アルバワイヤレスネットワークス(本社:米国カリフォルニア州サニーベール、日本オフィス:東京都港区、代表取締役社長:杉本隆英 (以下アルバ)は、次期FOMA/無線LANデュアル端末FOMA「N902iL」に対して、相互接続性検証に取り組み、音声機能の飛躍的改善につながる各種機能の追加・対応を行っていることを発表した。
・WMM, TSpec, U-APSDをサポート
- クライアントと統合的に動作するQoS & CAC機能により、より良い音声品質を提供可能となります。
- 新標準U-APSDによるパワーセーブ機能により、端末バッテリーの長時間稼動を可能とします。
- 無線環境のブロードキャスト/マルチキャスト・パケットを排除
- ARPのユニキャスト化
- 通話数のハードリミットを追加し、音声品質を保証可能とします。
- ローミング端末向けに別途帯域を確保することが可能です。
尚WMM, TSpec, U-APSDは、ArubaOS 3.0にてサポートしていきます。他の機能は2.5.4.0(10/17出荷)にてサポート済みです。
尚、本発表にあたり、株式会社NTTドコモ ソリューションビジネス部長 澤田 寛氏より以下のとおり賛同コメントを頂いております。
NTTドコモ法人営業部門は、アルバワイヤレスネットワークスの提供する無線LANモビリティ・システムの「N902iL」対応を歓迎いたします。アルバワイヤレスネットワークスの無線LANモビリティ・システムは既存の有線LAN環境との整合性に優れ、セキュアな無線LAN環境を実現する無線LANシステムです。また無線IP電話の最適化に優れており、「N900iL」においてもNTTコミュニケーションズ(株)やユニアデックス(株)の提供するサービスやシステムに採用され、数多くの導入実績がございます。NTTドコモは、アルバワイヤレスネットワークスをはじめ各社の協力をもって、今後もIPテレフォニー『PASSAGE DUPLE(R)(パッセージ・デュプレ)』を展開してまいります。
【 Aruba Wirless Networks, Inc.について 】
Aruba Wireless Networks, Inc.は、モビリティ、セキュリティ、集中管理というITマネージャの上位3つの関心事を解決するモバイルエッジソリューションおよび画期的な新型のネットワークアーキテクチャを開発・製造・提供している、現在急成長中のエンタープライズインフラストラクチャ企業です。モバイルエッジにより、企業のネットワークの範囲を拡大、情報や音声サービスへのセキュアなアクセスをユーザが必要とする場所に提供し、大幅な経済的利益の向上を実現しています。昨今では音声とデータの混在ネットワークの導入として国内最大級の導入も実現し、豊富な実績と画期的なアーキテクチャおよびソリューションにより次世代のモビリティ時代を築きつつあります。モビリティを提供するために、アルバでは固定・モジュラー式のモビリティ・コントローラー、無線・有線アクセスポイント、高機能モビリティ・ソフトウェアセットなどの全製品を製造・販売しています。 株式非公開で、カリフォルニアのサニーベールに本拠を構えるアルバは、アメリカ、中東、ヨーロッパ、アジア太平洋および日本でビジネスを展開しております。詳しくは、アルバのサイト http://www.arubanetworks.co.jp または http://www.arubanetworks.com にアクセスしてください。
・「FOMA/フォーマ」、「PASSAGE DUPLE」は株式会社NTTドコモの登録商標です。
社名 株式会社大東銀行
本店所在地 福島県郡山市中町19番1号
創業 昭和17年8月18日
代表者 代表取締役社長 能勢秀幸
資本金 142億56百万円
店舗数 63店舗
* 関連資料 参照
株式会社クレディア 提携事業部 東京本部
TEL 03-6212-6271
社名 株式会社大東銀行
本店所在地 福島県郡山市中町19番1号
創業 昭和17年8月18日
代表者 代表取締役社長 能勢秀幸
資本金 142億56百万円
店舗数 63店舗
* 関連資料 参照
株式会社クレディア 提携事業部 東京本部
TEL 03-6212-6271
NEW YORK, April 19 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The Wolfsberg Group and The Clearing House Association L.L.C. today issued a statement endorsing measures to enhance the transparency of international wire transfers to promote the effectiveness of global anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing programs. The measures include both the development of an enhanced payment message format, which would include more detailed information about those conducting wire transfers in certain instances, as well as calling for the global adoption of basic messaging principles aimed at promoting good practice with respect to the payment system. Over the last 30 years, the world's banks have developed an efficient and effective international payment system. The smooth functioning of this system is vital to global financial stability. The steps outlined above will both better protect the integrity of the system and help ensure its continued efficient functioning. With the support of the global regulatory community and subject to acceptance by the membership of the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT), the co-operative supplying secure standardized messaging services and interface software, it is anticipated that an enhanced payment message format will be developed. The statement, including the messaging principles, is included below. Members of the Wolfsberg Group are ABN AMRO, Banco Santander Central Hispano, Bank of Tokyo - Mitsubishi UFJ, Barclays, Citigroup, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, HSBC, JPMorgan Chase, Societe Generale, and UBS. Members of The Clearing House Association L.L.C. are Bank of America, National Association; The Bank of New York; Citibank, N.A.; Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas; HSBC Bank USA, National Association; JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association; LaSalle Bank, National Association; UBS AG; U.S. Bank National Association; Wachovia Bank, National Association; and Wells Fargo Bank, National Association. Statement on Payment Message Standards We endorse the following actions to enhance transparency regarding parties to transactions in international payments. These actions will promote the effectiveness of risk-based programs designed to reduce vulnerabilities associated with financial intermediation and enable banks to avoid the use of their facilities by individuals and organizations that the banks would not accept as their own customers, including, most particularly, those engaged in money laundering, terrorist financing or transactions in violation of relevant sanctions. These actions are: (i) the creation of a new or enhanced SWIFT payment message format for third-party cover payments that enables information regarding the originator and the beneficiary to be included; and (ii) the adoption of certain basic payment message standards within the banking industry. With the support of the global regulatory community, and assuming acceptance by the SWIFT membership, it is anticipated that an appropriate message format change could be implemented as early as November 2008. The four payment message standards that should be observed by all financial institutions are: -- Financial institutions should not omit, delete or alter information in payment messages or orders for the purpose of avoiding detection of that information by any other financial institution in the payment process. -- Financial institutions should not use any particular payment message for the purpose of avoiding detection of information by any other financial institution in the payment process. -- Subject to all applicable laws, financial institutions should cooperate as fully as practicable with other financial institutions in the payment process when requested to provide information about the parties involved. -- Financial institutions should strongly encourage their correspondent banks to observe these principles. The major financial institutions that have developed and will observe these standards will also strongly encourage their correspondent banks to observe them. To be successful, however, this initiative must necessarily involve the public and private sectors. The effectiveness of these standards requires adherence by the financial institutions originating payment messages and encouragement of their adherence by their regulators. For more information, please contact: Media contacts: For the Wolfsberg Group David Bagley, Co-Chair Tel: +44-20-7991-8645 Email: davidbagley@hsbc.com Philipp von Turk, Co-Chair Tel: +1-212-464-1226 Email: philipp.von.turk@jpmorgan.com Media contacts: For The Clearing House Association L.L.C. Greg Berardi Tel: +1-415-239-7826, Mobile: +1-415-672-2377 Email: greg@bluemarlinpartners.com Chip Savidge Tel: +1-212-613-9896 Mobile: +1-917-576-0957 Email: chip.savidge@theclearinghouse.org
HAMILTON, Bermuda, April 19 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- W.P. Stewart & Co., Ltd. will announce earnings results for the first quarter 2007 on Thursday 3rd May 2007 in a press release that will be issued at 8:00 a.m. (EDT). The press release also will be available on the Company's website at http://www.wpstewart.com . In conjunction with the first quarter earnings release, William P. Stewart, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, will be hosting a conference call at 9:15 a.m. (EDT). Complete details to participate in the conference call are as follows: What: W.P. Stewart & Co., Ltd.'s First Quarter 2007 Earnings Release When: 3rd May 2007 9:15 a.m. (EDT) - 10:00 a.m. (EDT) How: By teleconference, dial: 1-800-922-9655 (within the United States) + 973-935-2407 (outside the United States) Password: "W.P. Stewart" or "8701547" Or: Visit our website at http://www.wpstewart.com and click on the Investor Relations tab for a link to the webcast (Minimum requirements to listen to the Internet broadcast: RealPlayer software and at least a 28.8 Kbps connection to the Internet. RealPlayer is downloadable at no charge on a trial basis from http://www.real.com/player. You should complete your download well in advance of the Internet broadcast. If you experience problems listening to the Internet broadcast, please send an e-mail to webcastsupport@tfprn.com.) The teleconference will be available for replay from Thursday 3rd May 2007 at 12:00 p.m. (EDT) through Friday 4th May 2007 at 5:00 p.m. (EDT). To access the replay, please dial 1-877-519-4471 (within the United States) or + 973-341-3080 (outside the United States). The PIN number for accessing this replay is 8701547. You will be able to access a replay of the Internet broadcast through Thursday 10th May 2007 on the Company's website at http://www.wpstewart.com. The Company will respond to questions submitted by e-mail following the conference. W.P. Stewart & Co., Ltd. is an asset management company that has provided research-intensive equity management services to clients throughout the world since 1975. The Company is headquartered in Hamilton, Bermuda and has additional operations or affiliates in the United States, Europe and Asia. The Company's shares are listed for trading on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: WPL) and on the Bermuda Stock Exchange (BSX: WPS). For more information, please visit the Company's website at http://www.wpstewart.com, or call W.P. Stewart Investor Relations (Fred M. Ryan) at + 441-295-8585 or e-mail to IRINFO@wpstewart.com.
HONG KONG, April 19 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- On 1st February 2007, global management and accounting outsourcing firm, TMF, took a major step in its Asia strategy to acquire two companies - Asian Financial Services Limited (AFS) and the client accounting and company secretarial businesses of Baker Tilly Hong Kong. The two organizations will merge to form the Hong Kong office, and regional headquarters of the TMF Group. This new office will fulfil the management and accounting needs of regional clients, from high net-worth individuals to fortune 500 companies. It will also bring TMF one step closer to becoming the sole provider of comprehensive global services. TMF has recently been enjoying a rapid rate of growth. This global management and accounting outsourcing firm has over 2,000 professionals working from 72 offices in 56 countries around the world. With established offices in Shanghai and Beijing, TMF is pursuing an aggressive growth strategy in Asia. Offices are planned in Singapore, Bangkok, Seoul and Tokyo in the coming months. For AFS, a merger with an important global firm represented a timely progression in its strategic plan. Since its incorporation five years ago AFS has grown rapidly, from a small start-up to a thriving firm of 20 employees and over 500 clients. Ken Deayton, the CEO of AFS, remarked "AFS becoming part of a truly global firm is the next logical step in growth and development." The merger was prompted by TMF's recognition of a gap in the market, a gap which evolved when the Big 4, along with other large international accounting practices, divested their corporate services divisions. This move created a need for a full range of services available on a truly global basis. TMF is determined to answer this call. To that end, TMF began the search for suitable local partners. Recognizing the synergy with the two dynamic companies, TMF initiated negotiations with AFS and Baker Tilly in the middle of 2006. The final agreements were signed in January and February of this year. Brian Jackson, Regional Director of TMF Asia, reported "We are very pleased to have completed phase one of our Asian strategy plan. We are looking forward to rapid growth for TMF Hong Kong." AFS will retain its name for a short period, until the two companies are relocated to one office. At that time, the whole company will be re-branded TMF Hong Kong Limited. In the meantime services will not be interrupted and AFS clients can now benefit from the international network of resources and comprehensive range of services. TMF is a global management and accounting outsourcing firm with 72 offices in 56 countries and over 2,000 professionals (February 2007). TMF is expanding rapidly throughout the world. Learn more about our unique network and our services and visit our website at www.tmf-group.com. Press Office and PR: Covatta Communications Ltd For more information, please contact: Amy Ling Tel: +852-3115-0123 Mobile: +852-9667-9762 Email: amy@covatta.net Rachel Muscat Tel: +852-3115-0125 Mobile: +852-9669-8272 Email: rachel@covatta.net Mary Covatta Tel: +852-2525-7488 Email: mary@covatta.net
- More Than 500,000 African Children Have a Once in a Lifetime Chance to Study and Train at ASPIRE Academy DOHA, Qatar, April 19 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The ASPIRE Academy in Qatar today launched an ambitious programme that will provide talented African students from seven nations with a chance to study and train in one of the world's most advanced sports Academies. ( Photo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070419/253693 ) "ASPIRE Africa. Football Dreams" was unveiled at a ceremony in Qatar today attended by legendary soccer star Pele. ASPIRE Africa. Football Dreams is the largest football talent search project in history and when testing starts at the end of May, six thousand staff will screen more than 500,000 boys born in 1994 in seven different countries across 700 locations. In the first phase the best 50 players from each country, identified in the selection process, will go for a week of trials in the capital city of their respective nations. The top three from each country will then come to ASPIRE for four weeks of trials and testing. From here, following a period of assessment and discussions with the families, the most talented players will be enrolled into the ASPIRE Academy. Dr. Andreas Bleicher, Sports Director at ASPIRE said: "This is an incredible opportunity for talented young African boys to reach the heights of international football in the future, as well as for ASPIRE's football players to be inspired in their daily training programme by outstanding international talents. This is a huge boost especially for the Qatari football talents as well. "Everyone in football is aware of the significant talent that exists in Africa, and also of the challenges that can prevent this talent reaching its full potential. ASPIRE will offer a new window of opportunity for those players who have the talent and dedication necessary to succeed at the highest levels of professional football." Through ASPIRE's scholarships, opportunities to study at the Academy have already been extended to talented students from countries as diverse as Ghana, Senegal, Comoros and Cameroon. ASPIRE Africa. Football Dreams is designed to take this process to the next level, according to Dr. Thomas Flock, Director General of ASPIRE: "This programme will become a recognised path to development for young African footballers. The youth football programme offered here is among the most advanced in the world, and successful applicants will have the chance to earn a place in the ASPIRE teams, receiving exposure to the international standards of talent and application we expect at the Academy." Each successful player will receive the full benefits and opportunities available as an ASPIRE student. They will live within the Academy, training and developing their skills, with the potential to grow into professional footballers. This African quest will initially visit seven nations in Africa, comprised of Algeria, Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal and South Africa. The project is endorsed and supported by the United Nations Office of Sport for Development and Peace. It is carried out in partnership with Bonus Sport Marketing (BSM), a recognised international football events company from Spain. ASPIRE Africa is an annual programme, with plans in place to extend the number of countries involved over the forthcoming years. To add to the impact of the programme, and to stimulate greater interest across the widest possible territory, the programme will be the subject of a special documentary broadcast by satellite television channel ART. Organisers and ASPIRE students were thrilled when the launch ceremony received a special guest in the form of Edson Arantes do Nascimento, best known by his nickname Pele, who was in Qatar on a private visit. Pele, FIFA Footballer of the Century and International Olympic Committee Athlete of the Century, said: "Investment in sports and talent development are vital for the health of world sport and Qatar has made a very important contribution through developing this programme. ASPIRE has grown significantly since my first visit here in 2005 and it is very exciting to see that it continues to develop through innovative programmes like ASPIRE Africa. Football Dreams." Photo caption: Pele, FIFA Footballer of the Century, at the launch of ASPIRE Africa. Football Dreams, which will test over 500,000 young African football players and offer them the chance of a place at the ASPIRE Academy for Sports Excellence, Doha. About ASPIRE ASPIRE, the Academy for Sports Excellence, is an elite facility that aims to identify, educate and train talented athletes to compete in professional sports at the highest levels. ASPIRE provides an exceptional learning environment, including full educational and recreational facilities, advanced dormitories, an amphitheatre, lecture halls, seven outdoor football training fields, and state-of-the-art weight rooms and physiotherapy. The Academy is distinguished by a philosophy which aims to develop the whole student, providing them with full academic and sports development so that they have the widest possible range of opportunities in adult life. ASPIRE TODAY, INSPIRE TOMORROW For more information, please contact: Edward Barnfield, General Manager WMC FZ - LLC P.O. Box 502281, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Tel: +971-4-390-1950 Fax: +971-4-367-2801 Mobile: +971-50-342-8240 Email: edward.barnfield@wallismc.com
SHANGHAI, China, April 19 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Xinhua Finance Limited and the Milken Institute today release the media update on the Chinese Initial Public Offering Indicator for March. March 2007: 244.5 February 2007: 232.0 Month-to-month change: 5.5% March 2006: 187.6 Year-to-year change: 30.3% Please visit http://www.xinhuafinance.com/en/charts/ipo_rpi/0704/ipo_chart_en.jpg to download the chart. Highlights China's stock markets continued to rise in March, despite slumps in late February; and the IPO Indicator reached an historic high at the end of the period, up 12.5 points, to 244.5 from the previous month's score of 232.0. Four equities were added to the indicator, which comprises small and medium-sized enterprises listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Analysis Of the ninety-two stocks included in the March indicator, nineteen declined in price, while seventy-one increased. The rise in the IPO Indicator score is attributable chiefly to gains in financial-sector stocks; the Bank of China (A share, 601988; H share, 3988), Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (A share, 601398; H share, 1398), and Industrial Bank (A share, 601166) together contributed to 58 percent of the increase in score. Given the large market-capitalization share of bank stocks in the indicator, the sector will continue to influence scores. In addition, energy and infrastructure equities, including China Coal (H share, 1898) and Daqin Railway (A share, 601006), showed ongoing strong performance. Two companies were removed from the indicator, and four newly listed companies were added. Methodology A stock's float-adjusted market capitalization over time forms the basis for indicator calculations. Stock dividends, stock splits, special dividends, share consolidations, repurchases, spin-offs, and combination stock distributions may trigger adjustments to the indicator values. Only companies incorporated and domiciled in mainland China that go public on the Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Hong Kong stock exchanges are included. Companies are removed from the indicator after a period of twelve months. Xinhua Finance/Milken Institute China Indicators The Xinhua Finance/Milken Institute China Indicators are aimed at providing investors, analysts, and financial professionals deeper insight into China's money and capital markets. Three of the eight indicators were launched in November 2006: the Renminbi Pressure Indicator, the Chinese IPO Indicator, and the Market Adjusted Debt (MAD) Indicator. The remaining indicators will be launched in 2007. Time Period Coverage and Frequency New companies are added to the indicator as soon as they are listed, while current companies are removed after twelve months. The IPO Indicator has a base date of December 31, 1997, when the indicator's value was set equal to 100, and covers the period from December 31, 1991, to the present. Values are calculated on a monthly basis. The indicator for each month is released in the third week of the following month. Sources of Data The real-time and historical trading data used in the construction of this indicator are provided by Bloomberg and Xinhua Finance; underlying information used to calculate the float ratio is obtained from a variety of sources, including Xinhua Finance's subsidiary Mergent, stock exchanges, regulators, and the companies themselves. Corporate actions are sourced from Xinhua Finance, regulatory filings, and news services. To view additional information, visit http://www.xinhuafinance.com/indicators and http://www.milkeninstitute.org/chinaindicators . Xinhua Finance Limited is China's unchallenged leader in financial information and media, and is listed on the Mothers board of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (symbol: 9399) (OTC ADRs: XHFNY). Bridging China's financial markets and the world, Xinhua Finance serves financial institutions, corporations and re-distributors through four focused and complementary service lines: Indices, Ratings, Financial News and Investor Relations. Founded in November 1999, the Company is headquartered in Shanghai with 20 news bureaus and offices in 19 locations across Asia, Australia, North America and Europe. For more information, please visit http://www.xinhuafinance.com . The Milken Institute is a nonprofit, independent economic think tank whose mission is to improve the lives and economic conditions of diverse populations around the world by helping business and public policy leaders identify and implement innovative ideas for creating broad-based prosperity. The Milken Institute has extensive expertise in China and conducts ongoing research on China's banking and capital markets. It is based in Santa Monica, Calif. For more information, please visit http://www.milkeninstitute.org . For more information, please contact: Xinhua Finance China Ms. Joy Tsang Tel: +86-21-6113-5999 or +852-948-64363 Email: joy.tsang@xinhuafinance.com Mr. Scott Zhang Tel: +86-21-6113-5996 Email: scott.zhang@xinhuafinance.com Japan Mr. Jiong Sun Tel: +813-3221-9500 Email: jsun@xinhuafinance.com Taylor Rafferty (Media contact for Xinhua Finance) Japan Mr. James Hawrylak Tel: +813-5733-2621 Email: James.hawrylak@taylor-rafferty.com United States Mr. John Dudzinsky Tel: +1-212-889-4350 Email: John.Dudzinsky@taylor-rafferty.com Europe Faisal Kanth Tel: +44-20-7614-2900 Email: Faisal.Kanth@taylor-rafferty.co.uk Milken Institute Ms. Jennifer Manfre Associate Director of Communications Tel: +1-310-570-4623 Email: jmanfre@milkeninstitute.org
SHANGHAI, China, April 19 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Xinhua Finance Limited and the Milken Institute today release the media update on the Renminbi Pressure Indicator. (Logo: http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/200611140926.gif ) Indicator Value Change January 2007 196.6 December 2006: 194.1 Month-to-month change: 1.33% January 2006: 177.8 Year-to-year change: 10.57% Please visit http://www.xinhuafinance.com/en/charts/ipo_rpi/0704/rpi_chart_en.jpg to download the chart. Highlights In January 2007, the Renminbi Pressure Indicator (RPI) increased by 1.33 percent, the largest month-to-month increase since the initial revaluation in July 2005. China's foreign exchange reserves rose to US$1.1 trillion. Analysis The gain in the RPI, from 194.1 to 196.6 over the previous month, was attributable to appreciation of the yuan and an increase in foreign exchange reserves, which increased nearly US$38.3 billion from December. The reserves increase was the highest month-to-month jump in absolute dollar amount. In percentage points, China's foreign exchange reserves represented the greatest gain since December 2004. The rate of yuan appreciation against the U.S. dollar accelerated to 0.40 percent, from 0.31 percent in December, while growth in China's foreign exchange reserves accelerated to 3.60 percent, from 2.67 percent. Of the 1.33 percent growth in RPI, the yuan appreciation accounted for a 0.13 percentage point increase, and growth in reserves contributed the remaining 1.20 percentage point increase. There was no change in domestic interest rates in January. (In February and March 2007, the rates of yuan appreciation against the dollar grew 0.47 and 0.07 percent, respectively. Interest rates increased by 0.27 percent in March.) Methodology The RPI is based on a monthly examination of the interaction between the following variables to compute overall cumulative exchange rate pressure: the percentage change in the spot exchange rate, the percentage change in foreign exchange reserves, and the change in domestic interest rates. The indicator measures the pressure on China's currency relative to the U.S. dollar. It is set equal to 100 on January 1, 2000. Increases in the RPI reflect appreciation pressure on the renminbi (RMB). Xinhua Finance/Milken Institute China Indicators The Xinhua Finance/Milken Institute China Indicators are aimed at providing investors, analysts, and financial professionals deeper insight into China's money and capital markets. Three of the eight indicators¨Dthe Renminbi Pressure Indicator, the Chinese IPO Indicator, and the Market Adjusted Debt Indicator¨Dwere launched in November 2006. Banking Strength Indicator and Adjusted Trade and Finance Indicator will be launched in April 2007. The remaining indicators will be launched in 2007. Time Period Coverage and Frequency The indicator covers the period from November 30, 1980, through January 2007. Data are available from the Milken Institute upon request. There will be a two- to four-month delay in reporting values for the indicator, depending on the release of information from authorities in China. Sources of Data The data used in the construction of the indicator are obtained from the International Monetary Fund, People's Bank of China, and State Administration of Foreign Exchange. To view additional information, visit http://www.xinhuafinance.com/indicators and http://www.milkeninstitute.org/chinaindicators . Xinhua Finance Limited is China's unchallenged leader in financial information and media, and is listed on the Mothers board of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (symbol: 9399) (OTC ADRs: XHFNY). Bridging China's financial markets and the world, Xinhua Finance serves financial institutions, corporations and re-distributors through four focused and complementary service lines: Indices, Ratings, Financial News and Investor Relations. Founded in November 1999, the Company is headquartered in Shanghai with 20 news bureaus and offices in 19 locations across Asia, Australia, North America and Europe. For more information, please visit http://www.xinhuafinance.com . The Milken Institute is a nonprofit, independent economic think tank whose mission is to improve the lives and economic conditions of diverse populations around the world by helping business and public policy leaders identify and implement innovative ideas for creating broad-based prosperity. The Milken Institute has extensive expertise in China and conducts ongoing research on China's banking and capital markets. It is based in Santa Monica, Calif. For more information, please visit http://www.milkeninstitute.org . For more information, please contact: Xinhua Finance China Ms. Joy Tsang Tel: +86-21-6113-5999 or +852-948-64363 Email: joy.tsang@xinhuafinance.com Mr. Scott Zhang Tel: +86-21-6113-5996 Email: scott.zhang@xinhuafinance.com Japan Mr. Jiong Sun Tel: +813-3221-9500 Email: jsun@xinhuafinance.com Taylor Rafferty (Media contact for Xinhua Finance) Japan Mr. James Hawrylak Tel: +813-5733-2621 Email: James.hawrylak@taylor-rafferty.com United States Mr. John Dudzinsky Tel: +1-212-889-4350 Email: John.Dudzinsky@taylor-rafferty.com Europe Faisal Kanth Tel: +44-20-7614-2900 Email: Faisal.Kanth@taylor-rafferty.co.uk Milken Institute Ms. Jennifer Manfre Associate Director of Communications Tel: +1-310-570-4623 Email: jmanfre@milkeninstitute.org
Bookmakers Ready for Punters to Shell Out GIBRALTAR, April 19 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- http://www.PartyBets.com is pleased to announce that it is offering odds on a `turtley' different kind of race. Forget the Grand National, the focus is now on the "The Great Turtle Race," which sees tracking devices attached to 11 female leatherback turtles to monitor them as they take their annual journey from Costa Rica to the Galapagos Islands in the Pacific Ocean. Their progress can be tracked on the web. The race, which is being held to highlight the plight of these beautiful creatures, which are the world's largest turtles, is already underway with Genevieve and Stephanie Colburtle the early joint 6/1 favourites. There is speculation that Genevieve is battle hardened from a run-in with a shark, while Stephanie Colburtle is said to be the largest turtle in the race. A PartyBets.com spokesman said: "We've had a number of enquiries from punters who are keen to shell out on a bet on which one of the swimmers has enough turtle power to reach the Galapagos. Darwin formed many of his theories of evolution on the famous islands and this survival of the fittest is bound to capture the imagination of many. There are no pizza breaks in this race, these are super turtles not ninja turtles." "Studying the form of the turtles is something we have never done before! Factors that were taken into account include condition, weight, speed and egg laying history. All are likely to be key to determining who the winner might be. It's not really a case of `they're under starters orders and they're off' with female leatherback turtles -- it is said they can grow to up to six feet and weigh over 2,000 pounds." The race is organized and sponsored by a variety of organizations and promotes a serious message. It is said that the female leatherback turtle population has shrunk from an estimated 115,000 in 1980 to around 43,000 today. http://www.PartyBets.com will settle results based on the official outcome. PARTYBETS.COM: WHO WILL WIN "THE GREAT TURTLE RACE?" Stephanie Colburtle 6/1 Genevieve 6/1 Turtleocity 7/1 Freedom 7/1 Saphira 8/1 Champiro 8/1 Billie 8/1 Purple Lightning 9/1 Windy 10/1 Sundae 16/1 Drexelina 16/1 PartyBets.com is a popular member of PartyGaming Plc's growing suite of online products that includes PartyPoker.com, PartyCasino.com, PartyBingo.com, PartyGammon.com, Gamebookers.com and EmpirePoker.com. For more information, please contact: Warren Lush PartyBets.com Email: warrenl@partygaming.com
PARIS, April 19 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Reed MIDEM, the Paris-based organizer of international exhibitions, today announces the launch of AMAZIA, the first pan-Asian, business-to-business exhibition and conference devoted to the creation and distribution of international entertainment content across all delivery platforms. AMAZIA will take place in Hong Kong in November, 2008. "AMAZIA will be a unique event. It will be the only multi-platform, content-driven market in the Asian region, bringing together in one place and at one time, the key Asian players and their international counterparts from the entertainment industry," says Reed MIDEM Chief Executive Officer, Paul Zilk. "AMAZIA will combine the best elements of our successful MIPTV featuring MILIA, MIPCOM, MIDEM television and music markets, along with other entertainment content industries such as games." "Our decision to bring together the most exciting elements of the entertainment content industry with the different distributors at a single event, reflects the evolution of the market, particularly in Asia, where the number of distribution platforms has dramatically increased. AMAZIA will offer these platforms a one-stop-shop to acquire content from the widest selection of providers possible," says Paul Zilk. Entertainment and media industries in Asia are expected to grow 10% per year until 2010 -- the fastest growth rate in the world and double the growth in the United States. Asia's entertainment and media markets are predicted to be worth $425 billion in 2010, compared to $330 billion this year. With Chinese entertainment and media showing 18% annual increases, China's entertainment business will reach $121.5 billion in 2009. Asian nations have also been particularly quick to innovate and adopt new technology. The region currently accounts for 50% of global 3G telephone subscribers and by 2010, Asia will represent more than 50% of the broadband internet market. The strength of the mobile telephone sector has had a beneficial effect on traditional entertainment sectors, particularly the recorded music industry. In the wake of declining revenues between 2001 and 2003, Asia's music market has been growing by over 7% per year since 2005, as the increase in mobile music has off-set the decline in physical distribution. AMAZIA will play host to Asian and international content creators and rights owners including television and film production and distribution companies, broadcasters, record companies, music publishers and distributors, live music specialists, mobile music services, online game platforms, as well as mobile operators, digital content providers, technology enablers, licensing and merchandising companies, advertising agencies and consumer brands that are looking to associate themselves with entertainment content. Participation in the first year is expected to be 70% from the Asian-Pacific countries and 30% from outside the region. For more information, please contact: Michael Williams Director of Press and Public Relations Reed MIDEM Tel: +33-1-4190-4933 Email: mike.williams@reedmidem.com Mobile: +33-6-2419-3657
Combination to satisfy growing demand for seamless coordination of press release distribution and regulatory filings NEW YORK, April 19 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- PR Newswire, the global leader in commercial news distribution, announced today its acquisition of Vintage Filings, LLC, one of the leading and fastest growing EDGAR filing companies in the United States. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to: http://www.prnewswire.com/mnr/prnewswire/27531/ (Logo: http://www.xprn.com/xprn/sa/200704191652.gif ) (Photo: http://www.xprn.com/xprn/sa/200704191651.jpg ) (Photo: http://www.xprn.com/xprn/sa/200704191649.jpg ) (Video: http://www.xprn.com/xprn/sa/200704191647.wmv ) (Photo: http://www.xprn.com/xprn/sa/200704191650.jpg ) (Video: http://www.xprn.com/xprn/sa/200704191648.wmv ) Vintage Filings, headquartered in New York, will become a division of PR Newswire and will continue to be led by Chief Executive Officer Shai Stern and President Seth Farbman. Vintage Filings will facilitate all electronic financial filings for PR Newswire's EDGAR Express customers. "Vintage Filings is a valued and trusted resource for the Fortune 500, mid-size and small cap public companies, and investment banking firms it serves, and is well known for providing superior and unmatched customer service around the clock, at highly competitive prices," said Charles Gregson, chief executive officer, PR Newswire. "Electronic and simultaneous delivery of information to all audiences -- the media, investors both institutional and retail, as well as regulatory organizations -- is increasingly important. Together, we will deliver all of these things." From distributing press releases, hosting webcasts and creating and disseminating XBRL documents to filing regulatory EDGAR documents with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and providing financial printing services, PR Newswire can help public companies comply with all facets of disclosure. Shai Stern, chief executive officer of Vintage Filings, said, "We are extremely pleased to join the PR Newswire family. With the largest distribution network to media and an unparalleled reach to investors, bolstered by an exclusive channel on Thomson Financial's First Call Network, PR Newswire will offer our customers the greatest opportunity for their financial news to reach critical audiences, wherever they are." Vintage Filings' President Seth Farbman stated, "We look forward to bringing our EDGAR, typesetting and financial printing experience and value to the PR Newswire family. Public companies will surely benefit from our combined expertise in electronic filing and simultaneous news distribution and webcasting services." The SEC created EDGAR -- an acronym for Electronic Data-Gathering, Analysis and Retrieval -- in 1993 and recently embarked on a $50 million upgrade of the web-based system in preparation for an expected upsurge in corporations furnishing interactive data. For its part, PR Newswire has been an active participant in a not-for-profit coalition, XBRL-U.S., working closely with the SEC on the development of a new interactive data standard known as eXtensible business reporting language (XBRL), an XML-based standard that permits the automatic exchange and reliable extraction of financial and business information across all software formats and technologies. "The acquisition of Vintage Filings was a natural outgrowth of the convergence of news dissemination, regulatory filings and interactive data," said Ira Krawitz, PR Newswire's newly appointed senior vice president of Investor Relations Services. "Together, PR Newswire and Vintage Filings will be able to offer public companies a one-stop-shop for all their disclosure and regulatory needs." Vintage Filings, LLC is a five-year old company with 65 full-time employees working at offices in New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. The company provides full-service filing capabilities, typesetting and financial printing to more than 1,000 public companies, mutual funds, investment management firms, law firms and individuals around the world, assisting them in meeting the EDGAR filing requirements of the SEC. PR Newswire is recognized as an established, secure means for listed companies around the world to meet disclosure regulations. The company and its subsidiaries are employed by thousands of corporations in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, France, The Netherlands, Ireland, Switzerland, China, Brazil and dozens of additional nations. In January, PR Newswire launched its TOD Wire, a service that facilitates listed companies' compliance with the new regulations required under the European Union's Transparency Obligations Directive (TOD), while also helping them satisfy best practices in communicating with institutional and retail investors across the EU. Additionally, PR Newswire provides news distribution services for companies throughout Asia, Latin America and the Middle East. PR Newswire also plays a critical role in educating the corporate, investor and regulatory communities around the world on issues of disclosure and transparency. About PR Newswire PR Newswire Association LLC ( http://www.prnewswire.com ) provides electronic distribution, targeting, measurement and broadcast services on behalf of tens of thousands of corporate, government, association, labor, non-profit, and other customers worldwide. Using PR Newswire, these organizations reach a variety of critical audiences including the news media, the investment community, government decision-makers, and the general public with their up-to-the-minute, full-text news developments. Established in 1954, PR Newswire has offices in 11 countries and routinely sends its customers' news to outlets in 135 countries and in more than 40 languages. Utilizing the latest in communications technology, PR Newswire content is considered a mainstay among news reporters, investors and individuals who seek breaking news from the source. PR Newswire's leading services include ProfNet Experts(SM), eWatch(TM), MEDIAtlas(TM), Search Engine Optimization, MediaRoom, MediaSense(TM), MultiVu(TM) and U.S. Newswire, the preeminent policy newswire in the industry. PR Newswire is a subsidiary of United Business Media plc of London. For more information, please contact: Rachel Meranus, Vice President Public Relations, PR Newswire Tel: +1-212-282-1929 Email: rachel.meranus@prnewswire.com
Thomson Scientific Publishes 'Who is Making The Biggest Splash?' - A Quarterly Review of Scientific Literature on Drugs and Therapies
GlaxoSmithKline Tops Charts for Third Quarter in a Row PHILADELPHIA, April 19 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Thomson Scientific, part of The Thomson Corporation (NYSE: TOC; TSX: TOC) and leading provider of information solutions to the worldwide research and business communities, today announced the release of its most recent quarterly review of scientific literature on drugs and therapies. "Who is Making the Biggest Splash?" was created to provide an objective assessment of how this tremendous volume of research is being received within the clinical community and to give expert measured insight into organizations that helped to shape professional opinions. This just published report covers the months from December 2006-February 2007. Findings are based on information compiled by the Thomson Message Mapping SystemSM which provides data to the pharmaceutical industry in real-time, evaluating specific drugs and therapies against competitors as new studies are being published. By applying proprietary algorithms to assess both the quantity and quality of scientific literature on drugs and therapies from the point of view of the practicing clinician, the Thomson Message Mapping SystemSM helps pharmaceutical companies measure the overall impact of published scientific information. "Our goal at Thomson Scientific is to provide not only the most comprehensive collection of scientific data available, but also to continually devise new ways for companies that operate in the scientific and healthcare industries to leverage that data in the most effective manner possible," said Lawrence Liberti, VP, General Manager, Thomson Pharmaceutical Services. "The international pharmaceutical industry is among the most prolific sponsors of scientific research. We at Thomson Scientific are assessing the quantity and quality of the materials published by pharmaceutical companies, research institutions and other non-commercial bodies to identify which organizations have made the biggest splash." Who Made the Biggest Splash this Quarter? Thomson Scientific's findings report that for the third straight quarter, GlaxoSmithKline made the biggest impact in scientific literature between December 2006 and February 2007, more than doubling the 53 identified in the previous quarter and maintaining a strong enough quality score to hold its rank of #1. Researchers affiliated with the firm issued 125 articles, abstracts or scientific posters between December 2006 and February 2007. The quality of those articles was enough to continue GlaxoSmithKline's prime position in terms of the impact it has made. Rounding out the top five were AstraZeneca, Merck, Pfizer and Eli Lilly. Big Pharma continued to feature prominently in the rankings: the first seven entries on the list are among the world's leading pharmaceutical companies. The quality of the literature backed by Schering, GlaxoSmithKline and Pfizer has been particularly high, with Thomson Source Scores of 80% or greater. Of note are the smaller, more focused companies that have also made their mark. While the volume of their publication activity was lower than that of Big Pharma, Sepracor achieved the highest average Thomson Source Scores for their publications of all the companies on our chart. *For a copy of the full report, including the methodology behind the findings, please visit: http://www.thomsonpharma.com//media/pdfs/tpqr/making-a-splash-0702.pdf About The Thomson Corporation The Thomson Corporation ( http://www.thomson.com ) is a global leader in providing essential electronic workflow solutions to business and professional customers. With operational headquarters in Stamford, Conn., Thomson provides value-added information, software tools and applications to professionals in the fields of law, tax, accounting, financial services, scientific research and healthcare. The Corporation's common shares are listed on the New York and Toronto stock exchanges (NYSE: TOC; TSX: TOC). Thomson Scientific is a business of The Thomson Corporation. Its information solutions assist professionals at every stage of research and development-from discovery to analysis to product development and distribution. Thomson Scientific information solutions can be found at scientific.thomson.com. For more information, please contact: Allison Hagan Thomson Scientific Tel: +1-215-823-1881 Email: allison.hagan@thomson.com
NEW YORK, April 19 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Mendis International, Inc. has announced that the world's first ultra-premium coconut brandy bottle of Mendis will be presented for sale for $1,000,000 USD. (Photo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070320/NYTU071 ) "To own the very first Johnnie Walker or Remy Martin bottle made would be an absolute dream for most fine spirits connoisseurs," says Chris Richardson, President and CEO of Mendis International. "We are very happy to be able to offer one person the chance to own this exclusive collector's bottle." For the purchaser, there is much more to the offering. Mendis will provide a First Class flight to the Maldives for a luxurious stay in a five-star resort. During the trip, an excursion to Sri Lanka will include a personal tour of the distillery by the founder of The House of Mendis, Mr. W.M. Mendis himself, who founded the distillery in 1948. At the tour's conclusion the $1,000,000 bottle, signed and numbered by Mr. W.M. Mendis, will be presented. A certificate of authenticity will be provided by The House of Mendis confirming that it is the first coconut brandy bottle of Mendis issued. To ensure that the return trip goes smoothly, Mendis will provide two security escorts to fly with the bottle to its final destination. Collectors and consumers can find more information about the Million Dollar Bottle and Mendis coconut brandy at: http://www.mendisbrandy.com About Mendis Coconut Brandy: Mendis coconut brandy is a 100% all-natural clear brandy distilled from coconut and matured for a minimum of two years in Hamilla wood casks. Mendis has a subtle taste of coconut with a velvety sweet texture and unmatched smoothness. The product can be experienced neat or on the rocks and offers limitless options for mixing as a clear spirit. Mendis coconut brandy will be available in Autumn of 2007 in the United States. For more information see: http://www.mendisbrandy.com For more information, please contact: Cherise Brogdon, Director Media Relations of Mendis International, Inc. Tel: +1-718-233-3960 x706 Email: cbrogdon@mendisbrandy.com
MONTE CARLO, Monaco, April 19 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Major music, media and technology investment companies invest in evolutionary media-telephony venture to significantly increase the value of the mobile music market. The D. E. Shaw group, Bertelsmann Digital Media Investments, Warner Music Group and prominent media and telephony angel investors have invested $7.7 million in Emotive Communications, Inc., a media technology and services provider that has developed a real-time interactive ringtone format for 3G, 4G and VoIP services. Emotive's flagship product, the patent-pending "Push Ringer", reverses the common ringtone model. It enables a caller to push an outgoing ringtone to the receiving phone allowing the caller, not the called person, to set the tone. The chosen Ringer is transmitted to the recipient's handset and temporarily overrides the phone's pre-set ringer. The ringers can comprise audio, video, animations, avatars or flash files. Closing the loop, if the called person likes the ringtone, the service also enables him or her to instantly buy a copy of the ringtone for his or her own phone. Emotive's Push Ringer moves beyond traditional mobile personalization by both adding value to the ringtones users purchase for their own phones and providing content recommendation and impulse-purchase opportunities to the users' friends, family and coworkers. This new technology represents a vastly more active, expressive and compelling form of call personalization than exists in today's ringtone market which is otherwise showing signs of leveling off at only about 6% of mobile subscribers, worldwide, The Push Ringer leverages rapidly emerging broadband wireless telephone and wire-line VOIP networks. The product has already gained significant traction with consumers. Since its launch on Skype's VOIP network in 2006, Push Ringer (known to Skype users as "Ringjacker") has been installed more than 800,000 times and is demonstrating significant peer to peer pass-along rates. Emotive is unveiling its mobile prototype of the Push Ringer at the IMS World Forum in Monaco on April 24th 2007. "Our Push Ringer brings a new level of real-time interactive multimedia enhancement to telecommunications," said Emotive CEO Anthony Stonefield. "Consumers are influenced by their peers. We are creating the ultimate `word of mouth' network, literally by inserting music and video into the initiation of a phone call." "Emotive Communications represents the arrival of `social' sampling and distribution of ringtones and other media using mobile devices, a phenomenon of potentially great import for both content companies and consumers," said Richard Sarnoff, President of Bertelsmann Digital Media Investments. "We think that the widespread emergence of IP telecoms is opening new fields of innovation," said Andre Turenne, a senior vice president at the D. E. Shaw group. "In our opinion, Emotive is a key innovator at the point of convergence between multimedia and network communications." "Emotive Communications has created a product that further advances mobile social networking. We view our work with Emotive as an extension of our product innovation efforts in the digital music space," said Alex Zubillaga, executive vice president of Digital Strategy and Business Development, Warner Music Group. About Emotive Communications Emotive is an entertainment focused innovation company that provides real-time interactive multimedia products and services to network operators and service providers (3/4G mobile and broadband) worldwide. The company's "Push Ringer" product introduces active social media networking to the network communications industries by deploying a ring-forward tone for fast IP networks. Emotive was founded by the original management of Moviso (acquired by InfoSpace) who are responsible for creating and leading the mobile ringtone market and architecting the mobile content business and wireless copyright exploitation models in North America. Emotive is a privately held company based in Los Angeles, California. For more information, visit: http://www.emotive.com About The D. E. Shaw Group The D. E. Shaw group is a global investment and technology development firm. Since its organization in 1988, the firm has earned an international reputation for financial innovation, technological leadership, and an extraordinarily distinguished staff. The D. E. Shaw group encompasses a number of closely related entities with more than 1,000 employees, approximately $29 billion in aggregate investment capital, and offices in New York, London, Silicon Valley, Houston, Kansas City, San Francisco, Washington D.C., Bermuda, and Hyderabad and Gurgaon, India. About Bertelsmann Digital Media Investments (BDMI) Bertelsmann Digital Media Investments (BDMI) is a strategic venture investor focused on innovative digital media technologies, products and distribution channels across the globe. BDMI is a wholly owned subsidiary of Bertelsmann AG, one of the largest media and entertainment companies in the world with over $25 billion in revenues. With more than 600 individual companies, Bertelsmann AG has significant interests in all areas of media including television, music, books, magazines, direct marketing and media services. For more information, visit: http://www.bdmifund.com About Warner Music Group Warner Music Group became the only stand-alone music company to be publicly traded in the United States in May 2005. With its broad roster of new stars and legendary artists, Warner Music Group is home to a collection of the best-known record labels in the music industry including Asylum, Atlantic, Bad Boy, Cordless, East West, Elektra, Lava, Maverick, Nonesuch, Reprise, Rhino, Roadrunner, Rykodisc, Sire, Warner Bros. and Word. Warner Music International, a leading company in national and international repertoire, operates through numerous international affiliates and licensees in more than 50 countries. Warner Music Group also includes Warner/Chappell Music, one of the world's leading music publishers, with a catalog of more than one million copyrights worldwide. For more information, please contact: Mary Stuyvesant Emotive Communications, Inc. Tel: +1-323-841-2557 Email: media@emotive.com
ROAD SAFETY WEEK - 23 - 29 APRIL 2007 BEIJING, April 19 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The first United Nations Global Road Safety Week is an important reminder that traffic injuries are no accident and that much can be done to prevent the damage occurring on roads. (Logo: http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/20061102095006-51.jpg ) Traffic injuries are a major cause of death in China, where there is an explosion in the use of vehicles. There are around 34 million cars on the road, growing each year by 12 per cent. Official statistics report more than 100,000 deaths and 500,000 injuries on China's roads each year, with roughly one death every five minutes. The burden of injury falls disproportionately on the young. Lack of awareness and experience means that young people are more likely to engage in dangerous behaviour such as speeding, driving without a seatbelt or a helmet, and drink driving. Road safety measures such as using seatbelts and helmets save lives. The Chinese Government recognizes the importance of road safety and there is growing political will for more strategies to prevent injury on China's roads. As well as many activities as part of Global Road Safety Week, China will host a National Conference on Road Traffic Injuries later this year. A national report and national action plan for injury prevention in China that includes traffic injuries are also near completion. China's next challenge is to introduce national road safety measures and enforce them so they are effective. China needs to enforce penalties for people who speed, break road rules, drink-drive or drive without seatbelts. China is committed to preventing road injury and should be congratulating for embracing Global Road Safety week to promote life-saving measures. More information on China's Road Safety Week activities is available at http://www.who.int/roadsafety/week/activities/national/chn/en/index.html . For more information, please contact: Joanna Brent Communications Team Leader WHO China Tel: +86-10-6532-7189 ext 646 or +86-1391-120-5176
New Resort & Casino Features State-of-the Art Casino Floor, Award-Winning Restaurants, Leading Entertainment Shows, Comprehensive Shopping Experience and the Most Exclusive Nightlife On The Strip LAS VEGAS, April 19 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Planet Hollywood is proud to announce the arrival of the new Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino, a fully renovated entertainment and luxury destination on the former site of the Aladdin, in the heart of the legendary Las Vegas Strip. The unprecedented head-to-toe renovation is retro-chic. From the floor to ceiling Swarovski crystal chandeliers in the glamorous lobby, to the cutting edge casino floor with majestically high ceilings and architectural touches that are unrivaled in the city, the resort is positioning itself as one of the major players on the Strip. (Photo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070417/NYTU163 ) Plans for the complete re-branding of the resort were revealed today and include a highly anticipated group of restaurants, lounges, nightclubs, live shows and retail partners by Robert Earl, co-chairman of Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino. "Here we are, standing in the ultimate location in Las Vegas, in the center of the Las Vegas Strip to unveil Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino," said Robert Earl, co-chairman. "This project is the fulfillment of a dream, and I am very proud to say that the Planet is rising!" The new Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino offers guests the ultimate VIP experience with 2,600 movie-themed rooms and suites, as well as the chance to immerse themselves in the elite world of celebrity and Hollywood culture. The resort boasts the latest in technology with 5,000 Panasonic high definition plasma televisions in the public areas and guest rooms, including over 250 hi def plasmas on the main casino floor, an expansive gaming area with all the hottest table games, slot machines, newly opened poker room and, opening this summer, a state-of-the-art Pink's Race and Sports Book Lounge serving authentic hot dogs from LA's famous Pink's. Award-winning restaurants are featured throughout the property offering world-class cuisine to satisfy any cravings. Opening this summer Strip House, one of New York's most acclaimed upscale steakhouses; KOI a celebrity favorite from Los Angeles; Yolos, a quirky, neon Mexican restaurant; traditional Italian fare from Alfredo of Rome; and for quick treats like sandwiches and salads on the run, Earl of Sandwich is schedule to make its Las Vegas debut. Already open on the casino floor for early morning breakfast, late night munchies and everything in-between, the new 24 hour sexy coffee shop, Planet Dailies and favorites such as P.F. Chang's China Bistro and the acclaimed Spice Market Buffet are always crowd pleasers. Nightlife at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino is certain to keep the party going with new meeting spots including the Extra Lounge with entertainment and the most current celebrity happenings named for the entertainment news magazine that has its exclusive Las Vegas headquarters on property; Heart Bar, located in the center of the casino floor is quickly becoming the hot spot to enjoy cocktails and rendezvous with friends; and, three projects from South Beach Miami's hottest club operators including, Living Room a sexy lounge; opening soon, Prive nightclub and, later in the fall, a third, soon-to-be-announced club from the Opium Group. Entertainment at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino offers a variety of unique standing productions as well as special events. At the 7,000 seat newly renovated Theatre for the Performing Arts or at the 1,500 seat brand new Showroom guests can enjoy headline concerts, the all new, highly anticipated The Beauty of Magic starring magician Hans Klok and featuring guest superstar Carmen Electra and an original production of Stomp Out Loud from the creators of Stomp. Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino creates dream Las Vegas weddings in The Chapel, a romantic setting for couples to tie-the-knot and fulfill their desires for their most treasured day. For larger affairs and meetings, the resort has over 75,000 square feet of meeting space including an impressive Grand Ballroom and a full service business center. Pampering is an important part of the entire Las Vegas experience and the Planet Hollywood Spa by Mandara has all you need to treat yourself to the ultimate in Hollywood indulgences. With specialty massages, exotic facials, body treatments to relax and invigorate the body and spirit, a fitness center and a full range of hair, nail services and make-up application, there is something for everyone at the spa. If tanning and swimming are more your style, the pool deck on the sixth floor of the resort has two over-sized pools, hot tubs, plenty of lounge chairs for relaxing and a seasonal cafe featuring al fresco dining. Las Vegas is known for great shopping experiences and guests looking for retail therapy will not be disappointed. The retail shops located in the hotel lobby include Hollywood Obsessions for memorabilia collectors, and PH The Store offering the latest in Planet Hollywood gear and sundries. Miracle Mile Shops at Planet Hollywood with over 170 unique retailers and dining offerings is situated within the main resort complex. Soon guests and shoppers will have access to world famous Trader Vic's for dining and sipping their trade-mark cocktails; Hawaiian Tropic Zone will feature an inventive menu with a tropical flavor; the first-ever Las Vegas H&M and, already open, a four story Urban Outfitters full of funky and trendy clothing and items for the home and body. On the Southeast corner of the property construction is underway for the Planet Hollywood Towers by Westgate, set to open in 2009. A soaring glass tower at fifty stories high, Planet Hollywood Towers by Westgate will feature 1200 luxuriously appointed vacation villas and 28 exclusive penthouse suites with 3.2 million square feet of living space, an exotic tropical pool complete with sandy beach and private cabanas, an elite 46th floor pool for the exclusive penthouse suites, a world class fitness facility, restaurants, and meeting space. ABOUT PLANET HOLLYWOOD RESORT & CASINO Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino is a joint venture partnership involving Robert Earl, Founder and CEO of Planet Hollywood International Inc, Bay Harbour Management LLC, and Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc and is a member of the Starwood Preferred Guest program. For more information log onto http://www.planethollywoodresort.com . For more information, please contact: Amy Sadowsky Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino Tel: +1-702-785-9155 Email: Asadowsky@planethollywood.com Andrea Roqueni Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino Tel: +1-702-785-9157 Jose Martinez Freud Communications Tel: +1-323-866-6060 Email: Jose.Martinez@freud.com
WASHINGTON, April 19 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Lagan, provider of enterprise software dedicated to streamlining the delivery of public services to constituents, today announced that it has received the highest possible rating in Gartner's MarketScope: Local Government CRM products 2007. (1) Lagan was one of eight software suppliers evaluated in the report, and received a "Strong Positive" rating. MarketScope research is a review of vendors worldwide offering a similar product or service, and provides specific guidance for users. Vendors were reviewed according to their vertical/industry strategy, product and service, product strategy, overall viability and geographic strategy with different weighting accorded to each category. Commenting on the result, Des Speed, President and CEO of Lagan, said, "We believe Lagan's sole focus on providing software solutions for government has helped us achieve this place within Gartner's local government CRM MarketScope. We believe Gartner's 'Strong Positive' rating confirms Lagan's position in the market and our commitment to providing local government with CRM technology solutions that meet their unique challenges. We would like to thank our customers for their support and confidence in Lagan, and we promise to continue developing CRM solutions to meet their evolving needs." Lagan's strong positive rating in the 2007 local government CRM MarketScope comes soon after Lagan was positioned in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for CRM Customer Service Contact Centres 2007. (2) The Magic Quadrant is a qualitative evaluation of a set of vendors in a specific market. Des Speed continues, "We are particularly proud that Lagan's position in the local government CRM MarketScope comes so soon after being positioned in the Gartner CRM Customer Service Contact Centres 2007 Magic Quadrant. The Magic Quadrant report highlights customer service as a 'key business factor that will drive CIO decision making during the next 24 months'. Lagan's software solutions support this by focusing on meeting the needs of government customers, enabling them to provide services that can be accessed quickly and effectively, and meet performance criteria." Magic Quadrant companies are assessed by Gartner using a range of weighted criteria, including ability to execute, market responsiveness, customer experience and support, market understanding and innovation. A complete Gartner MarketScope for local government CRM products report is available on the Lagan website at: http://www.lagan.com . About Lagan Lagan is a leading provider of solutions that enable government organizations to become more responsive, accessible and effective in meeting the needs of their citizens. Lagan's flagship product is an enterprise case management and citizen relationship management solution that integrates into non-emergency 311 systems and human services programs. Lagan is easily scalable and adaptable to serve cities, states and counties with varying sized populations. The Lagan product suite offers an open architecture designed to integrate easily with mainframe and legacy systems, data warehouses and other back-office systems. Lagan streamlines the provision of public services and enables state and local governments to communicate more effectively with constituents, whether by telephone, email or face-to-face meeting. Lagan also supports multiple language translation options. Founded in 1994, Lagan is based in Belfast, Northern Ireland, with offices in Washington, DC; Chicago, IL; and London, UK. North American and European customers include Los Angeles County, CA; San Francisco, CA; New Orleans, LA; Minneapolis, MN, Blackpool Council, West Sussex, Transport for London and Newcastle City Council. Learn more at: http://www.lagan.com 1. MarketScope for local government CRM products, 2007. By John Kost and Esteban Kolsky 2. Magic Quadrant for CRM Customer Service Contact Centers, 2007 by Michael Maoz For more information, please contact: Europe: Grace Meehan, European Marketing Executive Lagan Tel: +44-2890-788308 Fax: +44-2890-788339 Email: grace_meehan@lagan.com PR Agency (The itpr Partnership) Kathy Freeman Email: kathyf@itpr.co.uk Celia Dixon Tel: +44-1932-578800 Fax: +44-1932-578801 North America: Katie Sieck, Marketing Manager Lagan, North America Tel: +1-301-263-6245 Email: katie_sieck@lagan.com PR Agency Troy D. Gravitt Strategic Communications Group Tel: +1-301-408-4500 Email: tgravitt@gotostrategic.com
Company Stakes Global Claim with San Francisco, Hong Kong Offices SAN FRANCISCO, April 19 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Eleksen Group plc (AIM: ELG.L), the inventor and manufacturer of ElekTex(R) touch-sensitive smart fabrics for consumer electronics, apparel and accessories, today announced the expansion of its global presence with the opening of new offices in San Francisco and Hong Kong. To support Eleksen's unprecedented growth, the company is expanding its business development and sales teams on the West Coast and in the Pacific Rim -- both hot areas for the innovative development of interactive soft-goods. 2006 marked a banner year for Eleksen as the company signed a record amount of deals and was the first smart fabrics company to have an initial public offering. Capitalizing on the large demand for smart fabrics design, innovation and products, Eleksen leads the market in wearables from sportswear to outdoor gear and high-end fashion. Last year, the company sealed its status as the leader by being the only company in this space to go public and selling over 300,000 units to date. Eleksen's roster of partnerships and customers includes leading companies such as Belkin, Intel, Microsoft and Apple. Eleksen's ElekTex(R) is the smart fabric sensor of choice by name brands such as Zegna, Spyder and O' Neill. "With demand for wearable technology growing swiftly worldwide, it became eminently clear that these new San Francisco and Hong Kong facilities were a necessity to keep us ahead of the curve," said Robin Shephard, CEO of Eleksen. "This reflects our continued growth in both markets and the immense promise that Eleksen is bringing to consumer electronic and wearable technology markets." Eleksen's new offices are located at: Hong Kong: San Francisco: One Exchange Square 795 Folsom Street Level 39 1st floor 8 Connaught Place San Francisco, California Central Hong Kong About Eleksen Eleksen Group plc is the world leader in touch sensitive interactive textiles for electronics interface design. The company's core technology, ElekTex, is a unique electro-conductive fabric touch pad optimized for the creation of flexible, durable and rugged fabric touch screen interfaces. ElekTex is used in applications ranging from wearable electronic controls for consumer electronics and industrial wear to lightweight, low-power touch interfaces for CE accessories, telematics, military, transportation and space suits. It replaces the hard touch pads, flexi-circuits and polymer switches which have limited the growth of the wearable electronics markets. Eleksen licenses ElekTex and reference design to manufacturers for use in custom electronics design and also markets a range of ready-to-integrate solutions for garment, bags and accessories manufacturers. Eleksen is headquartered in Pinewood Studios near London, England. For more information, please contact: PAN Communications Ann Shannon Tel: +1-978-474-1900 Email: eleksen@pancomm.com
SHANGHAI, April 19 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- IHG (InterContinental Hotels Group) announced today that it will offer a hotel franchising program for the Holiday Inn Express brand in China. This announcement follows the successful opening of the first six Holiday Inn Express hotels and the signing of close to 20 additional management contracts for the brand in Greater China. (Logo: http://www.xprn.com.cn/xprn/sa/200702131431.jpg ) Kieron Ritchard, vice president, strategy for Greater China, IHG Asia Pacific, said: "From the outset, we designed our Holiday Inn Express support platform in China with franchising in mind. Our support model is based on our insights and experience gained from 23 years of successfully operating market-leading hotels in China. This, together with our 50 years of global franchising experience, unparalleled brand equity and our strong local support team, will ensure our success as a hotel franchisor in China." The Holiday Inn Express China Franchise Program will be offered to hotel owners who share IHG's vision for the brand and possess the necessary skills and resources to operate a portfolio of hotels directly, with IHG's support. IHG will focus its Holiday Inn Express development efforts on China's gateway cities and major economic centres, with the intention to partner with franchisees on a multi-property basis. IHG will continue to offer management services for Holiday Inn Express investors who prefer to have their hotels managed by IHG. Ritchard added that over the years, IHG has developed strong relationships with a broad base of talented business partners in China. Several of these partners have indicated their interest in making Holiday Inn Express a significant part of their future business focus. "Introducing the franchise program is a logical extension of IHG's growth strategy in China, where we have the depth of management talent, scale, local resources and widespread distribution to effectively support our franchise partners," he added. Holiday Inn Express is a smart, innovative and refreshing hotel choice, offering high-quality, reliable and well-designed hotel accommodation with focused services. Hotel owners worldwide have embraced the brand as a smart investment choice. With 574 new Holiday Inn Express hotels in the global development pipeline, the brand is one of the fastest growing hotel brands in the world. In China, the rapid expansion of domestic business as well as leisure travel has exposed the need for a credible hotel product positioned between full-service four star hotels and budget hotels. Holiday Inn Express fills this gap, offering value and convenience to China's savvy business and leisure travellers. The first Holiday Inn Express hotels in Greater China have been launched in cities such as Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Dalian and Tianjin. Five more Holiday Inn Express hotels are scheduled to open in 2007, covering new markets such as Suzhou and Hefei as well as extending the brand presence in Shanghai. Holiday Inn Express was established in the US in 1991 and has a current portfolio of nearly 1,700 hotels and more than 143,500 rooms worldwide. Notes to Editors: About IHG InterContinental Hotels Group PLC of the United Kingdom (LON: IHG; NYSE: IHG (ADRs)) is the world's largest hotel group by number of rooms. InterContinental Hotels Group owns, manages, leases or franchises, through various subsidiaries, over 3,700 hotels and 556,000 guest rooms in nearly 100 countries and territories around the world. The Group owns a portfolio of well recognised and respected hotel brands including InterContinental(R) Hotels & Resorts, Crowne Plaza(R) Hotels & Resorts, Holiday Inn(R) Hotels and Resorts, Holiday Inn Express(R), Staybridge Suites(R), Candlewood Suites(R) and Hotel Indigo(TM), and also manages the world's largest hotel loyalty programme, Priority Club(R) Rewards. InterContinental Hotels Group offers information and online reservations for all its hotel brands at http://www.ihg.com and information for the Priority Club Rewards programme at http://www.priorityclub.com . For the latest news from InterContinental Hotels Group, visit our online Press Office at http://www.ihg.com/media . For more information, please contact: Sharona Tao IHG Tel: +86-21-2893-3309 Fax: +86-21-2893-3399 Email: sharona.tao@ihg.com
LONDON, April 19 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The asthma inhaler has been transformed. With cool modern colours including two that glow in the dark and a thermo chromic (heat change sensitive) version; children, teenagers and sufferers of all ages now have a clever, stylish choice that also keeps their inhalers clean. (Photo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070419/252961 ) Apods(TM) can be purchased online at http://www.asthmapods.com . The iconic looking Apod(TM) is a new funky clip-on case that encapsulates the ugly old inhaler. The unique design is easy to use, aesthetically pleasing and sits comfortably in your hand. An integral cap that won't get lost prevents debris/dust from pockets, handbags etc, getting inside the inhaler, keeping what you inhale limited to the medicine. Ben Oakley Design Limited (BOD), designer of the Apod(TM), created Computer Aided Design drawings with technicians at The Royal College of Art, London. Our premium Apod(TM) product is UK food standard and toy industry approved. The Apod(TM) is 100% recyclable and manufactured in the UK. B&K Ltd, who are affiliated with Action for Blind People, are packaging this new product. Included within the packaging is the Apod(TM) leaflet which heightens asthma awareness for both sufferers and carers. BOD commissioned an independent survey from OMD, one of the largest and most influential media communications specialists operating in 80 countries worldwide. Among numerous other findings, nearly half of the survey respondents thought the Apod(TM) would reduce the stigma of using inhalers in public (Summary at http://www.asthmapods.com ). We are raising global awareness and plan to donate a percentage of our profits to fund research at selected universities with accredited asthma research departments, such as Imperial College London and University of Pittsburgh, USA. According to US Census Bureau 2004 extrapolations, the estimated global population of people who are managing asthma at any given time exceeds 374 million. (see asthma facts by country at http://www.asthmapods.com , click on "asthma info") Ben Oakley, designer and inventor of the Apod(TM) said: "This is a fantastic product solution to a brilliant invention. The inhaler has saved thousands of lives; we have now transformed it with a new iconic identity." Read the Apod(TM) story `How change can happen in one dramatic moment' at http://www.asthmapods.com , click on about apod, see celebrities; Nicola Tappenden, Lee Ryan. For more information, please contact: Ben Oakley Managing Director Tel: +44-8447-700284 Email: ben@asthmapods.com Paul Tebbutt Marketing Director Tel: +44-8447-700284 Email: paul@asthmapods.com
ZAP is pleased to announce their largest order for consumer electric vehicles SANTA ROSA, Calif., April 18 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Electric car pioneer ZAP (OTC Bulletin Board: ZAAP) has received an order for $79 Million from a Chicago-based start-up, The Electric Vehicle Company. (Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070130/SFTU060LOGO ) (Photo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20070418/AQW079 ) The Electric Vehicle Company (EVC) was founded with the goal of promoting economical non-polluting electric transportation. EVC is being funded by two hedge funds, Diversified Equity Funding, L.P. and Diversified Strategies Fund, LLC, which both have an investment interest in ZAP. EVC will focus on sales of electric vehicles to municipalities, distributors, university campuses, auto and recreational dealers, foreign countries and the military. Additionally, the company has the goal of developing the first retail chain committed to the sale of all electric vehicles. The two funds have committed the funding necessary to develop the marketing organization. The hedge funds will also provide financing for the purchase of ZAP vehicles by fleets and municipalities. ZAP CEO Steve Schneider said the order is for ZAP's electric cars, trucks and other vehicles. Schneider noted that EVC would receive an 8% discount if orders were filled within the next 12 months. The order is subject to meeting the performance criteria of EVC and certain terms of ZAP. "We believe this order, which constitutes thousands of vehicles, is the largest order for consumer electric vehicles in history," said Steve Schneider, CEO of publicly owned ZAP. "Many municipalities have been talking recently about mitigating greenhouse gas emissions, so we are grateful to be involved in this historic effort." Schneider noted that in March, large pension funds and business enterprises called for Congress to place limits on emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases blamed for global warming, the latest among several business-oriented groups to call for a national climate policy. ZAP, the only full-line electric vehicle company in the US, made news recently with the sale of its XEBRA electric cars and trucks, the first vehicles designed for the US market by a Chinese automobile manufacturer. ZAP also recently announced an automotive business plan to design a new generation of high performance electric vehicles designed by Lotus Engineering. About ZAP Disclosure: Larry Spatz, of EVC, has entered into a consulting agreement with ZAP in which he will utilize his relationships and expertise to assist in the company's growth. ZAP has been a leader in advanced transportation technologies since 1994, delivering over 90,000 vehicles to consumers in more than 75 countries. At the forefront of fuel-efficient transportation with new technologies including energy efficient gas systems, hydrogen, electric, fuel cell, ethanol, hybrid and other innovative power systems, ZAP is developing a high-performance crossover SUV electric car concept called ZAP-X engineered by Lotus Engineering. The Company recently launched a new portable energy technology that manages power for mobile electronics, like cell phones and laptops. For more product, dealer and investor information, visit http://www.zapworld.com . Forward-looking statements in this release are made pursuant to the "safe harbor" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Investors are cautioned that such forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, including, without limitation, continued acceptance of the Company's products, increased levels of competition for the Company, new products and technological changes, the Company's dependence upon third-party suppliers, intellectual property rights, and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company's periodic reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. For more information, please contact: Media£º Alex Campbell ZAP Tel: +1-707-525-8658 ext. 241 Email: acampbell@zapworld.com Investors£º Sherri Haskell ZAP Tel: +1-707-525-8658 ext. 232 Email: shaskell@zapworld.com Other: Sonya Stay The Electric Vehicle Co. Tel: +1-847-656-8100
For the news release, "OSRAM CEO Martin Goetzeler at UN Conference in Singapore", issued earlier today by OSRAM GmbH over Xinhua PR Newswire, we are advised by the company that the release headline should read "OSRAM: A 30% Migration to Energy-Efficient Lighting Cuts Worldwide CO2 Emissions by 260 Million Tons and Electricity by 460 Billion kwhrs", instead of "OSRAM CEO Martin Goetzeler at UN Conference in Singapore".
三井住友カード、靴チェーンのワンゾーンが展開する「FOOT PARK」などに「iD」を導入
大手靴チェーンである株式会社ワンゾーン(本社:東京都千代田区、社長:桑原 尚郎)と三井住友カード株式会社(本社:東京都港区、社長:月原 紘一)は、NTTドコモのおサイフケータイ(R)を活用したケータイクレジット「iD(アイディ)」を、11月7日(火)より全国の330店舗に導入いたします。
株式会社ワンゾーンは、「FOOT PARK」「AIR KICK」「CALZADOR」と、お客様のニーズに合わせた3業態で全国規模の店舗展開を行なっております。今般、「iD」という携帯電話で決済を行う先進的な決済方法を導入することで、お客様のニーズにお応えし、より利便性の高いサービスをご提供することが可能となります。
以 上
株式会社三菱UFJフィナンシャル・グループ(取締役社長 畔柳 信雄/くろやなぎ のぶお、以下「MUFG」といいます。)の子会社である株式会社三菱東京UFJ銀行(頭取 畔柳 信雄、以下「当行」又は「公開買付者」といいます)は、平成19年3月5日開催の取締役会において、カブドットコム証券株式会社(以下「カブドットコム証券」又は「対象者」といいます。)株式に対する公開買付け(以下「本公開買付け」といいます。)の開始を決議し、平成19年3月20日から実施しておりましたが、本公開買付けが平成19年4月18日をもって終了いたしましたので、下記のとおり本公開買付けの結果についてお知らせいたします。