice for this ambitious and
visionary mixed-use development."

    Previously, Otis equipment was selected for the
62-story 340 On The Park residence tower; the Tides, a
51-story facility of apartments, garage and retail space;
the Chandler, a 35-story condominium containing 304
residences; the 46-story Shoreham, the first luxury
residential tower completed at Lakeshore East; and the
Regatta, a 44-story residential building.

    Otis Elevator Company is the world's largest
manufacturer and maintainer of people-moving products
including elevators, escalators and moving walkways. With
headquarters in Farmington, Connecticut, Otis employs
61,000 people, offers products and services in more than
200 countries and territories and maintains 1.5 million
elevators and escalators worldwide. United Technologies
Corp., based in Hartford, Connecticut, is a diversified
company providing high-technology products and services to
the building and aerospace industries.

    For more information, please contact:

     Tizz Weber, Director
     Communications, Otis Elevator Company
     Tel:   +1-860-676-6127
     Email: Tizz.Weber@Otis.com 

Xinhua Finance Ltd. Adopts Initiatives to Enhance Corporate Governance
May 30, 2007

    SHANGHAI, May 30 /Xinhua-PRNewswire-FirstCall/ --
Xinhua Finance Limited ("XFL"; TSE Mothers: 9399;
OTC ADRs: XHFNY) announced that it is undertaking a number
of initiatives to continue enhancing its corporate
governance policies and those of its subsidiary, Xinhua
Finance Media ("XFMedia"; Nasdaq: XFML), as part
of XFL's ongoing efforts to achieve best practices in
corporate governance in each of the markets in which the
company operates.  These enhancements include:

    -- Committing to having a majority of independent
directors on the Boards 
       of both XFL and XFMedia as soon as possible (even
though under the 
       relevant securities and exchange laws and rules,
neither company is 
       required to do so);
    -- Committing to create a lead independent director
position on the Boards
       of both XFL and XFMedia; and
    -- Engaging Spencer Stuart, an internationally
recognized executive search
       firm, to identify world-class independent director
candidates for the 
       XFL and XFMedia Boards.

    (Logo: http://www.xprn.com/xprn/sa/200702151700.gif )

    XFL Chief Executive Officer Fredy Bush said, "Our
business continues to be strong.  In a few short years we
have built in Xinhua Finance and XF Media companies which
have the knowledge, the assets and the long-term
relationships necessary to succeed in the China financial
information and media businesses.  As our businesses have
become more global, we have evolved our governance
practices to meet the standards of the new markets we have
entered.  XFL and XFMedia are currently fully compliant
with all applicable regulations in the jurisdictions where
we operate, but we recognize that there are ways in which
we can further improve our corporate governance.  

    "The world-class products and services that Xinhua
Finance provides -- which include ratings, indices, news,
advisory, investor relations and financial data -- are all
based on our track record of integrity and trust, and our
clients have made clear that they continue to value and
rely on the high quality work of our people.  The important
steps we are announcing today will help us to continue
enhancing our corporate governance policies and practices
as we remain intensely focused on building world-class,
global businesses and creating value for our

    The XFMedia Board of Directors also previously
announced that it has authorized XFMedia to repurchase up
to $50 million in shares of XFMedia's common stock, in a
sign of their confidence in the future of XFMedia's
business.  XFMedia will buy its shares in the open market
and expects the purchases to be funded from existing and
future cash reserves.  The Company advised that XFL is
constrained from buying back its stock at the present time
due to the covenants of its 2006 bond issue. 

    Ms. Bush also sent the following letter today to
shareholders of XFL:

    May 30, 2007

    Dear fellow shareholders,

    As you probably know, Xinhua Finance Limited
("XFL") and its subsidiary, Xinhua Finance Media
("XFMedia"), have been on the receiving end of
some particularly nasty and misleading press stories
recently.  I appreciate the support that so many of you
have expressed, and am writing to you today in order to:

    -- Set the record straight with respect to some of the
unfair and 
       inaccurate reports that have been published about
    -- Let you know of some accelerated governance
improvements that we are 
       implementing to enhance our corporate structure and
    -- Assure you that our business and competitive
position in China and the 
       U.S. remain as strong as ever, as evidenced by our
strong first quarter
       results; and

    At Xinhua Finance, we are strongly committed to
achieving best practices in corporate governance.  It is
important to understand that XFL is a China company
organized under Cayman law that is listed on the Tokyo
Stock Exchange.  Like our subsidiary Xinhua Finance Media
(which is listed on the NASDAQ Global Exchange in the
U.S.), XFL has to meet the regulatory requirements in
several jurisdictions.  China has a uniquely complex legal
regime -- this is especially true for media assets and one
of the strengths of our company is that we have the
knowledge and long-term relationships necessary to succeed
in this business.  Xinhua Finance Limited has grown from
$18 million in revenue in 2003 to $175 million in 2006. 
During this time, we also have built, in XFMedia, a
pioneering media company and created substantial
opportunities that have never existed before in the China
market.  Clearly, the skills across these companies speak
for themselves and the fundamentals of our business remain

    As Xinhua Finance and its businesses have become more
global, we have structured our company to comply with
applicable laws in China, Japan, the U.S. and other
jurisdictions, always in consultation with highly-regarded
independent legal counsel.  We also have evolved our
governance practices to meet the standards of the new
markets we have entered, and our recent listing of XFMedia
in the U.S. is no exception.

    In keeping with our commitment to achieving best
practices in corporate governance, we recognize that there
are always ways in which governance can be further
improved. To that end, Xinhua Finance Limited and XFMedia
are accelerating a number of enhancements to our corporate
governance practices as follows:

    -- We are committed to having a majority of independent
directors on the 
       Boards of both XFL and XFMedia as soon as possible
(even though under 
       the relevant rules neither company is required to do
    -- We are committed to creating a lead independent
director position on 
       the Boards of both XFL and XFMedia;
    -- We have engaged Spencer Stuart, an internationally
recognized executive
       search firm, to identify world-class independent
director candidates 
       for the XFL and XFMedia Boards; and 
    -- We have established a committee to explore other
ways in which we might
       be able to enhance our corporate governance.

    The high-quality products and services that Xinhua
Finance provides its clients -- which include ratings,
indices, news, advisory, investor relations and financial
data -- are all based on our track record of integrity and
trust.  And we remain committed to our vision of building
world-class businesses in China and the U.S. and adhering
to and enhancing applicable standards of corporate
governance and transparency.  As all thoughtful governance
experts acknowledge, this does not mean adhering to an
ideal "one-size-fits-all" standard, but doing
what is right and appropriate given the various
jurisdictions where we are listed and conduct business.  

    In the course of XFMedia's recent IPO, the most
important consideration (for the company and its first-tier
underwriters) was to ensure that the material details of
XFMedia's transactions and relationships were properly
described in the prospectus.  XFMedia and its underwriters,
aided by world-class legal counsel, undertook an intensive
due diligence process.  I am sure you will appreciate that,
because the misleading press reports have led to litigation,
even if we consider it baseless, we are somewhat constrained
in our ability to comment on every allegation and
insinuation in the press -- no matter how outrageous.  But
we all believed and continue to believe that XFMedia's
prospectus includes all material information that was
required to be disclosed. 

    One last point I wish to touch on concerns recent
personnel changes at Glass Lewis.  The recent media
onslaught was, after all, triggered by the vague and
sweeping disparaging remarks about Xinhua Finance and its
directors and officers made by a former reporter and Glass
Lewis employee, as he was leaving the firm, stating that he
was joining a Xinhua Finance competitor. This individual had
given two weeks' notice on May 2, "to pursue other
opportunities".  On May 16, he sent his "amended
resignation letter" purporting to state further
reasons for leaving, which he promptly shared with
colleagues in the press.  The Glass Lewis team, led by KT
Rabin, continues to be the most thoughtful and talented
group of corporate governance professionals, and clients
have made clear that they continue to value and rely on
their high quality work.  

    Despite the frustration of these misleading media
reports, we remain focused on running our business to
create shareholder value, which is why you invested in our
company, and on thoughtfully addressing the issues that
have come out of this heightened focus on the structure and
governance of Xinhua Finance Limited and XFMedia.  

    Please do not hesitate to contact me if you wish to
discuss anything regarding the company or current
developments.  I would also welcome any suggestions you
would like us to consider as we continue building XFL and
XFMedia as premier global financial information and media
companies and enhancing their corporate governance.  I
truly appreciate your ongoing support.

     Fredy Bush
     CEO, Xinhua Finance Limited

    About Xinhua Finance Limited 

    Xinhua Finance Limited is China's premier financial
information and media service provider and is listed on the
Mothers Board of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (symbol: 9399)
(OTC ADRs: XHFNY).  Bridging China's financial markets and
the world, Xinhua Finance serves financial institutions,
corporations and re-distributors through five focused and
complementary service lines: Indices, Ratings, Financial
News, Investor Relations, and Distribution.  Founded in
November 1999, the Company is headquartered in Shanghai,
with offices and news bureaus spanning 14 countries
worldwide. For more information, please visit:
http://www.xinhuafinance.com .

    About Xinhua Finance Media Limited

    Xinhua Finance Media ("XFMedia"; Nasdaq:
XFML) is China's leading diversified financial and
entertainment media company targeting high net worth
individuals nationwide.  The company reaches its target
audience via TV, radio, newspapers, magazines and other
distribution channels. Through its five synergistic
business groups, Advertising, Broadcast, Print, Production
and Research, XFMedia offers a total solution empowering
clients at every stage of the media process and keeping
people connected and entertained.  Headquartered in
Beijing, the company has offices and affiliates in major
cities of China including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou,
Shenzhen and Hong Kong.  Xinhua Finance Media Limited is a
subsidiary of Xinhua Finance Limited.  For more
information, please visit http://www.xinhuafinancemedia.com

    Safe Harbor Statement

    This announcement contains forward-looking statements.
These statements are made under the "safe harbor"
provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform
Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements can be
identified by terminology such as "will,"
"expects," "anticipates,"
"future," "intends," "plans,"
"believes," "estimates" and similar
statements. Among other things, statements made about
proposed changes to personnel and reporting structures and
quotations from management in this announcement, as well as
the companies strategic and operational plans, contain
forward-looking statements. XFMedia may also make written
or oral forward-looking statements in its periodic reports
to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in its
annual report to shareholders, in press releases and other
written materials and in oral statements made by its
officers, directors or employees to third parties.
Statements that are not historical facts, including
statements about XFMedia's beliefs and expectations, are
forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements
involve inherent risks and uncertainties. A number of
factors could cause actual results to differ materially
from those contained in any forward-looking statement,
including but not limited to the following: our growth
strategies; our future business development, results of
operations and financial condition; our ability to attract
and retain customers; competition in the Chinese
advertising market; changes in our revenues and certain
cost or expense items as a percentage of our revenues; the
outcome of ongoing, or any future, litigation or
arbitration; risks associated with recent adverse press
articles, the expected growth of the Chinese advertising
and media market; and Chinese governmental policies
relating to advertising and media. Further information
regarding these and other risks is included in our
registration statement on Form F-1, as amended, filed with
the Securities and Exchange Commission. XFMedia does not
undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking
statement, except as required under applicable law.

    For more information, please contact:

     Joy Tsang
     Tel:   +86-136-2179-1577 / +852-9486-4364
     Email: joy.tsang@xinhuafinance.com

    United States
     Eric Andrus
     Tel:   +1-646-805-2010
     Email: EAndrus@rlmnet.com
Xinhua Far East Changes the Rating Outlook of Chongqing Steel to Stable
May 30, 2007

    HONG KONG, May 30 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Xinhua Far
East China Ratings today changed the rating outlook for
Chongqing Iron & Steel Co Ltd ("Chongqing
Steel" or "the Company", SH A 601005, HK
1053) from negative to stable. Its domestic currency issuer
credit rating remains unchanged at BBB.

    (Logo: http://www.xprn.com/xprn/sa/200705181620.JPG )

    The outlook change was prompted by the company's
improved financial structure resulting from the completion
of A shares re-issue in the Shanghai market and following a
recovery in China's steel industry since February 2006. The
change also reflects our positive views about the company's
planned new projects which are expected to optimize its
manufacturing process and improve its profitability. Even
so, the cyclical nature of the industry and the company's
relatively small scale prevent it from obtaining a higher
rating at this time.

    Since February 2006, China's steel industry has
undergone a recovery, with strong domestic demand and sharp
growth in exports. The price index for domestic steel
products rose from 77 on January 1, 2006, to 103 on May 17
this year. Our forecasts are that demand for steel will
grow on average by 13% a year between 2007 and 2010.
Despite recent cuts to export tax rebates, the domestic
steel industry should expand steadily over the period,
benefiting from growing domestic demand, rising exports and
controls on new capacity, without the risk of a serious

    Following the completion of A shares re-issue in the
Shanghai market on February 28, in which RMB1 billion was
raised, the company's gross debt to total capital ratio
dropped from 42.4% in 2006 to 37.2% in the first quarter of
2007. The company plans to invest in new projects with total
forecast capital expenditure of RMB2 billion. These include:
an 800,000-ton hot-rolled steel coin project; phase II of a
500,000-ton cold-rolled thin plates project; and a
143,000-ton galvanization plates project. 

    In Xinhua Far East's opinion, these new projects will
optimize its manufacturing processes and improve its
profitability, without boosting its debt ratios
significantly. The company's core product is its
medium-gauge steel plating, which contributed to 43.7% of
total revenue and 86.2% of gross profit in 2006. The
addition of further products would diversify the company's
product concentration risks. Besides, as Chongqing is the
largest motorcycle manufacturing base and an important auto
manufacturing base, the Company's increased cold-rolled thin
plate capacity can be absorbed.

    In December 2004, Chongqing Steel started operating
phase I of its cold-rolled thin plates project, reporting a
gross margin of -14% in 2006 due to the high cost of
outsourcing hot-rolled thin plates. The planned
construction of its 800,000-ton hot-rolled steel coin
project is expected to improve the company's

    However, the cyclical nature of the steel industry, the
company's relatively small scale of operation, uncertainties
surrounding the construction of new projects, and the
liquidity risks related to its higher proportion of
short-term debt, prevent it from obtaining a higher rating
at this time. 

    Chongqing Steel mainly produces steel plates, steel
sections and wire rods, with steel plates (mainly used for
shipbuilding, boilers and pressure vessel) the biggest
contributor to revenue and profit. In 2006, the company
produced 2.88 million tons of steel products, 58% of which
was sold in China's south-west. 

    For the rating report summary, please visit
http://www.xinhuafinance.com/creditrating .

    Note to Editors:

    About Xinhua Far East China Ratings

    Xinhua Far East China Ratings (Xinhua Far East) is a
pioneering venture in China that aims to rank credit risks
among corporations in China. It is a strategic alliance
between Xinhua Finance (TSE Mothers: 9399), and Shanghai
Far East Credit Rating Co., Ltd. Shanghai Far East became a
Xinhua Finance partner company in 2003 and the first China
member of The Association of Credit Rating Agencies in Asia
in December 2003.

    Capitalizing on the synergy between Xinhua Finance and
Shanghai Far East, Xinhua Far East's rating methodology and
process blend unique local market knowledge with
international rating standards. Xinhua Far East is
committed to provide investors with independent, objective,
timely and forward-looking credit opinions on Chinese
companies. It aims to help investors differentiate the
credit risks among the corporations in China, thereby,
cultivating their awareness and promoting information
disclosures and transparency in China market. For more
information, see http://www.xfn.com/creditrating .

    About Xinhua Finance Limited

    Xinhua Finance Limited is China's premier financial
information and media service provider and is listed on the
Mothers Board of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (symbol: 9399)
(OTC ADRs: XHFNY). Bridging China's financial markets and
the world, Xinhua Finance serves financial institutions,
corporations and re-distributors through five focused and
complementary service lines: Indices, Ratings, Financial
News, Investor Relations, and Distribution. Founded in
November 1999, the Company is headquartered in Shanghai,
with offices and news bureaus spanning 14 countries

    For more information, please visit
http://www.xinhuafinance.com . 

    About Shanghai Far East Credit Rating Co., Ltd

    Shanghai Far East Credit Rating Co., Ltd. is the first
and leading professional credit rating company with
comprehensive business coverage in China. It is an
independent agency established by the Shanghai Academy of
Social Sciences with the mission to develop internationally
accepted standards for capital market in China. The company
is a pioneer in conducting bond-rating business in China.
For years, it has been authorized by the Shanghai branch of
the PBOC to undertake loan certificate credit rating.

    Since establishment, it has rated over 1,000 corporate
long-term bonds and commercial papers, based on the
principles of objectivity, fairness and independence. The
company has also maintained over 50% market share in the
loan certificate-rating sector in Shanghai for three
consecutive years. With its strong local presence and
knowledge, it provides investors with unique and the most
insightful credit opinion. For more information, see
http://www.fareast-cr.com .

    For more nnformation, please contact: 

    Hong Kong
     Joy Tsang
     Corporate & Investor Communications Director
     Xinhua Finance
     Tel:   +852-3196-3983, +86-21-6113-5999,
     Email: joy.tsang@xinhuafinance.com

    Scott Zhang
     Tel:   +86-21-6113-5996
     Email: scott.zhang@xinhuafinance.com

     Taylor Rafferty (IR/PR Contact in US)
     Mr. John P. Dudzinsky
     Tel:   +1 212 889 4350
     Email: xinhuafinance@taylor-rafferty.com

Praxair Begins New Plant Operation in Guangzhou
May 30, 2007

    SHANGHAI, May 30 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Praxair (China)
Investment Co., Ltd has started up a new 400-tons-per-day
air separation plant for LianZhong (GZ) Stainless Steel
Corp (LianZhong) in Guangzhou, South China.  LianZhong will
produce 800,000 tons per year of stainless steel to meet the
growing demands of the Chinese market. 

   The new Praxair plant, located in Guangzhou Economic and
Technology Development Zone, will supply high volumes of
high purity oxygen, nitrogen and argon to LianZhong via
pipeline.  The facility will also provide a supply of
merchant liquid products to other customers in the region.

    With five other large air separation plants already in
operation in Shaoguan and Huizhou, this sixth air
separation plant pushes Praxair's total investment in
Guangdong Province to over $100 million.  Praxair further
strengthens its position as the largest industrial gases
supplier in the region with unparalleled resources for
reliable supply of industrial gases.

    The supply to LianZhong also expands Praxair' customer
portfolio.  It is the first supply to the stainless steel
sector and the 26th large-scale project Praxair has built
in China.  Praxair is committed to serving China's fast
growing economy as its developing infrastructure demands
increased production from basic materials to electronics

    Commenting on the new plant, Mr. David Chow, Praxair
China president, said, "We have quickly and
successfully grown our business in southern China by
delivering fully integrated products and services to our
customers. The new plant broadens our already diversified
customer base and positions us for even further growth in
the region.  This is a testimony to the capabilities of
Praxair and a practical demonstration of what we can
achieve with the support of our customers and local

   The new plant is a continuation of series of new
investments in China by Praxair.  Other recent
announcements of a 3,000-tons-per day plant for a
gasification process and a new facility for a semiconductor
fab in Shanghai are some of the projects in Praxair's
current investment pipeline.

    About LianZhong (Guangzhou) Stainless Steel
Invested by Taiwan-based Yieh United Steel Corp, Lianzhong
(Guangzhou) Stainless Steel Corporation (LISCO) is a large
scale, modern integrated stainless steel production
enterprise approved by the State Council.  Designed with
the world' s most advanced cutting edge technology, LISCO
will be the first and best-integrated stainless steel
manufacturer in the Southern China. The plant will have
melting shop, continuous slab caster, hot strip mill and
cold rolling mill.  LISCO Project meets the strong demand
of economic growth in the area and will keep clean
production method to protect the environment.  Its design
has been granted as one of the Key Engineering Projects of
Guangdong Province in 2005 and also been listed as the
Encouraging Projects of State. 

    About Yieh United Steel Corporation (YUSCO)

    Yieh United Steel Corporation (YUSCO) was founded in
December 1988.  With total investment exceeding 40 billion
N.T. Dollars, YUSCO is the largest integrated stainless
steel mill in Southeast Asia and the world seventh largest
stainless steel producer.  The company is based in
Kaohsiung County, Southern Taiwan. 

    About Praxair China

    Praxair China, a subsidiary of Praxair, Inc., is a
leading global industrial gases supplier in China, serving
a diverse group of industries through the production, sale,
distribution and value-added application of industrial
gases.  With over 1000 employees across the country,
Praxair China, headquartered in Shanghai, operates 13
wholly owned companies and 11 joint ventures.  More
information on Praxair China is available on the Internet
at http://www.praxair.com.cn . 

    About Praxair

    With 27,000 employees and operations in more than 30
countries, Praxair, Inc. (NYSE: PX) is a global Fortune 500
company.  Praxair is the largest industrial gases company in
North and South America, and one of the largest worldwide,
with 2006 sales of $8.3 billion.  The company produces,
sells and distributes atmospheric and process gases and
high performance surface coatings. Praxair products,
services and technologies bring productivity and
environmental benefits to a wide variety of industries,
including aerospace, chemicals, food and beverage,
electronics, energy, healthcare, manufacturing, metals and
others.  More information on Praxair in available on the
internet at http://www.praxair.com .

    For more information, please contact:

     Li Zhenmin 
     Director, Product Management and Marketing
     Praxair (China) Investment Co., Ltd. 
     Tel:   +86-21-2894-7000 
     Fax:   +86-21-5888-2301 
     Email: zhengmin_li@praxair.com 

Message From Dr Henk Bekedam, WHO Representative in China
May 30, 2007


    BEIJING, May 30 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- World No Tobacco
Day 2007 is an urgent reminder that tobacco is a major
health challenge in China -- a country that has one third
of the world's smokers.

http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/20061102095006-51.jpg )

    The warning bells are ringing on China's tobacco

    Nearly 350 million people smoke in China. 50 percent of
those who do not smoke are exposed to harmful smoke from
other people's cigarettes.

    China is the world's biggest producer of tobacco with
one third of the world's tobacco leaf production and one
third of the world's cigarette manufacturing output. 
    Tobacco use in China is socially and economically
    Smoking contributes heavily to China's burden of
disease, costing over $5 billion annually.

    The death toll from diseases associated with tobacco is
around one million Chinese annually, a figure that is
expected to increase to 2.2 million per year by 2020 if
smoking rates remain unchanged.

    Tobacco is a driving force in the rising epidemic of
chronic diseases in China, placing increasing pressure on
China's health system.

    The Chinese Government has declared itself ready to
take on the tobacco fight and has ratified the Framework
Convention on Tobacco Control - the international WHO
treaty that aims to wage war against smoking and
tobacco-related illnesses. 

    Now China needs to implement comprehensive measures
that will change people's behaviour and lead to fewer
people smoking.

    Increasing tobacco taxes is a clear win-win situation
for China. Despite a fall in the number of people smoking,
higher taxes mean the Government's revenue will rise and
there will be a fall in smoking-related health costs,
diseases and deaths.

    Raising tobacco taxes needs to be complemented by other
measures that further reduce the demand for tobacco - such
as banning cigarette advertising strong warnings on the
labels of tobacco products, and moving towards smoke-free

    Ultimately, China needs to enact national laws that set
the standard for tobacco control for the entire country and
are clear, strong and enforceable.

    The 2008 Olympics will be a once-in-a-lifetime
opportunity to in China's tobacco fight.  China has
committed to a smoke-free Olympics. Delivering on this will
send a powerful message and generate momentum for a
sustained long-term campaign.

    Fighting tobacco is not easy, especially when there is
a state monopoly on tobacco production.  There will always
be huge opposition to tobacco control in China.  Political
commitment is needed across every element of the Chinese

    WHO looks forward to supporting the Chinese government
in its ongoing tobacco fight.

    More information about World No Tobacco Day is
available at

    For more information, please contact:

     Joanna Brent, 
     Communications Team Leader,
     WHO China
     Tel:    +86-10-6532-7189 x681 
     Mobile: +86-1391-120-5176
Altair Engineering Unveils Breakthrough On-Demand Computing Business Model
May 30, 2007

New Software Strategy is First to Tackle Challenges of
Multi-Core Licensing, Enabling Broader Adoption of Grid,
Utility and On-Demand Computing

    TOKYO, May 30 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- GRIDWORLD --
Altair Engineering unveiled today its new software business
model to enable the first on-demand computing software
environment that tackles the challenges of multi-core
processor licensing. In response to industry changes,
Altair's innovative and patented software licensing model
for PBS Professional(TM) allows users to only pay for what
they use, thus powering a pure on-demand computing

    Over the past several years, designers of
microprocessors have begun building two or more processors
into a single package, introducing multi-core technology --
and a challenge to software companies worldwide. Software
vendors have continued to implement outdated and inflexible
licensing models, limiting customer value and the adoption
of grid and on-demand computing. In response to industry
and customer demands, Altair has developed its innovative
software licensing model that allows customers to enable
their entire enterprise infrastructure to be shared
globally while only paying for actual usage of software

    This industry changing licensing model is released in
conjunction with PBS Professional 9.0, a workload
management software platform essential in powering grid and
on-demand computing environments. PBS is the most widely
implemented software environment for grid, on-demand and
cluster computing worldwide.

    "Multi-core technology like the forthcoming
Quad-Core AMD Opteron(TM) processor code-named 'Barcelona'
will deliver significant value to customers in the form of
superior performance-per-watt and virtualization
capabilities. But unfortunately some software vendors have
not yet optimized their applications for multi-core
processors and many struggle with how to license their
products," said David Rich, director, High Performance
Computing, AMD. "Altair's new licensing model allows
customers to immediately realize maximum value from their
AMD multi-core processors and plays a catalyst role in
moving the industry towards greater adoption of innovative
technologies like Grid-, utility- and on-demand-

    The PBS Professional licensing system enables a single
on-demand computing environment that includes the following
key benefits:

    1. Users only pay for what they use where customers can
       their entire infrastructure but only pay for
concurrent usage
       of licenses;

    2. Flexible software licenses that can dynamically
float across
       enterprise computing resources, even geographically
       systems to meet changing needs of users; 

    3. A single on-demand computing environment that
       schedules applications onto multi-core based
       maximizing return on computing capital investments;

    4. New simplified pricing offered at $13.50 per
       license (North American pricing), or about one
quarter the
       cost of previous pricing, delivers significantly
greater value
       to customers. 

    "Altair is excited to serve as an industry leader
in providing customers what they have been demanding, and
in enabling a true on-demand computing environment,"
said Altair President and CEO James R. Scapa.  "This
is a preview to our vision of how PBS Professional will be
the key enabling technology for the future of on-demand

    Altair partners and resellers will benefit from the new
licensing model by being able to deliver greater application
value to their customers. PBS Professional 9.0 is available
immediately with the new licensing model. For more
information, visit http://www.altair.com/pbs9 .  

    About Altair Engineering

    Altair Engineering, Inc. powers on-demand computing and
innovation for customers worldwide. The company's products
and services strengthen client innovation and
decision-making through technology that optimizes the
analysis, management and visualization of business and
engineering information. Privately held with more than
1,200 employees, Altair has offices throughout North
America, South America, Europe and Asia/Pacific. With a
20-year-plus track record for product design, advanced
engineering software and on-demand computing technologies,
Altair consistently delivers a competitive advantage to
customers in a broad range of industries. To learn more,
please visit http://www.altair.com .

    For more information, please contact:

     Brad Rutledge
     Tel:   +1-801-824-6218
     Email: brad@rutledgeconsultinggroup.com 

     Andrea Bingham
     Tel:   +1-801-420-8812
     Email: andrea@rutledgeconsultinggroup.com 

Canadian Solar Signs a 45 Million Euro Annual Sales Contract and Breaks Ground of a 250 MW Module Facility in Changshu, China
May 30, 2007

    JIANGSU, China, May 30 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Canadian
Solar Inc. ("the Company", or "CSI")
(Nasdaq: CSIQ) today announced it has concluded a 2007
annual sales contract worth 45 million Euro with a leading
German customer. CSI has already started to deliver to this
contract in March, before official signing, due to immediate
demand for the products. 

    Concurrently CSI held a ground breaking ceremony for
the new 250 MW module manufacturing facility for its plant
in Changshu, China, located about 100 km west from
Shanghai. The first phase of the new facility is 20,000
square meter in area and is expected to be completed by
November of 2007. When finished, the first phase facility
will have a module production capacity of 250 MW. 
Construction is expected to start in June after receiving
final building permits.

    Dr. Shawn Qu, CEO of CSI, said, "We continue to
execute our business expanding strategy as planned in order
to support our customers' demands and forecasts. Our
insistence on quality products and services is paying off.
The strong demand we are seeing exemplifies CSI
management's strategies of branding CSI as Tier-One in
quality and to form long-term partnership with Tier-One
distributors in every geographic market.  This annual
contract, with firm pricing and delivery schedules until
the end of year, serves as another example of such a
partnership which brings business security and visibility
to both CSI and its customers."

    About Canadian Solar Inc. (Nasdaq: CSIQ) 

    Founded in 2001, Canadian Solar Inc. (CSI) is a
vertically integrated manufacturer of solar cell, solar
module and custom-designed solar application products
serving worldwide customers.  CSI is incorporated in Canada
and conducts all of its manufacturing operations in China. 
Backed by years of experience and knowledge in the solar
power market and the silicon industry, CSI has become a
major global provider of solar power products for a wide
range of applications.  For more information, please visit
http://www.csisolar.com .

    Safe Harbor/Forward-Looking Statements

    Certain statements in this press release including
statements regarding expected future financial and industry
growth are forward-looking statements that involve a number
of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results
to differ materially. These statements are made under the
"Safe Harbor" provisions of the U.S. Private
Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. In some cases,
you can identify forward-looking statements by such terms
as "believes," "expects,"
"anticipates," "intends,"
"estimates," the negative of these terms, or
other comparable terminology. Factors that could cause
actual results to differ include general business and
economic conditions and the state of the solar industry;
governmental support for the deployment of solar power;
future shortage or availability of the supply of
high-purity silicon; demand for end-use products by
consumers and inventory levels of such products in the
supply chain; changes in demand from significant customers,
including customers of our silicon materials sales; changes
in demand from major markets such as Germany; changes in
customer order patterns; changes in product mix; capacity
utilization; level of competition; pricing pressure and
declines in average selling price; delays in new product
introduction; continued success in technological
innovations and delivery of products with the features
customers demand; shortage in supply of materials or
capacity requirements; availability of financing; exchange
rate fluctuations; litigation and other risks as described
in the Company's SEC filings, including its registration
statement on Form F-1 originally filed on October 23, 2006,
as amended. Although the Company believes that the
expectations reflected in the forward looking statements
are reasonable, it cannot guarantee future results, level
of activity, performance, or achievements. You should not
place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements.
All information provided in this press release is as of
today's date, unless otherwise stated, and CSI undertakes
no duty to update such information, except as required
under applicable law.

    For more information, please contact:

    In Jiangsu, P.R. China                  
     Bing Zhu, Chief Financial Officer       
     Canadian Solar Inc.                     
     Tel:   +86-512-6269-6755                 
     Email: ir@csisolar.com                         

    In the U.S.
     David Pasquale
     The Ruth Group
     Tel:   +1-646-536-7006
     Email: dpasquale@theruthgroup.com

Montage Technology Adds New Executive Vice President
May 30, 2007

    SANTA CLARA, Calif., May 30 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ --
Montage Technology Group, a key supplier of critical
silicon solutions, and leading provider of digital TV and
memory interface logic solutions, today announced that Mr.
Desi Rhoden has joined the company as Executive Vice

    "Desi's long history of successes in semiconductor
technology and standards development, combined with his well
known tenacity for forward progress, will help take Montage
to the forefront of the semiconductor industry," said
Dr. Howard Yang, Chairman and CEO of Montage Technology.
"We are pleased to welcome Desi to our team, where he
will play a key role in establishing Montage as a market

    Mr. Rhoden is a seasoned veteran in the semiconductor
industry with over 20 years experience in a broad range of
areas including memory and high performance systems.  He is
Chairman of the JEDEC JC-42 Memory Committee and the past
Chairman of the Board for JEDEC, the world leader in
standards and technology development for the semiconductor
industry. Mr. Rhoden's involvement in JEDEC has continued
for over 20 years throughout his other positions in the
industry. Prior to joining Montage, Mr. Rhoden served as
Executive VP for Inphi Corporation concentrating on
business development, helping take the company from unknown
to a leadership position.  Previously he was President/CEO
of Advanced Memory International Inc. (AMI2), where he
coordinated the industry wide infrastructure development
and promotion of standard memory technologies including
PC133, DDR, and DDR2.  Methodologies developed in AMI2
continue as standard industry practice today.  Before
leading AMI2, Mr. Rhoden was a Fellow at VLSI Technology
where he held several management positions as well, and
prior to joining VLSI, he was a Scientist at Hewlett
Packard.  He continues to serve on the EIA (Electronic
Industries Alliance) Board of Governors where he represents
JEDEC and the semiconductor industry.  Mr. Rhoden has
Bachelors and Masters Degrees in Electrical Engineering
from Colorado State University.

    About Montage Technology

    Montage Technology is a leading fabless IC design
company with operations in both Shanghai and Silicon
Valley. By combining its expertise in advanced
mixed-signal, RF and DSP technologies, Montage develops and
delivers high-performance, low-power IC solutions that
enable new applications in digital enterprise and digital
home. Additional information about Montage Technology is
accessible at http://www.montage-tech.com .

    For more information, please contact:

     Lucia Luo
     Montage Technology
     Tel:   +86-21-5169-6833 x839
     Fax:   +86-21-5426-3130
     Email: lucia.luo@montage-tech.com

アルプス社、ルートビデオ共有サービス「ALPSLAB video(アルプスラボビデオ)」(β版)を公開

作品を公開・共有できる『ALPSLAB video』(β版)を公開

 株式会社アルプス社(最高執行責任者:池上充宏、本社:愛知県名古屋市、以下アルプス社)は、地図とビデオ動画の融合をテーマにしたルートビデオ共有サービス、『ALPSLAB video(アルプスラボビデオ)』を本日公開いたします。

 本日「ALPSLAB」において、公開を開始しました『ALPSLAB video』は、ユーザー自身が撮影したビデオとルート情報を同期させて作成した動画を、ブログやWEBページに貼り付けることができる新サービスです。車・鉄道などのビデオ動画とそのルートや、店舗や観光地などへの案内映像とそのルートなど、さまざまなコンテンツの作成、共有が可能となります。

 『ALPSLAB video』の特長は、以下の通りです。


 また、今後もユーザーの皆さまからのご要望・ご指摘などを反映し、『ALPSLAB video』を応用したルート案内機能や、表現方法のさらなる工夫、対応ビデオサイトの拡張など、機能改善、拡張を行っていく予定です。

■『ALPSLAB video』 http://video.alpslab.jp/
■『ALPSLAB』 http://www.alpslab.jp/
■株式会社アルプス社 http://www.alpsmap.co.jp/




アドベントネット、統合アプリケーション管理ツール「Applications Manager」日本語版を発売

- 「ManageEngine Applications Manager」 のEnterprise Editionも日本語化 -

 アドベントネット株式会社(代表取締役:山下 義人、本社:横浜市)は、統合アプリケーション管理ツール「AdventNet ManageEngine Applications Manager」の「Enterprise Edition」 も日本語化し、本日、出荷を開始します。

 AdventNet ManageEngine Applications Manager (以下、Applications Manager ) は、Web アプリケーション、Web サーバ、アプリケーションサーバ、データベース、サービスなど、さまざまなビジネスアプリケーションをリモートから統合管理するツールです。企業のシステムやネットワークの管理者がアプリケーションシステムの状態を的確に把握し、予防保守や障害対応を適切に実施できるよう支援します。Applications Manager には2つのEditionがあり、大規模ネットワーク向けの「Enterprise Edition」では、これまで英語版のみの販売でした。今回、日本語化を完了し、すでに日本語化されている「Professional Edition」とともに、「リリース7.3」 として出荷を開始します。Applications Manager 7.3では、WebSphere (日本語版v6) 監視のサポート、フェイルオーバ機能 (Enterprise Editionのみ) の追加などのエンハンスが行われ、サーバやアプリケーションの管理者にとって大変便利なツールになっています。

ManageEngine Applications Manager 7.3 情報

ManageEngine Applications Manager 7.3 評価版ダウンロード

 Applications Managerは、ネットワークに接続されたアプリケーションシステムに対するリモート監視機能、ディスカバリ機能、可用性/状態/性能/障害管理機能、レポート機能などを装備しています。また、ユーザが開発したカスタムアプリケーションも管理可能です。障害管理機能では、アプリケーションで発生した障害を通知するアラートを生成し、管理者にいち早く通知します。アラートには、電子メールやショートメッセージによる通知、SNMPトラップの送信、コマンド実行などのアクションを設定することができます。このような豊富な機能により、管理者のスキルに依存せず、一様かつ高度なレベルのビジネスアプリケーションの管理やTCO削減を実現することができます。主な監視対象は、関連資料のとおりです。

 Applications Manager 7.3 の主な新機能は、次のとおりです。
 ・ Java ランタイム監視 (JDK1.5以上のJavaアプリケーションの JVM パフォーマンス監視)
 ・ WebLogic Integration 監視
 ・ ファイルシステム監視
 ・ フェイルオーバ機能 (Enterprise 版)
 ・ スクリプト監視の機能追加 - 出力ファイル中の表形式統計のサポート
 ・ Oracle監視の機能追加 - 監視項目追加 (セッション待ち、バッファ取得、ディスク読み込み)
 ・ WebSphere (日本語版v6) 監視
 ・ DB2(日本語版 8.x) 監視
 ・ IIS監視の機能追加 - 監視項目追加 (Webサイト統計)
 ・ JMX / SNMP 実装のカスタムアプリケーションの管理
 ・ アラート履歴レポート (PDF出力) の追加
 ・ リアルタイムの可用性およびステータスのレポートの追加
 ・ Windows 2000 でのWindows パフォーマンスカウンタの監視
 ・ JSON Feedのサポート(イントラネットで監視グループと監視ステータスの情報を取得および表示するため)

OS: Windows 2000 Server、Windows Server 2003、Windows 2000 Professional、Windows XP
    Linux ( Redhat Linux 8.0、9.0、AS 2.1 / 3 / 4、ES 2.1 / 3 / 4、またはDebian)

 * 関連資料 参照

 米国AdventNet, Inc.(本社:カリフォルニア州)は、ネットワーク管理を核にソフトウエア製品の開発・販売を行い、ノーテルネットワークス、シスコシステムズ、エリクソン、ルーセント・テクノロジーなど世界1,200社以上の有力企業に採用され、ネットワーク管理のOEM市場で、デファクト・スタンダードとして認知されています。
 アドベントネット株式会社は、米国 AdventNet, Inc.が開発・製造したネットワーク管理関連製品、企業向けIT運用管理製品やソリューションパッケージの日本市場への導入とサポート、コンサルテーションなどを行っています。

■ お客様からのお問合せ先:
 アドベントネット株式会社 営業部
 japan-sales@adventnet.com  TEL: 045-444-3881

■ URL :







 「はずれ」が出てもダブルチャンスとして、後日抽選で「バッテリー」全6巻(原作者 あさのあつこ氏(岡山生まれ、在住)サイン入)をプレゼントいたします。

 条  件:30万円以上ご購入いただいたお客さま

 条  件:新規または増額で30万円以上預入いただいたお客さま

 条  件:新規または増額で30万円以上預入いただいたお客さま



 プレゼント内容:「バッテリー」全6巻(原作者 あさのあつこ氏 サイン入)




東京湾クルージング シンフォニー

 ◇フランス料理/Sセット・Aセット・シェフおすすめセット 10,000~21,000円(6/4~9/2まで)
 ◇フランス料理/Sセッ・Aセット 16,000~21,000円(ディナー・サンセット限定6/4~9/2まで)

 ◇クルージング・ブッフェ(バイキング料理) 5,000~8,000円(6/4~9/2まで)

 ◇ビアクルーズ 4,000・5,000円(サンセット・ディナー限定7/21~9/2まで)

 900キロカロリー夏メニューとアルパの音楽、アロマ体験で過ごす「癒しの水曜日」 ◇シーリングクルーズ 9,000円(6/27、7/18)
 ◇東京湾大パノラマクルーズ サンシャインコース 6,500・8,000円(8/2~31月~金、8/11、12)
 ◇東京湾大パノラマクルーズ トワイライトコース 10,000~13,000円(8/6~15※除く8/11)
 ◇クルーズ&ミュージック 12,000円(8/16、17)










以 上



学研、ニンテンドーDSソフト「学研DS 新TOEIC テスト完全攻略」を8月に発売

「学研DS 新TEOIC(R)テスト完全攻略」
2007年8月30日 発売予定

 株式会社 学習研究社(東京・大田、遠藤洋一郎社長、以下 学研)では、人気のゲーム機「ニンテンドーDS」対応ソフトの第2弾として、「学研DS 新TOEIC(R)テスト完全攻略」を8月に発売いたします。




 ☆想定ユーザー :TOEICテスト受験者

  発売元   :株式会社 学習研究社
  販売ルート :主要ゲーム販売店

■製品名:『学研DS 新TEOIC(R)テスト完全攻略』(税込標準価格 3,990円)

【 商品概要 】

【 商品内容 】





 ・USBミキシング・スタジオ 『MW12CX』  オープンプライス  
 ・USBミキシング・スタジオ 『MW12C』   オープンプライス 
 ・USBミキシング・スタジオ 『MW8CX』   オープンプライス  
 ・USBミキシング・スタジオ 『MW10C』   オープンプライス 



品名       USBミキシング・スタジオ
品番       MW12CX / MW12C / MW8CX / MW10C 
希望小売価格 オープンプライス
発売日      2007年6月25日 



 今回発売する≪New MWシリーズ≫の4品番は、現行の≪MWシリーズ≫の後継モデルとなります。1個のノブを回すだけで入力ソースに適した音楽的な設定が得られるアナログコンプレッサー<1-knob Compressor>や、快適なモニタリング環境を実現する<MONITOR MIX>機能など、多彩な機能を新たに搭載。≪MWシリーズ≫の数多くのユーザーから寄せられた要望などを反映するとともに、当社ならではの最新の開発ノウハウを積極的に投入することで、更なる高音質化・高機能化・高操作性を図りました。 
 また、≪New MWシリーズ≫は、スタインバーグ社が当社の音楽制作機器用に特化して開発したDAWソフトウェア『Cubase AI4』をバンドル。シンセサイザー≪MOTIF XSシリーズ≫にも同梱されている高機能な同ソフトを組み合わせて使うことで、簡単なセットアップにより、高品位なデジタルレコーディングが可能になり、コンピュータ上での音楽制作が手軽に実現できる<ハードウェア+ソフトウェアのパッケージング・モデル>として、ミュージシャンやクリエイター、シンガー・ソングライター、エンジニア志向のユーザーなど、幅広い層の音楽制作活動を支援します。

 ≪New MWシリーズ≫は、12チャンネル入力の『MW12CX』『MW12C』、10チャンネル入力の『MW10C』、8チャンネル入力の『MW8CX』の4モデルをラインナップしています。さらに『MW12CX』『MW8CX』の2モデルには、世界中で高い評価を得ている当社独自のデジタルマルチエフェクト<SPX>を搭載。目的やニーズ、使用環境に応じてモデルを選ぶことができます。



 ヤマハ株式会社 CBXインフォメーションセンター 
 〒430-8650 浜松市中区中沢町10-1 
 TEL 053-460-1667 
 電話受付時間 10:00~18:00(月~金)

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